The menu flag signifies that only the completions are valid arguments, hence it makes sense to auto insert the best one on space. Because full match is always considered the best match in completion ranking, this should always have a reasonable behaviour. This makes it harder to enter a hidden command, but completion can always be disabled via <c-o> or by quoting in those rare cases.
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= Changelog
This changelog contains major and/or breaking changes to Kakoune between
released versions.
== Development version
* `set-option -remove` support for substracting/removing from option values
* Menu completions such as command name completion are now auto-inserted on
== Kakoune 2020.09.01
* The `repl` and `send-text` aliases have been renamed respectively into
`repl-new` and `repl-send-text`.
* Daemon mode (`-d` switch) does not fork anymore.
== Kakoune 2020.08.04
* Introduce `User` hook support.
* The `bold` and `italic` faces are no longer built-in. Highlighters
are expected to use face attributes (`+b` and `+i`, respectively) to
decorate text.
* The `lint-enable` command no longer needs to be called to display
linting errors. The `lint-disable` command was renamed into
* The `+<length>` part of a `range-specs` highlighter consistently
refers to the length of the target range.
* clients stdin is transferred to the server, making it possible
to pipe into `kak -c <session>`
* Faces can have an alpha channel, specified using the
`rgba:RRGGBBAA` format.
* replace-ranges highlighter now support empty and multi-lines ranges
* `%val{...}` now expands to list of strings, `$kak_quoted_...` now work
as expected with these.
* `*SetOption` hooks filter string will contain a value only for options
of int/str/bool types to avoid performance issue with generating those
on more complex option types.
== Kakoune 2020.01.16
* Expose history tree through `$kak_history` and
* `InsertCompletionHide` parameter is the list of inserted
== Kakoune 2019.12.10
* Arrow keys and `<home>`, `<end>` are not normal mode commands
anymore but default key mappings.
* `ModeChange` hook parameter now takes `push:` or `pop:` prefix,
`InsertBegin`, `InsertEnd`, `NormalBegin` and `NormalEnd`
were removed.
* `-verbatim` switch in `evaluate-commands` for perfect command
forwarding to another context.
* `WrapMarker` face used by `wrap -marker` highlighter
* `info` supports markup with the `-markup` switch
* `rename-buffer` gained `-file` and `-scratch` switches
to support converting buffer types.
== Kakoune 2019.07.01
* Re-organized bundled script files directory hierarchy.
* Introduced helpers to write/read from file in scripts with
`%file{...}` expansion and `echo -to-file <filename>`.
* Added `ClientCreate` and `ClientClose` hooks
* `edit -scratch` with no buffer name will create a new
scratch buffer with a unique autogenerated name.
* `info -placement` is now `info -style` and supports
`menu` and `modal` additional styles.
* `completions` option type `docstring` are now arbitrary
kakoune commands that are run on item select.
* `InsertCompletionSelect` hook has been removed as
`completions` commands now provides a similar feature.
* Introduced a module system using the `provide-module` and
`require-module` commands that allows for lazily loading language
support files with dependency resolution.
* Added a new hook `ModuleLoaded` which is run after a module is
loaded, allowing for module specific configuration.
* Shell quoting of lists is not automatic anymore, `$kak_quoted_...`
makes it opt-in, and works for all option types.
* Lower case function key syntax is not accepted anymore,
`<f1>` should be converted to `<F1>`.
== Kakoune 2019.01.20
* `auto_complete` has been renamed to `autocomplete` for more
* Start of a builtin key parser in the ncurses ui bypassing
the ncurses one. Can be favored by setting the ui option
`ncurses_builtin_key_parser` to `true`.
* Right clicks extend the current selection, the control modifier allows
merging all the selections after extension.
* The `regex` highlighter now supports named capture groups to
ease readability.
== Kakoune 2018.10.27
* `remove-hooks` <group> argument is now a regex and removes all
hooks whose group matches it.
* `exclusive` face attribute (e) has been replaced with more
granular `final foreground` (f), `final background` (g), and `final
attributes` (a), or the three combined as `final` (F). Semantics
changed slightly as those attributes apply to the existing face as
well (a final face will not get modified by a following face if that
following face does not have the final attribute itself.
* `<a-m>` aka "merge consecutive selections" has been moved to `<a-_>`.
The new `<a-m>` and `<a-M>` are now symmetrical with `m` and `M`.
Those commands select (or extend) to the matching char backwards.
* `define-command` switches `-shell-completion` and `-shell-candidates`
have been renamed to `-shell-script-completion` and
`-shell-script-candidates` to make way for a new `-shell-completion`
which completes like the shell (shell command name then filename).
* `asciidoc` is not a dependency anymore, the last file that requiered
it (Kakoune's manpage) has been converted to troff format.
== Kakoune 2018.09.04
This version contains a significant overhaul of various Kakoune
features that can break user configuration. This was a necessary
change to make Kakoune command model cleaner and more robust.
* `%sh{...}` strings are not reparsed automatically anymore, they need
to go through an explicit `evaluate-commands`
* The `-allow-override` switch from `define-command` has been renamed
* The search prompt uses buffer word completion so that fuzzy completion
can be used to quickly search for a buffer word.
* The `wrap` highlighter can accept a new `-marker <marker_text>` switch.
* The command line syntax has changed to support robust escaping.
- `%sh{...}` is not expanded to multiple tokens automatically anymore,
to evaluate its output as multiple tokens/commands, use the
`evaluate-commands` command:
evaluate-commands %sh{ echo "first command; second command" }
- Escaping of `'` in `'...'` and `"` and `%` in `"..."` strings is done
by doubling up (`''`, `""` and `%%`) instead of using a backslash
- Bare words escaping has been tweaked.
See <<command-parsing#,`:doc command-parsing`>>.
* Various lists (options, registers...) in Kakoune are now written using
the command line syntax:
- `set-register` now take an arbitrary number of parameters and sets
the register to multiple strings. `%reg` expands to a list of strings.
- the `$kak_reg_*` environment variable is now a list, `$kak_main_reg_*`
provides the previous behaviour.
- `%opt` expands list options as list of strings.
- selection descs are whitespaces separated instead of `:` separated
* Highlighters syntax has changed to permit explicit naming and remove
highlighter specific name parameters (such as for the group highlighter)
`add-highlighter <path>/<name> <type> <params>` is the new syntax.
* Regions highlighters have been overhauled and are now specified with
a sequence of commands instead of a single one:
add-highlighter <path>/<name> regions
add-highlighter <path>/<name>/<region name> region <begin> <end> \
<type> <params>
The recursion regex is opt-in through a `-recurse <recurse>` flag.
They also are not necessarily groups anymore, a region can directly
apply any other highlighter
See <<highlighters#,`:doc highlighters`>>
* Highlighter type names have been unified, types that used `_` as
word separators, such as `show_whitespaces` are now using `-`
* `a` on end of line is not treated specially anymore, it will start
inserting on the next character, which will be the first character
of the next line.
* `autoshowcompl` options has been renamed `auto_complete` and is
now a `flags(insert|prompt)` option, allowing more granular
configuration of when the completions should be displayed
* Prompt editing shortcuts have been changed to match readline.
== Kakoune 2018.04.13
First official Kakoune release.