2022-07-21 16:48:44 +02:00

1286 lines
49 KiB

#include "assert.hh"
#include "backtrace.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "client_manager.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "commands.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "event_manager.hh"
#include "face_registry.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "highlighters.hh"
#include "insert_completer.hh"
#include "json_ui.hh"
#include "terminal_ui.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "parameters_parser.hh"
#include "ranges.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "remote.hh"
#include "scope.hh"
#include "shared_string.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "unit_tests.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "clock.hh"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
namespace Kakoune
extern const char* version;
struct {
unsigned int version;
StringView notes;
} constexpr version_notes[] = { {
"» {+b}<esc>{} does not end macro recording anymore, use {+b}Q{}\n"
"» pipe commands do not append final end-of-lines anymore\n"
"» {+u}complete-command{} to configure command completion\n"
"» {+b}p{}, {+b}P{}, {+b}!{} and {+b}<a-!>{} now select the inserted text\n"
"» {+b}x{} now uses {+b}<a-x>{} behaviour\n"
"» {+b}<space>{} and {+b},{} have been swapped\n"
}, {
"» colored and curly underlines support (undocumented in 20210828)\n"
}, {
"» {+b}g{} and {+b}v{} do not auto-convert to lowercase anymore\n"
}, {
"» {+u}write <filename>{} will refuse to overwrite without {+u}-force{}\n"
"» {+u}$kak_command_fifo{} support\n"
"» {+u}set-option -remove{} support\n"
"» prompts auto select {+i}menu{} completions on space\n"
"» explicit completion support ({+b}<c-x>...{}) in prompts\n"
"» {+u}write -atomic{} was replaced with {+u}write -method <method>{}\n"
}, {
"» daemon mode does not fork anymore\n"
}, {
"» {+u}User{} hook support\n"
"» Removed {+i}bold{} and {+i}italic{} faces from colorschemes\n"
"» Read from stdin support for clients\n"
"» {+u}rgba:RRGGBBAA{} faces and alpha blending\n"
}, {
"» {+u}InsertCompletionHide{} parameter is now the list of inserted ranges\n"
}, {
"» {+u}ModeChange{} parameter has changed to contain push/pop\n"
"» {+ui}Mode{+u}Begin{}/{+ui}Mode{+u}End{} hooks were removed\n"
}, {
"» {+u}%file\\{<filename>}{} expansions to read files\n"
"» {+u}echo -to-file <filename>{} to write to file\n"
"» completions option have an on select command instead of "
"a docstring\n"
"» Function key syntax do not accept lower case f anymore\n"
"» shell quoting of list options is now opt-in with "
}, {
"» named capture groups in regex\n"
"» auto_complete option renamed to autocomplete\n"
}, {
"» {+u}define-commands{} {+i}-shell-completion{} and {+i}-shell-candidates{} "
"has been renamed\n"
"» exclusive face attributes is replaced with final "
"» {+b}<a-M>{} (merge consecutive) moved to {+b}<a-_>{} to make {+b}<a-M>{} "
"backward {+b}<a-m>{}\n"
"» {+u}remove-hooks{} now takes a regex parameter\n"
}, {
"» Big breaking refactoring of various Kakoune features, "
"configuration might need to be updated see `:doc changelog` "
"for details\n"
"» {+u}define-command{} {+i}-allow-override{} switch has been renamed "
}, {
"» {+u}ModeChange{} hook has been introduced and is expected "
"to replace the various {+ui}Mode{+u}Begin{}/{+ui}Mode{+u}End{} hooks, "
"consider those deprecated.\n"
"» {+b}*{} Does not strip whitespaces anymore, use built-in "
"{+b}_{} to strip them\n"
"» {+b}l{} on eol will go to next line, {+b}h{} on first char will "
"go to previous\n"
"» selections merging behaviour is now a bit more complex "
"» {+b}x{} will only jump to next line if full line is already "
"» {+i}WORD{} text object moved to {+b}<a-w>{} instead of {+b}W{} for "
"» rotate main selection moved to {+b}){}, rotate content to {+b}<a-)>{}, "
"{+b}({} for backward\n"
"» faces are now scoped, {+u}set-face{} command takes an additional "
"scope parameter\n"
"» {+b}<backtab>{} key is gone, use {+b}<s-tab>{} instead\n"
} };
void show_startup_info(Client* local_client, int last_version)
const Face version_face{Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Bold};
DisplayLineList info;
for (auto note : version_notes)
if (note.version and note.version <= last_version)
if (not note.version)
info.push_back({"• Development version", version_face});
const auto year = note.version / 10000;
const auto month = (note.version / 100) % 100;
const auto day = note.version % 100;
info.push_back({format("• Kakoune v{}.{}{}.{}{}",
year, month < 10 ? "0" : "", month, day < 10 ? "0" : "", day),
for (auto&& line : note.notes | split<StringView>('\n'))
info.push_back(parse_display_line(line, GlobalScope::instance().faces()));
if (not info.empty())
info.push_back({"See the `:doc options startup-info` to control this message",
Face{Color::Default, Color::Default, Attribute::Italic}});
local_client->info_show({format("Kakoune {}", version), version_face}, info, {}, InfoStyle::Prompt);
inline void write_stdout(StringView str) { try { write(STDOUT_FILENO, str); } catch (runtime_error&) {} }
inline void write_stderr(StringView str) { try { write(STDERR_FILENO, str); } catch (runtime_error&) {} }
String runtime_directory()
if (const char* runtime_directory = getenv("KAKOUNE_RUNTIME"))
return runtime_directory;
char relpath[PATH_MAX+1];
format_to(relpath, "{}../share/kak", split_path(get_kak_binary_path()).first);
struct stat st;
if (stat(relpath, &st) == 0 and S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
return real_path(relpath);
return "/usr/share/kak";
String config_directory()
if (StringView kak_cfg_dir = getenv("KAKOUNE_CONFIG_DIR"); not kak_cfg_dir.empty())
return kak_cfg_dir.str();
if (StringView xdg_cfg_home = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); not xdg_cfg_home.empty())
return format("{}/kak", xdg_cfg_home);
return format("{}/.config/kak", homedir());
static auto main_sel_first(const SelectionList& selections)
auto beg = &*selections.begin(), end = &*selections.end();
auto main = beg + selections.main_index();
using View = ConstArrayView<Selection>;
return concatenated(View{main, end}, View{beg, main});
static const EnvVarDesc builtin_env_vars[] = { {
"bufname", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.buffer().display_name()}; }
}, {
"buffile", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.buffer().name()}; }
}, {
"buflist", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return BufferManager::instance() | transform(&Buffer::display_name) | gather<Vector>(); }
}, {
"buf_line_count", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.buffer().line_count())}; }
}, {
"timestamp", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.buffer().timestamp())}; }
}, {
"history_id", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string((size_t)context.buffer().current_history_id())}; }
}, {
"selection", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ const Selection& sel = context.selections().main();
return {content(context.buffer(), sel)}; }
}, {
"selections", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return context.selections_content(); }
}, {
"runtime", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {runtime_directory()}; }
}, {
"config", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {config_directory()}; }
}, {
"version", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {version}; }
}, {
"opt_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return context.options()[name.substr(4_byte)].get_as_strings(); }
}, {
"main_reg_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.main_sel_register_value(name.substr(9_byte)).str()}; }
}, {
"reg_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context)
{ return RegisterManager::instance()[name.substr(4_byte)].get(context) |
gather<Vector<String>>(); }
}, {
"client_env_", true,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.client().get_env_var(name.substr(11_byte)).str()}; }
}, {
"session", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {Server::instance().session()}; }
}, {
"client", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.name()}; }
}, {
"client_pid", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.client().pid())}; }
}, {
"client_list", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return ClientManager::instance() |
transform([](const std::unique_ptr<Client>& c) -> const String&
{ return c->context().name(); }) | gather<Vector>(); }
}, {
"modified", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {context.buffer().is_modified() ? "true" : "false"}; }
}, {
"cursor_line", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().line + 1)}; }
}, {
"cursor_column", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().column + 1)}; }
}, {
"cursor_char_value", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
return {to_string((size_t)utf8::codepoint(buffer.iterator_at(coord), buffer.end()))}; }
}, {
"cursor_char_column", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor();
return {to_string(context.buffer()[coord.line].char_count_to(coord.column) + 1)}; }
}, {
"cursor_display_column", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor();
return {to_string(get_column(context.buffer(),
coord) + 1)}; }
}, {
"cursor_byte_offset", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ auto cursor = context.selections().main().cursor();
return {to_string(context.buffer().distance({0,0}, cursor))}; }
}, {
"selection_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {selection_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, context.buffer(), context.selections().main())}; }
}, {
"selections_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return main_sel_first(context.selections()) |
transform([&buffer=context.buffer()](const Selection& sel) {
return selection_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, buffer, sel);
}) | gather<Vector>(); }
}, {
"selections_char_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return main_sel_first(context.selections()) |
transform([&buffer=context.buffer()](const Selection& sel) {
return selection_to_string(ColumnType::Codepoint, buffer, sel);
}) | gather<Vector>(); }
}, {
"selections_display_column_desc", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return main_sel_first(context.selections()) |
transform([&buffer=context.buffer(), tabstop=context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>()](const Selection& sel) {
return selection_to_string(ColumnType::DisplayColumn, buffer, sel, tabstop);
}) | gather<Vector>(); }
}, {
"selection_length", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(char_length(context.buffer(), context.selections().main()))}; }
}, {
"selections_length", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return context.selections() |
transform([&](const Selection& s) -> String {
return to_string(char_length(context.buffer(), s));
}) | gather<Vector<String>>(); }
}, {
"window_width", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.window().dimensions().column)}; }
}, {
"window_height", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return {to_string(context.window().dimensions().line)}; }
}, {
"user_modes", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return context.keymaps().user_modes(); }
}, {
"window_range", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
auto setup = context.window().compute_display_setup(context);
return {format("{} {} {} {}", setup.first_line, setup.first_column,
setup.line_count, 0)};
}, {
"history", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return history_as_strings(context.buffer().history()); }
}, {
"uncommitted_modifications", false,
[](StringView name, const Context& context) -> Vector<String>
{ return undo_group_as_strings(context.buffer().current_undo_group()); }
void register_registers()
RegisterManager& register_manager = RegisterManager::instance();
for (Codepoint c : StringView{"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\"^@"})
register_manager.add_register(c, std::make_unique<StaticRegister>(String{c}));
for (Codepoint c : StringView{"/|:\\"})
register_manager.add_register(c, std::make_unique<HistoryRegister>(String{c}));
using StringList = Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Registers>;
register_manager.add_register('%', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context)
{ return StringList{{context.buffer().display_name()}}; }));
register_manager.add_register('.', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context) {
auto content = context.selections_content();
return StringList{content.begin(), content.end()};
register_manager.add_register('#', make_dyn_reg(
[](const Context& context) {
const size_t count = context.selections().size();
StringList res;
for (size_t i = 1; i < count+1; ++i)
return res;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
register_manager.add_register('0'+i, make_dyn_reg(
[i](const Context& context) {
StringList result;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
result.emplace_back(i < sel.captures().size() ? sel.captures()[i] : "");
return result;
[i](Context& context, ConstArrayView<String> values) {
if (values.empty())
auto& sels = context.selections();
for (size_t sel_index = 0; sel_index < sels.size(); ++sel_index)
auto& sel = sels[sel_index];
if (sel.captures().size() < i+1)
sel.captures()[i] = values[std::min(sel_index, values.size()-1)];
register_manager.add_register('_', std::make_unique<NullRegister>());
void register_keymaps()
auto& keymaps = GlobalScope::instance().keymaps();
keymaps.map_key(Key::Left, KeymapMode::Normal, {'h'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(Key::Right, KeymapMode::Normal, {'l'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(Key::Down, KeymapMode::Normal, {'j'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(Key::Up, KeymapMode::Normal, {'k'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::Left), KeymapMode::Normal, {'H'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::Right), KeymapMode::Normal, {'L'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::Down), KeymapMode::Normal, {'J'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::Up), KeymapMode::Normal, {'K'}, "");
keymaps.map_key(Key::End, KeymapMode::Normal, {alt('l')}, "");
keymaps.map_key(Key::Home, KeymapMode::Normal, {alt('h')}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::End), KeymapMode::Normal, {alt('L')}, "");
keymaps.map_key(shift(Key::Home), KeymapMode::Normal, {alt('H')}, "");
static void check_tabstop(const int& val)
if (val < 1) throw runtime_error{"tabstop should be strictly positive"};
static void check_indentwidth(const int& val)
if (val < 0) throw runtime_error{"indentwidth should be positive or zero"};
static void check_scrolloff(const DisplayCoord& so)
if (so.line < 0 or so.column < 0)
throw runtime_error{"scroll offset must be positive or zero"};
static void check_timeout(const int& timeout)
if (timeout < 50)
throw runtime_error{"the minimum acceptable timeout is 50 milliseconds"};
static void check_extra_word_chars(const Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>& extra_chars)
if (any_of(extra_chars, is_blank))
throw runtime_error{"blanks are not accepted for extra completion characters"};
static void check_matching_pairs(const Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>& pairs)
if ((pairs.size() % 2) != 0)
throw runtime_error{"matching pairs should have a pair number of element"};
if (not all_of(pairs, [](Codepoint cp) { return is_punctuation(cp); }))
throw runtime_error{"matching pairs can only be punctuation"};
void register_options()
OptionsRegistry& reg = GlobalScope::instance().option_registry();
reg.declare_option<int, check_tabstop>("tabstop", "size of a tab character", 8);
reg.declare_option<int, check_indentwidth>("indentwidth", "indentation width", 4);
reg.declare_option<DisplayCoord, check_scrolloff>(
"scrolloff", "number of lines and columns to keep visible main cursor when scrolling",
reg.declare_option("eolformat", "end of line format", EolFormat::Lf);
reg.declare_option("BOM", "byte order mark to use when writing buffer",
"incrementally apply search/select/split regex",
"automatically display contextual help",
AutoInfo::Command | AutoInfo::OnKey);
"automatically display possible completions",
AutoComplete::Insert | AutoComplete::Prompt);
"use tab characters when possible for alignment",
"patterns to ignore when completing filenames",
"patterns to disable hooks whose group is matched",
reg.declare_option("filetype", "buffer filetype", ""_str);
reg.declare_option("path", "path to consider when trying to find a file",
Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>({ "./", "%/", "/usr/include" }));
reg.declare_option("completers", "insert mode completers to execute.",
InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Filename, {} },
InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Word, "all"_str }
}), OptionFlags::None);
reg.declare_option("static_words", "list of words to always consider for insert word completion",
Vector<String, MemoryDomain::Options>{});
"autoreload buffer when a filesystem modification is detected",
"how to write buffer to files",
reg.declare_option<int, check_timeout>(
"idle_timeout", "timeout, in milliseconds, before idle hooks are triggered", 50);
reg.declare_option<int, check_timeout>(
"fs_check_timeout", "timeout, in milliseconds, between file system buffer modification checks",
"space separated list of <key>=<value> options that are "
"passed to and interpreted by the user interface\n"
"The terminal ui supports the following options:\n"
" <key>: <value>:\n"
" terminal_assistant clippy|cat|dilbert|none|off\n"
" terminal_status_on_top bool\n"
" terminal_set_title bool\n"
" terminal_enable_mouse bool\n"
" terminal_synchronized bool\n"
" terminal_wheel_scroll_amount int\n"
" terminal_shift_function_key int\n"
" terminal_padding_char codepoint\n"
" terminal_padding_fill bool\n",
reg.declare_option("modelinefmt", "format string used to generate the modeline",
"%val{bufname} %val{cursor_line}:%val{cursor_char_column} {{context_info}} {{mode_info}} - %val{client}@[%val{session}]"_str);
reg.declare_option("debug", "various debug flags", DebugFlags::None);
reg.declare_option("readonly", "prevent buffers from being modified", false);
reg.declare_option<Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>, check_extra_word_chars>(
"Additional characters to be considered as words for insert completion",
{ '_' });
reg.declare_option<Vector<Codepoint, MemoryDomain::Options>, check_matching_pairs>(
"set of pair of characters to be considered as matching pairs",
{ '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>' });
reg.declare_option<int>("startup_info_version", "version up to which startup info changes should be hidden", 0);
static Client* local_client = nullptr;
static int local_client_exit = 0;
static bool convert_to_client_pending = false;
enum class UIType
UIType parse_ui_type(StringView ui_name)
if (ui_name == "terminal") return UIType::Terminal;
if (ui_name == "json") return UIType::Json;
if (ui_name == "dummy") return UIType::Dummy;
throw parameter_error(format("error: unknown ui type: '{}'", ui_name));
std::unique_ptr<UserInterface> make_ui(UIType ui_type)
struct DummyUI : UserInterface
DummyUI() { set_signal_handler(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); }
bool is_ok() const override { return true; }
void menu_show(ConstArrayView<DisplayLine>, DisplayCoord,
Face, Face, MenuStyle) override {}
void menu_select(int) override {}
void menu_hide() override {}
void info_show(const DisplayLine&, const DisplayLineList&, DisplayCoord, Face, InfoStyle) override {}
void info_hide() override {}
void draw(const DisplayBuffer&, const Face&, const Face&) override {}
void draw_status(const DisplayLine&, const DisplayLine&, const Face&) override {}
DisplayCoord dimensions() override { return {24,80}; }
void set_cursor(CursorMode, DisplayCoord) override {}
void refresh(bool) override {}
void set_on_key(OnKeyCallback) override {}
void set_ui_options(const Options&) override {}
switch (ui_type)
case UIType::Terminal: return std::make_unique<TerminalUI>();
case UIType::Json: return std::make_unique<JsonUI>();
case UIType::Dummy: return std::make_unique<DummyUI>();
throw logic_error{};
pid_t fork_server_to_background()
if (pid_t pid = fork())
return pid;
if (fork()) // double fork to orphan the server
write_stderr(format("Kakoune forked server to background ({}), for session '{}'\n",
getpid(), Server::instance().session()));
return 0;
std::unique_ptr<UserInterface> create_local_ui(UIType ui_type)
if (ui_type != UIType::Terminal)
return make_ui(ui_type);
struct LocalUI : TerminalUI
set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, [](int) {
if (ClientManager::instance().count() == 1 and
*ClientManager::instance().begin() == local_client)
convert_to_client_pending = true;
~LocalUI() override
local_client = nullptr;
if (convert_to_client_pending or
if (fork_server_to_background())
if (not isatty(0))
// move stdin to another fd, and restore tty as stdin
int fd = dup(0);
int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
dup2(tty, 0);
create_fifo_buffer("*stdin*", fd, Buffer::Flags::None);
return std::make_unique<LocalUI>();
int run_client(StringView session, StringView name, StringView client_init,
Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord, UIType ui_type,
bool suspend)
Optional<int> stdin_fd;
// json-ui (or dummy) is not intended to be user interactive.
// So only worry about making the tty your stdin if:
// (a) ui_type is Terminal, *and*
// (b) fd 0 is not interactive.
if (ui_type == UIType::Terminal && not isatty(0))
// move stdin to another fd, and restore tty as stdin
stdin_fd = dup(0);
int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
dup2(tty, 0);
EventManager event_manager;
RemoteClient client{session, name, make_ui(ui_type), getpid(), get_env_vars(),
client_init, std::move(init_coord), stdin_fd};
if (suspend)
while (not client.exit_status() and client.is_ui_ok())
return client.exit_status().value_or(-1);
catch (disconnected& e)
write_stderr(format("{}\ndisconnecting\n", e.what()));
return -1;
struct convert_to_client_mode
String session;
String client_name;
String buffer_name;
String selections;
enum class ServerFlags
None = 0,
IgnoreKakrc = 1 << 0,
Daemon = 1 << 1,
ReadOnly = 1 << 2,
StartupInfo = 1 << 3,
constexpr bool with_bit_ops(Meta::Type<ServerFlags>) { return true; }
int run_server(StringView session, StringView server_init,
StringView client_init, Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord,
ServerFlags flags, UIType ui_type, DebugFlags debug_flags,
ConstArrayView<StringView> files)
static bool terminate = false;
set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, [](int) { terminate = true; });
set_signal_handler(SIGINT, [](int) { terminate = true; });
if ((flags & ServerFlags::Daemon) and session.empty())
write_stderr("-d needs a session name to be specified with -s\n");
return -1;
EventManager event_manager;
Server server{session.empty() ? to_string(getpid()) : session.str(),
(bool)(flags & ServerFlags::Daemon)};
StringRegistry string_registry;
GlobalScope global_scope;
ShellManager shell_manager{builtin_env_vars};
CommandManager command_manager;
RegisterManager register_manager;
HighlighterRegistry highlighter_registry;
SharedHighlighters defined_highlighters;
ClientManager client_manager;
BufferManager buffer_manager;
write_to_debug_buffer("*** This is the debug buffer, where debug info will be written ***");
#ifdef KAK_DEBUG
const auto start_time = Clock::now();
if (debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile)
using namespace std::chrono;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("running the unit tests took {} ms",
duration_cast<milliseconds>(Clock::now() - start_time).count()));
bool startup_error = false;
if (not (flags & ServerFlags::IgnoreKakrc)) try
Context init_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
command_manager.execute(format("source {}/kakrc", runtime_directory()),
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while parsing kakrc:\n"
" {}", error.what()));
if (not server_init.empty()) try
Context init_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
command_manager.execute(server_init, init_context);
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while running server init commands:\n"
" {}", error.what()));
Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
global_scope.hooks().run_hook(Hook::KakBegin, session, empty_context);
if (not files.empty()) try
// create buffers in reverse order so that the first given buffer
// is the most recently created one.
for (auto& file : files | reverse())
Buffer *buffer = open_or_create_file_buffer(file);
if (flags & ServerFlags::ReadOnly)
buffer->flags() |= Buffer::Flags::ReadOnly;
catch (runtime_error& error)
startup_error = true;
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening file '{}':\n"
" {}", file, error.what()));
catch (runtime_error& error)
write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening command line files: {}", error.what()));
if (not server.is_daemon())
local_client = client_manager.create_client(
create_local_ui(ui_type), getpid(), {}, get_env_vars(), client_init, std::move(init_coord),
[](int status) { local_client_exit = status; });
if (startup_error and local_client)
"error during startup, see `:buffer *debug*` for details",
if (flags & ServerFlags::StartupInfo and local_client)
show_startup_info(local_client, global_scope.options()["startup_info_version"].get<int>());
while (not terminate and
(not client_manager.empty() or server.negotiating() or server.is_daemon()))
// Loop so that eventual inputs happening during the processing are handled as
// well, avoiding unneeded redraws.
bool allow_blocking = not client_manager.has_pending_inputs();
while (event_manager.handle_next_events(EventMode::Normal, nullptr, allow_blocking))
if (client_manager.process_pending_inputs())
allow_blocking = false;
if (local_client and not contains(client_manager, local_client))
local_client = nullptr;
else if (local_client and not local_client->is_ui_ok())
ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, false, -1);
local_client = nullptr;
if (not client_manager.empty() and fork_server_to_background())
return 0;
else if (convert_to_client_pending)
auto& local_context = local_client->context();
const String client_name = local_context.name();
const String buffer_name = local_context.buffer().name();
const String selections = selection_list_to_string(ColumnType::Byte, local_context.selections());
ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, true, 0);
convert_to_client_pending = false;
if (fork_server_to_background())
String session = server.session();
throw convert_to_client_mode{ std::move(session), std::move(client_name), std::move(buffer_name), std::move(selections) };
catch (const kill_session& kill)
local_client_exit = kill.exit_status;
Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}};
global_scope.hooks().run_hook(Hook::KakEnd, "", empty_context);
return local_client_exit;
int run_filter(StringView keystr, ConstArrayView<StringView> files, bool quiet, StringView suffix_backup)
StringRegistry string_registry;
GlobalScope global_scope;
EventManager event_manager;
ShellManager shell_manager{builtin_env_vars};
RegisterManager register_manager;
BufferManager buffer_manager;
auto keys = parse_keys(keystr);
auto apply_to_buffer = [&](Buffer& buffer)
InputHandler input_handler{
{ buffer, Selection{{0,0}, buffer.back_coord()} },
for (auto& key : keys)
catch (runtime_error& err)
if (not quiet)
write_stderr(format("error while applying keys to buffer '{}': {}\n",
buffer.display_name(), err.what()));
for (auto& file : files)
Buffer* buffer = open_file_buffer(file, Buffer::Flags::NoHooks);
if (not suffix_backup.empty())
write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, buffer->name() + suffix_backup,
WriteMethod::Overwrite, WriteFlags::None);
write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, buffer->name(),
WriteMethod::Overwrite, WriteFlags::None);
if (not isatty(0))
Buffer& buffer = *create_buffer_from_string(
"*stdin*", Buffer::Flags::NoHooks, read_fd(0));
write_buffer_to_fd(buffer, 1);
catch (runtime_error& err)
write_stderr(format("error: {}\n", err.what()));
return 0;
int run_pipe(StringView session)
send_command(session, read_fd(0));
catch (disconnected& e)
write_stderr(format("{}\ndisconnecting\n", e.what()));
return -1;
return 0;
void signal_handler(int signal)
const char* text = nullptr;
switch (signal)
case SIGSEGV: text = "SIGSEGV"; break;
case SIGFPE: text = "SIGFPE"; break;
case SIGQUIT: text = "SIGQUIT"; break;
case SIGPIPE: text = "SIGPIPE"; break;
auto msg = format("Received {}, exiting.\nPid: {}\nCallstack:\n{}",
text, getpid(), Backtrace{}.desc());
if (Server::has_instance())
if (BufferManager::has_instance())
if (signal == SIGSEGV)
// generate core dump
::signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
::kill(getpid(), SIGSEGV);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace Kakoune;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
set_signal_handler(SIGSEGV, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGFPE, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGQUIT, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
set_signal_handler(SIGPIPE, [](int){});
set_signal_handler(SIGINT, [](int){});
set_signal_handler(SIGCHLD, [](int){});
set_signal_handler(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
const ParameterDesc param_desc{
SwitchMap{ { "c", { true, "connect to given session" } },
{ "e", { true, "execute argument on client initialisation" } },
{ "E", { true, "execute argument on server initialisation" } },
{ "n", { false, "do not source kakrc files on startup" } },
{ "s", { true, "set session name" } },
{ "d", { false, "run as a headless session (requires -s)" } },
{ "p", { true, "just send stdin as commands to the given session" } },
{ "f", { true, "filter: for each file, select the entire buffer and execute the given keys" } },
{ "i", { true, "backup the files on which a filter is applied using the given suffix" } },
{ "q", { false, "in filter mode, be quiet about errors applying keys" } },
{ "ui", { true, "set the type of user interface to use (terminal, dummy, or json)" } },
{ "l", { false, "list existing sessions" } },
{ "clear", { false, "clear dead sessions" } },
{ "debug", { true, "initial debug option value" } },
{ "version", { false, "display kakoune version and exit" } },
{ "ro", { false, "readonly mode" } },
{ "help", { false, "display a help message and quit" } } }
auto show_usage = [&]()
write_stdout(format("Usage: {} [options] [file]... [+<line>[:<col>]|+:]\n\n"
"Prefixing a positional argument with a plus (`+`) sign will place the\n"
"cursor at a given set of coordinates, or the end of the buffer if the plus\n"
"sign is followed only by a colon (`:`)\n",
argv[0], generate_switches_doc(param_desc.switches)));
return 0;
const auto params = ArrayView<char*>{argv+1, argv + argc}
| transform([](auto* s) { return String{s}; })
| gather<Vector<String>>();
if (contains(params, "--help"_sv))
return show_usage();
ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc};
const bool show_help_message = (bool)parser.get_switch("help");
if (show_help_message)
return show_usage();
if (parser.get_switch("version"))
write_stdout(format("Kakoune {}\n", Kakoune::version));
return 0;
const bool list_sessions = (bool)parser.get_switch("l");
const bool clear_sessions = (bool)parser.get_switch("clear");
if (list_sessions or clear_sessions)
for (auto& session : list_files(session_directory()))
const bool valid = check_session(session);
if (list_sessions)
write_stdout(format("{}{}\n", session, valid ? "" : " (dead)"));
if (not valid and clear_sessions)
return 0;
if (auto session = parser.get_switch("p"))
for (auto opt : { "c", "n", "s", "d", "e", "E", "ro" })
if (parser.get_switch(opt))
write_stderr(format("error: -{} is incompatible with -p\n", opt));
return -1;
return run_pipe(*session);
auto client_init = parser.get_switch("e").value_or(StringView{});
auto server_init = parser.get_switch("E").value_or(StringView{});
const UIType ui_type = parse_ui_type(parser.get_switch("ui").value_or("terminal"));
if (auto keys = parser.get_switch("f"))
if (parser.get_switch("ro"))
write_stderr("error: -ro is incompatible with -f\n");
return -1;
Vector<StringView> files;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.positional_count(); ++i)
return run_filter(*keys, files, (bool)parser.get_switch("q"),
Vector<StringView> files;
Optional<BufferCoord> init_coord;
for (auto& name : parser)
if (not name.empty() and name[0_byte] == '+')
if (name == "+" or name == "+:")
client_init = client_init + "; exec gj";
auto colon = find(name, ':');
if (auto line = str_to_int_ifp({name.begin()+1, colon}))
init_coord = std::max<BufferCoord>({0,0}, {
*line - 1,
colon != name.end() ?
str_to_int_ifp({colon+1, name.end()}).value_or(1) - 1
: 0
if (auto server_session = parser.get_switch("c"))
for (auto opt : { "n", "s", "d", "E", "ro" })
if (parser.get_switch(opt))
write_stderr(format("error: -{} is incompatible with -c\n", opt));
return -1;
String new_files;
for (auto name : files) {
new_files += format("edit '{}'", escape(real_path(name), "'", '\\'));
if (init_coord) {
new_files += format(" {} {}", init_coord->line + 1, init_coord->column + 1);
new_files += ";";
return run_client(*server_session, {}, new_files + client_init, init_coord, ui_type, false);
StringView session = parser.get_switch("s").value_or(StringView{});
auto ignore_kakrc = (bool)parser.get_switch("n");
auto flags = (ignore_kakrc ? ServerFlags::IgnoreKakrc : ServerFlags::None) |
(parser.get_switch("d") ? ServerFlags::Daemon : ServerFlags::None) |
(parser.get_switch("ro") ? ServerFlags::ReadOnly : ServerFlags::None) |
((argc == 1 or (ignore_kakrc and argc == 2))
and isatty(0) ? ServerFlags::StartupInfo : ServerFlags::None);
auto debug_flags = option_from_string(Meta::Type<DebugFlags>{}, parser.get_switch("debug").value_or(""));
return run_server(session, server_init, client_init, init_coord, flags, ui_type, debug_flags, files);
catch (convert_to_client_mode& convert)
return run_client(convert.session, convert.client_name,
format("try %^buffer '{}'; select '{}'^; echo converted to client only mode",
escape(convert.buffer_name, "'^", '\\'), convert.selections), {}, ui_type, true);
catch (parameter_error& error)
write_stderr(format("Error while parsing parameters: {}\n"
"Valid switches:\n"
"{}", error.what(),
return -1;
catch (Kakoune::exception& error)
write_stderr(format("Fatal error: {}\n", error.what()));
return -1;
catch (std::exception& error)
write_stderr(format("uncaught exception ({}):\n{}\n", typeid(error).name(), error.what()));
return -1;
catch (...)
write_stderr("uncaught exception");
return -1;
return 0;
#if defined(__ELF__)
#ifdef __arm__
# define PROGBITS "%progbits"
# define PROGBITS "@progbits"
asm(".pushsection \".debug_gdb_scripts\", \"MS\"," PROGBITS ",1" R"(
.byte 4
.ascii "kakoune-inline-gdb.py\n"
.ascii "import os.path\n"
.ascii "sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(gdb.current_objfile().filename) + '/../share/kak/gdb/')\n"
.ascii "import gdb.printing\n"
.ascii "import kakoune\n"
.ascii "gdb.printing.register_pretty_printer(gdb.current_objfile(), kakoune.build_pretty_printer())\n\0"