That means we can now have highlighters active at global, buffer, and window scope. The add-highlighter and remove-highlighter syntax changed to take the parent path (scope/group/...) as a mandatory argument, superseeding the previous -group switch.
75 lines
2.9 KiB
75 lines
2.9 KiB
# http://complang.org/ragel
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# ragel.kak does not try to detect host language.
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*[.](ragel|rl) %{
set buffer filetype ragel
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/ regions -default code ragel \
string '"' (?<!\\)(\\\\)*" '' \
string "'" "'" '' \
comment '#' '$' ''
add-highlighter shared/ragel/string fill string
add-highlighter shared/ragel/comment fill comment
add-highlighter shared/ragel/code regex \b(true|false)\b 0:value
add-highlighter shared/ragel/code regex '%%\{|\}%%|<\w+>' 0:variable
add-highlighter shared/ragel/code regex :=|=>|->|:>|:>>|<: 0:operator
add-highlighter shared/ragel/code regex \b(action|alnum|alpha|any|ascii|case|cntrl|contained|context|data|digit|empty|eof|err|error|exec|export|exports|extend|fblen|fbreak|fbuf|fc|fcall|fcurs|fentry|fexec|fgoto|fhold|first_final|fnext|fpc|fret|from|fstack|ftargs|graph|import|include|init|inwhen|lerr|lower|machine|nocs|noend|noerror|nofinal|noprefix|outwhen|postpop|prepush|print|punct|range|space|start|to|upper|when|write|xdigit|zlen)\b 0:keyword
# Commands
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
def -hidden ragel-filter-around-selections %{
# remove trailing white spaces
try %{ exec -draft -itersel <a-x> s \h+$ <ret> d }
def -hidden ragel-indent-on-char %<
eval -draft -itersel %<
# align closer token to its opener when alone on a line
try %< exec -draft <a-h> <a-k> ^\h+[]})]$ <ret> m s \A|.\z <ret> 1<a-&> >
try %< exec -draft <a-h> <a-k> ^\h+ [*]$ <ret> <a-?> [*]$ <ret> s \A|.\z <ret> 1<a-&> >
def -hidden ragel-indent-on-new-line %<
eval -draft -itersel %<
# copy _#_ comment prefix and following white spaces
try %{ exec -draft k <a-x> s ^\h*\K#\h* <ret> y gh j P }
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ exec -draft \; K <a-&> }
# filter previous line
try %{ exec -draft k : ragel-filter-around-selections <ret> }
# indent after lines ending with opener token
try %< exec -draft k <a-x> <a-k> [[{(*]$ <ret> j <a-gt> >
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook -group ragel-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=ragel %{ add-highlighter window ref ragel }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=ragel %{
hook window InsertEnd .* -group ragel-hooks ragel-filter-around-selections
hook window InsertChar .* -group ragel-indent ragel-indent-on-char
hook window InsertChar \n -group ragel-indent ragel-indent-on-new-line
hook -group ragel-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!ragel).* %{ remove-highlighter window/ragel }
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!ragel).* %{
remove-hooks window ragel-indent
remove-hooks window ragel-hooks