Maxime Coste 4e280977a2 Iterate in reversed order on selections when modifing buffer
This way, update only needs to be called once everything is done
as we always modify after the next selection to be used.
2014-05-14 20:56:49 +01:00

1516 lines
51 KiB

#include "normal.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "buffer_manager.hh"
#include "client_manager.hh"
#include "color_registry.hh"
#include "command_manager.hh"
#include "commands.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "file.hh"
#include "option_manager.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "selectors.hh"
#include "shell_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "user_interface.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "debug.hh"
namespace Kakoune
void erase(Buffer& buffer, SelectionList& selections)
for (auto& sel : reversed(selections))
erase(buffer, sel);
template<InsertMode mode>
BufferIterator prepare_insert(Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel)
switch (mode)
case InsertMode::Insert:
return buffer.iterator_at(sel.min());
case InsertMode::Replace:
return Kakoune::erase(buffer, sel);
case InsertMode::Append:
// special case for end of lines, append to current line instead
auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max());
return *pos == '\n' ? pos : utf8::next(pos);
case InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin:
return buffer.iterator_at(sel.min().line);
case InsertMode::AppendAtLineEnd:
return buffer.iterator_at({sel.max().line, buffer[sel.max().line].length() - 1});
case InsertMode::InsertAtNextLineBegin:
return buffer.iterator_at(sel.max().line+1);
case InsertMode::OpenLineBelow:
return buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max().line + 1), "\n");
case InsertMode::OpenLineAbove:
return buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min().line), "\n");
return {};
template<InsertMode mode>
void insert(Buffer& buffer, SelectionList& selections, const String& str)
for (auto& sel : reversed(selections))
auto pos = prepare_insert<mode>(buffer, sel);
pos = buffer.insert(pos, str);
if (mode == InsertMode::Replace)
if (pos == buffer.end())
sel.anchor() = pos.coord();
sel.cursor() = str.empty() ?
pos.coord() : (pos + str.byte_count_to(str.char_length() - 1)).coord();
if (mode == InsertMode::Replace)
template<InsertMode mode>
void insert(Buffer& buffer, SelectionList& selections, memoryview<String> strings)
if (strings.empty())
for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i)
size_t index = selections.size() - 1 - i;
auto& sel = selections[index];
auto pos = prepare_insert<mode>(buffer, sel);
const String& str = strings[std::min(index, strings.size()-1)];
pos = buffer.insert(pos, str);
if (mode == InsertMode::Replace)
if (pos == buffer.end())
sel.anchor() = pos.coord();
sel.cursor() = (str.empty() ?
pos : pos + str.byte_count_to(str.char_length() - 1)).coord();
if (mode == InsertMode::Replace)
using namespace std::placeholders;
enum class SelectMode
template<SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace, typename Func>
void select(Context& context, Func func)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
auto& selections = context.selections();
if (mode == SelectMode::Append)
auto& sel = selections.main();
auto res = func(buffer, sel);
if (res.captures().empty())
res.captures() = sel.captures();
selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1);
else if (mode == SelectMode::ReplaceMain)
auto& sel = selections.main();
auto res = func(buffer, sel);
sel.anchor() = res.anchor();
sel.cursor() = res.cursor();
if (not res.captures().empty())
sel.captures() = std::move(res.captures());
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto res = func(buffer, sel);
if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
sel.anchor() = res.anchor();
sel.cursor() = res.cursor();
if (not res.captures().empty())
sel.captures() = std::move(res.captures());
template<SelectMode mode, typename T>
class Select
constexpr Select(T t) : m_func(t) {}
void operator() (Context& context, int) { select<mode>(context, m_func); }
T m_func;
template<SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace, typename T>
constexpr Select<mode, T> make_select(T func)
return Select<mode, T>(func);
template<SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void select_coord(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord coord, SelectionList& selections)
coord = buffer.clamp(coord);
if (mode == SelectMode::Replace)
selections = SelectionList{ buffer, coord };
else if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
for (auto& sel : selections)
sel.cursor() = coord;
template<InsertMode mode>
void enter_insert_mode(Context& context, int)
void repeat_last_insert(Context& context, int)
bool show_auto_info_ifn(const String& title, const String& info,
const Context& context)
if (not context.options()["autoinfo"].get<bool>() or not context.has_ui())
return false;
ColorPair col = get_color("Information");
CharCoord pos = context.window().dimensions();
pos.column -= 1;
context.ui().info_show(title, info, pos , col, MenuStyle::Prompt);
return true;
template<typename Cmd>
void on_next_key_with_autoinfo(const Context& context, Cmd cmd,
const String& title, const String& info)
const bool hide = show_auto_info_ifn(title, info, context);
context.input_handler().on_next_key([hide,cmd](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (hide)
cmd(key, context);
template<SelectMode mode>
void goto_commands(Context& context, int line)
if (line != 0)
select_coord<mode>(context.buffer(), LineCount{line - 1}, context.selections());
if (context.has_window())
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
switch (tolower(key.key))
case 'g':
case 'k':
select_coord<mode>(buffer, ByteCoord{0,0}, context.selections());
case 'l':
select<mode>(context, select_to_eol);
case 'h':
select<mode>(context, select_to_eol_reverse);
case 'j':
select_coord<mode>(buffer, buffer.line_count() - 1, context.selections());
case 'e':
select_coord<mode>(buffer, buffer.back_coord(), context.selections());
case 't':
if (context.has_window())
auto line = context.window().position().line;
select_coord<mode>(buffer, line, context.selections());
case 'b':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line - 1;
select_coord<mode>(buffer, line, context.selections());
case 'c':
if (context.has_window())
auto& window = context.window();
auto line = window.position().line + window.dimensions().line / 2;
select_coord<mode>(buffer, line, context.selections());
case 'a':
auto& buffer_manager = BufferManager::instance();
auto it = buffer_manager.begin();
if (it->get() == &buffer and ++it == buffer_manager.end())
case 'f':
const Selection& sel = context.selections().main();
String filename = content(buffer, sel);
static constexpr char forbidden[] = { '\'', '\\', '\0' };
for (auto c : forbidden)
if (contains(filename, c))
auto paths = context.options()["path"].get<std::vector<String>>();
const String& buffer_name = buffer.name();
auto it = find(reversed(buffer_name), '/');
if (it != buffer_name.rend())
paths.insert(paths.begin(), String{buffer_name.begin(), it.base()});
String path = find_file(filename, paths);
if (path.empty())
throw runtime_error("unable to find file '" + filename + "'");
Buffer* buffer = create_buffer_from_file(path);
if (buffer == nullptr)
throw runtime_error("unable to open file '" + path + "'");
if (buffer != &context.buffer())
case '.':
auto pos = buffer.last_modification_coord();
if (buffer[pos.line].length() == pos.column + 1)
pos = ByteCoord{ pos.line+1, 0 };
select_coord<mode>(buffer, pos, context.selections());
}, "goto",
"g,k: buffer top \n"
"l: line end \n"
"h: line begin \n"
"j: buffer bottom \n"
"e: buffer end \n"
"t: window top \n"
"b: window bottom \n"
"c: window center \n"
"a: last buffer \n"
"f: file \n"
".: last buffer change\n");
void view_commands(Context& context, int param)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [param](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None or not context.has_window())
LineCount cursor_line = context.selections().main().cursor().line;
Window& window = context.window();
switch (tolower(key.key))
case 'v':
case 'c':
case 't':
context.window().display_line_at(cursor_line, 0);
case 'b':
context.window().display_line_at(cursor_line, window.dimensions().line-1);
case 'h':
context.window().scroll(-std::max<CharCount>(1, param));
case 'j':
context.window().scroll( std::max<LineCount>(1, param));
case 'k':
context.window().scroll(-std::max<LineCount>(1, param));
case 'l':
context.window().scroll( std::max<CharCount>(1, param));
}, "view",
"v,c: center cursor \n"
"t: cursor on top \n"
"b: cursor on bottom\n"
"h: scroll left \n"
"j: scroll down \n"
"k: scroll up \n"
"l: scroll right \n");
void replace_with_char(Context& context, int)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (not iswprint(key.key))
ScopedEdition edition(context);
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
SelectionList& selections = context.selections();
std::vector<String> strings;
for (auto& sel : selections)
CharCount count = char_length(buffer, sel);
strings.emplace_back(key.key, count);
insert<InsertMode::Replace>(buffer, selections, strings);
}, "replace with char", "enter char to replace with\n");
Codepoint to_lower(Codepoint cp) { return tolower(cp); }
Codepoint to_upper(Codepoint cp) { return toupper(cp); }
Codepoint swap_case(Codepoint cp)
Codepoint res = std::tolower(cp);
return res == cp ? std::toupper(cp) : res;
template<Codepoint (*func)(Codepoint)>
void for_each_char(Context& context, int)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
std::vector<String> sels = context.selections_content();
for (auto& sel : sels)
for (auto& c : sel)
c = func(c);
insert<InsertMode::Replace>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), sels);
void command(Context& context, int)
":", "", get_color("Prompt"),
std::bind(&CommandManager::complete, &CommandManager::instance(), _1, _2, _3, _4),
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (context.has_ui())
if (event == PromptEvent::Change and context.options()["autoinfo"].get<bool>())
auto info = CommandManager::instance().command_info(cmdline);
ColorPair col = get_color("Information");
CharCoord pos = context.window().dimensions();
pos.column -= 1;
if (not info.first.empty() and not info.second.empty())
context.ui().info_show(info.first, info.second, pos , col, MenuStyle::Prompt);
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
CommandManager::instance().execute(cmdline, context);
template<InsertMode mode>
void pipe(Context& context, int)
const char* prompt = mode == InsertMode::Replace ? "pipe:" : "pipe (ins):";
context.input_handler().prompt(prompt, "", get_color("Prompt"), shell_complete,
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context)
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
String real_cmd;
if (cmdline.empty())
real_cmd = RegisterManager::instance()['|'].values(context)[0];
RegisterManager::instance()['|'] = cmdline;
real_cmd = cmdline;
if (real_cmd.empty())
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
SelectionList& selections = context.selections();
std::vector<String> strings;
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto str = content(buffer, sel);
bool insert_eol = str.back() != '\n';
if (insert_eol)
str += '\n';
str = ShellManager::instance().pipe(str, real_cmd, context,
{}, EnvVarMap{});
if (insert_eol and str.back() == '\n')
str = str.substr(0, str.length()-1);
ScopedEdition edition(context);
insert<mode>(buffer, selections, strings);
template<Direction direction, SelectMode mode>
void select_next_match(const Buffer& buffer, SelectionList& selections,
const Regex& regex)
if (mode == SelectMode::Replace)
for (auto& sel : selections)
sel = find_next_match<direction>(buffer, sel, regex);
if (mode == SelectMode::Extend)
for (auto& sel : selections)
sel.merge_with(find_next_match<direction>(buffer, sel, regex));
else if (mode == SelectMode::ReplaceMain)
selections.main() = find_next_match<direction>(buffer, selections.main(), regex);
else if (mode == SelectMode::Append)
selections.push_back(find_next_match<direction>(buffer, selections.main(), regex));
selections.set_main_index(selections.size() - 1);
void yank(Context& context, int)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.selections_content();
context.print_status({ "yanked " + to_string(context.selections().size()) +
" selections", get_color("Information") });
void cat_yank(Context& context, int)
auto sels = context.selections_content();
String str;
for (auto& sel : sels)
str += sel;
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = memoryview<String>(str);
context.print_status({ "concatenated and yanked " +
to_string(sels.size()) + " selections", get_color("Information") });
void erase_selections(Context& context, int)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.selections_content();
ScopedEdition edition(context);
erase(context.buffer(), context.selections());
void cat_erase_selections(Context& context, int)
auto sels = context.selections_content();
String str;
for (auto& sel : sels)
str += sel;
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = memoryview<String>(str);
erase(context.buffer(), context.selections());
void change(Context& context, int param)
RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = context.selections_content();
enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Replace>(context, param);
constexpr InsertMode adapt_for_linewise(InsertMode mode)
return ((mode == InsertMode::Append) ?
InsertMode::InsertAtNextLineBegin :
((mode == InsertMode::Insert) ?
InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin :
((mode == InsertMode::Replace) ?
InsertMode::Replace : InsertMode::Insert)));
template<InsertMode mode>
void paste(Context& context, int)
auto strings = RegisterManager::instance()['"'].values(context);
bool linewise = false;
for (auto& str : strings)
if (not str.empty() and str.back() == '\n')
linewise = true;
ScopedEdition edition(context);
if (linewise)
insert<adapt_for_linewise(mode)>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), strings);
insert<mode>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), strings);
template<typename T>
void regex_prompt(Context& context, const String prompt, T func)
SelectionList selections = context.selections();
context.input_handler().prompt(prompt, "", get_color("Prompt"), complete_nothing,
[=](const String& str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) mutable {
if (event != PromptEvent::Change and context.has_ui())
context.selections() = selections;
if (event == PromptEvent::Abort)
if (event == PromptEvent::Change and
(str.empty() or not context.options()["incsearch"].get<bool>()))
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
func(str.empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{str}, context);
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
catch (std::runtime_error& err)
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
if (context.has_ui())
ColorPair col = get_color("Information");
CharCoord pos = context.window().dimensions();
pos.column -= 1;
context.ui().info_show("regex error", err.what(), pos, col, MenuStyle::Prompt);
catch (runtime_error&)
context.selections() = selections;
// only validation should propagate errors,
// incremental search should not.
if (event == PromptEvent::Validate)
template<SelectMode mode, Direction direction>
void search(Context& context, int)
regex_prompt(context, direction == Forward ? "search:" : "reverse search:",
[](Regex ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = String{ex.str()};
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
select_next_match<direction, mode>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), ex);
template<SelectMode mode, Direction direction>
void search_next(Context& context, int param)
const String& str = RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0];
if (not str.empty())
Regex ex{str};
do {
select_next_match<direction, mode>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), ex);
} while (--param > 0);
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
throw runtime_error("regex error: "_str + err.what());
throw runtime_error("no search pattern");
template<bool smart>
void use_selection_as_search_pattern(Context& context, int)
std::vector<String> patterns;
auto& sels = context.selections();
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& sel : sels)
auto begin = utf8::make_iterator(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()));
auto end = utf8::make_iterator(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()))+1;
auto content = "\\Q" + String{begin.base(), end.base()} + "\\E";
if (smart)
if (begin == buffer.begin() or (is_word(*begin) and not is_word(*(begin-1))))
content = "\\b" + content;
if (end == buffer.end() or (is_word(*(end-1)) and not is_word(*end)))
content = content + "\\b";
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = patterns;
void select_regex(Context& context, int)
regex_prompt(context, "select:", [](Regex ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = String{ex.str()};
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
select_all_matches(context.buffer(), context.selections(), ex);
void split_regex(Context& context, int)
regex_prompt(context, "split:", [](Regex ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
ex = Regex{RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(context)[0]};
RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = String{ex.str()};
if (not ex.empty() and not ex.str().empty())
split_selections(context.buffer(), context.selections(), ex);
void split_lines(Context& context, int)
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
std::vector<Selection> res;
for (auto& sel : selections)
if (sel.anchor().line == sel.cursor().line)
auto min = sel.min();
auto max = sel.max();
res.push_back({min, {min.line, buffer[min.line].length()-1}});
for (auto line = min.line+1; line < max.line; ++line)
res.push_back({line, {line, buffer[line].length()-1}});
res.push_back({max.line, max});
selections = std::move(res);
void join_select_spaces(Context& context, int)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
std::vector<Selection> selections;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (LineCount line = sel.min().line; line <= sel.max().line; ++line)
if (line == buffer.line_count() - 1)
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at({line, buffer[line].length()-1});
auto end = begin+1;
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
selections.push_back({begin.coord(), (end-1).coord()});
if (selections.empty())
context.selections() = selections;
ScopedEdition edition(context);
insert<InsertMode::Replace>(buffer, context.selections(), " ");
void join(Context& context, int param)
SelectionList sels{context.selections()};
auto restore_sels = on_scope_end([&]{
context.selections() = std::move(sels);
join_select_spaces(context, param);
template<bool matching>
void keep(Context& context, int)
constexpr const char* prompt = matching ? "keep matching:" : "keep not matching:";
regex_prompt(context, prompt, [](const Regex& ex, Context& context) {
if (ex.empty())
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
std::vector<Selection> keep;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
if (boost::regex_search(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())), ex) == matching)
if (keep.empty())
throw runtime_error("no selections remaining");
context.selections() = std::move(keep);
void keep_pipe(Context& context, int)
"keep pipe:", "", get_color("Prompt"), shell_complete,
[](const String& cmdline, PromptEvent event, Context& context) {
if (event != PromptEvent::Validate)
const Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
auto& shell_manager = ShellManager::instance();
std::vector<Selection> keep;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
int status = 0;
shell_manager.pipe(content(buffer, sel), cmdline, context,
{}, EnvVarMap{}, &status);
if (status == 0)
if (keep.empty())
throw runtime_error("no selections remaining");
context.selections() = std::move(keep);
template<bool indent_empty = false>
void indent(Context& context, int)
CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
String indent = indent_width == 0 ? "\t" : String{' ', indent_width};
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
std::vector<Selection> sels;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto line = sel.min().line; line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
if (indent_empty or buffer[line].length() > 1)
sels.push_back({line, line});
if (not sels.empty())
ScopedEdition edition(context);
SelectionList selections{buffer, std::move(sels)};
insert<InsertMode::Insert>(buffer, selections, indent);
template<bool deindent_incomplete = true>
void deindent(Context& context, int)
CharCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
CharCount indent_width = context.options()["indentwidth"].get<int>();
if (indent_width == 0)
indent_width = tabstop;
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
std::vector<Selection> sels;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto line = sel.min().line; line < sel.max().line+1; ++line)
CharCount width = 0;
auto& content = buffer[line];
for (auto column = 0_byte; column < content.length(); ++column)
const char c = content[column];
if (c == '\t')
width = (width / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
else if (c == ' ')
if (deindent_incomplete and width != 0)
sels.push_back({ line, ByteCoord{line, column-1} });
if (width == indent_width)
sels.push_back({ line, ByteCoord{line, column} });
if (not sels.empty())
ScopedEdition edition(context);
SelectionList selections{context.buffer(), std::move(sels)};
erase(context.buffer(), selections);
template<ObjectFlags flags, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void select_object(Context& context, int param)
int level = param <= 0 ? 0 : param - 1;
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [level](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers != Key::Modifiers::None)
const Codepoint c = key.key;
static constexpr struct
Codepoint key;
Selection (*func)(const Buffer&, const Selection&, ObjectFlags);
} selectors[] = {
{ 'w', select_whole_word<Word> },
{ 'W', select_whole_word<WORD> },
{ 's', select_whole_sentence },
{ 'p', select_whole_paragraph },
{ 'i', select_whole_indent },
for (auto& sel : selectors)
if (c == sel.key)
return select<mode>(context, std::bind(sel.func, _1, _2, flags));
static const struct
CodepointPair pair;
Codepoint name;
} surrounding_pairs[] = {
{ { '(', ')' }, 'b' },
{ { '{', '}' }, 'B' },
{ { '[', ']' }, 'r' },
{ { '<', '>' }, 'a' },
{ { '"', '"' }, 'Q' },
{ { '\'', '\'' }, 'q' },
{ { '`', '`' }, 'g' },
for (auto& sur : surrounding_pairs)
if (sur.pair.first == c or sur.pair.second == c or
(sur.name != 0 and sur.name == c))
return select<mode>(context, std::bind(select_surrounding, _1, _2,
sur.pair, level, flags));
}, "select object",
"b,(,): parenthesis block\n"
"B,{,}: braces block \n"
"r,[,]: brackets block \n"
"a,<,>: angle block \n"
"\",Q: double quote string\n"
"',q: single quote string\n"
"`,g: grave quote string \n"
"w: word \n"
"W: WORD \n"
"s: sentence \n"
"p: paragraph \n"
"i: indent \n");
template<Key::NamedKey key>
void scroll(Context& context, int)
static_assert(key == Key::PageUp or key == Key::PageDown,
"scrool only implements PageUp and PageDown");
Window& window = context.window();
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
CharCoord position = window.position();
LineCount cursor_line = 0;
if (key == Key::PageUp)
position.line -= (window.dimensions().line - 2);
cursor_line = position.line;
else if (key == Key::PageDown)
position.line += (window.dimensions().line - 2);
cursor_line = position.line + window.dimensions().line - 1;
auto cursor_pos = utf8::advance(buffer.iterator_at(position.line),
select_coord(buffer, cursor_pos.coord(), context.selections());
void rotate_selections(Context& context, int count)
context.selections().rotate_main(count != 0 ? count : 1);
void rotate_selections_content(Context& context, int group)
int count = 1;
auto strings = context.selections_content();
if (group == 0 or group > (int)strings.size())
group = (int)strings.size();
count = count % group;
for (auto it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); )
auto end = std::min(strings.end(), it + group);
std::rotate(it, end-count, end);
it = end;
insert<InsertMode::Replace>(context.buffer(), context.selections(), strings);
enum class SelectFlags
None = 0,
Reverse = 1,
Inclusive = 2,
Extend = 4
constexpr SelectFlags operator|(SelectFlags lhs, SelectFlags rhs)
return (SelectFlags)((int) lhs | (int) rhs);
constexpr bool operator&(SelectFlags lhs, SelectFlags rhs)
return ((int) lhs & (int) rhs) != 0;
template<SelectFlags flags>
void select_to_next_char(Context& context, int param)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [param](Key key, Context& context) {
select<flags & SelectFlags::Extend ? SelectMode::Extend : SelectMode::Replace>(
std::bind(flags & SelectFlags::Reverse ? select_to_reverse : select_to,
_1, _2, key.key, param, flags & SelectFlags::Inclusive));
}, "select to next char","enter char to select to");
void start_or_end_macro_recording(Context& context, int)
if (context.input_handler().is_recording())
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [](Key key, Context& context) {
if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None and
key.key >= 'a' and key.key <= 'z')
}, "record macro", "enter macro name ");
void replay_macro(Context& context, int count)
on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, [count](Key key, Context& context) mutable {
if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::None)
static std::unordered_set<char> running_macros;
if (contains(running_macros, key.key))
throw runtime_error("recursive macros call detected");
memoryview<String> reg_val = RegisterManager::instance()[key.key].values(context);
if (not reg_val.empty())
auto stop = on_scope_end([&]{ running_macros.erase(key.key); });
auto keys = parse_keys(reg_val[0]);
ScopedEdition edition(context);
do { exec_keys(keys, context); } while (--count > 0);
}, "replay macro", "enter macro name");
template<Direction direction>
void jump(Context& context, int)
auto jump = (direction == Forward) ?
context.jump_forward() : context.jump_backward();
Buffer& buffer = const_cast<Buffer&>(jump.buffer());
if (&buffer != &context.buffer())
context.selections() = jump;
void save_selections(Context& context, int)
context.print_status({ "saved " + to_string(context.selections().size()) +
" selections", get_color("Information") });
void align(Context& context, int)
auto& selections = context.selections();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const CharCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
std::vector<std::vector<const Selection*>> columns;
LineCount last_line = -1;
size_t column = 0;
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto line = sel.cursor().line;
if (sel.anchor().line != line)
throw runtime_error("align cannot work with multi line selections");
column = (line == last_line) ? column + 1 : 0;
if (column >= columns.size())
last_line = line;
const bool use_tabs = context.options()["aligntab"].get<bool>();
for (auto& col : columns)
CharCount maxcol = 0;
for (auto& sel : col)
maxcol = std::max(get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor()), maxcol);
for (auto& sel : col)
auto insert_coord = sel->min();
auto lastcol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, sel->cursor());
String padstr;
if (not use_tabs)
padstr = String{ ' ', maxcol - lastcol };
auto inscol = get_column(buffer, tabstop, insert_coord);
auto targetcol = maxcol - (lastcol - inscol);
auto tabcol = inscol - (inscol % tabstop);
auto tabs = (targetcol - tabcol) / tabstop;
auto spaces = targetcol - (tabs ? (tabcol + tabs * tabstop) : inscol);
padstr = String{ '\t', tabs } + String{ ' ', spaces };
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(insert_coord), std::move(padstr));
void copy_indent(Context& context, int selection)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
auto& selections = context.selections();
std::vector<LineCount> lines;
for (auto sel : selections)
for (LineCount l = sel.min().line; l < sel.max().line + 1; ++l)
if (selection > selections.size())
throw runtime_error("invalid selection index");
if (selection == 0)
selection = context.selections().main_index() + 1;
const String& line = buffer[selections[selection-1].min().line];
auto it = line.begin();
while (it != line.end() and is_horizontal_blank(*it))
const String indent{line.begin(), it};
ScopedEdition edition{context};
for (auto& l : lines)
auto& line = buffer[l];
ByteCount i = 0;
while (i < line.length() and is_horizontal_blank(line[i]))
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at(l), buffer.iterator_at({l, i}));
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(l), indent);
void tabs_to_spaces(Context& context, int ts)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const CharCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const CharCount tabstop = ts == 0 ? opt_tabstop : ts;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end;)
if (*it == '\t')
CharCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, it.coord());
CharCount end_col = (col / tabstop + 1) * tabstop;
it = buffer.erase(it, it+1);
it = buffer.insert(it, String{ ' ', end_col - col }) + (int)(end_col - col);
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1;
void spaces_to_tabs(Context& context, int ts)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
const CharCount opt_tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
const CharCount tabstop = ts == 0 ? opt_tabstop : ts;
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()),
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1; it != end;)
if (*it == ' ')
auto spaces_beg = it;
auto spaces_end = spaces_beg+1;
CharCount col = get_column(buffer, opt_tabstop, spaces_end.coord());
while (*spaces_end == ' ' and (col % tabstop) != 0)
if ((col % tabstop) == 0)
it = buffer.erase(spaces_beg, spaces_end);
it = buffer.insert(it, "\t") + 1;
end = buffer.iterator_at(sel.max())+1;
it = spaces_end;
static boost::optional<SelectionList> compute_modified_ranges(const Buffer& buffer, size_t timestamp)
std::vector<Selection> ranges;
for (auto& change : buffer.changes_since(timestamp))
const ByteCoord& begin = change.begin;
const ByteCoord& end = change.end;
if (change.type == Buffer::Change::Insert)
update_insert(ranges, begin, end, change.at_end);
auto it = std::upper_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), begin,
[](ByteCoord c, const Selection& sel)
{ return c < sel.min(); });
ranges.insert(it, Selection{begin, end});
update_erase(ranges, begin, end, change.at_end);
auto pos = begin;
if (change.at_end)
pos = begin.column ? ByteCoord{begin.line, begin.column - 1}
: ByteCoord{begin.line - 1};
auto it = std::upper_bound(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), pos,
[](ByteCoord c, const Selection& sel)
{ return c < sel.min(); });
ranges.insert(it, Selection{pos, pos});
if (ranges.empty())
return {};
SelectionList result{buffer, std::move(ranges)};
auto touches = [&](const Selection& lhs, const Selection& rhs) {
return lhs.min() <= rhs.min() ? buffer.char_next(lhs.max()) >= rhs.min()
: lhs.min() <= buffer.char_next(rhs.max());
for (auto& sel : result)
if (sel.anchor() != sel.cursor())
sel.cursor() = buffer.char_prev(sel.cursor());
return result;
void undo(Context& context, int)
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
bool res = buffer.undo();
if (res)
auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp);
if (ranges)
context.selections() = std::move(*ranges);
else if (not res)
context.print_status({ "nothing left to undo", get_color("Information") });
void redo(Context& context, int)
using namespace std::placeholders;
Buffer& buffer = context.buffer();
size_t timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
bool res = buffer.redo();
if (res)
auto ranges = compute_modified_ranges(buffer, timestamp);
if (ranges)
context.selections() = std::move(*ranges);
else if (not res)
context.print_status({ "nothing left to redo", get_color("Information") });
template<typename T>
class Repeated
constexpr Repeated(T t) : m_func(t) {}
void operator() (Context& context, int count)
ScopedEdition edition(context);
do { m_func(context, 0); } while(--count > 0);
T m_func;
template<typename T>
constexpr Repeated<T> repeated(T func) { return Repeated<T>(func); }
template<typename Type, Direction direction, SelectMode mode = SelectMode::Replace>
void move(Context& context, int count)
kak_assert(mode == SelectMode::Replace or mode == SelectMode::Extend);
Type offset(std::max(count,1));
if (direction == Backward)
offset = -offset;
auto& selections = context.selections();
for (auto& sel : selections)
auto cursor = context.has_window() ? context.window().offset_coord(sel.cursor(), offset)
: context.buffer().offset_coord(sel.cursor(), offset);
sel.anchor() = mode == SelectMode::Extend ? sel.anchor() : cursor;
sel.cursor() = cursor;
KeyMap keymap =
{ 'h', move<CharCount, Backward> },
{ 'j', move<LineCount, Forward> },
{ 'k', move<LineCount, Backward> },
{ 'l', move<CharCount, Forward> },
{ 'H', move<CharCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'J', move<LineCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'K', move<LineCount, Backward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'L', move<CharCount, Forward, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 't', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::None> },
{ 'f', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive> },
{ 'T', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend> },
{ 'F', select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend> },
{ alt('t'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('f'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('T'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ alt('F'), select_to_next_char<SelectFlags::Inclusive | SelectFlags::Extend | SelectFlags::Reverse> },
{ 'd', erase_selections },
{ 'D', cat_erase_selections },
{ 'c', change },
{ 'i', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Insert> },
{ 'I', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin> },
{ 'a', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::Append> },
{ 'A', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::AppendAtLineEnd> },
{ 'o', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::OpenLineBelow> },
{ 'O', enter_insert_mode<InsertMode::OpenLineAbove> },
{ 'r', replace_with_char },
{ 'g', goto_commands<SelectMode::Replace> },
{ 'G', goto_commands<SelectMode::Extend> },
{ 'v', view_commands },
{ 'y', yank },
{ 'Y', cat_yank },
{ 'p', repeated(paste<InsertMode::Append>) },
{ 'P', repeated(paste<InsertMode::Insert>) },
{ alt('p'), paste<InsertMode::Replace> },
{ 's', select_regex },
{ 'S', split_regex },
{ alt('s'), split_lines },
{ '.', repeat_last_insert },
{ '%', [](Context& context, int) { select_whole_buffer(context.buffer(), context.selections()); } },
{ ':', command },
{ '|', pipe<InsertMode::Replace> },
{ alt('|'), pipe<InsertMode::Append> },
{ ' ', [](Context& context, int count) { if (count == 0) clear_selections(context.buffer(), context.selections());
else keep_selection(context.selections(), count-1); } },
{ alt(' '), [](Context& context, int count) { if (count == 0) flip_selections(context.selections());
else remove_selection(context.selections(), count-1); } },
{ 'w', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word<Word>)) },
{ 'e', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word_end<Word>)) },
{ 'b', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_previous_word<Word>)) },
{ 'W', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word<Word>)) },
{ 'E', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word_end<Word>)) },
{ 'B', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_previous_word<Word>)) },
{ alt('w'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('e'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_next_word_end<WORD>)) },
{ alt('b'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_previous_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('W'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('E'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_next_word_end<WORD>)) },
{ alt('B'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_previous_word<WORD>)) },
{ alt('l'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_eol)) },
{ alt('L'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_eol)) },
{ alt('h'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_to_eol_reverse)) },
{ alt('H'), repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_to_eol_reverse)) },
{ 'x', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_line)) },
{ 'X', repeated(make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_line)) },
{ alt('x'), make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_whole_lines) },
{ alt('X'), make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(trim_partial_lines) },
{ 'm', make_select<SelectMode::Replace>(select_matching) },
{ 'M', make_select<SelectMode::Extend>(select_matching) },
{ '/', search<SelectMode::Replace, Forward> },
{ '?', search<SelectMode::Extend, Forward> },
{ alt('/'), search<SelectMode::Replace, Backward> },
{ alt('?'), search<SelectMode::Extend, Backward> },
{ 'n', search_next<SelectMode::Replace, Forward> },
{ alt('n'), search_next<SelectMode::ReplaceMain, Forward> },
{ 'N', search_next<SelectMode::Append, Forward> },
{ '*', use_selection_as_search_pattern<true> },
{ alt('*'), use_selection_as_search_pattern<false> },
{ 'u', undo },
{ 'U', redo },
{ alt('i'), select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd | ObjectFlags::Inner> },
{ alt('a'), select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd> },
{ ']', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd> },
{ '[', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin> },
{ '{', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToBegin, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ '}', select_object<ObjectFlags::ToEnd, SelectMode::Extend> },
{ alt('j'), join },
{ alt('J'), join_select_spaces },
{ alt('k'), keep<true> },
{ alt('K'), keep<false> },
{ '$', keep_pipe },
{ '<', deindent<true> },
{ '>', indent<false> },
{ alt('>'), indent<true> },
{ alt('<'), deindent<false> },
{ ctrl('i'), jump<Forward> },
{ ctrl('o'), jump<Backward> },
{ ctrl('s'), save_selections },
{ alt('r'), rotate_selections },
{ alt('R'), rotate_selections_content },
{ 'q', replay_macro },
{ 'Q', start_or_end_macro_recording },
{ '`', for_each_char<to_lower> },
{ '~', for_each_char<to_upper> },
{ alt('`'), for_each_char<swap_case> },
{ '&', align },
{ alt('&'), copy_indent },
{ '@', tabs_to_spaces },
{ alt('@'), spaces_to_tabs },
{ Key::Left, move<CharCount, Backward> },
{ Key::Down, move<LineCount, Forward> },
{ Key::Up, move<LineCount, Backward> },
{ Key::Right, move<CharCount, Forward> },
{ Key::PageUp, scroll<Key::PageUp> },
{ Key::PageDown, scroll<Key::PageDown> },