There might legitimately be "|" characters in the message, so we want to stop at the first one, the one that delimits the message location from the message text.
415 lines
14 KiB
415 lines
14 KiB
declare-option \
-docstring %{
The shell command used by lint-buffer and lint-selections.
It will be given the path to a file containing the text to be
linted, and must produce output in the format:
{filename}:{line}:{column}: {kind}: {message}
If the 'kind' field contains 'error', the message is treated
as an error, otherwise it is assumed to be a warning.
} \
str lintcmd
declare-option -hidden line-specs lint_flags
declare-option -hidden line-specs lint_messages
declare-option -hidden int lint_error_count
declare-option -hidden int lint_warning_count
define-command \
-hidden \
-params 1 \
-docstring %{
lint-cleaned-selections <linter>: Check each selection with <linter>.
Assumes selections all have anchor before cursor, and that
%val{selections} and %val{selections_desc} are in the same order.
} \
lint-cleaned-selections \
# Clear the current contents of the various options.
set-option buffer lint_flags %val{timestamp}
set-option buffer lint_messages %val{timestamp}
set-option buffer lint_error_count 0
set-option buffer lint_warning_count 0
# Create a temporary directory to keep all our state.
evaluate-commands %sh{
# This is going to come in handy later.
kakquote() { printf "%s" "$*" | sed "s/'/''/g; 1s/^/'/; \$s/\$/'/"; }
# Before we clobber our arguments,
# let's record the lintcmd we were given.
# Some linters care about the name or extension
# of the file being linted, so we'll store the text we want to lint
# in a file with the same name as the original buffer.
# A directory to keep all our temporary data.
dir=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-lint.XXXXXXXX)
# A fifo to send the results back to a Kakoune buffer.
# FIXME: Should we put the lint output in toolsclient?
mkfifo "$dir"/fifo
printf '%s\n' "evaluate-commands -draft %{
edit! -fifo $(kakquote "$dir/fifo") -debug *lint-output*
set-option buffer filetype make
set-option buffer make_current_error_line 0
# Write all the selection descriptions to files.
eval set -- "$kak_selections_desc"
for desc; do
mkdir -p "$dir"/sel-"$i"
printf "%s" "$desc" > "$dir"/sel-$i/desc
i=$(( i + 1 ))
# Write all the selection contents to files.
eval set -- "$kak_quoted_selections"
for text; do
# The selection text needs to be stored in a subdirectory,
# so we can be sure the filename won't clash with one of ours.
mkdir -p "$dir"/sel-"$i"/text/
printf "%s" "$text" > "$dir"/sel-$i/text/"$filename"
i=$(( i + 1 ))
# We do redirection trickiness to record stderr from
# this background task and route it back to Kakoune,
# but shellcheck isn't a fan.
# shellcheck disable=SC2094
({ # do the parsing in the background and when ready send to the session
for selpath in "$dir"/sel-*; do
# Read in the line and column offset of this selection.
IFS=".," read -r start_line start_byte _ < "$selpath"/desc
# Run the linter, and record the exit-code.
eval "$lintcmd '$selpath/text/$filename'" |
sort -t: -k2,2 -n |
awk \
-v line_offset=$(( start_line - 1 )) \
-v first_line_byte_offset=$(( start_byte - 1 )) \
BEGIN { OFS=":"; FS=":" }
/:[1-9][0-9]*:[1-9][0-9]*:/ {
$1 = ENVIRON["kak_bufname"]
if ( $2 == 1 ) {
$3 += first_line_byte_offset
$2 += line_offset
print $0
' >>"$dir"/result
# Load all the linter messages into Kakoune options.
# Inside this block, shellcheck warns us that the shell doesn't
# need backslash-continuation chars in a single-quoted string,
# but awk still needs them.
# shellcheck disable=SC1004
awk -v file="$kak_buffile" -v client="$kak_client" '
function kakquote(text) {
# \x27 is apostrophe, escaped for shell-quoting reasons.
gsub(/\x27/, "\x27\x27", text)
return "\x27" text "\x27"
error_count = 0
warning_count = 0
/:[1-9][0-9]*:[1-9][0-9]*:/ {
# Remember that an error or a warning occurs on this line..
if ($4 ~ /[Ee]rror/) {
# We definitely have an error on this line.
flags_by_line[$2] = "{Error}!"
} else if (flags_by_line[$2] ~ /Error/) {
# We have a warning on this line,
# but we already have an error, so do nothing.
} else {
# We have a warning on this line,
# and no previous error.
flags_by_line[$2] = "{Information}?"
# The message starts with the severity indicator.
msg = substr($4, 2)
# fix case where $5 is not the last field
# because of extra colons in the message
for (i=5; i<=NF; i++) msg = msg ":" $i
# Mention the column where this problem occurs,
# so that information is not lost.
msg = msg "(col " $3 ")"
# Messages will be stored in a line-specs option,
# and each record in the option uses "|"
# as a field delimiter, so we need to escape them.
gsub(/\|/, "\\|", msg)
if ($2 in messages_by_line) {
# We already have a message on this line,
# so append our new message.
messages_by_line[$2] = messages_by_line[$2] "\n" msg
} else {
# A brand-new message on this line.
messages_by_line[$2] = msg
for (line in flags_by_line) {
flag = flags_by_line[line]
print "set-option -add " \
kakquote("buffer=" file) " " \
"lint_flags " \
kakquote(line "|" flag)
for (line in messages_by_line) {
msg = messages_by_line[line]
print "set-option -add " \
kakquote("buffer=" file) " " \
"lint_messages " \
kakquote(line "|" msg)
print "set-option " \
kakquote("buffer=" file) " " \
"lint_error_count " \
print "set-option " \
kakquote("buffer=" file) " " \
"lint_warning_count " \
' "$dir"/result | kak -p "$kak_session"
# Send any linting errors to the debug buffer,
# for visibility.
if [ -s "$dir"/stderr ]; then
# Errors were detected!"
printf "echo -debug Linter errors: <<<\n"
while read -r LINE; do
printf "echo -debug %s\n" "$(kakquote " $LINE")"
done < "$dir"/stderr
printf "echo -debug >>>\n"
# FIXME: When #3254 is fixed, this can become a "fail"
printf "eval -client %s echo -markup {Error}%s\n" \
"$kak_client" \
"lint failed, see *debug* for details"
# No errors detected, show the results.
printf "eval -client %s lint-show-counters" \
fi | kak -p "$kak_session"
# We are done here. Send the results to Kakoune,
# and clean up.
cat "$dir"/result > "$dir"/fifo
rm -rf "$dir"
} & ) >"$dir"/stderr 2>&1 </dev/null
define-command \
-params 0..2 \
-docstring %{
lint-selections [<switches>]: Check each selection with a linter.
-command <cmd> Use the given linter.
If not given, the lintcmd option is used.
} \
lint-selections \
evaluate-commands -draft %{
# Make sure all the selections are "forward" (anchor before cursor)
execute-keys <a-:>
# Make sure the selections are in document order.
evaluate-commands %sh{
printf "select "
printf "%s\n" "$kak_selections_desc" |
tr ' ' '\n' |
sort -n -t. |
tr '\n' ' '
evaluate-commands %sh{
# This is going to come in handy later.
kakquote() { printf "%s" "$*" | sed "s/'/''/g; 1s/^/'/; \$s/\$/'/"; }
if [ "$1" = "-command" ]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo 'fail -- -command option requires a value'
exit 1
elif [ -n "$1" ]; then
echo "fail -- Unrecognised parameter $(kakquote "$1")"
exit 1
elif [ -z "${kak_opt_lintcmd}" ]; then
echo 'fail The lintcmd option is not set'
exit 1
printf 'lint-cleaned-selections %s\n' "$(kakquote "$lintcmd")"
define-command \
-docstring %{
lint-buffer: Check the current buffer with a linter.
Set the lintcmd option to control which linter is used.
} \
lint-buffer \
evaluate-commands -draft %{
execute-keys '%'
lint-cleaned-selections %opt{lintcmd}
alias global lint lint-buffer
define-command -hidden lint-show %{
update-option buffer lint_messages
evaluate-commands %sh{
# This is going to come in handy later.
kakquote() { printf "%s" "$*" | sed "s/'/''/g; 1s/^/'/; \$s/\$/'/"; }
eval set -- "${kak_quoted_opt_lint_messages}"
shift # skip the timestamp
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
if [ "$lineno" -eq "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then
printf "info -anchor %d.%d %s\n" \
"$kak_cursor_line" \
"$kak_cursor_column" \
"$(kakquote "$msg")"
define-command -hidden lint-show-counters %{
echo -markup "linting results: {Error} %opt{lint_error_count} error(s) {Information} %opt{lint_warning_count} warning(s) "
define-command lint-enable -docstring "Activate automatic diagnostics of the code" %{
add-highlighter window/lint flag-lines default lint_flags
hook window -group lint-diagnostics NormalIdle .* %{ lint-show }
hook window -group lint-diagnostics WinSetOption lint_flags=.* %{ info; lint-show }
define-command lint-disable -docstring "Disable automatic diagnostics of the code" %{
remove-highlighter window/lint
remove-hooks window lint-diagnostics
# FIXME: Is there some way we can re-use make-next-error
# instead of re-implementing it?
define-command \
-docstring "Jump to the next line that contains a lint message" \
lint-next-message \
update-option buffer lint_messages
evaluate-commands %sh{
# This is going to come in handy later.
kakquote() { printf "%s" "$*" | sed "s/'/''/g; 1s/^/'/; \$s/\$/'/"; }
eval "set -- ${kak_quoted_opt_lint_messages}"
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
printf 'fail no lint messages'
for lint_message; do
if [ "$lineno" -gt "$kak_cursor_line" ]; then
printf "execute-keys %dg\n" "$lineno"
printf "info -anchor %d.%d %s\n" \
"$lineno" "1" "$(kakquote "$msg")"
# FIXME: should we wrap around like make-next-error?
# FIXME: Is there some way we can re-use make-previous-error
# instead of re-implementing it?
define-command \
-docstring "Jump to the previous line that contains a lint message" \
lint-previous-message \
update-option buffer lint_messages
evaluate-commands %sh{
# This is going to come in handy later.
kakquote() { printf "%s" "$*" | sed "s/'/''/g; 1s/^/'/; \$s/\$/'/"; }
eval "set -- ${kak_quoted_opt_lint_messages}"
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
printf 'fail no lint messages'
last_msg="no previous message"
for lint_message; do
if [ "$lineno" -ge "${kak_cursor_line}" ]; then
printf "execute-keys %dg\n" "$last_lineno"
printf "info -anchor %d.%d %s\n" \
"$lineno" "1" "$(kakquote "$last_msg")"
# FIXME: should we wrap around like make-previous-error?