281 lines
9.8 KiB
281 lines
9.8 KiB
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer.hh"
#include "diff.hh"
#include "keys.hh"
#include "selectors.hh"
#include "word_db.hh"
#include "line_modification.hh"
#include <tuple>
using namespace Kakoune;
void test_buffer()
Buffer empty_buffer("empty", Buffer::Flags::None, {});
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None, { "allo ?\n"_ss, "mais que fais la police\n"_ss, " hein ?\n"_ss, " youpi\n"_ss });
kak_assert(buffer.line_count() == 4);
BufferIterator pos = buffer.begin();
kak_assert(*pos == 'a');
pos += 6;
kak_assert(pos.coord() == ByteCoord{0 COMMA 6});
kak_assert(pos.coord() == ByteCoord{1 COMMA 0});
kak_assert(pos.coord() == ByteCoord{0 COMMA 6});
pos += 1;
kak_assert(pos.coord() == ByteCoord{1 COMMA 0});
buffer.insert(pos, "tchou kanaky\n");
kak_assert(buffer.line_count() == 5);
BufferIterator pos2 = buffer.end();
pos2 -= 9;
kak_assert(*pos2 == '?');
String str = buffer.string({ 4, 1 }, buffer.next({ 4, 5 }));
kak_assert(str == "youpi");
// check insert at end behaviour: auto add end of line if necessary
pos = buffer.end()-1;
buffer.insert(pos, "tchou");
kak_assert(buffer.string(pos.coord(), buffer.end_coord()) == StringView{"tchou\n"});
pos = buffer.end()-1;
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), "kanaky\n");
kak_assert(buffer.string((pos+1).coord(), buffer.end_coord()) == StringView{"kanaky\n"});
buffer.erase(pos+1, buffer.end());
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), "mutch\n");
kak_assert(buffer.string(buffer.advance(buffer.end_coord(), -7), buffer.end_coord()) == StringView{"kanaky\n"});
kak_assert(buffer.string(buffer.advance(buffer.end_coord(), -6), buffer.end_coord()) == StringView{"mutch\n"});
void test_undo_group_optimizer()
BufferLines lines = { "allo ?\n"_ss, "mais que fais la police\n"_ss, " hein ?\n"_ss, " youpi\n"_ss };
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None, lines);
auto pos = buffer.insert(buffer.end(), "kanaky\n");
buffer.erase(pos, buffer.end());
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(2_line), "tchou\n");
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at(2_line), "mutch\n");
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({2, 1}), buffer.iterator_at({2, 5}));
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at(2_line), buffer.end());
buffer.insert(buffer.end(), "youpi");
kak_assert((int)buffer.line_count() == lines.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
kak_assert(SharedString{lines[i]} == buffer[LineCount((int)i)]);
void test_word_db()
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None,
{ "tchou mutch\n"_ss,
"tchou kanaky tchou\n"_ss,
"tchaa tchaa\n"_ss,
WordDB word_db(buffer);
auto res = word_db.find_matching("", prefix_match);
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
kak_assert(res == WordDB::WordList{ "allo" COMMA "kanaky" COMMA "mutch" COMMA "tchaa" COMMA "tchou" });
kak_assert(word_db.get_word_occurences("tchou") == 3);
kak_assert(word_db.get_word_occurences("allo") == 1);
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({1, 6}), buffer.iterator_at({4, 0}));
res = word_db.find_matching("", prefix_match);
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
kak_assert(res == WordDB::WordList{ "allo" COMMA "mutch" COMMA "tchou" });
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({1, 0}), "re");
res = word_db.find_matching("", subsequence_match);
std::sort(res.begin(), res.end());
kak_assert(res == WordDB::WordList{ "allo" COMMA "mutch" COMMA "retchou" COMMA "tchou" });
void test_utf8()
String str = "maïs mélange bientôt";
kak_assert(utf8::distance(str.begin(), str.end()) == 20);
kak_assert(utf8::codepoint(str.begin() + 2, str.end()) == 0x00EF);
void test_string()
kak_assert(String("youpi ") + "matin" == "youpi matin");
Vector<String> splited = split("youpi:matin::tchou\\:kanaky:hihi\\:", ':', '\\');
kak_assert(splited[0] == "youpi");
kak_assert(splited[1] == "matin");
kak_assert(splited[2] == "");
kak_assert(splited[3] == "tchou:kanaky");
kak_assert(splited[4] == "hihi:");
Vector<StringView> splitedview = split("youpi:matin::tchou\\:kanaky:hihi\\:", ':');
kak_assert(splitedview[0] == "youpi");
kak_assert(splitedview[1] == "matin");
kak_assert(splitedview[2] == "");
kak_assert(splitedview[3] == "tchou\\");
kak_assert(splitedview[4] == "kanaky");
kak_assert(splitedview[5] == "hihi\\");
kak_assert(splitedview[6] == "");
String escaped = escape("youpi:matin:tchou:", ':', '\\');
kak_assert(escaped == "youpi\\:matin\\:tchou\\:");
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou"));
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "t"));
kak_assert(not prefix_match("tchou kanaky", "c"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tknky"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "knk"));
kak_assert(subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(not subsequence_match("tchou kanaky", "tchou kanaky"));
kak_assert(format("Youhou {1} {} {0} \\{}", 10, "hehe", 5) == "Youhou hehe 5 10 {}");
char buffer[20];
kak_assert(format_to(buffer, "Hey {}", 15) == "Hey 15");
kak_assert(str_to_int("5") == 5);
kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MAX)) == INT_MAX);
kak_assert(str_to_int(to_string(INT_MIN)) == INT_MIN);
kak_assert(str_to_int("00") == 0);
kak_assert(str_to_int("-0") == 0);
void test_keys()
KeyList keys{
{ ' ' },
{ 'c' },
{ Key::Modifiers::Alt, 'j' },
{ Key::Modifiers::Control, 'r' }
String keys_as_str;
for (auto& key : keys)
keys_as_str += key_to_str(key);
auto parsed_keys = parse_keys(keys_as_str);
kak_assert(keys == parsed_keys);
bool operator==(const LineModification& lhs, const LineModification& rhs)
return std::tie(lhs.old_line, lhs.new_line, lhs.num_removed, lhs.num_added) ==
std::tie(rhs.old_line, rhs.new_line, rhs.num_removed, rhs.num_added);
void test_line_modifications()
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None, { "line 1\n"_ss, "line 2\n"_ss });
auto ts = buffer.timestamp();
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({1, 0}), buffer.iterator_at({2, 0}));
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 1 COMMA 1 COMMA 1 COMMA 0 });
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None, { "line 1\n"_ss, "line 2\n"_ss });
auto ts = buffer.timestamp();
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({1, 7}), "line 3");
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 2 COMMA 2 COMMA 0 COMMA 1 });
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None,
{ "line 1\n"_ss, "line 2\n"_ss, "line 3\n"_ss });
auto ts = buffer.timestamp();
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({1, 4}), "hoho\nhehe");
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({0, 0}), buffer.iterator_at({1, 0}));
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 0 COMMA 0 COMMA 2 COMMA 2 });
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None,
{ "line 1\n"_ss, "line 2\n"_ss, "line 3\n"_ss, "line 4\n"_ss });
WordDB word_db(buffer);
word_db.find_matching("", prefix_match);
auto ts = buffer.timestamp();
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({0,0}), buffer.iterator_at({3,0}));
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({1,0}), "newline 1\nnewline 2\nnewline 3\n");
buffer.erase(buffer.iterator_at({0,0}), buffer.iterator_at({1,0}));
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 0 COMMA 0 COMMA 4 COMMA 3 });
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({3,0}), "newline 4\n");
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 0 COMMA 0 COMMA 4 COMMA 4 });
word_db.find_matching("", prefix_match);
Buffer buffer("test", Buffer::Flags::None, { "line 1\n"_ss });
auto ts = buffer.timestamp();
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({0,0}), "n");
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({0,1}), "e");
buffer.insert(buffer.iterator_at({0,2}), "w");
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, ts);
kak_assert(modifs.size() == 1 && modifs[0] == LineModification{ 0 COMMA 0 COMMA 1 COMMA 1 });
void test_diff()
auto eq = [](const Diff& lhs, const Diff& rhs) {
return lhs.mode == rhs.mode and lhs.len == rhs.len and lhs.posB == rhs.posB;
StringView s1 = "mais que fais la police";
StringView s2 = "mais ou va la police";
auto diff = find_diff(s1.begin(), (int)s1.length(), s2.begin(), (int)s2.length());
kak_assert(diff.size() == 11);
StringView s1 = "a?";
StringView s2 = "!";
auto diff = find_diff(s1.begin(), (int)s1.length(), s2.begin(), (int)s2.length());
kak_assert(diff.size() == 3 and
eq(diff[0], {Diff::Remove, 1, 0}) and
eq(diff[1], {Diff::Add, 1, 0}) and
eq(diff[2], {Diff::Remove, 1, 0}));
void run_unit_tests()