add a region using addhl region <id> <begin_regex> <end_regex> then fill the region with addhl -group <id>/content ...
896 lines
31 KiB
896 lines
31 KiB
#include "highlighters.hh"
#include "highlighter_group.hh"
#include "assert.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "color_registry.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "display_buffer.hh"
#include "line_modification.hh"
#include "option_types.hh"
#include "register_manager.hh"
#include "string.hh"
#include "utf8.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include <sstream>
#include <locale>
namespace Kakoune
using namespace std::placeholders;
using RegexIterator = boost::regex_iterator<BufferIterator>;
template<typename T>
void highlight_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
ByteCoord begin, ByteCoord end,
bool skip_replaced, T func)
if (begin == end or end <= display_buffer.range().first
or begin >= display_buffer.range().second)
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
auto& range = line.range();
if (range.second <= begin or end < range.first)
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedBufferRange;
if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or
(skip_replaced and is_replaced))
if (end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end())
if (not is_replaced and begin > atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin);
if (not is_replaced and end < atom_it->end())
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end);
template<typename T>
void apply_highlighter(const Context& context,
HighlightFlags flags,
DisplayBuffer& display_buffer,
ByteCoord begin, ByteCoord end,
T&& highlighter)
using LineIterator = DisplayBuffer::LineList::iterator;
LineIterator first_line;
std::vector<DisplayLine::iterator> insert_pos;
auto line_end = display_buffer.lines().end();
DisplayBuffer region_display;
auto& region_lines = region_display.lines();
for (auto line_it = display_buffer.lines().begin(); line_it != line_end; ++line_it)
auto& line = *line_it;
auto& range = line.range();
if (range.second <= begin or end < range.first)
if (region_lines.empty())
first_line = line_it;
if (range.first < begin or range.second > end)
size_t beg_idx = 0;
size_t end_idx = line.atoms().size();
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end())
bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedBufferRange;
if (atom_it->begin() <= begin)
if (is_replaced or atom_it->begin() == begin)
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin);
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
if (atom_it->end() >= end)
if (is_replaced or atom_it->end() == end)
beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, end);
end_idx = atom_it - line.begin();
std::move(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx,
insert_pos.back() = line.erase(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx);
region_lines.back() = std::move(line);
insert_pos.back() = line.begin();
highlighter(context, flags, region_display);
for (size_t i = 0; i < region_lines.size(); ++i)
auto& line = *(first_line + i);
auto pos = insert_pos[i];
for (auto& atom : region_lines[i])
pos = ++line.insert(pos, std::move(atom));
using ColorSpec = std::unordered_map<size_t, const ColorPair*>;
struct Fill
Fill(ColorPair colors) : m_colors(colors) {}
void operator()(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags,
DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
auto range = display_buffer.range();
highlight_range(display_buffer, range.first, range.second, true,
[this](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = m_colors; });
ColorPair m_colors;
HighlighterAndId fill_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
ColorPair colors = get_color(params[0]);
return HighlighterAndId("fill_" + params[0], Fill(colors));
template<typename T>
struct BufferSideCache
BufferSideCache() : m_id{ValueId::get_free_id()} {}
T& get(const Buffer& buffer)
Value& cache_val = buffer.values()[m_id];
if (not cache_val)
cache_val = Value(T{});
return cache_val.as<T>();
ValueId m_id;
class RegexColorizer
RegexColorizer(Regex regex, ColorSpec colors)
: m_regex{std::move(regex)}, m_colors{std::move(colors)}
void operator()(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
if (flags != HighlightFlags::Highlight)
auto& cache = update_cache_ifn(context.buffer(), display_buffer.range());
for (auto& match : cache.m_matches)
for (size_t n = 0; n < match.size(); ++n)
auto col_it = m_colors.find(n);
if (col_it == m_colors.end())
highlight_range(display_buffer, match[n].first, match[n].second, true,
[&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = *col_it->second; });
struct Cache
std::pair<LineCount, LineCount> m_range;
size_t m_timestamp = 0;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<ByteCoord, ByteCoord>>> m_matches;
BufferSideCache<Cache> m_cache;
Regex m_regex;
ColorSpec m_colors;
Cache& update_cache_ifn(const Buffer& buffer, const BufferRange& range)
Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer);
LineCount first_line = range.first.line;
LineCount last_line = std::min(buffer.line_count()-1, range.second.line);
if (buffer.timestamp() == cache.m_timestamp and
first_line >= cache.m_range.first and
last_line <= cache.m_range.second)
return cache;
cache.m_range.first = std::max(0_line, first_line - 10);
cache.m_range.second = std::min(buffer.line_count()-1, last_line+10);
cache.m_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
RegexIterator re_it{buffer.iterator_at(cache.m_range.first),
buffer.iterator_at(cache.m_range.second+1), m_regex};
RegexIterator re_end;
for (; re_it != re_end; ++re_it)
auto& match = cache.m_matches.back();
for (auto& sub : *re_it)
match.emplace_back(sub.first.coord(), sub.second.coord());
return cache;
HighlighterAndId colorize_regex_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() < 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
static Regex color_spec_ex(R"((\d+):(\w+(,\w+)?))");
ColorSpec colors;
for (auto it = params.begin() + 1; it != params.end(); ++it)
boost::smatch res;
if (not boost::regex_match(it->begin(), it->end(), res, color_spec_ex))
throw runtime_error("wrong colorspec: '" + *it +
"' expected <capture>:<fgcolor>[,<bgcolor>]");
int capture = str_to_int(res[1].str());
const ColorPair*& color = colors[capture];
color = &get_color(res[2].str());
String id = "colre'" + params[0] + "'";
Regex ex{params[0].begin(), params[0].end(), Regex::optimize};
return HighlighterAndId(id, RegexColorizer(std::move(ex),
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
throw runtime_error(String("regex error: ") + err.what());
template<typename RegexGetter, typename ColorGetter>
class DynamicRegexHighlighter
DynamicRegexHighlighter(RegexGetter regex_getter, ColorGetter color_getter)
: m_regex_getter(std::move(regex_getter)),
m_colorizer(Regex(), ColorSpec{}) {}
void operator()(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
if (flags != HighlightFlags::Highlight)
Regex regex = m_regex_getter(context);
ColorSpec color = m_color_getter(context);
if (regex != m_last_regex or color != m_last_color)
m_last_regex = regex;
m_last_color = color;
if (not m_last_regex.empty())
m_colorizer = RegexColorizer{m_last_regex, color};
if (not m_last_regex.empty() and not m_last_color.empty())
m_colorizer(context, flags, display_buffer);
Regex m_last_regex;
RegexGetter m_regex_getter;
ColorSpec m_last_color;
ColorGetter m_color_getter;
RegexColorizer m_colorizer;
template<typename RegexGetter, typename ColorGetter>
DynamicRegexHighlighter<RegexGetter, ColorGetter>
make_dynamic_regex_highlighter(RegexGetter regex_getter, ColorGetter color_getter)
return DynamicRegexHighlighter<RegexGetter, ColorGetter>(
std::move(regex_getter), std::move(color_getter));
HighlighterAndId highlight_search_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
auto get_color = [](const Context& context){
return ColorSpec{ { 0, &Kakoune::get_color("Search") } };
auto get_regex = [](const Context&){
auto s = RegisterManager::instance()['/'].values(Context{});
return s.empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{s[0].begin(), s[0].end()};
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
return Regex{};
return {"hlsearch", make_dynamic_regex_highlighter(get_regex, get_color)};
HighlighterAndId highlight_regex_option_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const ColorPair& color = get_color(params[1]);
auto get_color = [&](const Context&){
return ColorSpec{ { 0, &color } };
String option_name = params[0];
// verify option type now
auto get_regex = [option_name](const Context& context){
return context.options()[option_name].get<Regex>();
return {"hloption_" + option_name, make_dynamic_regex_highlighter(get_regex, get_color)};
void expand_tabulations(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
const int tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::BufferRange)
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->begin());
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->end());
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
if (*it == '\t')
if (it != begin)
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
if (it+1 != end)
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, (it+1).coord());
int column = (int)get_column(buffer, tabstop, it.coord());
int count = tabstop - (column % tabstop);
String padding;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
padding += ' ';
void show_whitespaces(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
const int tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get<int>();
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::BufferRange)
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->begin());
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->end());
for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it)
auto c = *it;
if (c == '\t' or c == ' ' or c == '\n')
if (it != begin)
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
if (it+1 != end)
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, (it+1).coord());
if (c == '\t')
int column = (int)get_column(buffer, tabstop, it.coord());
int count = tabstop - (column % tabstop);
String padding = "→";
for (int i = 0; i < count-1; ++i)
padding += ' ';
else if (c == ' ')
else if (c == '\n')
void show_line_numbers(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
LineCount last_line = context.buffer().line_count();
int digit_count = 0;
for (LineCount c = last_line; c > 0; c /= 10)
char format[] = "%?d│";
format[1] = '0' + digit_count;
auto& colors = get_color("LineNumbers");
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
char buffer[10];
snprintf(buffer, 10, format, (int)line.range().first.line + 1);
DisplayAtom atom{buffer};
atom.colors = colors;
line.insert(line.begin(), std::move(atom));
void show_matching_char(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
auto& colors = get_color("MatchingChar");
using CodepointPair = std::pair<Codepoint, Codepoint>;
static const CodepointPair matching_chars[] = { { '(', ')' }, { '{', '}' }, { '[', ']' }, { '<', '>' } };
const auto range = display_buffer.range();
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& sel : context.selections())
auto pos = sel.cursor();
if (pos < range.first or pos >= range.second)
auto c = buffer.byte_at(pos);
for (auto& pair : matching_chars)
int level = 1;
if (c == pair.first)
auto it = buffer.iterator_at(pos)+1;
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(range.second);
skip_while(it, end, [&](char c) {
if (c == pair.first)
else if (c == pair.second and --level == 0)
return false;
return true;
if (it != end)
highlight_range(display_buffer, it.coord(), (it+1).coord(), false,
[&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = colors; });
else if (c == pair.second)
auto it = buffer.iterator_at(pos)-1;
auto end = buffer.iterator_at(range.first);
skip_while_reverse(it, end, [&](char c) {
if (c == pair.second)
else if (c == pair.first and --level == 0)
return false;
return true;
if (it != end or (*end == pair.first and level == 1))
highlight_range(display_buffer, it.coord(), (it+1).coord(), false,
[&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = colors; });
void highlight_selections(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
if (flags != HighlightFlags::Highlight)
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (size_t i = 0; i < context.selections().size(); ++i)
auto& sel = context.selections()[i];
const bool forward = sel.anchor() <= sel.cursor();
ByteCoord begin = forward ? sel.anchor() : buffer.char_next(sel.cursor());
ByteCoord end = forward ? sel.cursor() : buffer.char_next(sel.anchor());
const bool primary = (i == context.selections().main_index());
ColorPair sel_colors = get_color(primary ? "PrimarySelection" : "SecondarySelection");
highlight_range(display_buffer, begin, end, false,
[&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = sel_colors; });
ColorPair cur_colors = get_color(primary ? "PrimaryCursor" : "SecondaryCursor");
highlight_range(display_buffer, sel.cursor(), buffer.char_next(sel.cursor()), false,
[&](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.colors = cur_colors; });
void expand_unprintable(const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
auto& buffer = context.buffer();
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it)
if (atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::BufferRange)
for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->begin()),
end = buffer.iterator_at(atom_it->end()); it < end;)
Codepoint cp = utf8::codepoint<utf8::InvalidBytePolicy::Pass>(it);
auto next = utf8::next(it);
if (cp != '\n' and not iswprint(cp))
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "U+" << std::hex << cp;
String str = oss.str();
if (it.coord() != atom_it->begin())
atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it.coord());
if (next.coord() < atom_it->end())
atom_it = line.split(atom_it, next.coord());
atom_it->colors = { Colors::Red, Colors::Black };
it = next;
HighlighterAndId flag_lines_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& option_name = params[1];
Color bg = str_to_color(params[0]);
// throw if wrong option type
return {"hlflags_" + params[1],
[=](const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
auto& lines_opt = context.options()[option_name];
auto& lines = lines_opt.get<std::vector<LineAndFlag>>();
CharCount width = 0;
for (auto& l : lines)
width = std::max(width, std::get<2>(l).char_length());
const String empty{' ', width};
for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines())
int line_num = (int)line.range().first.line + 1;
auto it = find_if(lines,
[&](const LineAndFlag& l)
{ return std::get<0>(l) == line_num; });
String content = it != lines.end() ? std::get<2>(*it) : empty;
content += String(' ', width - content.char_length());
DisplayAtom atom{std::move(content)};
atom.colors = { it != lines.end() ? std::get<1>(*it) : Colors::Default , bg };
line.insert(line.begin(), std::move(atom));
template<void (*highlighter_func)(const Context&, HighlightFlags, DisplayBuffer&)>
class SimpleHighlighterFactory
SimpleHighlighterFactory(const String& id) : m_id(id) {}
HighlighterAndId operator()(HighlighterParameters params) const
return HighlighterAndId(m_id, HighlighterFunc(highlighter_func));
String m_id;
HighlighterAndId highlighter_group_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
return HighlighterAndId(params[0], HighlighterGroup());
HighlighterAndId reference_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
const String& name = params[0];
// throw if not found
//DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_group(name, '/');
return HighlighterAndId(name,
[name](const Context& context, HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_group(name, '/')(context, flags, display_buffer);
catch (group_not_found&)
struct RegionHighlighter
RegionHighlighter(Regex begin, Regex end)
: m_begin(std::move(begin)),
void operator()(HierachicalHighlighter::GroupMap groups, const Context& context,
HighlightFlags flags, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
if (flags != HighlightFlags::Highlight)
auto it = groups.find("content");
if (it == groups.end())
auto range = display_buffer.range();
const auto& buffer = context.buffer();
auto& regions = update_cache_ifn(buffer);
auto begin = std::lower_bound(regions.begin(), regions.end(), range.first,
[](const Region& r, const ByteCoord& c) { return r.end < c; });
auto end = std::lower_bound(begin, regions.end(), range.second,
[](const Region& r, const ByteCoord& c) { return r.begin < c; });
auto correct = [&](const ByteCoord& c) -> ByteCoord {
if (buffer[c.line].length() == c.column)
return {c.line+1, 0};
return c;
for (; begin != end; ++begin)
apply_highlighter(context, flags, display_buffer,
correct(begin->begin), correct(begin->end),
Regex m_begin;
Regex m_end;
struct Region
ByteCoord begin;
ByteCoord end;
using RegionList = std::vector<Region>;
struct Match
size_t timestamp;
LineCount line;
ByteCount begin;
ByteCount end;
using MatchList = std::vector<Match>;
static bool compare_matches_end(const Match& lhs, const Match& rhs)
return (lhs.line != rhs.line) ? lhs.line < rhs.line
: lhs.end < rhs.end;
static bool compare_matches_begin(const Match& lhs, const Match& rhs)
return (lhs.line != rhs.line) ? lhs.line < rhs.line
: lhs.begin < rhs.begin;
struct Cache
size_t timestamp = 0;
MatchList begin_matches;
MatchList end_matches;
RegionList regions;
BufferSideCache<Cache> m_cache;
const RegionList& update_cache_ifn(const Buffer& buffer)
Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer);
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
if (cache.timestamp == buf_timestamp)
return cache.regions;
if (cache.timestamp == 0)
find_matches(buffer, cache.begin_matches, m_begin);
find_matches(buffer, cache.end_matches, m_end);
auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, cache.timestamp);
update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.begin_matches, m_begin);
update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.end_matches, m_end);
for (auto beg_it = cache.begin_matches.begin(), end_it = cache.end_matches.begin();
beg_it != cache.begin_matches.end(); )
end_it = std::upper_bound(end_it, cache.end_matches.end(),
*beg_it, compare_matches_end);
if (end_it == cache.end_matches.end())
cache.regions.push_back({ {beg_it->line, beg_it->begin},
buffer.end_coord() });
cache.regions.push_back({ {beg_it->line, beg_it->begin},
{end_it->line, end_it->end} });
beg_it = std::upper_bound(beg_it, cache.begin_matches.end(),
*end_it, compare_matches_end);
cache.timestamp = buf_timestamp;
return cache.regions;
void find_matches(const Buffer& buffer, MatchList& matches, const Regex& regex)
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
for (auto line = 0_line, end = buffer.line_count(); line < end; ++line)
auto& l = buffer[line];
for (boost::regex_iterator<String::const_iterator> it{l.begin(), l.end(), regex}, end{}; it != end; ++it)
ByteCount b = (int)((*it)[0].first - l.begin());
ByteCount e = (int)((*it)[0].second - l.begin());
matches.push_back({ buf_timestamp, line, b, e });
void update_matches(const Buffer& buffer, memoryview<LineModification> modifs, MatchList& matches, const Regex& regex)
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
// remove out of date matches and update line for others
auto ins_pos = matches.begin();
for (auto it = ins_pos; it != matches.end(); ++it)
auto modif_it = std::lower_bound(modifs.begin(), modifs.end(), it->line,
[](const LineModification& c, const LineCount& l)
{ return c.old_line < l; });
bool erase = (modif_it != modifs.end() and modif_it->old_line == it->line);
if (not erase and modif_it != modifs.begin())
auto& prev = *(modif_it-1);
erase = it->line <= prev.old_line + prev.num_removed;
it->line += prev.diff();
erase = erase or (it->line >= buffer.line_count());
if (not erase)
it->timestamp = buf_timestamp;
kak_assert(buffer.is_valid({it->line, it->begin}) or
buffer[it->line].length() == it->begin);
kak_assert(buffer.is_valid({it->line, it->end}) or
buffer[it->line].length() == it->end);
if (ins_pos != it)
*ins_pos = std::move(*it);
matches.erase(ins_pos, matches.end());
size_t pivot = matches.size();
// try to find new matches in each updated lines
for (auto& modif : modifs)
for (auto line = modif.new_line;
line < modif.new_line + modif.num_added+1 and
line < buffer.line_count(); ++line)
auto& l = buffer[line];
for (boost::regex_iterator<String::const_iterator> it{l.begin(), l.end(), regex}, end{}; it != end; ++it)
ByteCount b = (int)((*it)[0].first - l.begin());
ByteCount e = (int)((*it)[0].second - l.begin());
matches.push_back({ buf_timestamp, line, b, e });
std::inplace_merge(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end(),
HighlighterAndId region_factory(HighlighterParameters params)
if (params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count");
Regex begin{params[1], Regex::nosubs | Regex::optimize };
Regex end{params[2], Regex::nosubs | Regex::optimize };
return {params[0],
{ { "content", HighlighterGroup{} } })};
catch (boost::regex_error& err)
throw runtime_error(String("regex error: ") + err.what());
void register_highlighters()
HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance();
registry.register_func("number_lines", SimpleHighlighterFactory<show_line_numbers>("number_lines"));
registry.register_func("show_matching", SimpleHighlighterFactory<show_matching_char>("show_matching"));
registry.register_func("show_whitespaces", SimpleHighlighterFactory<show_whitespaces>("show_whitespaces"));
registry.register_func("fill", fill_factory);
registry.register_func("regex", colorize_regex_factory);
registry.register_func("regex_option", highlight_regex_option_factory);
registry.register_func("search", highlight_search_factory);
registry.register_func("group", highlighter_group_factory);
registry.register_func("flag_lines", flag_lines_factory);
registry.register_func("ref", reference_factory);
registry.register_func("region", region_factory);