302 lines
9.7 KiB
302 lines
9.7 KiB
#ifndef selectors_hh_INCLUDED
#define selectors_hh_INCLUDED
#include "flags.hh"
#include "selection.hh"
#include "buffer_utils.hh"
#include "unicode.hh"
#include "utf8_iterator.hh"
#include "regex.hh"
namespace Kakoune
inline Selection keep_direction(Selection res, const Selection& ref)
if ((res.cursor() < res.anchor()) != (ref.cursor() < ref.anchor()))
std::swap<ByteCoord>(res.cursor(), res.anchor());
return res;
inline Selection target_eol(Selection sel)
sel.cursor().target = INT_MAX;
return sel;
template<typename Iterator, typename EndIterator, typename T>
void skip_while(Iterator& it, const EndIterator& end, T condition)
while (it != end and condition(*it))
template<typename Iterator, typename BeginIterator, typename T>
void skip_while_reverse(Iterator& it, const BeginIterator& begin, T condition)
while (it != begin and condition(*it))
using Utf8Iterator = utf8::iterator<BufferIterator, utf8::InvalidPolicy::Pass>;
inline Selection utf8_range(const Utf8Iterator& first, const Utf8Iterator& last)
return {first.base().coord(), last.base().coord()};
template<WordType word_type>
Selection select_to_next_word(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
Utf8Iterator begin = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor());
if (begin+1 == buffer.end())
return selection;
if (categorize<word_type>(*begin) != categorize<word_type>(*(begin+1)))
skip_while(begin, buffer.end(), is_eol);
if (begin == buffer.end())
return selection;
Utf8Iterator end = begin+1;
if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(*begin))
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_punctuation);
else if (is_word<word_type>(*begin))
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_word<word_type>);
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
return utf8_range(begin, end-1);
template<WordType word_type>
Selection select_to_next_word_end(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
Utf8Iterator begin = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor());
if (begin+1 == buffer.end())
return selection;
if (categorize<word_type>(*begin) != categorize<word_type>(*(begin+1)))
skip_while(begin, buffer.end(), is_eol);
if (begin == buffer.end())
return selection;
Utf8Iterator end = begin;
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(*end))
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_punctuation);
else if (is_word<word_type>(*end))
skip_while(end, buffer.end(), is_word<word_type>);
return utf8_range(begin, end-1);
template<WordType word_type>
Selection select_to_previous_word(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
Utf8Iterator begin = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor());
if (begin == buffer.begin())
return selection;
if (categorize<word_type>(*begin) != categorize<word_type>(*(begin-1)))
skip_while_reverse(begin, buffer.begin(), is_eol);
Utf8Iterator end = begin;
skip_while_reverse(end, buffer.begin(), is_horizontal_blank);
bool with_end = false;
if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(*end))
skip_while_reverse(end, buffer.begin(), is_punctuation);
with_end = is_punctuation(*end);
else if (is_word<word_type>(*end))
skip_while_reverse(end, buffer.begin(), is_word<word_type>);
with_end = is_word<word_type>(*end);
return utf8_range(begin, with_end ? end : end+1);
Selection select_line(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection);
Selection select_matching(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection);
Selection select_to(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection,
Codepoint c, int count, bool inclusive);
Selection select_to_reverse(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection,
Codepoint c, int count, bool inclusive);
template<bool only_move>
Selection select_to_line_end(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
ByteCoord begin = selection.cursor();
LineCount line = begin.line;
ByteCoord end = utf8::previous(buffer.iterator_at({line, buffer[line].length() - 1}),
return target_eol({only_move ? end : begin, end});
template<bool only_move>
Selection select_to_line_begin(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection)
ByteCoord begin = selection.cursor();
ByteCoord end = begin.line;
return {only_move ? end : begin, end};
enum class ObjectFlags
ToBegin = 1,
ToEnd = 2,
Inner = 4
template<> struct WithBitOps<ObjectFlags> : std::true_type {};
template<WordType word_type>
Selection select_word(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags)
Utf8Iterator first = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor());
Utf8Iterator last = first;
if (is_word<word_type>(*first))
if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin)
skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_word<word_type>);
if (not is_word<word_type>(*first))
if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd)
skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_word<word_type>);
if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner))
skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
else if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner))
if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin)
skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_horizontal_blank);
if (not is_word<word_type>(*first))
return selection;
skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_word<word_type>);
if (not is_word<word_type>(*first))
if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd)
skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank);
return (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) ? utf8_range(first, last)
: utf8_range(last, first);
Selection select_number(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags);
Selection select_sentence(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags);
Selection select_paragraph(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags);
Selection select_whitespaces(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags);
Selection select_indent(const Buffer& buffer,
const Selection& selection,
ObjectFlags flags);
Selection select_lines(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection);
Selection trim_partial_lines(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection);
void select_buffer(SelectionList& selections);
enum Direction { Forward, Backward };
inline bool find_last_match(BufferIterator begin, const BufferIterator& end,
MatchResults<BufferIterator>& res,
const Regex& regex)
MatchResults<BufferIterator> matches;
while (regex_search(begin, end, matches, regex))
if (begin == matches[0].second)
begin = matches[0].second;
return not res.empty();
template<Direction direction>
bool find_match_in_buffer(const Buffer& buffer, const BufferIterator pos,
MatchResults<BufferIterator>& matches,
const Regex& ex)
if (direction == Forward)
return (regex_search(pos, buffer.end(), matches, ex) or
regex_search(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), matches, ex));
return (find_last_match(buffer.begin(), pos, matches, ex) or
find_last_match(buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), matches, ex));
inline BufferIterator ensure_char_start(const Buffer& buffer, const BufferIterator& it)
return it != buffer.end() ?
utf8::character_start(it, buffer.iterator_at(it.coord().line)) : it;
template<Direction direction>
Selection find_next_match(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& sel, const Regex& regex)
auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(direction == Backward ? sel.min() : sel.max());
auto end = begin;
CaptureList captures;
MatchResults<BufferIterator> matches;
bool found = false;
auto pos = direction == Forward ? utf8::next(begin, buffer.end())
: utf8::previous(begin, buffer.begin());
if ((found = find_match_in_buffer<direction>(buffer, pos, matches, regex)))
begin = ensure_char_start(buffer, matches[0].first);
end = ensure_char_start(buffer, matches[0].second);
for (auto& match : matches)
captures.emplace_back(match.first, match.second);
if (not found or begin == buffer.end())
throw runtime_error(format("'{}': no matches found", regex.str()));
end = (begin == end) ? end : utf8::previous(end, begin);
if (direction == Backward)
std::swap(begin, end);
return {begin.coord(), end.coord(), std::move(captures)};
void select_all_matches(SelectionList& selections, const Regex& regex);
void split_selections(SelectionList& selections, const Regex& separator_regex);
struct MatchingPair { Codepoint opening, closing; };
Selection select_surrounding(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection,
MatchingPair matching, int level, ObjectFlags flags);
#endif // selectors_hh_INCLUDED