# https://www.iterm2.com # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ provide-module iterm %{ # ensure that we're running on iTerm evaluate-commands %sh{ [ -z "${kak_opt_windowing_modules}" ] || [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "iTerm.app" ] || echo 'fail iTerm not detected' } define-command -hidden -params 2.. iterm-terminal-split-impl %{ nop %sh{ direction="$1" shift # join the arguments as one string for the shell execution (see x11.kak) args=$( for i in "$@"; do if [ "$i" = '' ]; then printf "'' " else printf %s "$i" | sed -e "s|'|'\\\\''|g; s|^|'|; s|$|' |" fi done ) # go through another round of escaping for osascript # \ -> \\ # " -> \" escaped=$(printf %s "$args" | sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g; s|"|\\"|g') cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' $escaped" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " tell current session of current window" \ -e " tell (split ${direction} with same profile command \"${cmd}\") to select" \ -e " end tell" \ -e "end tell" >/dev/null } } define-command iterm-terminal-vertical -params 1.. -shell-completion -docstring ' iterm-terminal-vertical <program> [<arguments>]: create a new terminal as an iterm pane The current pane is split into two, left and right The program passed as argument will be executed in the new terminal'\ %{ iterm-terminal-split-impl 'vertically' %arg{@} } define-command iterm-terminal-horizontal -params 1.. -shell-completion -docstring ' iterm-terminal-horizontal <program> [<arguments>]: create a new terminal as an iterm pane The current pane is split into two, top and bottom The program passed as argument will be executed in the new terminal'\ %{ iterm-terminal-split-impl 'horizontally' %arg{@} } define-command iterm-terminal-tab -params 1.. -shell-completion -docstring ' iterm-terminal-tab <program> [<arguments>]: create a new terminal as an iterm tab The program passed as argument will be executed in the new terminal'\ %{ nop %sh{ # see above args=$( for i in "$@"; do if [ "$i" = '' ]; then printf "'' " else printf %s "$i" | sed -e "s|'|'\\\\''|g; s|^|'|; s|$|' |" fi done ) escaped=$(printf %s "$args" | sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g; s|"|\\"|g') cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' $escaped" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " tell current window" \ -e " create tab with default profile command \"${cmd}\"" \ -e " end tell" \ -e "end tell" >/dev/null } } define-command iterm-terminal-window -params 1.. -shell-completion -docstring ' iterm-terminal-window <program> [<arguments>]: create a new terminal as an iterm window The program passed as argument will be executed in the new terminal'\ %{ nop %sh{ # see above args=$( for i in "$@"; do if [ "$i" = '' ]; then printf "'' " else printf %s "$i" | sed -e "s|'|'\\\\''|g; s|^|'|; s|$|' |" fi done ) escaped=$(printf %s "$args" | sed -e 's|\\|\\\\|g; s|"|\\"|g') cmd="env PATH='${PATH}' TMPDIR='${TMPDIR}' $escaped" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\"" \ -e " create window with default profile command \"${cmd}\"" \ -e "end tell" >/dev/null } } define-command iterm-focus -params ..1 -client-completion -docstring ' iterm-focus [<client>]: focus the given client If no client is passed then the current one is used' \ %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then printf %s\\n "evaluate-commands -client '$1' focus" else session="${kak_client_env_ITERM_SESSION_ID#*:}" osascript \ -e "tell application \"iTerm\" to repeat with aWin in windows" \ -e " tell aWin to repeat with aTab in tabs" \ -e " tell aTab to repeat with aSession in sessions" \ -e " tell aSession" \ -e " if (unique id = \"${session}\") then" \ -e " tell aWin" \ -e " select" \ -e " end tell" \ -e " tell aTab" \ -e " select" \ -e " end tell" \ -e " select" \ -e " end if" \ -e " end tell" \ -e " end repeat" \ -e " end repeat" \ -e "end repeat" fi } } alias global focus iterm-focus alias global terminal iterm-terminal-vertical }