#include "assert.hh" #include "buffer.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "client_manager.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "commands.hh" #include "containers.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "highlighters.hh" #include "insert_completer.hh" #include "shared_string.hh" #include "ncurses_ui.hh" #include "json_ui.hh" #include "parameters_parser.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "remote.hh" #include "scope.hh" #include "shell_manager.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "unit_tests.hh" #include "window.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Kakoune; struct startup_error : Kakoune::runtime_error { using Kakoune::runtime_error::runtime_error; }; String runtime_directory() { char relpath[PATH_MAX+1]; format_to(relpath, "{}../share/kak", split_path(get_kak_binary_path()).first); struct stat st; if (stat(relpath, &st) == 0 and S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) return real_path(relpath); return "/usr/share/kak"; } void register_env_vars() { static const struct { const char* name; bool prefix; String (*func)(StringView, const Context&); } env_vars[] = { { "bufname", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return context.buffer().display_name(); } }, { "buffile", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return context.buffer().name(); } }, { "buflist", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return join(BufferManager::instance() | transform([](const std::unique_ptr& b) { return b->display_name(); }), ':'); } }, { "timestamp", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return to_string(context.buffer().timestamp()); } }, { "selection", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { const Selection& sel = context.selections().main(); return content(context.buffer(), sel); } }, { "selections", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return join(context.selections_content(), ':'); } }, { "runtime", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return runtime_directory(); } }, { "opt_", true, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return context.options()[name.substr(4_byte)].get_as_string(); } }, { "reg_", true, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return context.main_sel_register_value(name.substr(4_byte)).str(); } }, { "client_env_", true, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return context.client().get_env_var(name.substr(11_byte)).str(); } }, { "session", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return Server::instance().session(); } }, { "client", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return context.name(); } }, { "cursor_line", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().line + 1); } }, { "cursor_column", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return to_string(context.selections().main().cursor().column + 1); } }, { "cursor_char_column", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { auto coord = context.selections().main().cursor(); return to_string(context.buffer()[coord.line].char_count_to(coord.column) + 1); } }, { "cursor_byte_offset", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { auto cursor = context.selections().main().cursor(); return to_string(context.buffer().distance({0,0}, cursor)); } }, { "selection_desc", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return selection_to_string(context.selections().main()); } }, { "selections_desc", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) { return selection_list_to_string(context.selections()); } }, { "window_width", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return to_string(context.window().dimensions().column); } }, { "window_height", false, [](StringView name, const Context& context) -> String { return to_string(context.window().dimensions().line); } } }; ShellManager& shell_manager = ShellManager::instance(); for (auto& env_var : env_vars) shell_manager.register_env_var(env_var.name, env_var.prefix, env_var.func); } void register_registers() { RegisterManager& register_manager = RegisterManager::instance(); for (auto c : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/\"|^@") register_manager.add_register(c, make_unique()); using StringList = Vector; register_manager.add_register('%', make_dyn_reg( [](const Context& context) { return StringList{{context.buffer().display_name()}}; })); register_manager.add_register('.', make_dyn_reg( [](const Context& context) { auto content = context.selections_content(); return StringList{content.begin(), content.end()}; })); register_manager.add_register('#', make_dyn_reg( [](const Context& context) { StringList res; for (size_t i = 1; i < context.selections().size()+1; ++i) res.push_back(to_string((int)i)); return res; })); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { register_manager.add_register('0'+i, make_dyn_reg( [i](const Context& context) { StringList result; for (auto& sel : context.selections()) result.emplace_back(i < sel.captures().size() ? sel.captures()[i] : ""); return result; })); } register_manager.add_register('_', make_unique()); } static void check_tabstop(const int& val) { if (val < 1) throw runtime_error{"tabstop should be strictly positive"}; } static void check_indentwidth(const int& val) { if (val < 0) throw runtime_error{"indentwidth should be positive or zero"}; } static void check_scrolloff(const CharCoord& so) { if (so.line < 0 or so.column < 0) throw runtime_error{"scroll offset must be positive or zero"}; } void register_options() { OptionsRegistry& reg = GlobalScope::instance().option_registry(); reg.declare_option("tabstop", "size of a tab character", 8); reg.declare_option("indentwidth", "indentation width", 4); reg.declare_option( "scrolloff", "number of lines and columns to keep visible main cursor when scrolling", {0,0}); reg.declare_option("eolformat", "end of line format: crlf or lf", EolFormat::Lf); reg.declare_option("BOM", "insert a byte order mark when writing buffer (none or utf8)", ByteOrderMark::None); reg.declare_option("incsearch", "incrementaly apply search/select/split regex", true); reg.declare_option("autoinfo", "automatically display contextual help", AutoInfo::Command | AutoInfo::OnKey); reg.declare_option("autoshowcompl", "automatically display possible completions for prompts", true); reg.declare_option("aligntab", "use tab characters when possible for alignement", false); reg.declare_option("ignored_files", "patterns to ignore when completing filenames", Regex{R"(^(\..*|.*\.(o|so|a))$)"}); reg.declare_option("disabled_hooks", "patterns to disable hooks whose group is matched", Regex{}); reg.declare_option("filetype", "buffer filetype", ""_str); reg.declare_option("path", "path to consider when trying to find a file", Vector({ "./", "/usr/include" })); reg.declare_option("completers", "insert mode completers to execute.", InsertCompleterDescList({ InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Filename }, InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Word, "all"_str } }), OptionFlags::None); reg.declare_option("static_words", "list of words to always consider for insert word completion", Vector{}); reg.declare_option("autoreload", "autoreload buffer when a filesystem modification is detected", Autoreload::Ask); reg.declare_option("ui_options", "colon separated list of = options that are " "passed to and interpreted by the user interface\n" "\n" "The ncurses ui supports the following options:\n" ": :\n" " ncurses_assistant clippy|cat|none|off\n" " ncurses_status_on_top bool\n" " ncurses_set_title bool\n" " ncurses_enable_mouse bool\n" " ncurses_wheel_up_button int\n" " ncurses_wheel_down_button int\n" " ncurses_buffer_padding_str str\n" " ncurses_buffer_padding_type fill|single|off\n", UserInterface::Options{}); reg.declare_option("modelinefmt", "format string used to generate the modeline", "%val{bufname} %val{cursor_line}:%val{cursor_char_column} "_str); reg.declare_option("debug", "various debug flags", DebugFlags::None); } struct convert_to_client_mode { String session; String buffer_name; }; enum class UIType { NCurses, Json, Dummy, }; static Client* local_client = nullptr; static UserInterface* local_ui = nullptr; static bool convert_to_client_pending = false; pid_t fork_server_to_background() { if (pid_t pid = fork()) return pid; if (fork()) // double fork to orphan the server exit(0); write_stderr(format("Kakoune forked server to background ({}), for session '{}'\n", getpid(), Server::instance().session())); return 0; } std::unique_ptr make_ui(UIType ui_type) { struct DummyUI : UserInterface { DummyUI() { set_signal_handler(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } void menu_show(ConstArrayView, CharCoord, Face, Face, MenuStyle) override {} void menu_select(int) override {} void menu_hide() override {} void info_show(StringView, StringView, CharCoord, Face, InfoStyle) override {} void info_hide() override {} void draw(const DisplayBuffer&, const Face&, const Face&) override {} void draw_status(const DisplayLine&, const DisplayLine&, const Face&) override {} CharCoord dimensions() override { return {24,80}; } bool is_key_available() override { return false; } Key get_key() override { return Key::Invalid; } void refresh(bool) override {} void set_input_callback(InputCallback) override {} void set_ui_options(const Options&) override {} }; switch (ui_type) { case UIType::NCurses: return make_unique(); case UIType::Json: return make_unique(); case UIType::Dummy: return make_unique(); } throw logic_error{}; } std::unique_ptr create_local_ui(UIType ui_type) { if (ui_type != UIType::NCurses) return make_ui(ui_type); struct LocalUI : NCursesUI { LocalUI() { kak_assert(not local_ui); local_ui = this; m_old_sighup = set_signal_handler(SIGHUP, [](int) { ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, false); }); m_old_sigtstp = set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, [](int) { if (ClientManager::instance().count() == 1 and *ClientManager::instance().begin() == local_client) { // Suspend normally if we are the only client auto current = set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, static_cast(local_ui)->m_old_sigtstp); sigset_t unblock_sigtstp, old_mask; sigemptyset(&unblock_sigtstp); sigaddset(&unblock_sigtstp, SIGTSTP); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblock_sigtstp, &old_mask); raise(SIGTSTP); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, nullptr); set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, current); } else convert_to_client_pending = true; }); } ~LocalUI() { set_signal_handler(SIGHUP, m_old_sighup); set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, m_old_sigtstp); local_client = nullptr; local_ui = nullptr; if (not convert_to_client_pending and not ClientManager::instance().empty()) { if (fork_server_to_background()) { this->NCursesUI::~NCursesUI(); exit(0); } } } private: using SigHandler = void (*)(int); SigHandler m_old_sighup; SigHandler m_old_sigtstp; }; if (not isatty(1)) throw startup_error("stdout is not a tty"); if (not isatty(0)) { // move stdin to another fd, and restore tty as stdin int fd = dup(0); int tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY); dup2(tty, 0); close(tty); create_fifo_buffer("*stdin*", fd); } return make_unique(); } void signal_handler(int signal) { NCursesUI::abort(); const char* text = nullptr; switch (signal) { case SIGSEGV: text = "SIGSEGV"; break; case SIGFPE: text = "SIGFPE"; break; case SIGQUIT: text = "SIGQUIT"; break; case SIGTERM: text = "SIGTERM"; break; case SIGPIPE: text = "SIGPIPE"; break; } if (signal != SIGTERM) { auto msg = format("Received {}, exiting.\nPid: {}\nCallstack:\n{}", text, getpid(), Backtrace{}.desc()); write_stderr(msg); notify_fatal_error(msg); } if (Server::has_instance()) Server::instance().close_session(); if (BufferManager::has_instance()) BufferManager::instance().backup_modified_buffers(); if (signal == SIGTERM) exit(-1); else abort(); } int run_client(StringView session, StringView init_command, UIType ui_type) { try { EventManager event_manager; RemoteClient client{session, make_ui(ui_type), get_env_vars(), init_command}; while (true) event_manager.handle_next_events(EventMode::Normal); } catch (peer_disconnected&) { write_stderr("disconnected from server\n"); return -1; } catch (connection_failed& e) { write_stderr(format("{}\n", e.what())); return -1; } return 0; } int run_server(StringView session, StringView init_command, bool ignore_kakrc, bool daemon, UIType ui_type, ConstArrayView files, ByteCoord target_coord) { static bool terminate = false; if (daemon) { if (session.empty()) { write_stderr("-d needs a session name to be specified with -s\n"); return -1; } if (pid_t child = fork()) { write_stderr(format("Kakoune forked to background, for session '{}'\n" "send SIGTERM to process {} for closing the session\n", session, child)); exit(0); } set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, [](int) { terminate = true; }); } StringRegistry string_registry; EventManager event_manager; GlobalScope global_scope; ShellManager shell_manager; CommandManager command_manager; RegisterManager register_manager; HighlighterRegistry highlighter_registry; DefinedHighlighters defined_highlighters; FaceRegistry face_registry; ClientManager client_manager; BufferManager buffer_manager; register_options(); register_env_vars(); register_registers(); register_commands(); register_highlighters(); UnitTest::run_all_tests(); write_to_debug_buffer("*** This is the debug buffer, where debug info will be written ***"); Server server(session.empty() ? to_string(getpid()) : session.str()); bool startup_error = false; if (not ignore_kakrc) try { Context initialisation_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}}; command_manager.execute(format("source {}/kakrc", runtime_directory()), initialisation_context); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { startup_error = true; write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while parsing kakrc:\n {}", error.what())); } catch (Kakoune::client_removed&) { startup_error = true; write_to_debug_buffer("error while parsing kakrc: asked to quit"); } { Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}}; global_scope.hooks().run_hook("KakBegin", "", empty_context); } if (not files.empty()) try { // create buffers in reverse order so that the first given buffer // is the most recently created one. for (auto& file : files | reverse()) { try { open_or_create_file_buffer(file); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { startup_error = true; write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening file '{}':\n {}", file, error.what())); } } } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("error while opening command line files: {}", error.what())); } else buffer_manager.create_buffer("*scratch*", Buffer::Flags::None); if (not daemon) { local_client = client_manager.create_client( create_local_ui(ui_type), get_env_vars(), init_command); if (local_client) { auto& selections = local_client->context().selections_write_only(); auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); selections = SelectionList(buffer, buffer.clamp(target_coord)); local_client->context().window().center_line(target_coord.line); if (startup_error) local_client->print_status({ "error during startup, see *debug* buffer for details", get_face("Error") }); } } try { while (not terminate and (not client_manager.empty() or daemon)) { client_manager.redraw_clients(); event_manager.handle_next_events(EventMode::Normal); client_manager.handle_pending_inputs(); client_manager.clear_window_trash(); buffer_manager.clear_buffer_trash(); string_registry.purge_unused(); if (convert_to_client_pending) { String buffer_name = local_client->context().buffer().name(); ClientManager::instance().remove_client(*local_client, true); convert_to_client_pending = false; if (fork_server_to_background()) { String session = server.session(); server.close_session(false); throw convert_to_client_mode{ std::move(session), std::move(buffer_name) }; } } } } catch (const kill_session&) {} { Context empty_context{Context::EmptyContextFlag{}}; global_scope.hooks().run_hook("KakEnd", "", empty_context); } return 0; } int run_filter(StringView keystr, StringView commands, ConstArrayView files, bool quiet) { StringRegistry string_registry; GlobalScope global_scope; EventManager event_manager; ShellManager shell_manager; CommandManager command_manager; RegisterManager register_manager; ClientManager client_manager; BufferManager buffer_manager; register_options(); register_env_vars(); register_registers(); register_commands(); try { auto keys = parse_keys(keystr); auto apply_to_buffer = [&](Buffer& buffer) { try { InputHandler input_handler{ { buffer, Selection{{0,0}, buffer.back_coord()} }, Context::Flags::Transient }; if (not commands.empty()) command_manager.execute(commands, input_handler.context(), ShellContext{}); for (auto& key : keys) input_handler.handle_key(key); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& err) { if (not quiet) write_stderr(format("error while applying keys to buffer '{}': {}\n", buffer.display_name(), err.what())); } }; for (auto& file : files) { Buffer* buffer = open_file_buffer(file); write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, file + ".kak-bak"); apply_to_buffer(*buffer); write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, file); buffer_manager.delete_buffer(*buffer); } if (not isatty(0)) { Buffer* buffer = buffer_manager.create_buffer( "*stdin*", Buffer::Flags::None, read_fd(0), InvalidTime); apply_to_buffer(*buffer); write_buffer_to_fd(*buffer, 1); buffer_manager.delete_buffer(*buffer); } } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& err) { write_stderr(format("error: {}\n", err.what())); } buffer_manager.clear_buffer_trash(); return 0; } int run_pipe(StringView session) { char buf[512]; String command; while (ssize_t count = read(0, buf, 512)) { if (count < 0) { write_stderr("error while reading stdin\n"); return -1; } command += StringView{buf, buf + count}; } try { send_command(session, command); } catch (connection_failed& e) { write_stderr(format("{}\n", e.what())); return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { std::locale::global(std::locale("")); } catch (std::runtime_error&) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); } set_signal_handler(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); set_signal_handler(SIGFPE, signal_handler); set_signal_handler(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); set_signal_handler(SIGTERM, signal_handler); set_signal_handler(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); set_signal_handler(SIGINT, [](int){}); set_signal_handler(SIGCHLD, [](int){}); Vector params; for (size_t i = 1; i < argc; ++i) params.push_back(argv[i]); const ParameterDesc param_desc{ SwitchMap{ { "c", { true, "connect to given session" } }, { "e", { true, "execute argument on initialisation" } }, { "n", { false, "do not source kakrc files on startup" } }, { "s", { true, "set session name" } }, { "d", { false, "run as a headless session (requires -s)" } }, { "p", { true, "just send stdin as commands to the given session" } }, { "f", { true, "act as a filter, executing given keys on given files" } }, { "q", { false, "in filter mode, be quiet about errors applying keys" } }, { "ui", { true, "set the type of user interface to use (ncurses, dummy, or json)" } }, { "l", { false, "list existing sessions" } } } }; try { std::sort(keymap.begin(), keymap.end(), [](const NormalCmdDesc& lhs, const NormalCmdDesc& rhs) { return lhs.key < rhs.key; }); ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc); if (parser.get_switch("l")) { for (auto& file : list_files(format("/tmp/kakoune/{}/", getpwuid(geteuid())->pw_name))) write_stdout(format("{}\n", file)); return 0; } if (auto session = parser.get_switch("p")) { for (auto opt : { "c", "n", "s", "d", "e" }) { if (parser.get_switch(opt)) { write_stderr(format("error: -{} makes not sense with -p\n", opt)); return -1; } } return run_pipe(*session); } auto init_command = parser.get_switch("e").value_or(StringView{}); auto ui_name = parser.get_switch("ui").value_or("ncurses"); UIType ui_type; if (ui_name == "ncurses") ui_type = UIType::NCurses; else if (ui_name == "json") ui_type = UIType::Json; else if (ui_name == "dummy") ui_type = UIType::Dummy; else { write_stderr(format("error: unknown ui type: '{}'", ui_name)); return -1; } if (auto keys = parser.get_switch("f")) { Vector files; for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.positional_count(); ++i) files.emplace_back(parser[i]); return run_filter(*keys, init_command, files, (bool)parser.get_switch("q")); } if (auto server_session = parser.get_switch("c")) { for (auto opt : { "n", "s", "d" }) { if (parser.get_switch(opt)) { write_stderr(format("error: -{} makes not sense with -c\n", opt)); return -1; } } String new_files; for (auto name : parser) new_files += format("edit '{}';", escape(real_path(name), "'", '\\')); return run_client(*server_session, new_files + init_command, ui_type); } else { ByteCoord target_coord; Vector files; for (auto& name : parser) { if (not name.empty() and name[0_byte] == '+') { auto colon = find(name, ':'); if (auto line = str_to_int_ifp({name.begin()+1, colon})) { target_coord.line = *line - 1; if (colon != name.end()) target_coord.column = str_to_int_ifp({colon+1, name.end()}).value_or(1) - 1; continue; } } files.emplace_back(name); } StringView session = parser.get_switch("s").value_or(StringView{}); try { return run_server(session, init_command, (bool)parser.get_switch("n"), (bool)parser.get_switch("d"), ui_type, files, target_coord); } catch (convert_to_client_mode& convert) { raise(SIGTSTP); return run_client(convert.session, format("try %^buffer '{}'^; echo converted to client only mode", escape(convert.buffer_name, "'^", '\\')), ui_type); } } } catch (Kakoune::parameter_error& error) { write_stderr(format("Error while parsing parameters: {}\n" "Valid switches:\n" "{}", error.what(), generate_switches_doc(param_desc.switches))); return -1; } catch (startup_error& error) { write_stderr(format("Could not start kakoune: {}\n", error.what())); return -1; } catch (Kakoune::exception& error) { write_stderr(format("uncaught exception ({}):\n{}", typeid(error).name(), error.what())); return -1; } catch (std::exception& error) { write_stderr(format("uncaught exception ({}):\n{}", typeid(error).name(), error.what())); return -1; } catch (...) { write_stderr("uncaught exception"); return -1; } return 0; }