#include "window.hh" #include "buffer.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "regex_selector.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "selectors.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include #include #include using namespace Kakoune; using namespace std::placeholders; void set_attribute(int attribute, bool on) { if (on) attron(attribute); else attroff(attribute); } int nc_color(Color color) { switch (color) { case Color::Black: return COLOR_BLACK; case Color::Red: return COLOR_RED; case Color::Green: return COLOR_GREEN; case Color::Yellow: return COLOR_YELLOW; case Color::Blue: return COLOR_BLUE; case Color::Magenta: return COLOR_MAGENTA; case Color::Cyan: return COLOR_CYAN; case Color::White: return COLOR_WHITE; case Color::Default: default: return COLOR_BLACK; } } void set_color(Color fg_color, Color bg_color) { static std::map, int> colorpairs; static int current_pair = -1; static int next_pair = 0; if (current_pair != -1) attroff(COLOR_PAIR(current_pair)); std::pair colorpair(fg_color, bg_color); auto it = colorpairs.find(colorpair); if (it != colorpairs.end()) { current_pair = it->second; attron(COLOR_PAIR(it->second)); } else { init_pair(next_pair, nc_color(fg_color), nc_color(bg_color)); colorpairs[colorpair] = next_pair; current_pair = next_pair; attron(COLOR_PAIR(next_pair)); ++next_pair; } } void draw_window(Window& window) { int max_x,max_y; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); max_y -= 1; window.set_dimensions(WindowCoord(max_y, max_x)); window.update_display_buffer(); WindowCoord position; for (const DisplayAtom& atom : window.display_buffer()) { const std::string& content = atom.content; set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, atom.attribute & Underline); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, atom.attribute & Reverse); set_attribute(A_BLINK, atom.attribute & Blink); set_attribute(A_BOLD, atom.attribute & Bold); set_color(atom.fg_color, atom.bg_color); size_t pos = 0; size_t end; while (true) { move(position.line, position.column); clrtoeol(); end = content.find_first_of('\n', pos); std::string line = content.substr(pos, end - pos); addstr(line.c_str()); if (end != std::string::npos) { addch(' '); position.line = position.line + 1; position.column = 0; pos = end + 1; if (position.line >= max_y) break; } else { position.column += line.length(); break; } } if (position.line >= max_y) break; } while (++position.line < max_y) { move(position.line, 0); clrtoeol(); addch('~'); } set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, 0); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 0); set_attribute(A_BLINK, 0); set_attribute(A_BOLD, 0); set_color(Color::Cyan, Color::Black); std::string status_line = window.status_line(); move(max_y, max_x - status_line.length()); clrtoeol(); addstr(status_line.c_str()); const WindowCoord& cursor_position = window.cursor_position(); move(cursor_position.line, cursor_position.column); } void init_ncurses() { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); intrflush(stdscr, false); keypad(stdscr, true); curs_set(2); start_color(); } void deinit_ncurses() { endwin(); } struct prompt_aborted {}; struct NullCompletion { Completions operator() (const std::string&, size_t cursor_pos) { return Completions(cursor_pos, cursor_pos); } }; std::string prompt(const std::string& text, std::function completer = NullCompletion()) { int max_x, max_y; getmaxyx(stdscr, max_y, max_x); move(max_y-1, 0); addstr(text.c_str()); clrtoeol(); std::string result; size_t cursor_pos = 0; Completions completions; int current_completion = -1; std::string text_before_completion; while(true) { char c = getch(); switch (c) { case '\r': return result; case 4: if (cursor_pos > 0) --cursor_pos; break; case 5: if (cursor_pos < result.length()) ++cursor_pos; break; case 7: if (cursor_pos != 0) { result = result.substr(0, cursor_pos - 1) + result.substr(cursor_pos, std::string::npos); --cursor_pos; } current_completion = -1; break; case 27: throw prompt_aborted(); case '\t': { if (current_completion == -1) { completions = completer(result, cursor_pos); if (completions.candidates.empty()) break; text_before_completion = result.substr(completions.start, completions.end - completions.start); } ++current_completion; std::string completion; if (current_completion >= completions.candidates.size()) { if (current_completion == completions.candidates.size() and std::find(completions.candidates.begin(), completions.candidates.end(), text_before_completion) == completions.candidates.end()) completion = text_before_completion; else { current_completion = 0; completion = completions.candidates[0]; } } else completion = completions.candidates[current_completion]; move(max_y-1, text.length()); result = result.substr(0, completions.start) + completion; cursor_pos = completions.start + completion.length(); break; } default: current_completion = -1; result = result.substr(0, cursor_pos) + c + result.substr(cursor_pos, std::string::npos); ++cursor_pos; } move(max_y - 1, text.length()); clrtoeol(); addstr(result.c_str()); move(max_y - 1, text.length() + cursor_pos); refresh(); } return result; } void print_status(const std::string& status) { int x,y; getmaxyx(stdscr, y, x); move(y-1, 0); clrtoeol(); addstr(status.c_str()); } struct scoped_status { scoped_status(const std::string& status) { print_status(status); refresh(); } ~scoped_status() { print_status(""); refresh(); } }; void do_insert(Window& window, IncrementalInserter::Mode mode) { scoped_status("-- INSERT --"); Kakoune::IncrementalInserter inserter(window, mode); draw_window(window); while(true) { const WindowCoord& pos = window.cursor_position(); move(pos.line, pos.column); char c = getch(); switch (c) { case 27: return; case 4: inserter.move_cursor({0, -1}); break; case 5: inserter.move_cursor({0, 1}); break; case 7: inserter.erase(); break; case '\r': c = '\n'; default: inserter.insert(std::string() + c); } draw_window(window); } window.clear_selections(); } void do_go(Window& window, int count) { BufferIterator target; if (count != 0) target = window.buffer().iterator_at({count, 0}); else { char c = getch(); switch (c) { case 'g': case 't': target = window.buffer().iterator_at({0,0}); break; case 'l': target = window.iterator_at(window.cursor_position()); while (not target.is_end() and *target != '\n') ++target; --target; break; case 'h': target = window.iterator_at(window.cursor_position()); while (not target.is_begin() and *target != '\n') --target; ++target; break; case 'b': target = window.buffer().iterator_at( {window.buffer().line_count() - 1, 0}); break; break; } } window.move_cursor_to(window.line_and_column_at(target)); } Window* current_window; void edit(const CommandParameters& params) { if (params.size() != 1) throw wrong_argument_count(); std::string filename = params[0]; Buffer* buffer = NULL; try { buffer = create_buffer_from_file(filename); } catch (file_not_found& what) { print_status("new file " + filename); buffer = new Buffer(filename); } current_window = buffer->get_or_create_window(); } void write_buffer(const CommandParameters& params) { if (params.size() > 1) throw wrong_argument_count(); Buffer& buffer = current_window->buffer(); std::string filename = params.empty() ? buffer.name() : params[0]; write_buffer_to_file(buffer, filename); buffer.notify_saved(); } bool quit_requested = false; template void quit(const CommandParameters& params) { if (params.size() != 0) throw wrong_argument_count(); if (not force) { for (auto& buffer : BufferManager::instance()) { if (buffer.is_modified()) { print_status("modified buffer remaining"); return; } } } quit_requested = true; } void show_buffer(const CommandParameters& params) { if (params.size() != 1) throw wrong_argument_count(); Buffer* buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(params[0]); if (not buffer) print_status("buffer " + params[0] + " does not exists"); else current_window = buffer->get_or_create_window(); } void do_command() { try { auto cmdline = prompt(":", std::bind(&CommandManager::complete, &CommandManager::instance(), _1, _2)); CommandManager::instance().execute(cmdline); } catch (prompt_aborted&) {} } void do_search(Window& window) { try { std::string ex = prompt("/"); if (ex.empty()) ex = RegisterManager::instance()['/']; else RegisterManager::instance()['/'] = ex; window.select(RegexSelector(ex)); } catch (prompt_aborted&) {} } void do_search_next(Window& window) { std::string& ex = RegisterManager::instance()['/']; if (not ex.empty()) window.select(RegexSelector(ex)); else print_status("no search pattern"); } void do_yank(Window& window, int count) { RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = window.selection_content(); window.clear_selections(); } void do_erase(Window& window, int count) { RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = window.selection_content(); window.erase(); window.clear_selections(); } void do_change(Window& window, int count) { RegisterManager::instance()['"'] = window.selection_content(); do_insert(window, IncrementalInserter::Mode::Change); window.clear_selections(); } template void do_paste(Window& window, int count) { if (append) window.append(RegisterManager::instance()['"']); else window.insert(RegisterManager::instance()['"']); window.clear_selections(); } std::unordered_map> keymap = { { 'h', [](Window& window, int count) { window.move_cursor(WindowCoord(0, -std::max(count,1))); } }, { 'j', [](Window& window, int count) { window.move_cursor(WindowCoord( std::max(count,1), 0)); } }, { 'k', [](Window& window, int count) { window.move_cursor(WindowCoord(-std::max(count,1), 0)); } }, { 'l', [](Window& window, int count) { window.move_cursor(WindowCoord(0, std::max(count,1))); } }, { 't', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select(std::bind(select_to, _1, getch(), count, false)); } }, { 'f', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select(std::bind(select_to, _1, getch(), count, true)); } }, { 'T', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select(std::bind(select_to_reverse, _1, getch(), count, false)); } }, { 'F', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select(std::bind(select_to_reverse, _1, getch(), count, true)); } }, { 'd', do_erase }, { 'c', do_change }, { 'i', [](Window& window, int count) { do_insert(window, IncrementalInserter::Mode::Insert); } }, { 'a', [](Window& window, int count) { do_insert(window, IncrementalInserter::Mode::Append); } }, { 'o', [](Window& window, int count) { do_insert(window, IncrementalInserter::Mode::OpenLineBelow); } }, { 'O', [](Window& window, int count) { do_insert(window, IncrementalInserter::Mode::OpenLineAbove); } }, { 'g', do_go }, { 'y', do_yank }, { 'p', do_paste }, { 'P', do_paste }, { 'v', [](Window& window, int count) { window.set_select_mode(window.select_mode() == Window::SelectMode::Append ? Window::SelectMode::Normal : Window::SelectMode::Append); } }, { 27, [](Window& window, int count) { window.set_select_mode(Window::SelectMode::Normal); } }, { '%', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select([](const BufferIterator& cursor) { return Selection(cursor.buffer().begin(), cursor.buffer().end()-1); }); } }, { ':', [](Window& window, int count) { do_command(); } }, { ' ', [](Window& window, int count) { window.clear_selections(); } }, { 'w', [](Window& window, int count) { do { window.select(select_to_next_word); } while(--count > 0); } }, { 'e', [](Window& window, int count) { do { window.select(select_to_next_word_end); } while(--count > 0); } }, { 'b', [](Window& window, int count) { do { window.select(select_to_previous_word); } while(--count > 0); } }, { '.', [](Window& window, int count) { do { window.select(select_line); } while(--count > 0); } }, { 'm', [](Window& window, int count) { window.select(select_matching); } }, { '/', [](Window& window, int count) { do_search(window); } }, { 'n', [](Window& window, int count) { do_search_next(window); } }, { 'u', [](Window& window, int count) { do { if (not window.undo()) { print_status("nothing left to undo"); break; } } while(--count > 0); } }, { 'U', [](Window& window, int count) { do { if (not window.redo()) { print_status("nothing left to redo"); break; } } while(--count > 0); } }, }; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { init_ncurses(); CommandManager command_manager; BufferManager buffer_manager; RegisterManager register_manager; command_manager.register_command(std::vector{ "e", "edit" }, edit, PerArgumentCommandCompleter{ complete_filename }); command_manager.register_command(std::vector{ "q", "quit" }, quit); command_manager.register_command(std::vector{ "q!", "quit!" }, quit); command_manager.register_command(std::vector{ "w", "write" }, write_buffer, PerArgumentCommandCompleter{ complete_filename }); command_manager.register_command(std::vector{ "b", "buffer" }, show_buffer, PerArgumentCommandCompleter { complete_buffername }); try { auto buffer = (argc > 1) ? create_buffer_from_file(argv[1]) : new Buffer(""); current_window = buffer->get_or_create_window(); draw_window(*current_window); int count = 0; while(not quit_requested) { try { char c = getch(); if (isdigit(c)) count = count * 10 + c - '0'; else { if (keymap.find(c) != keymap.end()) { keymap[c](*current_window, count); draw_window(*current_window); } count = 0; } } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { print_status(error.description()); } } deinit_ncurses(); } catch (Kakoune::exception& error) { deinit_ncurses(); puts("uncaught exception:\n"); puts(error.description().c_str()); return -1; } catch (...) { deinit_ncurses(); throw; } return 0; }