# http://w3.org/html
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
# Detection
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook global BufCreate .*\.html %{
set-option buffer filetype html
hook global BufCreate .*\.xml %{
set-option buffer filetype xml
hook -once global BufSetOption filetype=(html|xml) %{
require-module html
provide-module html %[
try %{
require-module css
require-module javascript
# Highlighters
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
add-highlighter shared/html regions
add-highlighter shared/html/comment region fill comment
add-highlighter shared/html/tag region < > regions
add-highlighter shared/html/style region ) ref css
add-highlighter shared/html/script region ) ref javascript
add-highlighter shared/html/tag/base default-region group
add-highlighter shared/html/tag/ region '"' (? s \h+$ d }
define-command -hidden html-indent-on-greater-than %[
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %[
# align closing tag to opening when alone on a line
try %[ execute-keys -draft s ^\h+/(\w+)$ {c1,/1 s \A|.\z 1 ]
define-command -hidden html-indent-on-new-line %{
evaluate-commands -draft -itersel %{
# preserve previous line indent
try %{ execute-keys -draft \; K }
# filter previous line
try %{ execute-keys -draft k : html-trim-indent }
# indent after lines ending with opening tag
try %{ execute-keys -draft k (?!area)(?!base)(?!br)(?!col)(?!command)(?!embed)(?!hr)(?!img)(?!input)(?!keygen)(?!link)(?!menuitem)(?!meta)(?!param)(?!source)(?!track)(?!wbr)(?!/)(?!>)[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[^>]*?>$ j } }
# Initialization
# ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
hook -group html-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(html|xml) %{
add-highlighter "window/%val{hook_param_capture_1}" ref html
hook -once -always window WinSetOption "filetype=.*" "
remove-highlighter ""window/%val{hook_param_capture_1}""
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(html|xml) %{
hook window ModeChange insert:.* -group "%val{hook_param_capture_1}-trim-indent" html-trim-indent
hook window InsertChar '>' -group "%val{hook_param_capture_1}-indent" html-indent-on-greater-than
hook window InsertChar \n -group "%val{hook_param_capture_1}-indent" html-indent-on-new-line
hook -once -always window WinSetOption "filetype=.*" "
remove-hooks window ""%val{hook_param_capture_1}-.+""