# http://www.scheme-reports.org # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ # Detection # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global BufCreate (.*/)?(.*\.(scm|ss|sld)) %{ set-option buffer filetype scheme } hook -once global BufSetOption filetype=scheme %{ require-module scheme } provide-module scheme %{ require-module lisp # Highlighters # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ add-highlighter shared/scheme regions add-highlighter shared/scheme/code default-region group add-highlighter shared/scheme/string region '"' (? > >=", operators); # Procedures that create a base type and their predicates (for easier type checking) split("list vector bytevector cons string boolean? list? pair? "\ "vector? bytevector? string? char? complex? eof-object? input-port? "\ "null? number? output-port? procedure? symbol?", types); # R5RS available procedures split("abs acos angle append apply asin assoc assq assv atan "\ "caaaar caaadr caaar caadar caaddr caadr "\ "caar cadaar cadadr cadar caddar cadddr caddr cadr "\ "call-with-current-continuation call-with-input-file "\ "call-with-output-file call-with-values car cdaaar cdaadr cdaar "\ "cdadar cdaddr cdadr cdar cddaar cddadr cddar cdddar cddddr cdddr "\ "cddr cdr ceiling char->integer char-alphabetic? char-ci<=? "\ "char-ci=? char-ci>? char-downcase "\ "char-lower-case? char-numeric? char-ready? char-upcase "\ "char-upper-case? char-whitespace? char<=? char=? char>? close-input-port close-output-port cons cos "\ "current-input-port current-output-port denominator display "\ "dynamic-wind else eq? equal? eqv? eval even? exact->inexact "\ "exact? exp expt floor for-each force gcd imag-part inexact->exact "\ "inexact? integer->char integer? interaction-environment lcm "\ "length list list->string list->vector list-ref list-tail load log "\ "magnitude make-polar make-rectangular make-string make-vector "\ "map max member memq memv min modulo negative? newline not "\ "null-environment number->string numerator odd? open-input-file "\ "open-output-file or peek-char positive? quasiquote quote quotient "\ "rational? rationalize read read-char real-part real? remainder "\ "reverse round scheme-report-environment set-car! set-cdr! sin "\ "sqrt string->list string->number string->symbol string-append "\ "string-ci<=? string-ci=? "\ "string-ci>? string-copy string-fill! string-length string-ref "\ "string-set! string<=? string=? string>? "\ "substring symbol->string tan truncate values vector "\ "vector->list vector-fill! vector-length vector-ref vector-set! "\ "with-input-from-file with-output-to-file write write-char zero?", builtins); non_word_chars="[\\s\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\};\\|]"; normal_identifiers="-!$%&\\*\\+\\./:<=>\\?\\^_~a-zA-Z0-9"; identifier_chars="[" normal_identifiers "][" normal_identifiers ",#]*"; } function add_highlighter(regex, highlight) { printf("add-highlighter shared/scheme/code/ regex \"%s\" %s\n", regex, highlight); } function quoted_join(words, quoted, first) { first=1 for (i in words) { if (!first) { quoted=quoted "|"; } quoted=quoted "\\Q" words[i] "\\E"; first=0; } return quoted; } function add_word_highlighter(words, face, regex) { regex = non_word_chars "+(" quoted_join(words) ")" non_word_chars add_highlighter(regex, "1:" face) } function print_words(words) { for (i in words) { printf(" %s", words[i]); } } BEGIN { printf("hook global WinSetOption filetype=scheme %%{ set-option window static_words "); print_words(keywords); print_words(meta); print_words(operators); print_words(builtins); printf(" }\n") add_word_highlighter(keywords, "keyword"); add_word_highlighter(meta, "meta"); add_word_highlighter(operators, "operator"); add_word_highlighter(builtins, "builtin"); add_word_highlighter(types, "type"); add_highlighter(non_word_chars "+('" identifier_chars ")", "1:attribute"); add_highlighter("\\(define\\W+\\((" identifier_chars ")", "1:function"); add_highlighter("\\(define\\W+(" identifier_chars ")\\W+\\(lambda", "1:function"); } EOF } # Initialization # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook -group scheme-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=scheme %{ add-highlighter window/scheme ref scheme hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-highlighter window/scheme } } hook global WinSetOption filetype=scheme %{ set-option buffer extra_word_chars '_' '-' '!' '%' '?' '<' '>' '=' hook window InsertEnd .* -group scheme-trim-indent lisp-trim-indent hook window InsertChar \n -group scheme-indent lisp-indent-on-new-line hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{ remove-hooks window scheme-.+ } } }