= Faces

== Declaration

A 'face' refers how the specified text is displayed, it has a foreground
color, a background color, and some attributes. The value of a face has the
following format:


'fg_color', 'bg_color'::
    a color whose value can be expressed in the following formats:
        *black*, *red*, *green*, *yellow*, *blue*, *magenta*, *cyan*, *white*:::
        *bright-black*, *bright-red*, *bright-green*, *bright-yellow*:::
        *bright-blue*, *bright-magenta*, *bright-cyan*, *bright-white*:::
            a named color
            keep the existing color
            hexadecimal value

    string whose individual letters set an attribute:
            final, override the previous face instead of merging with it
            an will only be replaced if another face with the final
            attribute is applied
            final foreground, as final but only applies to face's
            foreground color
            final background, as final but only applies to face's
            background color
            final attributes, as final but only applies to face's

    The base face on which this face applies, which can be any face name,
    as long as a cycle is not introduced. A face can reference itself, in
    which case it will apply on top of the parent scope version.

== Builtin faces

The following default faces are used by color schemes to highlight certain
areas of the user interface:

    default colors

    main selection face for every selected character except the cursor

    secondary selection face for every selected character except the cursor

    cursor of the primary selection

    cursor of the secondary selection

    cursor of the primary selection when it lies on and end of line character

    cursor of the secondary selection when it lies on and end of line character

    face for the selected element in menus

    face for the not selected elements in menus

    face for additional information for elements in menus

    face for the informations windows and information messages

    face of error messages

    face used for the status line

    face used for the current mode except the normal mode

    face used for special information

    face used for special values (numeric prefixes, registers, etc.)

    face used for the status line cursor

    face used prompt displayed on the status line

    face applied on the `~` characters that follow the last line of a buffer

=== Builtin highlighters faces

The following faces are used by builtin highlighters if enabled.
(See <<highlighters#,`:doc highlighters`>>).

    face used by the `number-lines` highlighter

    face used to highlight the line number of the main selection

    face used to highlight the line number of wrapped lines

    face used by the `show-matching` highlighter

    face used by the `show-whitespaces` highlighter

== Markup strings

In certain contexts, Kakoune can take a markup string, which is a string
containing formatting informations. In these strings, the {facename}
syntax will enable the face facename until another face gets activated,
or the end of the string is reached.

For example, the following command displays the text "default" in the
Default face, and "error" in the Error face:

echo -markup 'default {Error}error{Default} default'

Inside a markup string, a literal `{` character is written `\{`, and a
literal backslash (`\`) that precedes a '{' character is escaped as well