#include "client_manager.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "containers.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "window.hh" namespace Kakoune { ClientManager::ClientManager() = default; ClientManager::~ClientManager() { clear(); } void ClientManager::clear() { m_free_windows.clear(); // So that clients destructor find the client manager empty // so that local UI does not fork. ClientList clients = std::move(m_clients); m_client_trash.clear(); } String ClientManager::generate_name() const { for (int i = 0; true; ++i) { String name = format("unnamed{}", i); if (validate_client_name(name)) return name; } } Client* ClientManager::create_client(std::unique_ptr&& ui, EnvVarMap env_vars, StringView init_cmds, BufferCoord init_coord) { Buffer& buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_first_buffer(); WindowAndSelections ws = get_free_window(buffer); Client* client = new Client{std::move(ui), std::move(ws.window), std::move(ws.selections), std::move(env_vars), generate_name()}; m_clients.emplace_back(client); auto& selections = client->context().selections_write_only(); selections = SelectionList(buffer, buffer.clamp(init_coord)); client->context().window().center_line(init_coord.line); try { CommandManager::instance().execute(init_cmds, client->context()); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { client->context().print_status({ error.what().str(), get_face("Error") }); client->context().hooks().run_hook("RuntimeError", error.what(), client->context()); } // Do not return the client if it already got moved to the trash return contains(m_clients, client) ? client : nullptr; } void ClientManager::process_pending_inputs() const { while (true) { bool had_input = false; for (auto& client : m_clients) had_input = client->process_pending_inputs() or had_input; if (not had_input) break; } } void ClientManager::remove_client(Client& client, bool graceful) { auto it = find(m_clients, &client); if (it == m_clients.end()) { kak_assert(contains(m_client_trash, &client)); return; } m_client_trash.push_back(std::move(*it)); m_clients.erase(it); if (not graceful and m_clients.empty()) BufferManager::instance().backup_modified_buffers(); } WindowAndSelections ClientManager::get_free_window(Buffer& buffer) { auto it = find_if(m_free_windows | reverse(), [&](const WindowAndSelections& ws) { return &ws.window->buffer() == &buffer; }); if (it == m_free_windows.rend()) return { make_unique(buffer), { buffer, Selection{} } }; it->window->force_redraw(); WindowAndSelections res = std::move(*it); m_free_windows.erase(it.base()-1); res.selections.update(); return res; } void ClientManager::add_free_window(std::unique_ptr&& window, SelectionList selections) { window->clear_display_buffer(); Buffer& buffer = window->buffer(); m_free_windows.push_back({ std::move(window), SelectionList{ std::move(selections) }, buffer.timestamp() }); } void ClientManager::ensure_no_client_uses_buffer(Buffer& buffer) { for (auto& client : m_clients) { auto& context = client->context(); context.jump_list().forget_buffer(buffer); if (client->last_buffer() == &buffer) client->set_last_buffer(nullptr); if (&context.buffer() != &buffer) continue; if (context.is_editing()) context.input_handler().reset_normal_mode(); Buffer* last = client->last_buffer(); context.change_buffer(last ? *last : BufferManager::instance().get_first_buffer()); } auto end = std::remove_if(m_free_windows.begin(), m_free_windows.end(), [&buffer](const WindowAndSelections& ws) { return &ws.window->buffer() == &buffer; }); for (auto it = end; it != m_free_windows.end(); ++it) m_window_trash.push_back(std::move(it->window)); m_free_windows.erase(end, m_free_windows.end()); } void ClientManager::clear_window_trash() { m_window_trash.clear(); } void ClientManager::clear_client_trash() { m_client_trash.clear(); } bool ClientManager::validate_client_name(StringView name) const { return const_cast(this)->get_client_ifp(name) == nullptr; } Client* ClientManager::get_client_ifp(StringView name) { for (auto& client : m_clients) { if (client->context().name() == name) return client.get(); } return nullptr; } Client& ClientManager::get_client(StringView name) { if (Client* client = get_client_ifp(name)) return *client; throw runtime_error(format("no client named '{}'", name)); } void ClientManager::redraw_clients() const { for (auto& client : m_clients) client->redraw_ifn(); } CandidateList ClientManager::complete_client_name(StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) const { auto c = m_clients | transform([](const std::unique_ptr& c) -> const String& { return c->context().name(); }); return complete(prefix, cursor_pos, c); } }