hook global BufCreate .*\.java %{ set buffer filetype java } add-highlighter -group / regions -default code java \ string %{(?<!')"} %{(?<!\\)(\\\\)*"} '' \ comment /\* \*/ '' \ comment // $ '' add-highlighter -group /java/string fill string add-highlighter -group /java/comment fill comment add-highlighter -group /java/code regex %{\b(this|true|false|null)\b} 0:value add-highlighter -group /java/code regex "\b(void|int|char|unsigned|float|boolean|double)\b" 0:type add-highlighter -group /java/code regex "\b(while|for|if|else|do|static|switch|case|default|class|interface|enum|goto|break|continue|return|import|try|catch|throw|new|package|extends|implements|instanceof)\b" 0:keyword add-highlighter -group /java/code regex "\b(final|public|protected|private|abstract|synchronized|native|transient|volatile)\b" 0:attribute # Commands # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ def -hidden java-indent-on-new-line %~ eval -draft -itersel %= # preserve previous line indent try %{ exec -draft \;K<a-&> } # indent after lines ending with { or ( try %[ exec -draft k<a-x> <a-k> [{(]\h*$ <ret> j<a-gt> ] # cleanup trailing white spaces on the previous line try %{ exec -draft k<a-x> s \h+$ <ret>d } # align to opening paren of previous line try %{ exec -draft [( <a-k> \`\([^\n]+\n[^\n]*\n?\' <ret> s \`\(\h*.|.\' <ret> '<a-;>' & } # copy // comments prefix try %{ exec -draft \;<c-s>k<a-x> s ^\h*\K/{2,} <ret> y<c-o><c-o>P<esc> } # indent after a switch's case/default statements try %[ exec -draft k<a-x> <a-k> ^\h*(case|default).*:$ <ret> j<a-gt> ] # indent after keywords try %[ exec -draft \;<a-F>)MB <a-k> \`(if|else|while|for|try|catch)\h*\(.*\)\h*\n\h*\n?\' <ret> s \`|.\' <ret> 1<a-&>1<a-space><a-gt> ] = ~ def -hidden java-indent-on-opening-curly-brace %[ # align indent with opening paren when { is entered on a new line after the closing paren try %[ exec -draft -itersel h<a-F>)M <a-k> \`\(.*\)\h*\n\h*\{\' <ret> s \`|.\' <ret> 1<a-&> ] ] def -hidden java-indent-on-closing-curly-brace %[ # align to opening curly brace when alone on a line try %[ exec -itersel -draft <a-h><a-k>^\h+\}$<ret>hms\`|.\'<ret>1<a-&> ] ] # Initialization # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ hook global WinSetOption filetype=java %{ # cleanup trailing whitespaces when exiting insert mode hook window InsertEnd .* -group java-hooks %{ try %{ exec -draft <a-x>s^\h+$<ret>d } } hook window InsertChar \n -group java-indent java-indent-on-new-line hook window InsertChar \{ -group java-indent java-indent-on-opening-curly-brace hook window InsertChar \} -group java-indent java-indent-on-closing-curly-brace } hook global WinSetOption filetype=(?!java).* %{ remove-hooks window java-hooks remove-hooks window java-indent } hook -group java-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=java %{ add-highlighter ref java } hook -group java-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=(?!java).* %{ remove-highlighter java }