#include "ncurses_ui.hh" #include "display_buffer.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "keys.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "string_utils.hh" #include "file.hh" #include #define NCURSES_OPAQUE 0 #define NCURSES_INTERNALS #include #include #include #include #include constexpr char control(char c) { return c & 037; } namespace Kakoune { using std::min; using std::max; struct NCursesWin : WINDOW {}; void NCursesUI::Window::create(const DisplayCoord& p, const DisplayCoord& s) { pos = p; size = s; win = (NCursesWin*)newpad((int)size.line, (int)size.column); } void NCursesUI::Window::destroy() { delwin(win); win = nullptr; pos = DisplayCoord{}; size = DisplayCoord{}; } void NCursesUI::Window::refresh(bool force) { if (not win) return; if (force) redrawwin(win); DisplayCoord max_pos = pos + size - DisplayCoord{1,1}; pnoutrefresh(win, 0, 0, (int)pos.line, (int)pos.column, (int)max_pos.line, (int)max_pos.column); } void NCursesUI::Window::move_cursor(DisplayCoord coord) { wmove(win, (int)coord.line, (int)coord.column); } void NCursesUI::Window::clear_to_eol(Palette& palette, const Face& face) { wbkgdset(win, COLOR_PAIR(palette.get_color_pair(face))); wclrtoeol(win); } void NCursesUI::Window::draw(Palette& palette, ConstArrayView atoms, const Face& default_face) { auto add_str = [&](StringView str) { waddnstr(win, str.begin(), (int)str.length()); }; auto set_face = [&](Face face) { if (m_active_pair != -1) wattroff(win, COLOR_PAIR(m_active_pair)); face = merge_faces(default_face, face); if (face.fg != Color::Default or face.bg != Color::Default) { m_active_pair = palette.get_color_pair(face); wattron(win, COLOR_PAIR(m_active_pair)); } auto set_attribute = [&](Attribute attr, int nc_attr) { (face.attributes & attr) ? wattron(win, nc_attr) : wattroff(win, nc_attr); }; set_attribute(Attribute::Underline, A_UNDERLINE); set_attribute(Attribute::Reverse, A_REVERSE); set_attribute(Attribute::Blink, A_BLINK); set_attribute(Attribute::Bold, A_BOLD); set_attribute(Attribute::Dim, A_DIM); #if defined(A_ITALIC) set_attribute(Attribute::Italic, A_ITALIC); #endif }; ColumnCount column = 0; for (const DisplayAtom& atom : atoms) { StringView content = atom.content(); if (content.empty()) continue; set_face(atom.face); if (content.back() == '\n') { add_str(content.substr(0, content.length()-1)); waddch(win, ' '); } else add_str(content); column += content.column_length(); } } constexpr int NCursesUI::default_shift_function_key; static constexpr StringView assistant_cat[] = { R"( ___ )", R"( (__ \ )", R"( / / ╭)", R"( .' '·. │)", R"( ' ” │)", R"( ╰ /\_/| │)", R"( | . \ │)", R"( ╰_J` | | | ╯)", R"( ' \__- _/ )", R"( \_\ \_\ )", R"( )"}; static constexpr StringView assistant_clippy[] = { " ╭──╮ ", " │ │ ", " @ @ ╭", " ││ ││ │", " ││ ││ ╯", " │╰─╯│ ", " ╰───╯ ", " " }; static constexpr StringView assistant_dilbert[] = { R"( დოოოოოდ )", R"( | | )", R"( | | ╭)", R"( |-ᱛ ᱛ-| │)", R"( Ͼ ∪ Ͽ │)", R"( | | ╯)", R"( ˏ`-.ŏ.-´ˎ )", R"( @ )", R"( @ )", R"( )"}; template T sq(T x) { return x * x; } constexpr struct { unsigned char r, g, b; } builtin_colors[] = { {0x00,0x00,0x00}, {0x80,0x00,0x00}, {0x00,0x80,0x00}, {0x80,0x80,0x00}, {0x00,0x00,0x80}, {0x80,0x00,0x80}, {0x00,0x80,0x80}, {0xc0,0xc0,0xc0}, {0x80,0x80,0x80}, {0xff,0x00,0x00}, {0x00,0xff,0x00}, {0xff,0xff,0x00}, {0x00,0x00,0xff}, {0xff,0x00,0xff}, {0x00,0xff,0xff}, {0xff,0xff,0xff}, {0x00,0x00,0x00}, {0x00,0x00,0x5f}, {0x00,0x00,0x87}, {0x00,0x00,0xaf}, {0x00,0x00,0xd7}, {0x00,0x00,0xff}, {0x00,0x5f,0x00}, {0x00,0x5f,0x5f}, {0x00,0x5f,0x87}, {0x00,0x5f,0xaf}, {0x00,0x5f,0xd7}, {0x00,0x5f,0xff}, {0x00,0x87,0x00}, {0x00,0x87,0x5f}, {0x00,0x87,0x87}, {0x00,0x87,0xaf}, {0x00,0x87,0xd7}, {0x00,0x87,0xff}, {0x00,0xaf,0x00}, {0x00,0xaf,0x5f}, {0x00,0xaf,0x87}, {0x00,0xaf,0xaf}, {0x00,0xaf,0xd7}, {0x00,0xaf,0xff}, {0x00,0xd7,0x00}, {0x00,0xd7,0x5f}, {0x00,0xd7,0x87}, {0x00,0xd7,0xaf}, {0x00,0xd7,0xd7}, {0x00,0xd7,0xff}, {0x00,0xff,0x00}, {0x00,0xff,0x5f}, {0x00,0xff,0x87}, {0x00,0xff,0xaf}, {0x00,0xff,0xd7}, {0x00,0xff,0xff}, {0x5f,0x00,0x00}, {0x5f,0x00,0x5f}, {0x5f,0x00,0x87}, {0x5f,0x00,0xaf}, {0x5f,0x00,0xd7}, {0x5f,0x00,0xff}, {0x5f,0x5f,0x00}, {0x5f,0x5f,0x5f}, {0x5f,0x5f,0x87}, {0x5f,0x5f,0xaf}, {0x5f,0x5f,0xd7}, {0x5f,0x5f,0xff}, {0x5f,0x87,0x00}, {0x5f,0x87,0x5f}, {0x5f,0x87,0x87}, {0x5f,0x87,0xaf}, {0x5f,0x87,0xd7}, {0x5f,0x87,0xff}, {0x5f,0xaf,0x00}, {0x5f,0xaf,0x5f}, {0x5f,0xaf,0x87}, {0x5f,0xaf,0xaf}, {0x5f,0xaf,0xd7}, {0x5f,0xaf,0xff}, {0x5f,0xd7,0x00}, {0x5f,0xd7,0x5f}, {0x5f,0xd7,0x87}, {0x5f,0xd7,0xaf}, {0x5f,0xd7,0xd7}, {0x5f,0xd7,0xff}, {0x5f,0xff,0x00}, {0x5f,0xff,0x5f}, {0x5f,0xff,0x87}, {0x5f,0xff,0xaf}, {0x5f,0xff,0xd7}, {0x5f,0xff,0xff}, {0x87,0x00,0x00}, {0x87,0x00,0x5f}, {0x87,0x00,0x87}, {0x87,0x00,0xaf}, {0x87,0x00,0xd7}, {0x87,0x00,0xff}, {0x87,0x5f,0x00}, {0x87,0x5f,0x5f}, {0x87,0x5f,0x87}, {0x87,0x5f,0xaf}, {0x87,0x5f,0xd7}, {0x87,0x5f,0xff}, {0x87,0x87,0x00}, {0x87,0x87,0x5f}, {0x87,0x87,0x87}, {0x87,0x87,0xaf}, {0x87,0x87,0xd7}, {0x87,0x87,0xff}, {0x87,0xaf,0x00}, {0x87,0xaf,0x5f}, {0x87,0xaf,0x87}, {0x87,0xaf,0xaf}, {0x87,0xaf,0xd7}, {0x87,0xaf,0xff}, {0x87,0xd7,0x00}, {0x87,0xd7,0x5f}, {0x87,0xd7,0x87}, {0x87,0xd7,0xaf}, {0x87,0xd7,0xd7}, {0x87,0xd7,0xff}, {0x87,0xff,0x00}, {0x87,0xff,0x5f}, {0x87,0xff,0x87}, {0x87,0xff,0xaf}, {0x87,0xff,0xd7}, {0x87,0xff,0xff}, {0xaf,0x00,0x00}, {0xaf,0x00,0x5f}, {0xaf,0x00,0x87}, {0xaf,0x00,0xaf}, {0xaf,0x00,0xd7}, {0xaf,0x00,0xff}, {0xaf,0x5f,0x00}, {0xaf,0x5f,0x5f}, {0xaf,0x5f,0x87}, {0xaf,0x5f,0xaf}, {0xaf,0x5f,0xd7}, {0xaf,0x5f,0xff}, {0xaf,0x87,0x00}, {0xaf,0x87,0x5f}, {0xaf,0x87,0x87}, {0xaf,0x87,0xaf}, {0xaf,0x87,0xd7}, {0xaf,0x87,0xff}, {0xaf,0xaf,0x00}, {0xaf,0xaf,0x5f}, {0xaf,0xaf,0x87}, {0xaf,0xaf,0xaf}, {0xaf,0xaf,0xd7}, {0xaf,0xaf,0xff}, {0xaf,0xd7,0x00}, {0xaf,0xd7,0x5f}, {0xaf,0xd7,0x87}, {0xaf,0xd7,0xaf}, {0xaf,0xd7,0xd7}, {0xaf,0xd7,0xff}, {0xaf,0xff,0x00}, {0xaf,0xff,0x5f}, {0xaf,0xff,0x87}, {0xaf,0xff,0xaf}, {0xaf,0xff,0xd7}, {0xaf,0xff,0xff}, {0xd7,0x00,0x00}, {0xd7,0x00,0x5f}, {0xd7,0x00,0x87}, {0xd7,0x00,0xaf}, {0xd7,0x00,0xd7}, {0xd7,0x00,0xff}, {0xd7,0x5f,0x00}, {0xd7,0x5f,0x5f}, {0xd7,0x5f,0x87}, {0xd7,0x5f,0xaf}, {0xd7,0x5f,0xd7}, {0xd7,0x5f,0xff}, {0xd7,0x87,0x00}, {0xd7,0x87,0x5f}, {0xd7,0x87,0x87}, {0xd7,0x87,0xaf}, {0xd7,0x87,0xd7}, {0xd7,0x87,0xff}, {0xd7,0xaf,0x00}, {0xd7,0xaf,0x5f}, {0xd7,0xaf,0x87}, {0xd7,0xaf,0xaf}, {0xd7,0xaf,0xd7}, {0xd7,0xaf,0xff}, {0xd7,0xd7,0x00}, {0xd7,0xd7,0x5f}, {0xd7,0xd7,0x87}, {0xd7,0xd7,0xaf}, {0xd7,0xd7,0xd7}, {0xd7,0xd7,0xff}, {0xd7,0xff,0x00}, {0xd7,0xff,0x5f}, {0xd7,0xff,0x87}, {0xd7,0xff,0xaf}, {0xd7,0xff,0xd7}, {0xd7,0xff,0xff}, {0xff,0x00,0x00}, {0xff,0x00,0x5f}, {0xff,0x00,0x87}, {0xff,0x00,0xaf}, {0xff,0x00,0xd7}, {0xff,0x00,0xff}, {0xff,0x5f,0x00}, {0xff,0x5f,0x5f}, {0xff,0x5f,0x87}, {0xff,0x5f,0xaf}, {0xff,0x5f,0xd7}, {0xff,0x5f,0xff}, {0xff,0x87,0x00}, {0xff,0x87,0x5f}, {0xff,0x87,0x87}, {0xff,0x87,0xaf}, {0xff,0x87,0xd7}, {0xff,0x87,0xff}, {0xff,0xaf,0x00}, {0xff,0xaf,0x5f}, {0xff,0xaf,0x87}, {0xff,0xaf,0xaf}, {0xff,0xaf,0xd7}, {0xff,0xaf,0xff}, {0xff,0xd7,0x00}, {0xff,0xd7,0x5f}, {0xff,0xd7,0x87}, {0xff,0xd7,0xaf}, {0xff,0xd7,0xd7}, {0xff,0xd7,0xff}, {0xff,0xff,0x00}, {0xff,0xff,0x5f}, {0xff,0xff,0x87}, {0xff,0xff,0xaf}, {0xff,0xff,0xd7}, {0xff,0xff,0xff}, {0x08,0x08,0x08}, {0x12,0x12,0x12}, {0x1c,0x1c,0x1c}, {0x26,0x26,0x26}, {0x30,0x30,0x30}, {0x3a,0x3a,0x3a}, {0x44,0x44,0x44}, {0x4e,0x4e,0x4e}, {0x58,0x58,0x58}, {0x60,0x60,0x60}, {0x66,0x66,0x66}, {0x76,0x76,0x76}, {0x80,0x80,0x80}, {0x8a,0x8a,0x8a}, {0x94,0x94,0x94}, {0x9e,0x9e,0x9e}, {0xa8,0xa8,0xa8}, {0xb2,0xb2,0xb2}, {0xbc,0xbc,0xbc}, {0xc6,0xc6,0xc6}, {0xd0,0xd0,0xd0}, {0xda,0xda,0xda}, {0xe4,0xe4,0xe4}, {0xee,0xee,0xee}, }; const std::initializer_list::Item> NCursesUI::Palette::default_colors = { { Color::Default, -1 }, { Color::Black, 0 }, { Color::Red, 1 }, { Color::Green, 2 }, { Color::Yellow, 3 }, { Color::Blue, 4 }, { Color::Magenta, 5 }, { Color::Cyan, 6 }, { Color::White, 7 }, { Color::BrightBlack, 8 }, { Color::BrightRed, 9 }, { Color::BrightGreen, 10 }, { Color::BrightYellow, 11 }, { Color::BrightBlue, 12 }, { Color::BrightMagenta, 13 }, { Color::BrightCyan, 14 }, { Color::BrightWhite, 15 }, }; int NCursesUI::Palette::get_color(Color color) { auto it = m_colors.find(color); if (it != m_colors.end()) return it->value; else if (m_change_colors and can_change_color() and COLORS > 16) { kak_assert(color.color == Color::RGB); if (m_next_color > COLORS) m_next_color = 16; init_color(m_next_color, color.r * 1000 / 255, color.g * 1000 / 255, color.b * 1000 / 255); m_colors[color] = m_next_color; return m_next_color++; } else { kak_assert(color.color == Color::RGB); int lowestDist = INT_MAX; int closestCol = -1; for (int i = 0; i < std::min(256, COLORS); ++i) { auto& col = builtin_colors[i]; int dist = sq(color.r - col.r) + sq(color.g - col.g) + sq(color.b - col.b); if (dist < lowestDist) { lowestDist = dist; closestCol = i; } } return closestCol; } } int NCursesUI::Palette::get_color_pair(const Face& face) { ColorPair colors{face.fg, face.bg}; auto it = m_colorpairs.find(colors); if (it != m_colorpairs.end()) return it->value; else { init_pair(m_next_pair, get_color(face.fg), get_color(face.bg)); m_colorpairs[colors] = m_next_pair; return m_next_pair++; } } bool NCursesUI::Palette::set_change_colors(bool change_colors) { bool reset = false; if (can_change_color() and m_change_colors != change_colors) { fputs("\033]104\007", stdout); // try to reset palette fflush(stdout); m_colorpairs.clear(); m_colors = default_colors; m_next_color = 16; m_next_pair = 1; reset = true; } m_change_colors = change_colors; return reset; } static sig_atomic_t resize_pending = 0; static sig_atomic_t sighup_raised = 0; template static void signal_handler(int) { *signal_flag = 1; EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); } NCursesUI::NCursesUI() : m_cursor{CursorMode::Buffer, {}}, m_stdin_watcher{STDIN_FILENO, FdEvents::Read, [this](FDWatcher&, FdEvents, EventMode) { if (not m_on_key) return; while (auto key = get_next_key()) m_on_key(*key); }}, m_assistant(assistant_clippy) { tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &m_original_termios); initscr(); curs_set(0); start_color(); use_default_colors(); set_raw_mode(); enable_mouse(true); set_signal_handler(SIGWINCH, &signal_handler<&resize_pending>); set_signal_handler(SIGHUP, &signal_handler<&sighup_raised>); set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, [](int){ NCursesUI::instance().suspend(); }); check_resize(true); redraw(false); } NCursesUI::~NCursesUI() { enable_mouse(false); m_palette.set_change_colors(false); endwin(); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &m_original_termios); set_signal_handler(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); set_signal_handler(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL); set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); } void NCursesUI::suspend() { bool mouse_enabled = m_mouse_enabled; enable_mouse(false); bool change_color_enabled = m_palette.get_change_colors(); m_palette.set_change_colors(false); endwin(); auto current = set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL); sigset_t unblock_sigtstp, old_mask; sigemptyset(&unblock_sigtstp); sigaddset(&unblock_sigtstp, SIGTSTP); sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &unblock_sigtstp, &old_mask); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &m_original_termios); raise(SIGTSTP); // suspend here tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &m_original_termios); set_signal_handler(SIGTSTP, current); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &old_mask, nullptr); doupdate(); check_resize(true); set_raw_mode(); m_palette.set_change_colors(change_color_enabled); enable_mouse(mouse_enabled); } void NCursesUI::set_raw_mode() const { termios attr = m_original_termios; attr.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON); attr.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; attr.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN); attr.c_lflag |= NOFLSH; attr.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); attr.c_cflag |= CS8; attr.c_cc[VMIN] = attr.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &attr); } void NCursesUI::redraw(bool force) { m_window.refresh(force); if (m_menu.columns != 0 or m_menu.pos.column > m_status_len) m_menu.refresh(false); m_info.refresh(false); Window screen{{}, static_cast(newscr)}; if (m_cursor.mode == CursorMode::Prompt) screen.move_cursor({m_status_on_top ? 0 : m_dimensions.line, m_cursor.coord.column}); else screen.move_cursor(m_cursor.coord + content_line_offset()); doupdate(); } void NCursesUI::set_cursor(CursorMode mode, DisplayCoord coord) { m_cursor = Cursor{mode, coord}; } void NCursesUI::refresh(bool force) { if (m_dirty or force) redraw(force); m_dirty = false; } static const DisplayLine empty_line = { String(" "), {} }; void NCursesUI::draw(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, const Face& default_face, const Face& padding_face) { check_resize(); const DisplayCoord dim = dimensions(); const LineCount line_offset = content_line_offset(); LineCount line_index = line_offset; for (const DisplayLine& line : display_buffer.lines()) { m_window.move_cursor(line_index); m_window.clear_to_eol(m_palette, default_face); m_window.draw(m_palette, line.atoms(), default_face); ++line_index; } auto face = merge_faces(default_face, padding_face); while (line_index < dim.line + line_offset) { m_window.move_cursor(line_index++); m_window.clear_to_eol(m_palette, face); m_window.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom("~"), face); } m_dirty = true; } void NCursesUI::draw_status(const DisplayLine& status_line, const DisplayLine& mode_line, const Face& default_face) { const LineCount status_line_pos = m_status_on_top ? 0 : m_dimensions.line; m_window.move_cursor(status_line_pos); m_window.clear_to_eol(m_palette, default_face); m_window.draw(m_palette, status_line.atoms(), default_face); const auto mode_len = mode_line.length(); m_status_len = status_line.length(); const auto remaining = m_dimensions.column - m_status_len; if (mode_len < remaining) { ColumnCount col = m_dimensions.column - mode_len; m_window.move_cursor({status_line_pos, col}); m_window.draw(m_palette, mode_line.atoms(), default_face); } else if (remaining > 2) { DisplayLine trimmed_mode_line = mode_line; trimmed_mode_line.trim(mode_len + 2 - remaining, remaining - 2); trimmed_mode_line.insert(trimmed_mode_line.begin(), { "…", {} }); kak_assert(trimmed_mode_line.length() == remaining - 1); ColumnCount col = m_dimensions.column - remaining + 1; m_window.move_cursor({status_line_pos, col}); m_window.draw(m_palette, trimmed_mode_line.atoms(), default_face); } if (m_set_title) { constexpr char suffix[] = " - Kakoune\007"; char buf[4 + 511 + 2] = "\033]2;"; // Fill title escape sequence buffer, removing non ascii characters auto buf_it = &buf[4], buf_end = &buf[4 + 511 - (sizeof(suffix) - 2)]; for (auto& atom : mode_line) { const auto str = atom.content(); for (auto it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end and buf_it != buf_end; utf8::to_next(it, end)) *buf_it++ = (*it >= 0x20 and *it <= 0x7e) ? *it : '?'; } for (auto c : suffix) *buf_it++ = c; fputs(buf, stdout); fflush(stdout); } m_dirty = true; } void NCursesUI::check_resize(bool force) { if (not force and not resize_pending) return; resize_pending = 0; const int fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) return; auto close_fd = on_scope_end([fd]{ ::close(fd); }); winsize ws; if (::ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) != 0) return; const bool info = (bool)m_info; const bool menu = (bool)m_menu; if (m_window) m_window.destroy(); if (info) m_info.destroy(); if (menu) m_menu.destroy(); resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col); m_window.create({0, 0}, {ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col}); kak_assert(m_window); m_dimensions = DisplayCoord{ws.ws_row-1, ws.ws_col}; if (char* csr = tigetstr((char*)"csr")) putp(tparm(csr, 0, ws.ws_row)); if (menu) menu_show(Vector(std::move(m_menu.items)), m_menu.anchor, m_menu.fg, m_menu.bg, m_menu.style); if (info) info_show(m_info.title, m_info.content, m_info.anchor, m_info.face, m_info.style); set_resize_pending(); wclear(curscr); } Optional NCursesUI::get_next_key() { if (sighup_raised) { set_signal_handler(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); set_signal_handler(SIGCONT, SIG_DFL); if (m_window) m_window.destroy(); m_stdin_watcher.disable(); return {}; } check_resize(); if (m_resize_pending) { m_resize_pending = false; return resize(dimensions()); } static auto get_char = []() -> Optional { unsigned char c = 0; if (fd_readable(STDIN_FILENO) and read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1) == 1) return c; return {}; }; const auto c = get_char(); if (not c) return {}; auto parse_key = [](unsigned char c) -> Key { if (c == control('m') or c == control('j')) return {Key::Return}; if (c == control('i')) return {Key::Tab}; if (c == control('h')) return {Key::Backspace}; if (c == control('z')) { kill(0, SIGTSTP); // We suspend at this line return {}; } if (c < 27) return ctrl(Codepoint(c) - 1 + 'a'); if (c == 127) return {Key::Backspace}; struct Sentinel{}; struct CharIterator { unsigned char operator*() { if (not c) c = get_char().value_or((unsigned char)0); return *c; } CharIterator& operator++() { c.reset(); return *this; } bool operator==(const Sentinel&) const { return false; } Optional c; }; return Key{utf8::codepoint(CharIterator{c}, Sentinel{})}; }; auto parse_csi = [this]() -> Optional { auto next_char = [] { return get_char().value_or((unsigned char)0xff); }; int params[16] = {}; auto c = next_char(); char private_mode = 0; if (c == '?' or c == '<' or c == '=' or c == '>') { private_mode = c; c = next_char(); } for (int count = 0; count < 16 and c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x3f; c = next_char()) { if ('0' <= 'c' and c <= '9') params[count] = params[count] * 10 + c - '0'; else if (c == ';') ++count; else return {}; } if (c < 0x40 or c > 0x7e) return {}; auto parse_mask = [](int mask) { Key::Modifiers mod = Key::Modifiers::None; if (mask & 1) mod |= Key::Modifiers::Shift; if (mask & 2) mod |= Key::Modifiers::Alt; if (mask & 4) mod |= Key::Modifiers::Control; return mod; }; auto mouse_button = [this](Key::Modifiers mod, Codepoint coord, bool left, bool release) { auto mask = left ? 0x1 : 0x2; if (not release) { mod |= (m_mouse_state & mask) ? Key::Modifiers::MousePos : (left ? Key::Modifiers::MousePressLeft : Key::Modifiers::MousePressRight); m_mouse_state |= mask; } else { mod |= left ? Key::Modifiers::MouseReleaseLeft : Key::Modifiers::MouseReleaseRight; m_mouse_state &= ~mask; } return Key{mod, coord}; }; auto mouse_scroll = [this](Key::Modifiers mod, bool down) -> Key { return {mod | Key::Modifiers::Scroll, (Codepoint)((down ? 1 : -1) * m_wheel_scroll_amount)}; }; auto masked_key = [&](Codepoint key) { return Key{parse_mask(std::max(params[1] - 1, 0)), key}; }; switch (c) { case 'A': return masked_key(Key::Up); case 'B': return masked_key(Key::Down); case 'C': return masked_key(Key::Right); case 'D': return masked_key(Key::Left); case 'F': return masked_key(Key::End); case 'H': return masked_key(Key::Home); case 'P': return masked_key(Key::F1); case 'Q': return masked_key(Key::F2); case 'R': return masked_key(Key::F3); case 'S': return masked_key(Key::F4); case '~': switch (params[0]) { case 2: return masked_key(Key::Insert); case 3: return masked_key(Key::Delete); case 5: return masked_key(Key::PageUp); case 6: return masked_key(Key::PageDown); case 7: return masked_key(Key::Home); case 8: return masked_key(Key::End); case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: return masked_key(Key::F1 + params[0] - 11); case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: return masked_key(Key::F6 + params[0] - 17); case 23: case 24: return masked_key(Key::F11 + params[0] - 23); } return {}; case 'u': return masked_key(static_cast(params[0])); case 'Z': return shift(Key::Tab); case 'I': return {Key::FocusIn}; case 'O': return {Key::FocusOut}; case 'M': case 'm': const bool sgr = private_mode == '<'; if (not sgr and c != 'M') return {}; const Codepoint b = sgr ? params[0] : next_char() - 32; const int x = (sgr ? params[1] : next_char() - 32) - 1; const int y = (sgr ? params[2] : next_char() - 32) - 1; auto coord = encode_coord({y - content_line_offset(), x}); Key::Modifiers mod = parse_mask((b >> 2) & 0x7); switch (b & 0x43) { case 0: return mouse_button(mod, coord, true, c == 'm'); case 2: return mouse_button(mod, coord, false, c == 'm'); case 3: if (sgr) return {}; if (m_mouse_state & 0x1) return mouse_button(mod, coord, true, true); else if (m_mouse_state & 0x2) return mouse_button(mod, coord, false, true); break; case 64: return mouse_scroll(mod, false); case 65: return mouse_scroll(mod, true); } return Key{Key::Modifiers::MousePos, coord}; } return {}; }; auto parse_ss3 = []() -> Optional { switch (get_char().value_or((unsigned char)0xff)) { case 'A': return Key{Key::Up}; case 'B': return Key{Key::Down}; case 'C': return Key{Key::Right}; case 'D': return Key{Key::Left}; case 'F': return Key{Key::End}; case 'H': return Key{Key::Home}; case 'P': return Key{Key::F1}; case 'Q': return Key{Key::F2}; case 'R': return Key{Key::F3}; case 'S': return Key{Key::F4}; default: return {}; } }; if (*c != 27) return parse_key(*c); if (auto next = get_char()) { if (*next == '[') // potential CSI return parse_csi().value_or(alt('[')); if (*next == 'O') // potential SS3 return parse_ss3().value_or(alt('O')); return alt(parse_key(*next)); } return Key{Key::Escape}; } template T div_round_up(T a, T b) { return (a - T(1)) / b + T(1); } void NCursesUI::draw_menu() { // menu show may have not created the window if it did not fit. // so be tolerant. if (not m_menu) return; const int item_count = (int)m_menu.items.size(); if (m_menu.columns == 0) { const auto win_width = m_menu.size.column - 4; kak_assert(m_menu.size.line == 1); ColumnCount pos = 0; m_menu.move_cursor({0, 0}); m_menu.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom(m_menu.first_item > 0 ? "< " : " "), m_menu.bg); int i = m_menu.first_item; for (; i < item_count and pos < win_width; ++i) { const DisplayLine& item = m_menu.items[i]; const ColumnCount item_width = item.length(); auto& face = i == m_menu.selected_item ? m_menu.fg : m_menu.bg; m_menu.draw(m_palette, item.atoms(), face); m_menu.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom(item_width > win_width - pos ? "…" : " "), m_menu.bg); pos += item_width + 1; } auto end_str = String{' ', pos > win_width ? 0 : win_width - pos + 1} + (i == item_count ? " " : ">"); m_menu.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom(end_str), m_menu.bg); m_dirty = true; return; } const LineCount menu_lines = div_round_up(item_count, m_menu.columns); const LineCount win_height = m_menu.size.line; kak_assert(win_height <= menu_lines); const ColumnCount column_width = (m_menu.size.column - 1) / m_menu.columns; const LineCount mark_height = min(div_round_up(sq(win_height), menu_lines), win_height); const int menu_cols = div_round_up(item_count, (int)m_menu.size.line); const int first_col = m_menu.first_item / (int)m_menu.size.line; const LineCount mark_line = (win_height - mark_height) * first_col / max(1, menu_cols - m_menu.columns); for (auto line = 0_line; line < win_height; ++line) { for (int col = 0; col < m_menu.columns; ++col) { m_menu.move_cursor({line, col * column_width}); int item_idx = (first_col + col) * (int)m_menu.size.line + (int)line; auto& face = item_idx < item_count and item_idx == m_menu.selected_item ? m_menu.fg : m_menu.bg; m_menu.clear_to_eol(m_palette, face); if (item_idx < item_count) m_menu.draw(m_palette, m_menu.items[item_idx].atoms(), face); } const bool is_mark = line >= mark_line and line < mark_line + mark_height; m_menu.move_cursor({line, m_menu.size.column - 1}); m_menu.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom(is_mark ? "█" : "░"), m_menu.bg); } m_dirty = true; } static LineCount height_limit(MenuStyle style) { switch (style) { case MenuStyle::Inline: return 10_line; case MenuStyle::Prompt: return 10_line; case MenuStyle::Search: return 3_line; } kak_assert(false); return 0_line; } void NCursesUI::menu_show(ConstArrayView items, DisplayCoord anchor, Face fg, Face bg, MenuStyle style) { if (m_menu) { m_menu.destroy(); m_dirty = true; } m_menu.fg = fg; m_menu.bg = bg; m_menu.style = style; m_menu.anchor = anchor; if (m_dimensions.column <= 2) return; const int item_count = items.size(); m_menu.items.clear(); // make sure it is empty m_menu.items.reserve(item_count); const auto longest = accumulate(items | transform(&DisplayLine::length), 1_col, [](auto&& lhs, auto&& rhs) { return std::max(lhs, rhs); }); const ColumnCount max_width = m_dimensions.column - 1; const bool is_inline = style == MenuStyle::Inline; const bool is_search = style == MenuStyle::Search; m_menu.columns = is_search ? 0 : (is_inline ? 1 : max((int)(max_width / (longest+1)), 1)); const LineCount max_height = min(height_limit(style), max(anchor.line, m_dimensions.line - anchor.line - 1)); const LineCount height = is_search ? 1 : (min(max_height, div_round_up(item_count, m_menu.columns))); const ColumnCount maxlen = (m_menu.columns > 1 and item_count > 1) ? max_width / m_menu.columns - 1 : max_width; for (auto& item : items) { m_menu.items.push_back(item); m_menu.items.back().trim(0, maxlen); kak_assert(m_menu.items.back().length() <= maxlen); } if (is_inline) anchor.line += content_line_offset(); LineCount line = anchor.line + 1; ColumnCount column = std::max(0_col, std::min(anchor.column, m_dimensions.column - longest - 1)); if (is_search) { line = m_status_on_top ? 0_line : m_dimensions.line; column = m_dimensions.column / 2; } else if (not is_inline) line = m_status_on_top ? 1_line : m_dimensions.line - height; else if (line + height > m_dimensions.line) line = anchor.line - height; const auto width = is_search ? m_dimensions.column - m_dimensions.column / 2 : (is_inline ? min(longest+1, m_dimensions.column) : m_dimensions.column); m_menu.create({line, column}, {height, width}); m_menu.selected_item = item_count; m_menu.first_item = 0; draw_menu(); if (m_info) info_show(m_info.title, m_info.content, m_info.anchor, m_info.face, m_info.style); } void NCursesUI::menu_select(int selected) { const int item_count = m_menu.items.size(); if (selected < 0 or selected >= item_count) { m_menu.selected_item = -1; m_menu.first_item = 0; } else if (m_menu.columns == 0) // Do not columnize { m_menu.selected_item = selected; const ColumnCount width = m_menu.size.column - 3; int first = 0; ColumnCount item_col = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= selected; ++i) { const ColumnCount item_width = m_menu.items[i].length() + 1; if (item_col + item_width > width) { first = i; item_col = item_width; } else item_col += item_width; } m_menu.first_item = first; } else { m_menu.selected_item = selected; const int menu_cols = div_round_up(item_count, (int)m_menu.size.line); const int first_col = m_menu.first_item / (int)m_menu.size.line; const int selected_col = m_menu.selected_item / (int)m_menu.size.line; if (selected_col < first_col) m_menu.first_item = selected_col * (int)m_menu.size.line; if (selected_col >= first_col + m_menu.columns) m_menu.first_item = min(selected_col, menu_cols - m_menu.columns) * (int)m_menu.size.line; } draw_menu(); } void NCursesUI::menu_hide() { if (not m_menu) return; m_menu.items.clear(); m_menu.destroy(); m_dirty = true; // Recompute info as it does not have to avoid the menu anymore if (m_info) info_show(m_info.title, m_info.content, m_info.anchor, m_info.face, m_info.style); } static DisplayCoord compute_pos(DisplayCoord anchor, DisplayCoord size, NCursesUI::Rect rect, NCursesUI::Rect to_avoid, bool prefer_above) { DisplayCoord pos; if (prefer_above) { pos = anchor - DisplayCoord{size.line}; if (pos.line < 0) prefer_above = false; } auto rect_end = rect.pos + rect.size; if (not prefer_above) { pos = anchor + DisplayCoord{1_line}; if (pos.line + size.line > rect_end.line) pos.line = max(rect.pos.line, anchor.line - size.line); } if (pos.column + size.column > rect_end.column) pos.column = max(rect.pos.column, rect_end.column - size.column); if (to_avoid.size != DisplayCoord{}) { DisplayCoord to_avoid_end = to_avoid.pos + to_avoid.size; DisplayCoord end = pos + size; // check intersection if (not (end.line < to_avoid.pos.line or end.column < to_avoid.pos.column or pos.line > to_avoid_end.line or pos.column > to_avoid_end.column)) { pos.line = min(to_avoid.pos.line, anchor.line) - size.line; // if above does not work, try below if (pos.line < 0) pos.line = max(to_avoid_end.line, anchor.line); } } return pos; } struct InfoBox { DisplayCoord size; Vector contents; }; InfoBox make_info_box(StringView title, StringView message, ColumnCount max_width, ConstArrayView assistant) { DisplayCoord assistant_size; if (not assistant.empty()) assistant_size = { (int)assistant.size(), assistant[0].column_length() }; InfoBox result{}; const ColumnCount max_bubble_width = max_width - assistant_size.column - 6; if (max_bubble_width < 4) return result; Vector lines = wrap_lines(message, max_bubble_width); ColumnCount bubble_width = title.column_length() + 2; for (auto& line : lines) bubble_width = max(bubble_width, line.column_length()); auto line_count = max(assistant_size.line-1, LineCount{(int)lines.size()} + 2); result.size = DisplayCoord{line_count, bubble_width + assistant_size.column + 4}; const auto assistant_top_margin = (line_count - assistant_size.line+1) / 2; for (LineCount i = 0; i < line_count; ++i) { String line; constexpr Codepoint dash{L'─'}; if (not assistant.empty()) { if (i >= assistant_top_margin) line += assistant[(int)min(i - assistant_top_margin, assistant_size.line-1)]; else line += assistant[(int)assistant_size.line-1]; } if (i == 0) { if (title.empty()) line += "╭─" + String{dash, bubble_width} + "─╮"; else { auto dash_count = bubble_width - title.column_length() - 2; String left{dash, dash_count / 2}; String right{dash, dash_count - dash_count / 2}; line += "╭─" + left + "┤" + title +"├" + right +"─╮"; } } else if (i < lines.size() + 1) { auto& info_line = lines[(int)i - 1]; const ColumnCount padding = bubble_width - info_line.column_length(); line += "│ " + info_line + String{' ', padding} + " │"; } else if (i == lines.size() + 1) line += "╰─" + String(dash, bubble_width) + "─╯"; result.contents.push_back(std::move(line)); } return result; } InfoBox make_simple_info_box(StringView contents, ColumnCount max_width) { InfoBox info_box{}; for (auto& line : wrap_lines(contents, max_width)) { ++info_box.size.line; info_box.size.column = std::max(line.column_length(), info_box.size.column); info_box.contents.push_back(line.str()); } return info_box; } void NCursesUI::info_show(StringView title, StringView content, DisplayCoord anchor, Face face, InfoStyle style) { info_hide(); m_info.title = title.str(); m_info.content = content.str(); m_info.anchor = anchor; m_info.face = face; m_info.style = style; const Rect rect = {content_line_offset(), m_dimensions}; InfoBox info_box; if (style == InfoStyle::Prompt) { info_box = make_info_box(m_info.title, m_info.content, m_dimensions.column, m_assistant); anchor = DisplayCoord{m_status_on_top ? 0 : m_dimensions.line, m_dimensions.column-1}; anchor = compute_pos(anchor, info_box.size, rect, m_menu, style == InfoStyle::InlineAbove); } else if (style == InfoStyle::Modal) { info_box = make_info_box(m_info.title, m_info.content, m_dimensions.column, {}); auto half = [](const DisplayCoord& c) { return DisplayCoord{c.line / 2, c.column / 2}; }; anchor = rect.pos + half(rect.size) - half(info_box.size); } else if (style == InfoStyle::MenuDoc) { if (not m_menu) return; const auto right_max_width = m_dimensions.column - (m_menu.pos.column + m_menu.size.column); const auto left_max_width = m_menu.pos.column; const auto max_width = std::max(right_max_width, left_max_width); if (max_width < 4) return; info_box = make_simple_info_box(m_info.content, max_width); anchor.line = m_menu.pos.line; if (info_box.size.column <= right_max_width or right_max_width >= left_max_width) anchor.column = m_menu.pos.column + m_menu.size.column; else anchor.column = m_menu.pos.column - info_box.size.column; } else { const ColumnCount max_width = m_dimensions.column - anchor.column; if (max_width < 4) return; info_box = make_simple_info_box(m_info.content, max_width); anchor = compute_pos(anchor, info_box.size, rect, m_menu, style == InfoStyle::InlineAbove); anchor.line += content_line_offset(); } // The info box does not fit if (anchor < rect.pos or anchor + info_box.size > rect.pos + rect.size) return; m_info.create(anchor, info_box.size); for (auto line = 0_line; line < info_box.size.line; ++line) { m_info.move_cursor(line); m_info.clear_to_eol(m_palette, face); m_info.draw(m_palette, DisplayAtom(info_box.contents[(int)line]), face); } m_dirty = true; } void NCursesUI::info_hide() { if (not m_info) return; m_info.destroy(); m_dirty = true; } void NCursesUI::set_on_key(OnKeyCallback callback) { m_on_key = std::move(callback); EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); } DisplayCoord NCursesUI::dimensions() { return m_dimensions; } LineCount NCursesUI::content_line_offset() const { return m_status_on_top ? 1 : 0; } void NCursesUI::set_resize_pending() { m_resize_pending = true; EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); } void NCursesUI::abort() { endwin(); } void NCursesUI::enable_mouse(bool enabled) { if (enabled == m_mouse_enabled) return; m_mouse_enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { // force SGR mode fputs("\033[?1006h", stdout); // force enable report focus events fputs("\033[?1004h", stdout); // enable mouse fputs("\033[?1000h", stdout); // force enable report mouse position fputs("\033[?1002h", stdout); } else { fputs("\033[?1002l", stdout); fputs("\033[?1000l", stdout); fputs("\033[?1004l", stdout); fputs("\033[?1006l", stdout); } fflush(stdout); } void NCursesUI::set_ui_options(const Options& options) { { auto it = options.find("ncurses_assistant"_sv); if (it == options.end() or it->value == "clippy") m_assistant = assistant_clippy; else if (it->value == "cat") m_assistant = assistant_cat; else if (it->value == "dilbert") m_assistant = assistant_dilbert; else if (it->value == "none" or it->value == "off") m_assistant = ConstArrayView{}; } { auto it = options.find("ncurses_status_on_top"_sv); m_status_on_top = it != options.end() and (it->value == "yes" or it->value == "true"); } { auto it = options.find("ncurses_set_title"_sv); m_set_title = it == options.end() or (it->value == "yes" or it->value == "true"); } { auto it = options.find("ncurses_shift_function_key"_sv); m_shift_function_key = it != options.end() ? str_to_int_ifp(it->value).value_or(default_shift_function_key) : default_shift_function_key; } { auto it = options.find("ncurses_change_colors"_sv); if (m_palette.set_change_colors(it == options.end() or (it->value == "yes" or it->value == "true"))) { m_window.m_active_pair = -1; m_menu.m_active_pair = -1; m_info.m_active_pair = -1; } } { auto enable_mouse_it = options.find("ncurses_enable_mouse"_sv); enable_mouse(enable_mouse_it == options.end() or enable_mouse_it->value == "yes" or enable_mouse_it->value == "true"); auto wheel_up_it = options.find("ncurses_wheel_up_button"_sv); m_wheel_up_button = wheel_up_it != options.end() ? str_to_int_ifp(wheel_up_it->value).value_or(4) : 4; auto wheel_down_it = options.find("ncurses_wheel_down_button"_sv); m_wheel_down_button = wheel_down_it != options.end() ? str_to_int_ifp(wheel_down_it->value).value_or(5) : 5; auto wheel_scroll_amount_it = options.find("ncurses_wheel_scroll_amount"_sv); m_wheel_scroll_amount = wheel_scroll_amount_it != options.end() ? str_to_int_ifp(wheel_scroll_amount_it->value).value_or(3) : 3; } } }