# http://ranger.nongnu.org # ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ define-command ranger-open-on-edit-directory \ -docstring 'Start the ranger file system explorer when trying to edit a directory' %{ hook global RuntimeError "\d+:\d+: '\w+' (.*): is a directory" %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ directory=$kak_hook_param_capture_1 echo ranger $directory }} } define-command \ -params .. -file-completion \ -docstring %{ranger [<arguments>]: open the file system explorer to select buffers to open All the optional arguments are forwarded to the ranger utility} \ ranger %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if [ -n "${TMUX}" ]; then tmux split-window -h \ ranger $@ --cmd " \ map <return> eval \ fm.execute_console('shell \ echo evaluate-commands -client ' + ranger.ext.shell_escape.shell_escape('$kak_client') + ' edit {file} | \ kak -p '.format(file=fm.thisfile.path) + ranger.ext.shell_escape.shell_escape('$kak_session') + '; \ tmux select-pane -t $kak_client_env_TMUX_PANE') \ if fm.thisfile.is_file else fm.execute_console('move right=1')" elif [ -n "${STY}" ]; then script="/tmp/kak-ranger-${kak_client}-${kak_session}.sh" selections="/tmp/kak-ranger-${kak_client}-${kak_session}.txt" cat > "$script" << EOF #! /usr/bin/env sh cd "$PWD" ranger --choosefiles="$selections" $@ while read -r f; do printf %s "evaluate-commands -client '${kak_client}' edit '\"\$f\"'" | kak -p '${kak_session}' done < "$selections" screen -X remove rm -f "$selections" "$script" EOF tty="$(ps -o tty ${kak_client_pid} | tail -n 1)" screen -X eval \ 'split -h' \ 'focus down' \ "screen sh '$script'" \ < "/dev/$tty" elif [ -n "$WINDOWID" ]; then setsid $kak_opt_termcmd " \ ranger $@ --cmd "'"'" \ map <return> eval \ fm.execute_console('shell \ echo evaluate-commands -client ' + ranger.ext.shell_escape.shell_escape('$kak_client') + ' edit {file} | \ kak -p '.format(file=fm.thisfile.path) + ranger.ext.shell_escape.shell_escape('$kak_session') + '; \ xdotool windowactivate $kak_client_env_WINDOWID') \ if fm.thisfile.is_file else fm.execute_console('move right=1')"'"' < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & fi }}