#include "highlighter_group.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "string_utils.hh" namespace Kakoune { void HighlighterGroup::do_highlight(const Context& context, HighlightPass pass, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) { for (auto& hl : m_highlighters) hl.value->highlight(context, pass, display_buffer, range); } void HighlighterGroup::do_compute_display_setup(const Context& context, HighlightPass pass, DisplaySetup& setup) { for (auto& hl : m_highlighters) hl.value->compute_display_setup(context, pass, setup); } void HighlighterGroup::add_child(HighlighterAndId&& hl) { if ((hl.second->passes() & passes()) != hl.second->passes()) throw runtime_error{"Cannot add that highlighter to this group, passes dont match"}; hl.first = replace(hl.first, "/", ""); if (m_highlighters.contains(hl.first)) throw runtime_error(format("duplicate id: '{}'", hl.first)); m_highlighters.insert({std::move(hl.first), std::move(hl.second)}); } void HighlighterGroup::remove_child(StringView id) { m_highlighters.remove(id); } Highlighter& HighlighterGroup::get_child(StringView path) { auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); StringView id(path.begin(), sep_it); auto it = m_highlighters.find(id); if (it == m_highlighters.end()) throw child_not_found(format("no such id: '{}'", id)); if (sep_it == path.end()) return *it->value; else return it->value->get_child({sep_it+1, path.end()}); } Completions HighlighterGroup::complete_child(StringView path, ByteCount cursor_pos, bool group) const { auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); if (sep_it != path.end()) { ByteCount offset = sep_it+1 - path.begin(); Highlighter& hl = const_cast(this)->get_child({path.begin(), sep_it}); return offset_pos(hl.complete_child(path.substr(offset), cursor_pos - offset, group), offset); } auto candidates = complete( path, cursor_pos, m_highlighters | filter([=](auto& hl) { return not group or hl.value->has_children(); }) | transform([](auto& hl) { return hl.value->has_children() ? hl.key + "/" : hl.key; }) | gather>()); return { 0, 0, std::move(candidates) }; } void Highlighters::highlight(const Context& context, HighlightPass pass, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) { if (m_parent) m_parent->highlight(context, pass, display_buffer, range); m_group.highlight(context, pass, display_buffer, range); } void Highlighters::compute_display_setup(const Context& context, HighlightPass pass, DisplaySetup& setup) { if (m_parent) m_parent->compute_display_setup(context, pass, setup); m_group.compute_display_setup(context, pass, setup); } }