#include "commands.hh" #include "buffer.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "client.hh" #include "client_manager.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "completion.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "file.hh" #include "hash_map.hh" #include "highlighter.hh" #include "highlighters.hh" #include "insert_completer.hh" #include "normal.hh" #include "option_manager.hh" #include "option_types.hh" #include "parameters_parser.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "ranked_match.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "remote.hh" #include "shell_manager.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "user_interface.hh" #include "window.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) #include #endif namespace Kakoune { extern const char* version; namespace { Buffer* open_fifo(StringView name, StringView filename, Buffer::Flags flags, bool scroll) { int fd = open(parse_filename(filename).c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) throw runtime_error(format("unable to open '{}'", filename)); return create_fifo_buffer(name.str(), fd, flags, scroll); } template struct PerArgumentCommandCompleter; template<> struct PerArgumentCommandCompleter<> { Completions operator()(const Context&, CompletionFlags, CommandParameters, size_t, ByteCount) const { return {}; } }; template struct PerArgumentCommandCompleter : PerArgumentCommandCompleter { template, std::remove_reference_t>::value>> PerArgumentCommandCompleter(C&& completer, R&&... rest) : PerArgumentCommandCompleter(std::forward(rest)...), m_completer(std::forward(completer)) {} Completions operator()(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) const { if (token_to_complete == 0) { const String& arg = token_to_complete < params.size() ? params[token_to_complete] : String(); return m_completer(context, flags, arg, pos_in_token); } return PerArgumentCommandCompleter::operator()( context, flags, params.subrange(1), token_to_complete-1, pos_in_token); } Completer m_completer; }; template PerArgumentCommandCompleter...> make_completer(Completers&&... completers) { return {std::forward(completers)...}; } template auto add_flags(Completer completer, Completions::Flags completions_flags) { return [completer=std::move(completer), completions_flags] (const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { Completions res = completer(context, flags, prefix, cursor_pos); res.flags |= completions_flags; return res; }; } template auto menu(Completer completer) { return add_flags(std::move(completer), Completions::Flags::Menu); } template auto filename_completer = make_completer( [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return Completions{ 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete_filename(prefix, context.options()["ignored_files"].get(), cursor_pos, FilenameFlags::Expand), menu ? Completions::Flags::Menu : Completions::Flags::None}; }); template static Completions complete_buffer_name(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { struct RankedMatchAndBuffer : RankedMatch { RankedMatchAndBuffer(RankedMatch m, const Buffer* b) : RankedMatch{std::move(m)}, buffer{b} {} using RankedMatch::operator==; using RankedMatch::operator<; const Buffer* buffer; }; StringView query = prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos); Vector filename_matches; Vector matches; for (const auto& buffer : BufferManager::instance()) { if (ignore_current and buffer.get() == &context.buffer()) continue; StringView bufname = buffer->display_name(); if (buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) { if (RankedMatch match{split_path(bufname).second, query}) { filename_matches.emplace_back(match, buffer.get()); continue; } } if (RankedMatch match{bufname, query}) matches.emplace_back(match, buffer.get()); } std::sort(filename_matches.begin(), filename_matches.end()); std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end()); CandidateList res; for (auto& match : filename_matches) res.push_back(match.buffer->display_name()); for (auto& match : matches) res.push_back(match.buffer->display_name()); return { 0, cursor_pos, res }; } auto make_single_word_completer(std::function func) { return make_completer( [func](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { auto candidate = { func(context) }; return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, candidate) }; }); } const ParameterDesc no_params{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0 }; const ParameterDesc single_param{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 1, 1 }; const ParameterDesc single_optional_param{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 1 }; const ParameterDesc double_params{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 2 }; static constexpr auto scopes = { "global", "buffer", "window" }; static Completions complete_scope(const Context&, CompletionFlags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, scopes) }; } static Completions complete_command_name(const Context& context, CompletionFlags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return CommandManager::instance().complete_command_name( context, prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos)); } struct ShellScriptCompleter { ShellScriptCompleter(String shell_script, Completions::Flags flags = Completions::Flags::None) : m_shell_script{std::move(shell_script)}, m_flags(flags) {} Completions operator()(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { if (flags & CompletionFlags::Fast) // no shell on fast completion return Completions{}; ShellContext shell_context{ params, { { "token_to_complete", to_string(token_to_complete) }, { "pos_in_token", to_string(pos_in_token) } } }; String output = ShellManager::instance().eval(m_shell_script, context, {}, ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout, shell_context).first; CandidateList candidates; for (auto&& candidate : output | split('\n')) candidates.push_back(candidate.str()); return {0_byte, pos_in_token, std::move(candidates), m_flags}; } private: String m_shell_script; Completions::Flags m_flags; }; struct ShellCandidatesCompleter { ShellCandidatesCompleter(String shell_script, Completions::Flags flags = Completions::Flags::None) : m_shell_script{std::move(shell_script)}, m_flags(flags) {} Completions operator()(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { if (flags & CompletionFlags::Start) m_token = -1; if (m_token != token_to_complete) { ShellContext shell_context{ params, { { "token_to_complete", to_string(token_to_complete) } } }; String output = ShellManager::instance().eval(m_shell_script, context, {}, ShellManager::Flags::WaitForStdout, shell_context).first; m_candidates.clear(); for (auto c : output | split('\n')) m_candidates.emplace_back(c.str(), used_letters(c)); m_token = token_to_complete; } StringView query = params[token_to_complete].substr(0, pos_in_token); UsedLetters query_letters = used_letters(query); Vector matches; for (const auto& candidate : m_candidates) { if (RankedMatch match{candidate.first, candidate.second, query, query_letters}) matches.push_back(match); } constexpr size_t max_count = 100; CandidateList res; // Gather best max_count matches for_n_best(matches, max_count, [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; }, [&] (const RankedMatch& m) { if (not res.empty() and res.back() == m.candidate()) return false; res.push_back(m.candidate().str()); return true; }); return Completions{0_byte, pos_in_token, std::move(res), m_flags}; } private: String m_shell_script; Vector, MemoryDomain::Completion> m_candidates; int m_token = -1; Completions::Flags m_flags; }; template struct PromptCompleterAdapter { PromptCompleterAdapter(Completer completer) : m_completer{completer} {} Completions operator()(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return m_completer(context, flags, {String{String::NoCopy{}, prefix}}, 0, cursor_pos); } private: Completer m_completer; }; Scope* get_scope_ifp(StringView scope, const Context& context) { if (prefix_match("global", scope)) return &GlobalScope::instance(); else if (prefix_match("buffer", scope)) return &context.buffer(); else if (prefix_match("window", scope)) return &context.window(); else if (prefix_match(scope, "buffer=")) return &BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(scope.substr(7_byte)); return nullptr; } Scope& get_scope(StringView scope, const Context& context) { if (auto s = get_scope_ifp(scope, context)) return *s; throw runtime_error(format("no such scope: '{}'", scope)); } struct CommandDesc { const char* name; const char* alias; const char* docstring; ParameterDesc params; CommandFlags flags; CommandHelper helper; CommandCompleter completer; void (*func)(const ParametersParser&, Context&, const ShellContext&); }; template void edit(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { const bool scratch = (bool)parser.get_switch("scratch"); if (parser.positional_count() == 0 and not force_reload and not scratch) throw wrong_argument_count(); const bool no_hooks = context.hooks_disabled(); const auto flags = (no_hooks ? Buffer::Flags::NoHooks : Buffer::Flags::None) | (parser.get_switch("debug") ? Buffer::Flags::Debug : Buffer::Flags::None); auto& buffer_manager = BufferManager::instance(); auto generate_scratch_name = [&] { for (int i = 0; true; ++i) { String name = format("*scratch-{}*", i); if (buffer_manager.get_buffer_ifp(name) == nullptr) return name; } }; const auto& name = parser.positional_count() > 0 ? parser[0] : (scratch ? generate_scratch_name() : context.buffer().name()); Buffer* buffer = buffer_manager.get_buffer_ifp(name); if (scratch) { if (parser.get_switch("readonly") or parser.get_switch("fifo") or parser.get_switch("scroll")) throw runtime_error("scratch is not compatible with readonly, fifo or scroll"); if (buffer == nullptr or force_reload) { if (buffer != nullptr and force_reload) buffer_manager.delete_buffer(*buffer); buffer = buffer_manager.create_buffer(std::move(name), flags); } else if (buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) throw runtime_error(format("buffer '{}' exists but is not a scratch buffer", name)); } else if (force_reload and buffer and buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) { reload_file_buffer(*buffer); } else { if (auto fifo = parser.get_switch("fifo")) buffer = open_fifo(name, *fifo, flags, (bool)parser.get_switch("scroll")); else if (not buffer) { buffer = parser.get_switch("existing") ? open_file_buffer(name, flags) : open_or_create_file_buffer(name, flags); if (buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::New) context.print_status({ format("new file '{}'", name), context.faces()["StatusLine"] }); } buffer->flags() &= ~Buffer::Flags::NoHooks; if (parser.get_switch("readonly")) buffer->flags() |= Buffer::Flags::ReadOnly; } Buffer* current_buffer = context.has_buffer() ? &context.buffer() : nullptr; const size_t param_count = parser.positional_count(); if (current_buffer and (buffer != current_buffer or param_count > 1)) context.push_jump(); if (buffer != current_buffer) context.change_buffer(*buffer); buffer = &context.buffer(); // change_buffer hooks might change the buffer again if (parser.get_switch("fifo") and not parser.get_switch("scroll")) context.selections_write_only() = { *buffer, Selection{} }; else if (param_count > 1 and not parser[1].empty()) { int line = std::max(0, str_to_int(parser[1]) - 1); int column = param_count > 2 and not parser[2].empty() ? std::max(0, str_to_int(parser[2]) - 1) : 0; auto& buffer = context.buffer(); context.selections_write_only() = { buffer, buffer.clamp({ line, column }) }; if (context.has_window()) context.window().center_line(context.selections().main().cursor().line); } } ParameterDesc edit_params{ { { "existing", { false, "fail if the file does not exist, do not open a new file" } }, { "scratch", { false, "create a scratch buffer, not linked to a file" } }, { "debug", { false, "create buffer as debug output" } }, { "fifo", { true, "create a buffer reading its content from a named fifo" } }, { "readonly", { false, "create a buffer in readonly mode" } }, { "scroll", { false, "place the initial cursor so that the fifo will scroll to show new data" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 3 }; const CommandDesc edit_cmd = { "edit", "e", "edit [] [ []]: open the given filename in a buffer", edit_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, filename_completer, edit }; const CommandDesc force_edit_cmd = { "edit!", "e!", "edit! [] [ []]: open the given filename in a buffer, " "force reload if needed", edit_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, filename_completer, edit }; const ParameterDesc write_params{ { { "sync", { false, "force the synchronization of the file onto the filesystem" } }, { "atomic", { false, "force the writemethod to replace" } }, }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 0, 1 }; void do_write_buffer(Context& context, Optional filename, WriteFlags flags, bool atomic = false) { Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); if (not filename and !(buffer.flags() & Buffer::Flags::File)) throw runtime_error("cannot write a non file buffer without a filename"); // if the buffer is in read-only mode and we try to save it directly // or we try to write to it indirectly using e.g. a symlink, throw an error if ((context.buffer().flags() & Buffer::Flags::ReadOnly) and (not filename or real_path(*filename) == buffer.name())) throw runtime_error("cannot overwrite the buffer when in readonly mode"); auto effective_filename = not filename ? buffer.name() : parse_filename(*filename); auto mode = atomic ? WriteMethod::Replace : context.options()["writemethod"].get(); context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::BufWritePre, effective_filename, context); write_buffer_to_file(buffer, effective_filename, mode, flags); context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::BufWritePost, effective_filename, context); } template void write_buffer(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { return do_write_buffer(context, parser.positional_count() > 0 ? parser[0] : Optional{}, (parser.get_switch("sync") ? WriteFlags::Sync : WriteFlags::None) | (force ? WriteFlags::Force : WriteFlags::None), (bool)parser.get_switch("atomic")); } const CommandDesc write_cmd = { "write", "w", "write [-sync] []: write the current buffer to its file " "or to if specified", write_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, filename_completer, write_buffer, }; const CommandDesc force_write_cmd = { "write!", "w!", "write! [-sync] []: write the current buffer to its file " "or to if specified, even when the file is write protected", write_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, filename_completer, write_buffer, }; void write_all_buffers(const Context& context, bool sync = false) { // Copy buffer list because hooks might be creating/deleting buffers Vector> buffers; for (auto& buffer : BufferManager::instance()) buffers.emplace_back(buffer.get()); for (auto& buffer : buffers) { if ((buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) and ((buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::New) or buffer->is_modified()) and !(buffer->flags() & Buffer::Flags::ReadOnly)) { auto mode = context.options()["writemethod"].get(); buffer->run_hook_in_own_context(Hook::BufWritePre, buffer->name(), context.name()); write_buffer_to_file(*buffer, buffer->name(), mode, sync ? WriteFlags::Sync : WriteFlags::None); buffer->run_hook_in_own_context(Hook::BufWritePost, buffer->name(), context.name()); } } } const CommandDesc write_all_cmd = { "write-all", "wa", "write-all [-sync]: write all changed buffers that are associated to a file", ParameterDesc{ { { "sync", { false, "force the synchronization of the file onto the filesystem" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&){ write_all_buffers(context, (bool)parser.get_switch("sync")); } }; static void ensure_all_buffers_are_saved() { auto is_modified = [](const std::unique_ptr& buf) { return (buf->flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) and buf->is_modified(); }; auto it = find_if(BufferManager::instance(), is_modified); const auto end = BufferManager::instance().end(); if (it == end) return; String message = format("{} modified buffers remaining: [", std::count_if(it, end, is_modified)); while (it != end) { message += (*it)->name(); it = std::find_if(it+1, end, is_modified); message += (it != end) ? ", " : "]"; } throw runtime_error(message); } template void kill(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { auto& client_manager = ClientManager::instance(); if (not force) ensure_all_buffers_are_saved(); const int status = parser.positional_count() > 0 ? str_to_int(parser[0]) : 0; while (not client_manager.empty()) client_manager.remove_client(**client_manager.begin(), true, status); throw kill_session{status}; } const CommandDesc kill_cmd = { "kill", nullptr, "kill []: terminate the current session, the server and all clients connected. " "An optional integer parameter can set the server and client processes exit status", { {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 0, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, kill }; const CommandDesc force_kill_cmd = { "kill!", nullptr, "kill! []: force the termination of the current session, the server and all clients connected. " "An optional integer parameter can set the server and client processes exit status", { {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 0, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, kill }; template void quit(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { if (not force and ClientManager::instance().count() == 1) ensure_all_buffers_are_saved(); const int status = parser.positional_count() > 0 ? str_to_int(parser[0]) : 0; ClientManager::instance().remove_client(context.client(), true, status); } const CommandDesc quit_cmd = { "quit", "q", "quit []: quit current client, and the kakoune session if the client is the last " "(if not running in daemon mode). " "An optional integer parameter can set the client exit status", { {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 0, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, quit }; const CommandDesc force_quit_cmd = { "quit!", "q!", "quit! []: quit current client, and the kakoune session if the client is the last " "(if not running in daemon mode). Force quit even if the client is the " "last and some buffers are not saved. " "An optional integer parameter can set the client exit status", { {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 0, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, quit }; template void write_quit(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { do_write_buffer(context, {}, parser.get_switch("sync") ? WriteFlags::Sync : WriteFlags::None); quit(parser, context, shell_context); } const CommandDesc write_quit_cmd = { "write-quit", "wq", "write-quit [-sync] []: write current buffer and quit current client. " "An optional integer parameter can set the client exit status", write_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, write_quit }; const CommandDesc force_write_quit_cmd = { "write-quit!", "wq!", "write-quit! [-sync] [] write: current buffer and quit current client, even if other buffers are not saved. " "An optional integer parameter can set the client exit status", write_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, write_quit }; const CommandDesc write_all_quit_cmd = { "write-all-quit", "waq", "write-all-quit [-sync] []: write all buffers associated to a file and quit current client. " "An optional integer parameter can set the client exit status.", write_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { write_all_buffers(context, (bool)parser.get_switch("sync")); quit(parser, context, shell_context); } }; const CommandDesc buffer_cmd = { "buffer", "b", "buffer : set buffer to edit in current client", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(menu(complete_buffer_name)), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { Buffer& buffer = BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(parser[0]); if (&buffer != &context.buffer()) { context.push_jump(); context.change_buffer(buffer); } } }; template void cycle_buffer(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { Buffer* oldbuf = &context.buffer(); auto it = find_if(BufferManager::instance(), [oldbuf](const std::unique_ptr& lhs) { return lhs.get() == oldbuf; }); kak_assert(it != BufferManager::instance().end()); Buffer* newbuf = nullptr; auto cycle = [&] { if (not next) { if (it == BufferManager::instance().begin()) it = BufferManager::instance().end(); --it; } else { if (++it == BufferManager::instance().end()) it = BufferManager::instance().begin(); } newbuf = it->get(); }; cycle(); while (newbuf != oldbuf and newbuf->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Debug) cycle(); if (newbuf != oldbuf) { context.push_jump(); context.change_buffer(*newbuf); } } const CommandDesc buffer_next_cmd = { "buffer-next", "bn", "buffer-next: move to the next buffer in the list", no_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, cycle_buffer }; const CommandDesc buffer_previous_cmd = { "buffer-previous", "bp", "buffer-previous: move to the previous buffer in the list", no_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, cycle_buffer }; template void delete_buffer(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { BufferManager& manager = BufferManager::instance(); Buffer& buffer = parser.positional_count() == 0 ? context.buffer() : manager.get_buffer(parser[0]); if (not force and (buffer.flags() & Buffer::Flags::File) and buffer.is_modified()) throw runtime_error(format("buffer '{}' is modified", buffer.name())); manager.delete_buffer(buffer); context.forget_buffer(buffer); } const CommandDesc delete_buffer_cmd = { "delete-buffer", "db", "delete-buffer [name]: delete current buffer or the buffer named if given", single_optional_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(menu(complete_buffer_name)), delete_buffer }; const CommandDesc force_delete_buffer_cmd = { "delete-buffer!", "db!", "delete-buffer! [name]: delete current buffer or the buffer named if " "given, even if the buffer is unsaved", single_optional_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(menu(complete_buffer_name)), delete_buffer }; const CommandDesc rename_buffer_cmd = { "rename-buffer", nullptr, "rename-buffer : change current buffer name", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_single_word_completer([](const Context& context){ return context.buffer().display_name(); }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { if (not context.buffer().set_name(parser[0])) throw runtime_error(format("unable to change buffer name to '{}'", parser[0])); } }; static constexpr auto highlighter_scopes = { "global/", "buffer/", "window/", "shared/" }; template Completions highlighter_cmd_completer( const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { if (token_to_complete == 0) { StringView path = params[0]; auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); if (sep_it == path.end()) return { 0_byte, pos_in_token, complete(path, pos_in_token, highlighter_scopes) }; StringView scope{path.begin(), sep_it}; HighlighterGroup* root = nullptr; if (scope == "shared") root = &DefinedHighlighters::instance(); else if (auto* s = get_scope_ifp(scope, context)) root = &s->highlighters().group(); else return {}; auto offset = scope.length() + 1; return offset_pos(root->complete_child(StringView{sep_it+1, path.end()}, pos_in_token - offset, add), offset); } else if (add and token_to_complete == 1) { StringView name = params[1]; return { 0_byte, name.length(), complete(name, pos_in_token, HighlighterRegistry::instance() | transform(&HighlighterRegistry::Item::key)) }; } else return {}; } Highlighter& get_highlighter(const Context& context, StringView path) { if (not path.empty() and path.back() == '/') path = path.substr(0_byte, path.length() - 1); auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); StringView scope{path.begin(), sep_it}; auto* root = (scope == "shared") ? static_cast(&DefinedHighlighters::instance()) : static_cast(&get_scope(scope, context).highlighters().group()); if (sep_it != path.end()) return root->get_child(StringView{sep_it+1, path.end()}); return *root; } const CommandDesc add_highlighter_cmd = { "add-highlighter", "addhl", "add-highlighter / ...: add an highlighter to the group identified by \n" " is a '/' delimited path or the parent highlighter, starting with either\n" " 'global', 'buffer', 'window' or 'shared', if is empty, it will be autogenerated", ParameterDesc{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 2 }, CommandFlags::None, [](const Context& context, CommandParameters params) -> String { if (params.size() > 1) { HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance(); auto it = registry.find(params[1]); if (it != registry.end()) return format("{}:\n{}", params[1], indent(it->value.docstring)); } return ""; }, highlighter_cmd_completer, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance(); auto begin = parser.begin(); StringView path = *begin++; StringView type = *begin++; Vector highlighter_params; for (; begin != parser.end(); ++begin) highlighter_params.push_back(*begin); auto it = registry.find(type); if (it == registry.end()) throw runtime_error(format("no such highlighter type: '{}'", type)); auto slash = find(path | reverse(), '/'); if (slash == path.rend()) throw runtime_error("no parent in path"); auto auto_name = [](ConstArrayView params) { return join(params | transform([](StringView s) { return replace(s, "/", ""); }), "_"); }; String name{slash.base(), path.end()}; Highlighter& parent = get_highlighter(context, {path.begin(), slash.base() - 1}); parent.add_child(name.empty() ? auto_name(parser.positionals_from(1)) : std::move(name), it->value.factory(highlighter_params, &parent)); // TODO: better, this will fail if we touch scopes highlighters that impact multiple windows if (context.has_window()) context.window().force_redraw(); } }; const CommandDesc remove_highlighter_cmd = { "remove-highlighter", "rmhl", "remove-highlighter : remove highlighter identified by ", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, highlighter_cmd_completer, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { StringView path = parser[0]; if (not path.empty() and path.back() == '/') // ignore trailing / path = path.substr(0_byte, path.length() - 1_byte); auto rev_path = path | reverse(); auto sep_it = find(rev_path, '/'); if (sep_it == rev_path.end()) return; get_highlighter(context, {path.begin(), sep_it.base()}).remove_child({sep_it.base(), path.end()}); if (context.has_window()) context.window().force_redraw(); } }; static Completions complete_hooks(const Context&, CompletionFlags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, enum_desc(Meta::Type{}) | transform(&EnumDesc::name)) }; } const CommandDesc add_hook_cmd = { "hook", nullptr, "hook [] : add in " "to be executed on hook when its parameter matches the regex\n" " can be:\n" " * global: hook is executed for any buffer or window\n" " * buffer: hook is executed only for the current buffer\n" " (and any window for that buffer)\n" " * window: hook is executed only for the current window\n", ParameterDesc{ { { "group", { true, "set hook group, see remove-hooks" } }, { "always", { false, "run hook even if hooks are disabled" } }, { "once", { false, "run the hook only once" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 4, 4 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(complete_scope, complete_hooks, complete_nothing, [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return CommandManager::instance().complete( context, flags, prefix, cursor_pos); }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { auto descs = enum_desc(Meta::Type{}); auto it = find_if(descs, [&](const EnumDesc& desc) { return desc.name == parser[1]; }); if (it == descs.end()) throw runtime_error{format("no such hook: '{}'", parser[1])}; Regex regex{parser[2], RegexCompileFlags::Optimize}; const String& command = parser[3]; auto group = parser.get_switch("group").value_or(StringView{}); if (any_of(group, [](char c) { return not is_word(c, { '-' }); }) or (not group.empty() and not is_word(group[0]))) throw runtime_error{format("invalid group name '{}'", group)}; const auto flags = (parser.get_switch("always") ? HookFlags::Always : HookFlags::None) | (parser.get_switch("once") ? HookFlags::Once : HookFlags::None); get_scope(parser[0], context).hooks().add_hook(it->value, group.str(), flags, std::move(regex), command); } }; const CommandDesc remove_hook_cmd = { "remove-hooks", "rmhooks", "remove-hooks : remove all hooks whose group matches the regex ", double_params, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) -> Completions { if (token_to_complete == 0) return { 0_byte, params[0].length(), complete(params[0], pos_in_token, scopes) }; else if (token_to_complete == 1) { if (auto scope = get_scope_ifp(params[0], context)) return { 0_byte, params[0].length(), scope->hooks().complete_hook_group(params[1], pos_in_token) }; } return {}; }, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { get_scope(parser[0], context).hooks().remove_hooks(Regex{parser[1]}); } }; Vector params_to_shell(const ParametersParser& parser) { Vector vars; for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.positional_count(); ++i) vars.push_back(parser[i]); return vars; } void define_command(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { const String& cmd_name = parser[0]; auto& cm = CommandManager::instance(); if (not all_of(cmd_name, is_identifier)) throw runtime_error(format("invalid command name: '{}'", cmd_name)); if (cm.command_defined(cmd_name) and not parser.get_switch("override")) throw runtime_error(format("command '{}' already defined", cmd_name)); CommandFlags flags = CommandFlags::None; if (parser.get_switch("hidden")) flags = CommandFlags::Hidden; const Completions::Flags completions_flags = parser.get_switch("menu") ? Completions::Flags::Menu : Completions::Flags::None; const String& commands = parser[1]; CommandFunc cmd; ParameterDesc desc; if (auto params = parser.get_switch("params")) { size_t min = 0, max = -1; StringView counts = *params; static const Regex re{R"((\d+)?..(\d+)?)"}; MatchResults res; if (regex_match(counts.begin(), counts.end(), res, re)) { if (res[1].matched) min = (size_t)str_to_int({res[1].first, res[1].second}); if (res[2].matched) max = (size_t)str_to_int({res[2].first, res[2].second}); } else min = max = (size_t)str_to_int(counts); desc = ParameterDesc{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, min, max }; cmd = [=](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& sc) { CommandManager::instance().execute(commands, context, { params_to_shell(parser), sc.env_vars }); }; } else { desc = ParameterDesc{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 0, 0 }; cmd = [=](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& sc) { CommandManager::instance().execute(commands, context, { {}, sc.env_vars }); }; } CommandCompleter completer; if (parser.get_switch("file-completion")) { completer = [=](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { const String& prefix = params[token_to_complete]; const auto& ignored_files = context.options()["ignored_files"].get(); return Completions{0_byte, pos_in_token, complete_filename(prefix, ignored_files, pos_in_token, FilenameFlags::Expand), completions_flags}; }; } else if (parser.get_switch("client-completion")) { completer = [=](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { const String& prefix = params[token_to_complete]; auto& cm = ClientManager::instance(); return Completions{0_byte, pos_in_token, cm.complete_client_name(prefix, pos_in_token), completions_flags}; }; } else if (parser.get_switch("buffer-completion")) { completer = [=](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { return add_flags(complete_buffer_name, completions_flags)( context, flags, params[token_to_complete], pos_in_token); }; } else if (auto shell_script = parser.get_switch("shell-script-completion")) { completer = ShellScriptCompleter{shell_script->str(), completions_flags}; } else if (auto shell_script = parser.get_switch("shell-script-candidates")) { completer = ShellCandidatesCompleter{shell_script->str(), completions_flags}; } else if (parser.get_switch("command-completion")) { completer = [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { return CommandManager::instance().complete( context, flags, params, token_to_complete, pos_in_token); }; } else if (parser.get_switch("shell-completion")) { completer = [=](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { return add_flags(shell_complete, completions_flags)( context, flags, params[token_to_complete], pos_in_token); }; } auto docstring = trim_indent(parser.get_switch("docstring").value_or(StringView{})); cm.register_command(cmd_name, cmd, docstring, desc, flags, CommandHelper{}, completer); } const CommandDesc define_command_cmd = { "define-command", "def", "define-command [] : define a command executing ", ParameterDesc{ { { "params", { true, "take parameters, accessible to each shell escape as $0..$N\n" "parameter should take the form or .. (both omittable)" } }, { "override", { false, "allow overriding an existing command" } }, { "hidden", { false, "do not display the command in completion candidates" } }, { "docstring", { true, "define the documentation string for command" } }, { "menu", { false, "treat completions as the only valid inputs" } }, { "file-completion", { false, "complete parameters using filename completion" } }, { "client-completion", { false, "complete parameters using client name completion" } }, { "buffer-completion", { false, "complete parameters using buffer name completion" } }, { "command-completion", { false, "complete parameters using kakoune command completion" } }, { "shell-completion", { false, "complete parameters using shell command completion" } }, { "shell-script-completion", { true, "complete parameters using the given shell-script" } }, { "shell-script-candidates", { true, "get the parameter candidates using the given shell-script" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 2 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, define_command }; const CommandDesc alias_cmd = { "alias", nullptr, "alias : alias to in ", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 3, 3}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(complete_scope, complete_nothing, complete_command_name), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { if (not CommandManager::instance().command_defined(parser[2])) throw runtime_error(format("no such command: '{}'", parser[2])); AliasRegistry& aliases = get_scope(parser[0], context).aliases(); aliases.add_alias(parser[1], parser[2]); } }; static Completions complete_alias(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return {0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, context.aliases().flatten_aliases() | transform([](auto& entry) -> const String& { return entry.key; }))}; } const CommandDesc unalias_cmd = { "unalias", nullptr, "unalias []: remove from \n" "If is specified, remove only if its value is ", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 3}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer(complete_scope, complete_alias, complete_command_name), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { AliasRegistry& aliases = get_scope(parser[0], context).aliases(); if (parser.positional_count() == 3 and aliases[parser[1]] != parser[2]) return; aliases.remove_alias(parser[1]); } }; const CommandDesc echo_cmd = { "echo", nullptr, "echo ...: display given parameters in the status line", ParameterDesc{ { { "markup", { false, "parse markup" } }, { "quoting", { true, "quote each argument separately using the given style (raw|kakoune|shell)" } }, { "to-file", { true, "echo contents to given filename" } }, { "debug", { false, "write to debug buffer instead of status line" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { String message; if (auto quoting = parser.get_switch("quoting")) message = join(parser | transform(quoter(option_from_string(Meta::Type{}, *quoting))), ' ', false); else message = join(parser, ' ', false); if (auto filename = parser.get_switch("to-file")) return write_to_file(*filename, message); message = fix_atom_text(message); if (parser.get_switch("debug")) write_to_debug_buffer(message); else if (parser.get_switch("markup")) context.print_status(parse_display_line(message, context.faces())); else context.print_status({replace(message, '\t', ' '), context.faces()["StatusLine"]}); } }; KeymapMode parse_keymap_mode(StringView str, const KeymapManager::UserModeList& user_modes) { if (prefix_match("normal", str)) return KeymapMode::Normal; if (prefix_match("insert", str)) return KeymapMode::Insert; if (prefix_match("menu", str)) return KeymapMode::Menu; if (prefix_match("prompt", str)) return KeymapMode::Prompt; if (prefix_match("goto", str)) return KeymapMode::Goto; if (prefix_match("view", str)) return KeymapMode::View; if (prefix_match("user", str)) return KeymapMode::User; if (prefix_match("object", str)) return KeymapMode::Object; auto it = find(user_modes, str); if (it == user_modes.end()) throw runtime_error(format("no such keymap mode: '{}'", str)); char offset = static_cast(KeymapMode::FirstUserMode); return (KeymapMode)(std::distance(user_modes.begin(), it) + offset); } static constexpr auto modes = { "normal", "insert", "menu", "prompt", "goto", "view", "user", "object" }; const CommandDesc debug_cmd = { "debug", nullptr, "debug : write some debug information to the *debug* buffer", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer( [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { auto c = {"info", "buffers", "options", "memory", "shared-strings", "profile-hash-maps", "faces", "mappings", "regex"}; return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, c) }; }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { if (parser[0] == "info") { write_to_debug_buffer(format("version: {}", version)); write_to_debug_buffer(format("pid: {}", getpid())); write_to_debug_buffer(format("session: {}", Server::instance().session())); #ifdef KAK_DEBUG write_to_debug_buffer("build: debug"); #else write_to_debug_buffer("build: release"); #endif } else if (parser[0] == "buffers") { write_to_debug_buffer("Buffers:"); for (auto& buffer : BufferManager::instance()) write_to_debug_buffer(buffer->debug_description()); } else if (parser[0] == "options") { write_to_debug_buffer("Options:"); for (auto& option : context.options().flatten_options()) write_to_debug_buffer(format(" * {}: {}", option->name(), option->get_as_string(Quoting::Kakoune))); } else if (parser[0] == "memory") { auto total = 0; write_to_debug_buffer("Memory usage:"); for (int domain = 0; domain < (int)MemoryDomain::Count; ++domain) { auto& stats = memory_stats[domain]; total += stats.allocated_bytes; write_to_debug_buffer( format(" {}: {} bytes, {} alloc active, {} alloc total", domain_name((MemoryDomain)domain), stats.allocated_bytes, stats.allocation_count, stats.total_allocation_count)); } write_to_debug_buffer(format(" Total: {}", total)); #if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) write_to_debug_buffer(format(" Malloced: {}", mallinfo().uordblks)); #endif } else if (parser[0] == "shared-strings") { StringRegistry::instance().debug_stats(); } else if (parser[0] == "profile-hash-maps") { profile_hash_maps(); } else if (parser[0] == "faces") { write_to_debug_buffer("Faces:"); for (auto& face : context.faces().flatten_faces()) write_to_debug_buffer(format(" * {}: {}", face.key, face.value.face)); } else if (parser[0] == "mappings") { auto& keymaps = context.keymaps(); auto user_modes = keymaps.user_modes(); write_to_debug_buffer("Mappings:"); for (auto& mode : concatenated(modes, user_modes) | gather>()) { KeymapMode m = parse_keymap_mode(mode, user_modes); for (auto& key : keymaps.get_mapped_keys(m)) write_to_debug_buffer(format(" * {} {}: {}", mode, key_to_str(key), keymaps.get_mapping(key, m).docstring)); } } else if (parser[0] == "regex") { if (parser.positional_count() != 2) throw runtime_error("expected a regex"); write_to_debug_buffer(format(" * {}:\n{}", parser[1], dump_regex(compile_regex(parser[1], RegexCompileFlags::None)))); } else throw runtime_error(format("no such debug command: '{}'", parser[0])); } }; const CommandDesc source_cmd = { "source", nullptr, "source ...: execute commands contained in \n" "parameters are available in the sourced script as %arg{0}, %arg{1}, …", ParameterDesc{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 1, (size_t)-1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, filename_completer, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { const DebugFlags debug_flags = context.options()["debug"].get(); const bool profile = debug_flags & DebugFlags::Profile; auto start_time = profile ? Clock::now() : Clock::time_point{}; String path = real_path(parse_filename(parser[0])); MappedFile file_content{path}; try { auto params = parser | skip(1) | gather>(); CommandManager::instance().execute(file_content, context, {params, {{"source", path}}}); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("{}:{}", parser[0], err.what())); throw; } using namespace std::chrono; if (profile) write_to_debug_buffer(format("sourcing '{}' took {} us", parser[0], (size_t)duration_cast(Clock::now() - start_time).count())); } }; static String option_doc_helper(const Context& context, CommandParameters params) { const bool add = params.size() > 1 and params[0] == "-add"; if (params.size() < 2 + (add ? 1 : 0)) return ""; auto desc = GlobalScope::instance().option_registry().option_desc(params[1 + (add ? 1 : 0)]); if (not desc or desc->docstring().empty()) return ""; return format("{}:\n{}", desc->name(), indent(desc->docstring())); } static OptionManager& get_options(StringView scope, const Context& context, StringView option_name) { if (scope == "current") return context.options()[option_name].manager(); return get_scope(scope, context).options(); } const CommandDesc set_option_cmd = { "set-option", "set", "set-option [] : set option in to \n" " can be global, buffer, window, or current which refers to the narrowest " "scope the option is set in", ParameterDesc{ { { "add", { false, "add to option rather than replacing it" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 2, (size_t)-1 }, CommandFlags::None, option_doc_helper, [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) -> Completions { const bool add = params.size() > 1 and params[0] == "-add"; const int start = add ? 1 : 0; static constexpr auto scopes = { "global", "buffer", "window", "current" }; if (token_to_complete == start) return { 0_byte, params[start].length(), complete(params[start], pos_in_token, scopes) }; else if (token_to_complete == start + 1) return { 0_byte, params[start + 1].length(), GlobalScope::instance().option_registry().complete_option_name(params[start + 1], pos_in_token) }; else if (not add and token_to_complete == start + 2 and params[start + 2].empty() and GlobalScope::instance().option_registry().option_exists(params[start + 1])) { OptionManager& options = get_scope(params[start], context).options(); return {0_byte, params[start + 2].length(), {options[params[start + 1]].get_as_string(Quoting::Kakoune)}, Completions::Flags::Quoted}; } return Completions{}; }, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { Option& opt = get_options(parser[0], context, parser[1]).get_local_option(parser[1]); if (parser.get_switch("add")) opt.add_from_strings(parser.positionals_from(2)); else opt.set_from_strings(parser.positionals_from(2)); } }; Completions complete_option(const Context& context, CompletionFlags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { if (token_to_complete == 0) { static constexpr auto scopes = { "buffer", "window", "current" }; return { 0_byte, params[0].length(), complete(params[0], pos_in_token, scopes) }; } else if (token_to_complete == 1) return { 0_byte, params[1].length(), GlobalScope::instance().option_registry().complete_option_name(params[1], pos_in_token) }; return Completions{}; } const CommandDesc unset_option_cmd = { "unset-option", "unset", "unset-option : remove option from scope, falling back on parent scope value\n" " can be buffer, window, or current which refers to the narrowest " "scope the option is set in", double_params, CommandFlags::None, option_doc_helper, complete_option, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { auto& options = get_options(parser[0], context, parser[1]); if (&options == &GlobalScope::instance().options()) throw runtime_error("cannot unset options in global scope"); options.unset_option(parser[1]); } }; const CommandDesc update_option_cmd = { "update-option", nullptr, "update-option : update option from scope\n" "some option types, such as line-specs or range-specs can be updated to latest buffer timestamp\n" " can be buffer, window, or current which refers to the narrowest " "scope the option is set in", double_params, CommandFlags::None, option_doc_helper, complete_option, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { Option& opt = get_options(parser[0], context, parser[1]).get_local_option(parser[1]); opt.update(context); } }; const CommandDesc declare_option_cmd = { "declare-option", "decl", "declare-option [] [value]: declare option of type .\n" "set its initial value to if given and the option did not exist\n" "Available types:\n" " int: integer\n" " bool: boolean (true/false or yes/no)\n" " str: character string\n" " regex: regular expression\n" " int-list: list of integers\n" " str-list: list of character strings\n" " completions: list of completion candidates\n" " line-specs: list of line specs\n" " range-specs: list of range specs\n" " str-to-str-map: map from strings to strings\n", ParameterDesc{ { { "hidden", { false, "do not display option name when completing" } }, { "docstring", { true, "specify option description" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 2, (size_t)-1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer( [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { auto c = {"int", "bool", "str", "regex", "int-list", "str-list", "completions", "line-specs", "range-specs", "str-to-str-map"}; return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, c) }; }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { Option* opt = nullptr; OptionFlags flags = OptionFlags::None; if (parser.get_switch("hidden")) flags = OptionFlags::Hidden; auto docstring = trim_indent(parser.get_switch("docstring").value_or(StringView{})); OptionsRegistry& reg = GlobalScope::instance().option_registry(); if (parser[0] == "int") opt = ®.declare_option(parser[1], docstring, 0, flags); else if (parser[0] == "bool") opt = ®.declare_option(parser[1], docstring, false, flags); else if (parser[0] == "str") opt = ®.declare_option(parser[1], docstring, "", flags); else if (parser[0] == "regex") opt = ®.declare_option(parser[1], docstring, Regex{}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "int-list") opt = ®.declare_option>(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "str-list") opt = ®.declare_option>(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "completions") opt = ®.declare_option(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "line-specs") opt = ®.declare_option>(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "range-specs") opt = ®.declare_option>(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else if (parser[0] == "str-to-str-map") opt = ®.declare_option>(parser[1], docstring, {}, flags); else throw runtime_error(format("no such option type: '{}'", parser[0])); if (parser.positional_count() > 2) opt->set_from_strings(parser.positionals_from(2)); } }; template static Completions map_key_completer(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) { if (token_to_complete == 0) return { 0_byte, params[0].length(), complete(params[0], pos_in_token, scopes) }; if (token_to_complete == 1) { auto& user_modes = get_scope(params[0], context).keymaps().user_modes(); return { 0_byte, params[1].length(), complete(params[1], pos_in_token, concatenated(modes, user_modes) | gather>()) }; } if (unmap and token_to_complete == 2) { KeymapManager& keymaps = get_scope(params[0], context).keymaps(); KeymapMode keymap_mode = parse_keymap_mode(params[1], keymaps.user_modes()); KeyList keys = keymaps.get_mapped_keys(keymap_mode); return { 0_byte, params[2].length(), complete(params[2], pos_in_token, keys | transform([](Key k) { return key_to_str(k); }) | gather>()) }; } return {}; } const CommandDesc map_key_cmd = { "map", nullptr, "map [] : map to in given in ", ParameterDesc{ { { "docstring", { true, "specify mapping description" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 4, 4 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, map_key_completer, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { KeymapManager& keymaps = get_scope(parser[0], context).keymaps(); KeymapMode keymap_mode = parse_keymap_mode(parser[1], keymaps.user_modes()); KeyList key = parse_keys(parser[2]); if (key.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("only a single key can be mapped"); KeyList mapping = parse_keys(parser[3]); keymaps.map_key(key[0], keymap_mode, std::move(mapping), trim_indent(parser.get_switch("docstring").value_or(""))); } }; const CommandDesc unmap_key_cmd = { "unmap", nullptr, "unmap [ []]: unmap from given in .\n" "If is specified, remove the mapping only if its value is .\n" "If only and are specified remove all mappings", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 4}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, map_key_completer, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { KeymapManager& keymaps = get_scope(parser[0], context).keymaps(); KeymapMode keymap_mode = parse_keymap_mode(parser[1], keymaps.user_modes()); if (parser.positional_count() == 2) { keymaps.unmap_keys(keymap_mode); return; } KeyList key = parse_keys(parser[2]); if (key.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("only a single key can be unmapped"); if (keymaps.is_mapped(key[0], keymap_mode) and (parser.positional_count() < 4 or (keymaps.get_mapping(key[0], keymap_mode).keys == parse_keys(parser[3])))) keymaps.unmap_key(key[0], keymap_mode); } }; template ParameterDesc make_context_wrap_params_impl(Array, sizeof...(P)>&& additional_params, std::index_sequence) { return { { { "client", { true, "run in given client context" } }, { "try-client", { true, "run in given client context if it exists, or else in the current one" } }, { "buffer", { true, "run in a disposable context for each given buffer in the comma separated list argument" } }, { "draft", { false, "run in a disposable context" } }, { "itersel", { false, "run once for each selection with that selection as the only one" } }, { "save-regs", { true, "restore all given registers after execution" } }, std::move(additional_params[P])...}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1 }; } template ParameterDesc make_context_wrap_params(Array, N>&& additional_params) { return make_context_wrap_params_impl(std::move(additional_params), std::make_index_sequence()); } template void context_wrap(const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, StringView default_saved_regs, Func func) { if ((int)(bool)parser.get_switch("buffer") + (int)(bool)parser.get_switch("client") + (int)(bool)parser.get_switch("try-client") > 1) throw runtime_error{"only one of -buffer, -client or -try-client can be specified"}; const auto& register_manager = RegisterManager::instance(); auto make_register_restorer = [&](char c) { return on_scope_end([&, c, save=register_manager[c].save(context)] { try { RegisterManager::instance()[c].restore(context, save); } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("failed to restore register '{}': {}", c, err.what())); } }); }; Vector saved_registers; for (auto c : parser.get_switch("save-regs").value_or(default_saved_regs)) saved_registers.push_back(make_register_restorer(c)); if (auto bufnames = parser.get_switch("buffer")) { auto context_wrap_for_buffer = [&](Buffer& buffer) { InputHandler input_handler{{ buffer, Selection{} }, Context::Flags::Draft}; Context& c = input_handler.context(); ScopedSetBool disable_history(c.history_disabled()); func(parser, c); }; if (*bufnames == "*") { for (auto&& buffer : BufferManager::instance() | transform(&std::unique_ptr::get) | filter([](Buffer* buf) { return not (buf->flags() & Buffer::Flags::Debug); }) | gather>>()) // gather as we might be mutating the buffer list in the loop. context_wrap_for_buffer(*buffer); } else for (auto&& name : *bufnames | split(',')) context_wrap_for_buffer(BufferManager::instance().get_buffer(name)); return; } ClientManager& cm = ClientManager::instance(); Context* base_context = &context; if (auto client_name = parser.get_switch("client")) base_context = &cm.get_client(*client_name).context(); else if (auto client_name = parser.get_switch("try-client")) { if (Client* client = cm.get_client_ifp(*client_name)) base_context = &client->context(); } Optional input_handler; Context* effective_context = base_context; const bool draft = (bool)parser.get_switch("draft"); if (draft) { input_handler.emplace(base_context->selections(), Context::Flags::Draft, base_context->name()); effective_context = &input_handler->context(); // Preserve window so that window scope is available if (base_context->has_window()) effective_context->set_window(base_context->window()); // We do not want this draft context to commit undo groups if the real one is // going to commit the whole thing later if (base_context->is_editing()) effective_context->disable_undo_handling(); } Context& c = *effective_context; ScopedSetBool disable_history(c.history_disabled()); ScopedEdition edition{c}; if (parser.get_switch("itersel")) { SelectionList sels{base_context->selections()}; Vector new_sels; size_t main = 0; size_t timestamp = c.buffer().timestamp(); bool one_selection_succeeded = false; for (auto& sel : sels) { c.selections_write_only() = SelectionList{sels.buffer(), sel, sels.timestamp()}; c.selections().update(); try { func(parser, c); one_selection_succeeded = true; if (&sels.buffer() != &c.buffer()) throw runtime_error("buffer has changed while iterating on selections"); if (not draft) { update_selections(new_sels, main, c.buffer(), timestamp); timestamp = c.buffer().timestamp(); if (&sel == &sels.main()) main = new_sels.size() + c.selections().main_index(); const auto middle = new_sels.insert(new_sels.end(), c.selections().begin(), c.selections().end()); std::inplace_merge(new_sels.begin(), middle, new_sels.end(), compare_selections); } } catch (no_selections_remaining&) {} } if (not one_selection_succeeded) { c.selections_write_only() = std::move(sels); throw no_selections_remaining{}; } if (not draft) c.selections_write_only().set(std::move(new_sels), main); } else { const bool collapse_jumps = not (c.flags() & Context::Flags::Draft) and context.has_buffer(); auto& jump_list = c.jump_list(); const size_t prev_index = jump_list.current_index(); auto jump = collapse_jumps ? c.selections() : Optional{}; func(parser, c); // If the jump list got mutated, collapse all jumps into a single one from original selections if (auto index = jump_list.current_index(); collapse_jumps and index > prev_index and contains(BufferManager::instance(), &jump->buffer())) jump_list.push(std::move(*jump), prev_index); } } const CommandDesc exec_string_cmd = { "execute-keys", "exec", "execute-keys [] : execute given keys as if entered by user", make_context_wrap_params<2>({{ {"with-maps", {false, "use user defined key mapping when executing keys"}}, {"with-hooks", {false, "trigger hooks while executing keys"}} }}), CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { context_wrap(parser, context, "/\"|^@:", [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context) { ScopedSetBool disable_keymaps(context.keymaps_disabled(), not parser.get_switch("with-maps")); ScopedSetBool disable_hoooks(context.hooks_disabled(), not parser.get_switch("with-hooks")); KeyList keys; for (auto& param : parser) { KeyList param_keys = parse_keys(param); keys.insert(keys.end(), param_keys.begin(), param_keys.end()); } for (auto& key : keys) context.input_handler().handle_key(key); }); } }; const CommandDesc eval_string_cmd = { "evaluate-commands", "eval", "evaluate-commands [] ...: execute commands as if entered by user", make_context_wrap_params<2>({{ {"no-hooks", { false, "disable hooks while executing commands" }}, {"verbatim", { false, "do not reparse argument" }} }}), CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { context_wrap(parser, context, {}, [&](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context) { const bool no_hooks = context.hooks_disabled() or parser.get_switch("no-hooks"); ScopedSetBool disable_hoooks(context.hooks_disabled(), no_hooks); if (parser.get_switch("verbatim")) CommandManager::instance().execute_single_command(parser | gather(), context, shell_context); else CommandManager::instance().execute(join(parser, ' ', false), context, shell_context); }); } }; struct CapturedShellContext { explicit CapturedShellContext(const ShellContext& sc) : params{sc.params.begin(), sc.params.end()}, env_vars{sc.env_vars} {} Vector params; EnvVarMap env_vars; operator ShellContext() const { return { params, env_vars }; } }; const CommandDesc prompt_cmd = { "prompt", nullptr, "prompt [] : prompt the user to enter a text string " "and then executes , entered text is available in the 'text' value", ParameterDesc{ { { "init", { true, "set initial prompt content" } }, { "password", { false, "Do not display entered text and clear reg after command" } }, { "file-completion", { false, "use file completion for prompt" } }, { "client-completion", { false, "use client completion for prompt" } }, { "buffer-completion", { false, "use buffer completion for prompt" } }, { "command-completion", { false, "use command completion for prompt" } }, { "shell-completion", { false, "use shell command completion for prompt" } }, { "shell-script-completion", { true, "use shell command completion for prompt" } }, { "shell-script-candidates", { true, "use shell command completion for prompt" } }, { "on-change", { true, "command to execute whenever the prompt changes" } }, { "on-abort", { true, "command to execute whenever the prompt is canceled" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 2 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { const String& command = parser[1]; auto initstr = parser.get_switch("init").value_or(StringView{}); PromptCompleter completer; if (parser.get_switch("file-completion")) completer = [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags, StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { auto& ignored_files = context.options()["ignored_files"].get(); return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete_filename(prefix, ignored_files, cursor_pos, FilenameFlags::Expand) }; }; else if (parser.get_switch("client-completion")) completer = [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags, StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, ClientManager::instance().complete_client_name(prefix, cursor_pos) }; }; else if (parser.get_switch("buffer-completion")) completer = complete_buffer_name; else if (parser.get_switch("command-completion")) completer = [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { return CommandManager::instance().complete( context, flags, prefix, cursor_pos); }; else if (parser.get_switch("shell-completion")) completer = shell_complete; else if (auto shell_script = parser.get_switch("shell-script-completion")) completer = PromptCompleterAdapter{ShellScriptCompleter{shell_script->str()}}; else if (auto shell_script = parser.get_switch("shell-script-candidates")) completer = PromptCompleterAdapter{ShellCandidatesCompleter{shell_script->str()}}; const auto flags = parser.get_switch("password") ? PromptFlags::Password : PromptFlags::None; String on_change = parser.get_switch("on-change").value_or("").str(); String on_abort = parser.get_switch("on-abort").value_or("").str(); CapturedShellContext sc{shell_context}; context.input_handler().prompt( parser[0], initstr.str(), {}, context.faces()["Prompt"], flags, '_', std::move(completer), [=](StringView str, PromptEvent event, Context& context) mutable { if ((event == PromptEvent::Abort and on_abort.empty()) or (event == PromptEvent::Change and on_change.empty())) return; auto& text = sc.env_vars["text"_sv] = str.str(); auto clear_password = on_scope_end([&] { if (flags & PromptFlags::Password) std::fill(text.begin(), text.end(), '\0'); }); ScopedSetBool disable_history{context.history_disabled()}; StringView cmd; switch (event) { case PromptEvent::Validate: cmd = command; break; case PromptEvent::Change: cmd = on_change; break; case PromptEvent::Abort: cmd = on_abort; break; } try { CommandManager::instance().execute(cmd, context, sc); } catch (Kakoune::runtime_error& error) { context.print_status({ fix_atom_text(error.what().str()), context.faces()["Error"] }); context.hooks().run_hook(Hook::RuntimeError, error.what(), context); } }); } }; const CommandDesc menu_cmd = { "menu", nullptr, "menu [] ...: display a " "menu and execute commands for the selected item", ParameterDesc{ { { "auto-single", { false, "instantly validate if only one item is available" } }, { "select-cmds", { false, "each item specify an additional command to run when selected" } }, { "markup", { false, "parse menu entries as markup text" } } } }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { const bool with_select_cmds = (bool)parser.get_switch("select-cmds"); const bool markup = (bool)parser.get_switch("markup"); const size_t modulo = with_select_cmds ? 3 : 2; const size_t count = parser.positional_count(); if (count == 0 or (count % modulo) != 0) throw wrong_argument_count(); if (count == modulo and parser.get_switch("auto-single")) { ScopedSetBool disable_history{context.history_disabled()}; CommandManager::instance().execute(parser[1], context); return; } Vector choices; Vector commands; Vector select_cmds; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += modulo) { if (parser[i].empty()) throw runtime_error(format("entry #{} is empty", i+1)); choices.push_back(markup ? parse_display_line(parser[i], context.faces()) : DisplayLine{ parser[i], {} }); commands.push_back(parser[i+1]); if (with_select_cmds) select_cmds.push_back(parser[i+2]); } CapturedShellContext sc{shell_context}; context.input_handler().menu(std::move(choices), [=](int choice, MenuEvent event, Context& context) { ScopedSetBool disable_history{context.history_disabled()}; if (event == MenuEvent::Validate and choice >= 0 and choice < commands.size()) CommandManager::instance().execute(commands[choice], context, sc); if (event == MenuEvent::Select and choice >= 0 and choice < select_cmds.size()) CommandManager::instance().execute(select_cmds[choice], context, sc); }); } }; const CommandDesc on_key_cmd = { "on-key", nullptr, "on-key : wait for next user key and then execute , " "with key available in the `key` value", ParameterDesc{ { { "mode-name", { true, "set mode name to use" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 1, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { String command = parser[0]; CapturedShellContext sc{shell_context}; context.input_handler().on_next_key( parser.get_switch("mode-name").value_or("on-key"), KeymapMode::None, [=](Key key, Context& context) mutable { sc.env_vars["key"_sv] = key_to_str(key); ScopedSetBool disable_history{context.history_disabled()}; CommandManager::instance().execute(command, context, sc); }); } }; const CommandDesc info_cmd = { "info", nullptr, "info [] : display an info box containing ", ParameterDesc{ { { "anchor", { true, "set info anchoring ." } }, { "style", { true, "set info style (above, below, menu, modal)" } }, { "markup", { false, "parse markup" } }, { "title", { true, "set info title" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { if (not context.has_client()) return; const InfoStyle style = parser.get_switch("style").map( [](StringView style) -> Optional { if (style == "above") return InfoStyle::InlineAbove; if (style == "below") return InfoStyle::InlineBelow; if (style == "menu") return InfoStyle::MenuDoc; if (style == "modal") return InfoStyle::Modal; throw runtime_error(format("invalid style: '{}'", style)); }).value_or(parser.get_switch("anchor") ? InfoStyle::Inline : InfoStyle::Prompt); context.client().info_hide(style == InfoStyle::Modal); if (parser.positional_count() == 0) return; const BufferCoord pos = parser.get_switch("anchor").map( [](StringView anchor) { auto dot = find(anchor, '.'); if (dot == anchor.end()) throw runtime_error("expected . for anchor"); return BufferCoord{str_to_int({anchor.begin(), dot})-1, str_to_int({dot+1, anchor.end()})-1}; }).value_or(BufferCoord{}); auto title = parser.get_switch("title").value_or(StringView{}); if (parser.get_switch("markup")) context.client().info_show(parse_display_line(title, context.faces()), parser[0] | split('\n') | transform([&](StringView s) { return parse_display_line(s, context.faces()); }) | gather(), pos, style); else context.client().info_show(title.str(), parser[0], pos, style); } }; const CommandDesc try_catch_cmd = { "try", nullptr, "try [catch ]...: execute in current context.\n" "if an error is raised and is specified, execute it and do\n" "not propagate that error. If raises an error and another\n" " is provided, execute this one and so-on\n", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 1}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext& shell_context) { if ((parser.positional_count() % 2) != 1) throw wrong_argument_count(); for (size_t i = 1; i < parser.positional_count(); i += 2) { if (parser[i] != "catch") throw runtime_error("usage: try [catch ]..."); } CommandManager& command_manager = CommandManager::instance(); Optional shell_context_with_error; for (size_t i = 0; i < parser.positional_count(); i += 2) { if (i == 0 or i < parser.positional_count() - 1) { try { command_manager.execute(parser[i], context, shell_context_with_error.value_or(shell_context)); return; } catch (const runtime_error& error) { shell_context_with_error.emplace(shell_context); shell_context_with_error->env_vars[StringView{"error"}] = error.what().str(); } } else command_manager.execute(parser[i], context, shell_context_with_error.value_or(shell_context)); } } }; static Completions complete_face(const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return {0_byte, cursor_pos, complete(prefix, cursor_pos, context.faces().flatten_faces() | transform([](auto& entry) -> const String& { return entry.key; }))}; } static String face_doc_helper(const Context& context, CommandParameters params) { if (params.size() < 2) return {}; try { auto face = context.faces()[params[1]]; return format("{}:\n{}", params[1], indent(to_string(face))); } catch (runtime_error&) { return {}; } } const CommandDesc set_face_cmd = { "set-face", "face", "set-face : set face to refer to in \n" "\n" "facespec format is [,][+]\n" "colors are either a color name, or rgb:###### values.\n" "attributes is a combination of:\n" " u: underline, i: italic, b: bold, r: reverse,\n" " B: blink, d: dim,\n" " f: final foreground, g: final background,\n" " a: final attributes, F: same as +fga\n" "facespec can as well just be the name of another face", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 3, 3}, CommandFlags::None, face_doc_helper, make_completer(complete_scope, complete_face, complete_face), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { get_scope(parser[0], context).faces().add_face(parser[1], parser[2], true); for (auto& client : ClientManager::instance()) client->force_redraw(); } }; const CommandDesc unset_face_cmd = { "unset-face", nullptr, "unset-face : remove from ", double_params, CommandFlags::None, face_doc_helper, make_completer(complete_scope, complete_face), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { get_scope(parser[0], context).faces().remove_face(parser[1]); } }; const CommandDesc rename_client_cmd = { "rename-client", "nc", "rename-client : set current client name to ", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_single_word_completer([](const Context& context){ return context.name(); }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { const String& name = parser[0]; if (not all_of(name, is_identifier)) throw runtime_error{format("invalid client name: '{}'", name)}; else if (ClientManager::instance().client_name_exists(name) and context.name() != name) throw runtime_error{format("client name '{}' is not unique", name)}; else context.set_name(name); } }; const CommandDesc set_register_cmd = { "set-register", "reg", "set-register ...: set register to ", ParameterDesc{{}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesAsPositional, 1}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { RegisterManager::instance()[parser[0]].set(context, parser.positionals_from(1)); } }; const CommandDesc select_cmd = { "select", nullptr, "select ...: select given selections\n" "\n" "selection_desc format is .,.", ParameterDesc{{ {"timestamp", {true, "specify buffer timestamp at which those selections are valid"}}, {"codepoint", {false, "columns are specified in codepoints, not bytes"}}, {"display-column", {false, "columns are specified in display columns, not bytes"}} }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { auto& buffer = context.buffer(); const size_t timestamp = parser.get_switch("timestamp").map(str_to_int_ifp).cast().value_or(buffer.timestamp()); ColumnType column_type = ColumnType::Byte; if (parser.get_switch("codepoint")) column_type = ColumnType::Codepoint; else if (parser.get_switch("display-column")) column_type = ColumnType::DisplayColumn; ColumnCount tabstop = context.options()["tabstop"].get(); context.selections_write_only() = selection_list_from_strings(buffer, column_type, parser.positionals_from(0), timestamp, 0, tabstop); } }; const CommandDesc change_directory_cmd = { "change-directory", "cd", "change-directory []: change the server's working directory to , or the home directory if unspecified", single_optional_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer( [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) -> Completions { return { 0_byte, cursor_pos, complete_filename(prefix, context.options()["ignored_files"].get(), cursor_pos, FilenameFlags::OnlyDirectories) }; }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context&, const ShellContext&) { StringView target = parser.positional_count() == 1 ? StringView{parser[0]} : "~"; if (chdir(parse_filename(target).c_str()) != 0) throw runtime_error(format("unable to change to directory: '{}'", target)); for (auto& buffer : BufferManager::instance()) buffer->update_display_name(); } }; const CommandDesc rename_session_cmd = { "rename-session", nullptr, "rename-session : change remote session name", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_single_word_completer([](const Context&){ return Server::instance().session(); }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context&, const ShellContext&) { if (not Server::instance().rename_session(parser[0])) throw runtime_error(format("unable to rename current session: '{}' may be already in use", parser[0])); } }; const CommandDesc fail_cmd = { "fail", nullptr, "fail []: raise an error with the given message", ParameterDesc{}, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context&, const ShellContext&) { throw failure{fix_atom_text(join(parser, " "))}; } }; const CommandDesc declare_user_mode_cmd = { "declare-user-mode", nullptr, "declare-user-mode : add a new user keymap mode", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { context.keymaps().add_user_mode(std::move(parser[0])); } }; // We need ownership of the mode_name in the lock case void enter_user_mode(Context& context, String mode_name, KeymapMode mode, bool lock) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context, format("user.{}", mode_name), KeymapMode::None, [mode_name, mode, lock](Key key, Context& context) mutable { if (key == Key::Escape) return; if (not context.keymaps().is_mapped(key, mode)) return; auto& mapping = context.keymaps().get_mapping(key, mode); ScopedSetBool disable_keymaps(context.keymaps_disabled()); InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal force_normal{context.input_handler(), {}}; ScopedEdition edition(context); for (auto& key : mapping.keys) context.input_handler().handle_key(key); if (lock) enter_user_mode(context, std::move(mode_name), mode, true); }, lock ? format("{} (lock)", mode_name) : mode_name, build_autoinfo_for_mapping(context, mode, {})); } const CommandDesc enter_user_mode_cmd = { "enter-user-mode", nullptr, "enter-user-mode [] : enable keymap mode for next key", ParameterDesc{ { { "lock", { false, "stay in mode until is pressed" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1, 1 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, [](const Context& context, CompletionFlags flags, CommandParameters params, size_t token_to_complete, ByteCount pos_in_token) -> Completions { if (token_to_complete == 0) { return { 0_byte, params[0].length(), complete(params[0], pos_in_token, context.keymaps().user_modes()) }; } return {}; }, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { auto lock = (bool)parser.get_switch("lock"); KeymapMode mode = parse_keymap_mode(parser[0], context.keymaps().user_modes()); enter_user_mode(context, std::move(parser[0]), mode, lock); } }; const CommandDesc provide_module_cmd = { "provide-module", nullptr, "provide-module [] : declares a module provided by ", ParameterDesc{ { { "override", { false, "allow overriding an existing module" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 2, 2 }, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, CommandCompleter{}, [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { const String& module_name = parser[0]; auto& cm = CommandManager::instance(); if (not all_of(module_name, is_identifier)) throw runtime_error(format("invalid module name: '{}'", module_name)); if (cm.module_defined(module_name) and not parser.get_switch("override")) throw runtime_error(format("module '{}' already defined", module_name)); cm.register_module(module_name, parser[1]); } }; const CommandDesc require_module_cmd = { "require-module", nullptr, "require-module : ensures that module has been loaded", single_param, CommandFlags::None, CommandHelper{}, make_completer( [](const Context&, CompletionFlags, const String& prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { return CommandManager::instance().complete_module_name(prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos)); }), [](const ParametersParser& parser, Context& context, const ShellContext&) { CommandManager::instance().load_module(parser[0], context); } }; } void register_commands() { CommandManager& cm = CommandManager::instance(); cm.register_command("nop", [](const ParametersParser&, Context&, const ShellContext&){}, "do nothing", {}); auto register_command = [&](const CommandDesc& c) { cm.register_command(c.name, c.func, c.docstring, c.params, c.flags, c.helper, c.completer); if (c.alias) GlobalScope::instance().aliases().add_alias(c.alias, c.name); }; register_command(edit_cmd); register_command(force_edit_cmd); register_command(write_cmd); register_command(force_write_cmd); register_command(write_all_cmd); register_command(write_all_quit_cmd); register_command(kill_cmd); register_command(force_kill_cmd); register_command(quit_cmd); register_command(force_quit_cmd); register_command(write_quit_cmd); register_command(force_write_quit_cmd); register_command(buffer_cmd); register_command(buffer_next_cmd); register_command(buffer_previous_cmd); register_command(delete_buffer_cmd); register_command(force_delete_buffer_cmd); register_command(rename_buffer_cmd); register_command(add_highlighter_cmd); register_command(remove_highlighter_cmd); register_command(add_hook_cmd); register_command(remove_hook_cmd); register_command(define_command_cmd); register_command(alias_cmd); register_command(unalias_cmd); register_command(echo_cmd); register_command(debug_cmd); register_command(source_cmd); register_command(set_option_cmd); register_command(unset_option_cmd); register_command(update_option_cmd); register_command(declare_option_cmd); register_command(map_key_cmd); register_command(unmap_key_cmd); register_command(exec_string_cmd); register_command(eval_string_cmd); register_command(prompt_cmd); register_command(menu_cmd); register_command(on_key_cmd); register_command(info_cmd); register_command(try_catch_cmd); register_command(set_face_cmd); register_command(unset_face_cmd); register_command(rename_client_cmd); register_command(set_register_cmd); register_command(select_cmd); register_command(change_directory_cmd); register_command(rename_session_cmd); register_command(fail_cmd); register_command(declare_user_mode_cmd); register_command(enter_user_mode_cmd); register_command(provide_module_cmd); register_command(require_module_cmd); } }