#include "highlighters.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "changes.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "context.hh" #include "display_buffer.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "highlighter_group.hh" #include "line_modification.hh" #include "option_types.hh" #include "parameters_parser.hh" #include "ranges.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "utf8_iterator.hh" #include "window.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { using Utf8Iterator = utf8::iterator; template std::unique_ptr make_highlighter(Func func, HighlightPass pass = HighlightPass::Colorize) { struct SimpleHighlighter : public Highlighter { SimpleHighlighter(Func func, HighlightPass pass) : Highlighter{pass}, m_func{std::move(func)} {} private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { m_func(context, display_buffer, range); } Func m_func; }; return std::make_unique(std::move(func), pass); } template void highlight_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, bool skip_replaced, T func) { // tolerate begin > end as that can be triggered by wrong encodings if (begin >= end or end <= display_buffer.range().begin or begin >= display_buffer.range().end) return; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { auto& range = line.range(); if (range.end <= begin or end < range.begin) continue; for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedRange; if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or (skip_replaced and is_replaced) or end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end()) continue; if (not is_replaced and begin > atom_it->begin()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin); if (not is_replaced and end < atom_it->end()) { atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end); func(*atom_it); ++atom_it; } else func(*atom_it); } } } template void replace_range(DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, T func) { // tolerate begin > end as that can be triggered by wrong encodings if (begin >= end or end <= display_buffer.range().begin or begin >= display_buffer.range().end) return; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { auto& range = line.range(); if (range.end <= begin or end < range.begin) continue; int beg_idx = -1, end_idx = -1; for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end()) continue; if (begin >= atom_it->begin()) { if (begin > atom_it->begin()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin); beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin(); } if (end <= atom_it->end()) { if (end < atom_it->end()) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, end); end_idx = (atom_it - line.begin()) + 1; } } if (beg_idx != -1 and end_idx != -1) func(line, beg_idx, end_idx); } } void apply_highlighter(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferCoord begin, BufferCoord end, Highlighter& highlighter) { if (begin == end) return; using LineIterator = DisplayBuffer::LineList::iterator; LineIterator first_line; Vector insert_idx; auto line_end = display_buffer.lines().end(); DisplayBuffer region_display; auto& region_lines = region_display.lines(); for (auto line_it = display_buffer.lines().begin(); line_it != line_end; ++line_it) { auto& line = *line_it; auto& range = line.range(); if (range.end <= begin or end <= range.begin) continue; if (region_lines.empty()) first_line = line_it; if (range.begin < begin or range.end > end) { size_t beg_idx = 0; size_t end_idx = line.atoms().size(); for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (not atom_it->has_buffer_range() or end <= atom_it->begin() or begin >= atom_it->end()) continue; bool is_replaced = atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::ReplacedRange; if (atom_it->begin() <= begin) { if (is_replaced or atom_it->begin() == begin) beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin(); else { atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, begin); beg_idx = atom_it - line.begin(); ++end_idx; } } if (atom_it->end() >= end) { if (is_replaced or atom_it->end() == end) end_idx = atom_it - line.begin() + 1; else { atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, end); end_idx = atom_it - line.begin(); } } } region_lines.emplace_back(); std::move(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx, std::back_inserter(region_lines.back())); auto it = line.erase(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx); insert_idx.push_back(it - line.begin()); } else { insert_idx.push_back(0); region_lines.push_back(std::move(line)); } } if (region_display.lines().empty()) return; region_display.compute_range(); highlighter.highlight(context, region_display, {begin, end}); for (size_t i = 0; i < region_lines.size(); ++i) { auto& line = *(first_line + i); auto pos = line.begin() + insert_idx[i]; for (auto& atom : region_lines[i]) pos = ++line.insert(pos, std::move(atom)); } display_buffer.compute_range(); } auto apply_face = [](const Face& face) { return [&face](DisplayAtom& atom) { atom.face = merge_faces(atom.face, face); }; }; static std::unique_ptr create_fill_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); const String& facespec = params[0]; auto func = [facespec](HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) { highlight_range(display_buffer, range.begin, range.end, false, apply_face(context.context.faces()[facespec])); }; return make_highlighter(std::move(func)); } template struct BufferSideCache { BufferSideCache() : m_id{get_free_value_id()} {} T& get(const Buffer& buffer) { Value& cache_val = buffer.values()[m_id]; if (not cache_val) cache_val = Value(T{}); return cache_val.as(); } private: ValueId m_id; }; using FacesSpec = Vector, MemoryDomain::Highlight>; class RegexHighlighter : public Highlighter { public: RegexHighlighter(Regex regex, FacesSpec faces) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize}, m_regex{std::move(regex)}, m_faces{std::move(faces)} { ensure_first_face_is_capture_0(); } void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { auto overlaps = [](const BufferRange& lhs, const BufferRange& rhs) { return lhs.begin < rhs.begin ? lhs.end > rhs.begin : rhs.end > lhs.begin; }; if (not overlaps(display_buffer.range(), range)) return; const auto faces = m_faces | transform([&faces = context.context.faces()](auto&& spec) { return spec.second.empty() ? Face{} : faces[spec.second]; }) | gather>(); const auto& matches = get_matches(context.context.buffer(), display_buffer.range(), range); kak_assert(matches.size() % m_faces.size() == 0); for (size_t m = 0; m < matches.size(); ++m) { auto& face = faces[m % faces.size()]; if (face == Face{}) continue; highlight_range(display_buffer, matches[m].begin, matches[m].end, false, apply_face(face)); } } void reset(Regex regex, FacesSpec faces) { m_regex = std::move(regex); m_faces = std::move(faces); ensure_first_face_is_capture_0(); ++m_regex_version; } static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() < 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); Regex re{params[0], RegexCompileFlags::Optimize}; FacesSpec faces; for (auto& spec : params.subrange(1)) { auto colon = find(spec, ':'); if (colon == spec.end()) throw runtime_error(format("wrong face spec: '{}' expected :", spec)); const StringView capture_name{spec.begin(), colon}; const int capture = str_to_int_ifp(capture_name).value_or_compute([&] { return re.named_capture_index(capture_name); }); if (capture < 0) throw runtime_error(format("capture name {} is neither a capture index, nor an existing capture name", capture_name)); faces.emplace_back(capture, String{colon+1, spec.end()}); } return std::make_unique(std::move(re), std::move(faces)); } private: // stores the range for each highlighted capture of each match using MatchList = Vector; struct Cache { size_t m_timestamp = -1; size_t m_regex_version = -1; struct RangeAndMatches { BufferRange range; MatchList matches; }; Vector m_matches; }; BufferSideCache m_cache; Regex m_regex; FacesSpec m_faces; size_t m_regex_version = 0; void ensure_first_face_is_capture_0() { if (m_faces.empty()) return; std::sort(m_faces.begin(), m_faces.end(), [](const std::pair& lhs, const std::pair& rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; }); if (m_faces[0].first != 0) m_faces.emplace(m_faces.begin(), 0, String{}); } void add_matches(const Buffer& buffer, MatchList& matches, BufferRange range) { kak_assert(matches.size() % m_faces.size() == 0); for (auto&& match : RegexIterator{get_iterator(buffer, range.begin), get_iterator(buffer, range.end), buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), m_regex, match_flags(is_bol(range.begin), is_eol(buffer, range.end), is_bow(buffer, range.begin), is_eow(buffer, range.end))}) { for (auto& face : m_faces) { const auto& sub = match[face.first]; matches.push_back({sub.first.coord(), sub.second.coord()}); } } } const MatchList& get_matches(const Buffer& buffer, BufferRange display_range, BufferRange buffer_range) { Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer); auto& matches = cache.m_matches; if (cache.m_regex_version != m_regex_version or cache.m_timestamp != buffer.timestamp() or matches.size() > 1000) { matches.clear(); cache.m_timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); cache.m_regex_version = m_regex_version; } const LineCount line_offset = 3; BufferRange range{std::max(buffer_range.begin, display_range.begin.line - line_offset), std::min(buffer_range.end, display_range.end.line + line_offset)}; auto it = std::upper_bound(matches.begin(), matches.end(), range.begin, [](const BufferCoord& lhs, const Cache::RangeAndMatches& rhs) { return lhs < rhs.range.end; }); if (it == matches.end() or it->range.begin > range.end) { it = matches.insert(it, Cache::RangeAndMatches{range, {}}); add_matches(buffer, it->matches, range); } else if (it->matches.empty()) { it->range = range; add_matches(buffer, it->matches, range); } else { // Here we extend the matches, that is not strictly valid, // but may work nicely with every reasonable regex, and // greatly reduces regex parsing. To change if we encounter // regex that do not work great with that. BufferRange& old_range = it->range; MatchList& matches = it->matches; // Thanks to the ensure_first_face_is_capture_0 method, we know // these point to the first/last matches capture 0. auto first_end = matches.begin()->end; auto last_end = (matches.end() - m_faces.size())->end; // add regex matches from new begin to old first match end if (range.begin < old_range.begin) { matches.erase(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + m_faces.size()); size_t pivot = matches.size(); old_range.begin = range.begin; add_matches(buffer, matches, {range.begin, first_end}); std::rotate(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end()); } // add regex matches from old last match begin to new end if (old_range.end < range.end) { old_range.end = range.end; add_matches(buffer, matches, {last_end, range.end}); } } return it->matches; } }; template class DynamicRegexHighlighter : public Highlighter { public: DynamicRegexHighlighter(RegexGetter regex_getter, FaceGetter face_getter) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize}, m_regex_getter(std::move(regex_getter)), m_face_getter(std::move(face_getter)), m_highlighter(Regex{}, FacesSpec{}) {} void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { Regex regex = m_regex_getter(context.context); FacesSpec face = regex.empty() ? FacesSpec{} : m_face_getter(context.context, regex); if (regex != m_last_regex or face != m_last_face) { m_last_regex = std::move(regex); m_last_face = face; if (not m_last_regex.empty()) m_highlighter.reset(m_last_regex, m_last_face); } if (not m_last_regex.empty() and not m_last_face.empty()) m_highlighter.highlight(context, display_buffer, range); } private: Regex m_last_regex; RegexGetter m_regex_getter; FacesSpec m_last_face; FaceGetter m_face_getter; RegexHighlighter m_highlighter; }; std::unique_ptr create_dynamic_regex_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() < 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); Vector> faces; for (auto& spec : params.subrange(1)) { auto colon = find(spec, ':'); if (colon == spec.end()) throw runtime_error("wrong face spec: '" + spec + "' expected :"); faces.emplace_back(String{spec.begin(), colon}, String{colon+1, spec.end()}); } auto make_hl = [](auto& regex_getter, auto& face_getter) { return std::make_unique, std::decay_t>>( std::move(regex_getter), std::move(face_getter)); }; auto get_face = [faces=std::move(faces)](const Context& context, const Regex& regex){ FacesSpec spec; for (auto& face : faces) { const int capture = str_to_int_ifp(face.first).value_or_compute([&] { return regex.named_capture_index(face.first); }); if (capture < 0) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating dynamic regex expression faces," " {} is neither a capture index nor a capture name", face.first)); return FacesSpec{}; } spec.emplace_back(capture, face.second); } return spec; }; CommandParser parser{params[0]}; auto token = parser.read_token(true); if (token and parser.done() and token->type == Token::Type::OptionExpand and GlobalScope::instance().options()[token->content].is_of_type()) { auto get_regex = [option_name = token->content](const Context& context) { return context.options()[option_name].get(); }; return make_hl(get_regex, get_face); } auto get_regex = [expr = params[0]](const Context& context){ try { auto re = expand(expr, context); return re.empty() ? Regex{} : Regex{re}; } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating dynamic regex expression: {}", err.what())); return Regex{}; } }; return make_hl(get_regex, get_face); } std::unique_ptr create_line_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); auto func = [line_expr=params[0], facespec=params[1]] (HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { LineCount line = -1; try { line = str_to_int_ifp(expand(line_expr, context.context)).value_or(0) - 1; } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer( format("Error evaluating highlight line expression: {}", err.what())); } if (line < 0) return; auto it = find_if(display_buffer.lines(), [line](const DisplayLine& l) { return l.range().begin.line == line; }); if (it == display_buffer.lines().end()) return; auto face = context.context.faces()[facespec]; ColumnCount column = 0; for (auto& atom : *it) { column += atom.length(); if (!atom.has_buffer_range()) continue; kak_assert(atom.begin().line == line); apply_face(face)(atom); } const ColumnCount remaining = context.context.window().dimensions().column - column; if (remaining > 0) it->push_back({ String{' ', remaining}, face }); }; return make_highlighter(std::move(func)); } std::unique_ptr create_column_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); auto func = [col_expr=params[0], facespec=params[1]] (HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { ColumnCount column = -1; try { column = str_to_int_ifp(expand(col_expr, context.context)).value_or(0) - 1; } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer( format("Error evaluating highlight column expression: {}", err.what())); } if (column < 0) return; const auto face = context.context.faces()[facespec]; const auto win_column = context.setup.window_pos.column; const auto target_col = column - win_column; if (target_col < 0 or target_col >= context.setup.window_range.column) return; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { auto remaining_col = target_col; bool found = false; auto first_buf = find_if(line, [](auto& atom) { return atom.has_buffer_range(); }); for (auto atom_it = first_buf; atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { const auto atom_len = atom_it->length(); if (remaining_col < atom_len) { if (remaining_col > 0) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, remaining_col); if (atom_it->length() > 1) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, 1_col); atom_it->face = merge_faces(atom_it->face, face); found = true; break; } remaining_col -= atom_len; } if (found) continue; if (remaining_col > 0) line.push_back({String{' ', remaining_col}, {}}); line.push_back({" ", face}); } }; return make_highlighter(std::move(func)); } struct WrapHighlighter : Highlighter { WrapHighlighter(ColumnCount max_width, bool word_wrap, bool preserve_indent, String marker) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Wrap}, m_word_wrap{word_wrap}, m_preserve_indent{preserve_indent}, m_max_width{max_width}, m_marker{std::move(marker)} {} static constexpr StringView ms_id = "wrap"; struct SplitPos{ ByteCount byte; ColumnCount column; }; void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id)) return; const ColumnCount wrap_column = std::min(m_max_width, context.setup.window_range.column); if (wrap_column <= 0) return; const Buffer& buffer = context.context.buffer(); const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor(); const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get(); const LineCount win_height = context.context.window().dimensions().line; const ColumnCount marker_len = zero_if_greater(m_marker.column_length(), wrap_column); const Face face_marker = context.context.faces()["StatusLineInfo"]; for (auto it = display_buffer.lines().begin(); it != display_buffer.lines().end(); ++it) { const LineCount buf_line = it->range().begin.line; const ByteCount line_length = buffer[buf_line].length(); const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? zero_if_greater(line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line), wrap_column) : 0_col; const ColumnCount prefix_len = std::max(marker_len, indent); auto pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column, prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, {0, 0}); if (pos.byte == line_length) continue; for (auto atom_it = it->begin(); pos.byte != line_length and atom_it != it->end(); ) { const BufferCoord coord{buf_line, pos.byte}; if (!atom_it->has_buffer_range() or coord < atom_it->begin() or coord >= atom_it->end()) { ++atom_it; continue; } auto& line = *it; if (coord > atom_it->begin()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord); DisplayLine new_line{ AtomList{ atom_it, line.end() } }; line.erase(atom_it, line.end()); if (marker_len != 0) new_line.insert(new_line.begin(), {m_marker, face_marker}); if (indent > marker_len) { auto it = new_line.insert(new_line.begin() + (marker_len > 0), {buffer, coord, coord}); it->replace(String{' ', indent - marker_len}); } if (it+1 - display_buffer.lines().begin() == win_height) { if (cursor >= new_line.range().begin) // strip first lines if cursor is not visible { display_buffer.lines().erase(display_buffer.lines().begin(), display_buffer.lines().begin()+1); --it; } else { display_buffer.lines().erase(it+1, display_buffer.lines().end()); return; } } it = display_buffer.lines().insert(it+1, new_line); pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - prefix_len, prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, pos); atom_it = it->begin(); } } } void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) const override { if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id)) return; const ColumnCount wrap_column = std::min(setup.window_range.column, m_max_width); if (wrap_column <= 0) return; const Buffer& buffer = context.context.buffer(); const auto& cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor(); const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get(); auto line_wrap_count = [&](LineCount line, ColumnCount prefix_len) { LineCount count = 0; const ByteCount line_length = buffer[line].length(); SplitPos pos{0, 0}; while (true) { pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - (pos.byte == 0 ? 0_col : prefix_len), prefix_len, tabstop, line, pos); if (pos.byte == line_length) break; ++count; } return count; }; const auto win_height = context.context.window().dimensions().line; // Disable horizontal scrolling when using a WrapHighlighter setup.window_pos.column = 0; setup.window_range.line = 0; setup.scroll_offset.column = 0; setup.full_lines = true; const ColumnCount marker_len = zero_if_greater(m_marker.column_length(), wrap_column); for (auto buf_line = setup.window_pos.line, win_line = 0_line; win_line < win_height or buf_line <= cursor.line; ++buf_line, ++setup.window_range.line) { if (buf_line >= buffer.line_count()) break; const ColumnCount indent = m_preserve_indent ? zero_if_greater(line_indent(buffer, tabstop, buf_line), wrap_column) : 0_col; const ColumnCount prefix_len = std::max(marker_len, indent); if (buf_line == cursor.line) { SplitPos pos{0, 0}; for (LineCount count = 0; true; ++count) { auto next_pos = next_split_pos(buffer, wrap_column - (pos.byte != 0 ? prefix_len : 0_col), prefix_len, tabstop, buf_line, pos); if (next_pos.byte > cursor.column) { setup.cursor_pos = DisplayCoord{ win_line + count, get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor) - pos.column + (pos.byte != 0 ? indent : 0_col) }; break; } pos = next_pos; } kak_assert(setup.cursor_pos.column >= 0 and setup.cursor_pos.column < setup.window_range.column); } const auto wrap_count = line_wrap_count(buf_line, prefix_len); win_line += wrap_count + 1; // scroll window to keep cursor visible, and update range as lines gets removed while (buf_line >= cursor.line and setup.window_pos.line < cursor.line and setup.cursor_pos.line + setup.scroll_offset.line >= win_height) { auto remove_count = std::min(win_height, 1 + line_wrap_count(setup.window_pos.line, indent)); ++setup.window_pos.line; --setup.window_range.line; setup.cursor_pos.line -= remove_count; win_line -= remove_count; kak_assert(setup.cursor_pos.line >= 0); } } } void fill_unique_ids(Vector& unique_ids) const override { unique_ids.push_back(ms_id); } SplitPos next_split_pos(const Buffer& buffer, ColumnCount wrap_column, ColumnCount prefix_len, int tabstop, LineCount line, SplitPos current) const { const ColumnCount target_column = current.column + wrap_column; StringView content = buffer[line]; SplitPos pos = current; SplitPos last_boundary = {0, 0}; while (pos.byte < content.length() and pos.column < target_column) { if (content[pos.byte] == '\t') { const ColumnCount next_column = (pos.column / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; if (next_column > target_column and pos.byte != current.byte) // the target column was in the tab break; pos.column = next_column; ++pos.byte; last_boundary = pos; } else { const char* it = &content[pos.byte]; const Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, content.end()); const ColumnCount width = codepoint_width(cp); if (pos.column + width > target_column and pos.byte != current.byte) // the target column was in the char { if (!is_word(cp)) last_boundary = pos; break; } pos.column += width; pos.byte = (int)(it - content.begin()); if (!is_word(cp)) last_boundary = pos; } } if (m_word_wrap and pos.byte < content.length() and last_boundary.byte > 0) { // split at last word boundary if the word is shorter than our wrapping width ColumnCount word_length = pos.column - last_boundary.column; const char* it = &content[pos.byte]; while (it != content.end() and word_length < (wrap_column - prefix_len)) { const Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, content.end()); if (not is_word(cp)) return last_boundary; word_length += codepoint_width(cp); } } return pos; }; ColumnCount line_indent(const Buffer& buffer, int tabstop, LineCount line) const { StringView l = buffer[line]; auto col = 0_byte; while (is_horizontal_blank(l[col])) ++col; return get_column(buffer, tabstop, {line, col}); } static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "word", { false, "" } }, { "indent", { false, "" } }, { "width", { true, "" } }, { "marker", { true, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0 }; ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc); ColumnCount max_width{std::numeric_limits::max()}; if (auto width = parser.get_switch("width")) max_width = str_to_int(*width); return std::make_unique(max_width, (bool)parser.get_switch("word"), (bool)parser.get_switch("indent"), parser.get_switch("marker").value_or("").str()); } static ColumnCount zero_if_greater(ColumnCount val, ColumnCount max) { return val < max ? val : 0; }; const bool m_word_wrap; const bool m_preserve_indent; const ColumnCount m_max_width; const String m_marker; }; constexpr StringView WrapHighlighter::ms_id; struct TabulationHighlighter : Highlighter { TabulationHighlighter() : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move} {} void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { const ColumnCount tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get(); auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto win_column = context.setup.window_pos.column; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::Range) continue; auto begin = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin()); auto end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end()); for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) { if (*it == '\t') { if (it != begin) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, it.coord()); if (it+1 != end) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, (it+1).coord()); const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, it.coord()); const ColumnCount count = tabstop - (column % tabstop) - std::max(win_column - column, 0_col); atom_it->replace(String{' ', count}); break; } } } } } void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) const override { auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); // Ensure that a cursor on a tab character makes the full tab character visible auto cursor = context.context.selections().main().cursor(); if (buffer.byte_at(cursor) != '\t') return; const ColumnCount tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get(); const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, cursor); const ColumnCount width = tabstop - (column % tabstop); const ColumnCount win_end = setup.window_pos.column + setup.window_range.column; const ColumnCount offset = std::max(column + width - win_end, 0_col); setup.window_pos.column += offset; setup.cursor_pos.column -= offset; } }; struct ShowWhitespacesHighlighter : Highlighter { ShowWhitespacesHighlighter(String tab, String tabpad, String spc, String lf, String nbsp) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move}, m_tab{std::move(tab)}, m_tabpad{std::move(tabpad)}, m_spc{std::move(spc)}, m_lf{std::move(lf)}, m_nbsp{std::move(nbsp)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "tab", { true, "" } }, { "tabpad", { true, "" } }, { "spc", { true, "" } }, { "lf", { true, "" } }, { "nbsp", { true, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0 }; ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc); auto get_param = [&](StringView param, StringView fallback) { StringView value = parser.get_switch(param).value_or(fallback); if (value.char_length() != 1) throw runtime_error{format("-{} expects a single character parameter", param)}; return value.str(); }; return std::make_unique( get_param("tab", "→"), get_param("tabpad", " "), get_param("spc", "·"), get_param("lf", "¬"), get_param("nbsp", "⍽")); } private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { const int tabstop = context.context.options()["tabstop"].get(); auto whitespaceface = context.context.faces()["Whitespace"]; auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto win_column = context.setup.window_pos.column; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (atom_it->type() != DisplayAtom::Range) continue; auto begin = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin()); auto end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end()); for (BufferIterator it = begin; it != end; ) { auto coord = it.coord(); Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, end); if (cp == '\t' or cp == ' ' or cp == '\n' or cp == 0xA0) { if (coord != begin.coord()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord); if (it != end) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, it.coord()); if (cp == '\t') { const ColumnCount column = get_column(buffer, tabstop, coord); const ColumnCount count = tabstop - (column % tabstop) - std::max(win_column - column, 0_col); atom_it->replace(m_tab + String(m_tabpad[(CharCount)0], count - m_tab.column_length())); } else if (cp == ' ') atom_it->replace(m_spc); else if (cp == '\n') atom_it->replace(m_lf); else if (cp == 0xA0) atom_it->replace(m_nbsp); atom_it->face = merge_faces(atom_it->face, whitespaceface); break; } } } } } const String m_tab, m_tabpad, m_spc, m_lf, m_nbsp; }; struct LineNumbersHighlighter : Highlighter { LineNumbersHighlighter(bool relative, bool hl_cursor_line, String separator) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move}, m_relative{relative}, m_hl_cursor_line{hl_cursor_line}, m_separator{std::move(separator)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "relative", { false, "" } }, { "separator", { true, "" } }, { "hlcursor", { false, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::None, 0, 0 }; ParametersParser parser(params, param_desc); StringView separator = parser.get_switch("separator").value_or("│"); if (separator.length() > 10) throw runtime_error("separator length is limited to 10 bytes"); return std::make_unique((bool)parser.get_switch("relative"), (bool)parser.get_switch("hlcursor"), separator.str()); } private: static constexpr StringView ms_id = "line-numbers"; void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id)) return; auto& faces = context.context.faces(); const Face face = faces["LineNumbers"]; const Face face_wrapped = faces["LineNumbersWrapped"]; const Face face_absolute = faces["LineNumberCursor"]; int digit_count = compute_digit_count(context.context); char format[16]; format_to(format, "%{}d", digit_count); const int main_line = (int)context.context.selections().main().cursor().line + 1; int last_line = -1; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { const int current_line = (int)line.range().begin.line + 1; const bool is_cursor_line = main_line == current_line; const int line_to_format = (m_relative and not is_cursor_line) ? current_line - main_line : current_line; char buffer[16]; snprintf(buffer, 16, format, std::abs(line_to_format)); const auto atom_face = last_line == current_line ? face_wrapped : ((m_hl_cursor_line and is_cursor_line) ? face_absolute : face); line.insert(line.begin(), {buffer, atom_face}); line.insert(line.begin() + 1, {m_separator, face}); last_line = current_line; } } void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) const override { if (contains(context.disabled_ids, ms_id)) return; ColumnCount width = compute_digit_count(context.context) + m_separator.column_length(); setup.window_range.column -= std::min(width, setup.window_range.column); } void fill_unique_ids(Vector& unique_ids) const override { unique_ids.push_back(ms_id); } int compute_digit_count(const Context& context) const { int digit_count = 0; LineCount last_line = context.buffer().line_count(); for (LineCount c = last_line; c > 0; c /= 10) ++digit_count; return digit_count; } const bool m_relative; const bool m_hl_cursor_line; const String m_separator; }; constexpr StringView LineNumbersHighlighter::ms_id; void show_matching_char(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { const Face face = context.context.faces()["MatchingChar"]; const auto& matching_pairs = context.context.options()["matching_pairs"].get>(); const auto range = display_buffer.range(); const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); for (auto& sel : context.context.selections()) { auto pos = sel.cursor(); if (pos < range.begin or pos >= range.end) continue; Utf8Iterator it{buffer.iterator_at(pos), buffer}; auto match = find(matching_pairs, *it); if (match == matching_pairs.end()) continue; int level = 0; if (((match - matching_pairs.begin()) % 2) == 0) { const Codepoint opening = *match; const Codepoint closing = *(match+1); while (it != buffer.end()) { if (*it == opening) ++level; else if (*it == closing and --level == 0) { highlight_range(display_buffer, it.base().coord(), (it+1).base().coord(), false, apply_face(face)); break; } ++it; } } else if (pos > range.begin) { const Codepoint opening = *(match-1); const Codepoint closing = *match; while (true) { if (*it == closing) ++level; else if (*it == opening and --level == 0) { highlight_range(display_buffer, it.base().coord(), (it+1).base().coord(), false, apply_face(face)); break; } if (it == buffer.begin()) break; --it; } } } } std::unique_ptr create_matching_char_highlighter(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { return make_highlighter(show_matching_char); } void highlight_selections(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); const auto& faces = context.context.faces(); const Face sel_faces[6] = { faces["PrimarySelection"], faces["SecondarySelection"], faces["PrimaryCursor"], faces["SecondaryCursor"], faces["PrimaryCursorEol"], faces["SecondaryCursorEol"], }; const auto& selections = context.context.selections(); for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i) { auto& sel = selections[i]; const bool forward = sel.anchor() <= sel.cursor(); BufferCoord begin = forward ? sel.anchor() : buffer.char_next(sel.cursor()); BufferCoord end = forward ? (BufferCoord)sel.cursor() : buffer.char_next(sel.anchor()); const bool primary = (i == selections.main_index()); highlight_range(display_buffer, begin, end, false, apply_face(sel_faces[primary ? 0 : 1])); } for (size_t i = 0; i < selections.size(); ++i) { auto& sel = selections[i]; const BufferCoord coord = sel.cursor(); const bool primary = (i == selections.main_index()); const bool eol = buffer[coord.line].length() - 1 == coord.column; highlight_range(display_buffer, coord, buffer.char_next(coord), false, apply_face(sel_faces[2 + (eol ? 2 : 0) + (primary ? 0 : 1)])); } } void expand_unprintable(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) { auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto error = context.context.faces()["Error"]; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { for (auto atom_it = line.begin(); atom_it != line.end(); ++atom_it) { if (atom_it->type() == DisplayAtom::Range) { for (auto it = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->begin()), end = get_iterator(buffer, atom_it->end()); it < end;) { auto coord = it.coord(); Codepoint cp = utf8::read_codepoint(it, end); if (cp != '\n' and not iswprint((wchar_t)cp)) { if (coord != atom_it->begin()) atom_it = ++line.split(atom_it, coord); if (it.coord() < atom_it->end()) atom_it = line.split(atom_it, it.coord()); atom_it->replace("�"); atom_it->face = error; break; } } } } } } static void update_line_specs_ifn(const Buffer& buffer, LineAndSpecList& line_flags) { if (line_flags.prefix == buffer.timestamp()) return; auto& lines = line_flags.list; auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, line_flags.prefix); auto ins_pos = lines.begin(); for (auto it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { auto& line = std::get<0>(*it); // that line is 1 based as it comes from user side auto modif_it = std::upper_bound(modifs.begin(), modifs.end(), line-1, [](const LineCount& l, const LineModification& c) { return l < c.old_line; }); if (modif_it != modifs.begin()) { auto& prev = *(modif_it-1); if (line-1 < prev.old_line + prev.num_removed) continue; // line removed line += prev.diff(); } if (ins_pos != it) *ins_pos = std::move(*it); ++ins_pos; } lines.erase(ins_pos, lines.end()); line_flags.prefix = buffer.timestamp(); } void option_update(LineAndSpecList& opt, const Context& context) { update_line_specs_ifn(context.buffer(), opt); } void option_list_postprocess(Vector& opt) { std::sort(opt.begin(), opt.end(), [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return std::get<0>(lhs) < std::get<0>(rhs); }); } struct FlagLinesHighlighter : Highlighter { FlagLinesHighlighter(String option_name, String default_face) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Move}, m_option_name{std::move(option_name)}, m_default_face{std::move(default_face)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 2) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); const String& option_name = params[1]; const String& default_face = params[0]; // throw if wrong option type GlobalScope::instance().options()[option_name].get(); return std::make_unique(option_name, default_face); } private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { auto& line_flags = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable(); auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); update_line_specs_ifn(buffer, line_flags); auto def_face = context.context.faces()[m_default_face]; Vector display_lines; auto& lines = line_flags.list; try { for (auto& line : lines) { display_lines.push_back(parse_display_line(std::get<1>(line), context.context.faces())); for (auto& atom : display_lines.back()) atom.face = merge_faces(def_face, atom.face); } } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating line flag: {}", err.what())); return; } ColumnCount width = 0; for (auto& l : display_lines) width = std::max(width, l.length()); const DisplayAtom empty{String{' ', width}, def_face}; for (auto& line : display_buffer.lines()) { int line_num = (int)line.range().begin.line + 1; auto it = find_if(lines, [&](const LineAndSpec& l) { return std::get<0>(l) == line_num; }); if (it == lines.end()) line.insert(line.begin(), empty); else { DisplayLine& display_line = display_lines[it - lines.begin()]; DisplayAtom padding_atom{String(' ', width - display_line.length()), def_face}; auto it = std::copy(std::make_move_iterator(display_line.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(display_line.end()), std::inserter(line, line.begin())); if (padding_atom.length() != 0) *it++ = std::move(padding_atom); } } } void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) const override { auto& line_flags = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable(); auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); update_line_specs_ifn(buffer, line_flags); ColumnCount width = 0; try { for (auto& line : line_flags.list) width = std::max(parse_display_line(std::get<1>(line), context.context.faces()).length(), width); } catch (runtime_error& err) { write_to_debug_buffer(format("Error while evaluating line flag: {}", err.what())); return; } setup.window_range.column -= std::min(width, setup.window_range.column); } String m_option_name; String m_default_face; }; String option_to_string(InclusiveBufferRange range) { return format("{}.{},{}.{}", range.first.line+1, range.first.column+1, range.last.line+1, range.last.column+1); } InclusiveBufferRange option_from_string(Meta::Type, StringView str) { auto sep = find_if(str, [](char c){ return c == ',' or c == '+'; }); auto dot_beg = find(StringView{str.begin(), sep}, '.'); auto dot_end = find(StringView{sep, str.end()}, '.'); if (sep == str.end() or dot_beg == sep or (*sep == ',' and dot_end == str.end())) throw runtime_error(format("'{}' does not follow .,. or .+ format", str)); const BufferCoord first{str_to_int({str.begin(), dot_beg}) - 1, str_to_int({dot_beg+1, sep}) - 1}; const bool len = (*sep == '+'); const BufferCoord last{len ? first.line : str_to_int({sep+1, dot_end}) - 1, len ? first.column + str_to_int({sep+1, str.end()}) - 1 : str_to_int({dot_end+1, str.end()}) - 1 }; if (first.line < 0 or first.column < 0 or last.line < 0 or last.column < 0) throw runtime_error("coordinates elements should be >= 1"); return { std::min(first, last), std::max(first, last) }; } BufferCoord& get_first(RangeAndString& r) { return std::get<0>(r).first; } BufferCoord& get_last(RangeAndString& r) { return std::get<0>(r).last; } void option_list_postprocess(Vector& opt) { std::sort(opt.begin(), opt.end(), [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) { return std::get<0>(lhs).first == std::get<0>(rhs).first ? std::get<0>(lhs).last < std::get<0>(rhs).last : std::get<0>(lhs).first < std::get<0>(rhs).first; }); } void option_update(RangeAndStringList& opt, const Context& context) { update_ranges(context.buffer(), opt.prefix, opt.list); } struct RangesHighlighter : Highlighter { RangesHighlighter(String option_name) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize} , m_option_name{std::move(option_name)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); const String& option_name = params[0]; // throw if wrong option type GlobalScope::instance().options()[option_name].get(); return std::make_unique(option_name); } private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto& range_and_faces = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable(); update_ranges(buffer, range_and_faces.prefix, range_and_faces.list); for (auto& range : range_and_faces.list) { try { auto& r = std::get<0>(range); if (buffer.is_valid(r.first) and (buffer.is_valid(r.last) and not buffer.is_end(r.last))) highlight_range(display_buffer, r.first, buffer.char_next(r.last), false, apply_face(context.context.faces()[std::get<1>(range)])); } catch (runtime_error&) {} } } const String m_option_name; }; struct ReplaceRangesHighlighter : Highlighter { ReplaceRangesHighlighter(String option_name) : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize} , m_option_name{std::move(option_name)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); const String& option_name = params[0]; // throw if wrong option type GlobalScope::instance().options()[option_name].get(); return std::make_unique(option_name); } private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange) override { auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto& range_and_faces = context.context.options()[m_option_name].get_mutable(); update_ranges(buffer, range_and_faces.prefix, range_and_faces.list); for (auto& range : range_and_faces.list) { try { auto& r = std::get<0>(range); if (buffer.is_valid(r.first) and buffer.is_valid(r.last)) { auto replacement = parse_display_line(std::get<1>(range), context.context.faces()); replace_range(display_buffer, r.first, buffer.char_next(r.last), [&](DisplayLine& line, int beg_idx, int end_idx){ auto it = line.erase(line.begin() + beg_idx, line.begin() + end_idx); for (auto& atom : replacement) it = ++line.insert(it, std::move(atom)); }); } } catch (runtime_error&) {} } } const String m_option_name; }; HighlightPass parse_passes(StringView str) { HighlightPass passes{}; for (auto pass : str | split('|')) { if (pass == "colorize") passes |= HighlightPass::Colorize; else if (pass == "move") passes |= HighlightPass::Move; else if (pass == "wrap") passes |= HighlightPass::Wrap; else throw runtime_error{format("invalid highlight pass: {}", pass)}; } if (passes == HighlightPass{}) throw runtime_error{"no passes specified"}; return passes; } std::unique_ptr create_highlighter_group(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "passes", { true, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 0, 0 }; ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc}; HighlightPass passes = parse_passes(parser.get_switch("passes").value_or("colorize")); return std::make_unique(passes); } struct ReferenceHighlighter : Highlighter { ReferenceHighlighter(HighlightPass passes, String name) : Highlighter{passes}, m_name{std::move(name)} {} static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "passes", { true, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1, 1 }; ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc}; HighlightPass passes = parse_passes(parser.get_switch("passes").value_or("colorize")); return std::make_unique(passes, parser[0]); } private: void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { static Vector> running_refs; const std::pair desc{m_name, range}; if (contains(running_refs, desc)) return write_to_debug_buffer(format("highlighting recursion detected with ref to {}", m_name)); running_refs.push_back(desc); auto pop_desc = on_scope_end([] { running_refs.pop_back(); }); try { DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_child(m_name).highlight(context, display_buffer, range); } catch (child_not_found&) {} } void do_compute_display_setup(HighlightContext context, DisplaySetup& setup) const override { try { DefinedHighlighters::instance().get_child(m_name).compute_display_setup(context, setup); } catch (child_not_found&) {} } const String m_name; }; struct RegexMatch { LineCount line; ByteCount begin; ByteCount end; uint16_t capture_pos; uint16_t capture_len; BufferCoord begin_coord() const { return { line, begin }; } BufferCoord end_coord() const { return { line, end }; } bool empty() const { return begin == end; } StringView capture(const Buffer& buffer) const { if (capture_len == 0) return {}; return buffer[line].substr(begin + capture_pos, ByteCount{capture_len}); } }; using RegexMatchList = Vector; void insert_matches(const Buffer& buffer, RegexMatchList& matches, const Regex& regex, bool capture, LineRange range) { size_t pivot = matches.size(); capture = capture and regex.mark_count() > 0; ThreadedRegexVM vm{*regex.impl()}; for (auto line = range.begin; line < range.end; ++line) { const StringView l = buffer[line]; for (auto&& m : RegexIterator{l.begin(), l.end(), vm}) { const bool with_capture = capture and m[1].matched and m[0].second - m[0].first < std::numeric_limits::max(); matches.push_back({ line, (int)(m[0].first - l.begin()), (int)(m[0].second - l.begin()), (uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].first - m[0].first : 0), (uint16_t)(with_capture ? m[1].second - m[1].first : 0) }); } } auto pos = std::lower_bound(matches.begin(), matches.begin() + pivot, range.begin, [](const RegexMatch& m, LineCount l) { return m.line < l; }); kak_assert(pos == matches.begin() + pivot or pos->line >= range.end); // We should not have had matches for range // Move new matches into position. std::rotate(pos, matches.begin() + pivot, matches.end()); } void update_matches(const Buffer& buffer, ConstArrayView modifs, RegexMatchList& matches) { // remove out of date matches and update line for others auto ins_pos = matches.begin(); for (auto it = ins_pos; it != matches.end(); ++it) { auto modif_it = std::upper_bound(modifs.begin(), modifs.end(), it->line, [](const LineCount& l, const LineModification& c) { return l < c.old_line; }); if (modif_it != modifs.begin()) { auto& prev = *(modif_it-1); if (it->line < prev.old_line + prev.num_removed) continue; // match removed it->line += prev.diff(); } kak_assert(buffer.is_valid(it->begin_coord()) or buffer[it->line].length() == it->begin); kak_assert(buffer.is_valid(it->end_coord()) or buffer[it->line].length() == it->end); if (ins_pos != it) *ins_pos = std::move(*it); ++ins_pos; } matches.erase(ins_pos, matches.end()); } struct RegionMatches : UseMemoryDomain { RegexMatchList begin_matches; RegexMatchList end_matches; RegexMatchList recurse_matches; static bool compare_to_begin(const RegexMatch& lhs, BufferCoord rhs) { return lhs.begin_coord() < rhs; } RegexMatchList::const_iterator find_next_begin(BufferCoord pos) const { return std::lower_bound(begin_matches.begin(), begin_matches.end(), pos, compare_to_begin); } RegexMatchList::const_iterator find_matching_end(const Buffer& buffer, BufferCoord beg_pos, Optional capture) const { auto end_it = end_matches.begin(); auto rec_it = recurse_matches.begin(); int recurse_level = 0; while (true) { end_it = std::lower_bound(end_it, end_matches.end(), beg_pos, compare_to_begin); rec_it = std::lower_bound(rec_it, recurse_matches.end(), beg_pos, compare_to_begin); if (end_it == end_matches.end()) return end_it; while (rec_it != recurse_matches.end() and rec_it->end_coord() <= end_it->end_coord()) { if (not capture or rec_it->capture(buffer) == *capture) ++recurse_level; ++rec_it; } if (not capture or *capture == end_it->capture(buffer)) { if (recurse_level == 0) return end_it; --recurse_level; } if (beg_pos != end_it->end_coord()) beg_pos = end_it->end_coord(); ++end_it; } } }; struct RegionsHighlighter : public Highlighter { public: RegionsHighlighter() : Highlighter{HighlightPass::Colorize} {} void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { if (m_regions.empty()) return; auto display_range = display_buffer.range(); const auto& buffer = context.context.buffer(); auto& regions = get_regions_for_range(buffer, range); auto begin = std::lower_bound(regions.begin(), regions.end(), display_range.begin, [](const Region& r, BufferCoord c) { return r.end < c; }); auto end = std::lower_bound(begin, regions.end(), display_range.end, [](const Region& r, BufferCoord c) { return r.begin < c; }); auto correct = [&](BufferCoord c) -> BufferCoord { if (not buffer.is_end(c) and buffer[c.line].length() == c.column) return {c.line+1, 0}; return c; }; auto default_region_it = m_regions.find(m_default_region); const bool apply_default = default_region_it != m_regions.end(); auto last_begin = (begin == regions.begin()) ? BufferCoord{0,0} : (begin-1)->end; kak_assert(begin <= end); for (; begin != end; ++begin) { if (apply_default and last_begin < begin->begin) apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer, correct(last_begin), correct(begin->begin), *default_region_it->value); auto it = m_regions.find(begin->region); if (it == m_regions.end()) continue; apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer, correct(begin->begin), correct(begin->end), *it->value); last_begin = begin->end; } if (apply_default and last_begin < display_range.end) apply_highlighter(context, display_buffer, correct(last_begin), range.end, *default_region_it->value); } bool has_children() const override { return true; } Highlighter& get_child(StringView path) override { auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); StringView id(path.begin(), sep_it); auto it = m_regions.find(id); if (it == m_regions.end()) throw child_not_found(format("no such id: {}", id)); if (sep_it == path.end()) return *it->value; else return it->value->get_child({sep_it+1, path.end()}); } void add_child(String name, std::unique_ptr&& hl) override { if (not dynamic_cast(hl.get())) throw runtime_error{"only region highlighter can be added as child of a regions highlighter"}; if (m_regions.contains(name)) throw runtime_error{format("duplicate id: '{}'", name)}; std::unique_ptr region_hl{dynamic_cast(hl.release())}; if (region_hl->is_default()) { if (not m_default_region.empty()) throw runtime_error{"default region already defined"}; m_default_region = name; } m_regions.insert({std::move(name), std::move(region_hl)}); ++m_regions_timestamp; } void remove_child(StringView id) override { if (id == m_default_region) m_default_region = String{}; m_regions.remove(id); ++m_regions_timestamp; } Completions complete_child(StringView path, ByteCount cursor_pos, bool group) const override { auto sep_it = find(path, '/'); if (sep_it != path.end()) { ByteCount offset = sep_it+1 - path.begin(); Highlighter& hl = const_cast(this)->get_child({path.begin(), sep_it}); return offset_pos(hl.complete_child(path.substr(offset), cursor_pos - offset, group), offset); } auto container = m_regions | transform(&decltype(m_regions)::Item::key); return { 0, 0, complete(path, cursor_pos, container) }; } static std::unique_ptr create(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter*) { if (not params.empty()) throw runtime_error{"unexpected parameters"}; return std::make_unique(); } static bool is_regions(Highlighter* parent) { if (dynamic_cast(parent)) return true; if (auto* region = dynamic_cast(parent)) return is_regions(®ion->delegate()); return false; } static std::unique_ptr create_region(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter* parent) { if (not is_regions(parent)) throw runtime_error{"region highlighter can only be added to a regions parent"}; static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ { { "match-capture", { false, "" } }, { "recurse", { true, "" } } }, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart | ParameterDesc::Flags::IgnoreUnknownSwitches, 3 }; ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc}; const bool match_capture = (bool)parser.get_switch("match-capture"); if (parser[0].empty() or parser[1].empty()) throw runtime_error("begin and end must not be empty"); const RegexCompileFlags flags = match_capture ? RegexCompileFlags::Optimize : RegexCompileFlags::NoSubs | RegexCompileFlags::Optimize; const auto& type = parser[2]; auto& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance(); auto it = registry.find(type); if (it == registry.end()) throw runtime_error(format("no such highlighter type: '{}'", type)); Regex recurse; if (auto recurse_switch = parser.get_switch("recurse")) recurse = Regex{*recurse_switch, flags}; auto delegate = it->value.factory(parser.positionals_from(3), nullptr); return std::make_unique(std::move(delegate), Regex{parser[0], flags}, Regex{parser[1], flags}, recurse, match_capture); } static std::unique_ptr create_default_region(HighlighterParameters params, Highlighter* parent) { if (not is_regions(parent)) throw runtime_error{"default-region highlighter can only be added to a regions parent"}; static const ParameterDesc param_desc{ {}, ParameterDesc::Flags::SwitchesOnlyAtStart, 1 }; ParametersParser parser{params, param_desc}; auto delegate = HighlighterRegistry::instance()[parser[0]].factory(parser.positionals_from(1), nullptr); return std::make_unique(std::move(delegate)); } private: struct Region { BufferCoord begin; BufferCoord end; StringView region; }; using RegionList = Vector; struct Cache { size_t buffer_timestamp = 0; size_t regions_timestamp = 0; LineRangeSet ranges; std::unique_ptr matches; HashMap regions; }; using RegionAndMatch = std::pair; // find the begin closest to pos in all matches RegionAndMatch find_next_begin(const Cache& cache, BufferCoord pos) const { RegionAndMatch res{0, cache.matches[0].find_next_begin(pos)}; for (size_t i = 1; i < m_regions.size(); ++i) { const auto& matches = cache.matches[i]; auto it = matches.find_next_begin(pos); if (it != matches.begin_matches.end() and (res.second == cache.matches[res.first].begin_matches.end() or it->begin_coord() < res.second->begin_coord())) res = RegionAndMatch{i, it}; } return res; } bool update_matches(Cache& cache, const Buffer& buffer, LineRange range) { const size_t buffer_timestamp = buffer.timestamp(); if (cache.buffer_timestamp == 0 or cache.regions_timestamp != m_regions_timestamp) { cache.matches.reset(new RegionMatches[m_regions.size()]); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++i) { cache.matches[i] = RegionMatches{}; m_regions.item(i).value->add_matches(buffer, range, cache.matches[i]); } cache.ranges.reset(range); cache.buffer_timestamp = buffer_timestamp; cache.regions_timestamp = m_regions_timestamp; return true; } else { bool modified = false; if (cache.buffer_timestamp != buffer_timestamp) { auto modifs = compute_line_modifications(buffer, cache.buffer_timestamp); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++i) { Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.matches[i].begin_matches); Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.matches[i].end_matches); Kakoune::update_matches(buffer, modifs, cache.matches[i].recurse_matches); } cache.ranges.update(modifs); cache.buffer_timestamp = buffer_timestamp; modified = true; } cache.ranges.add_range(range, [&, this](const LineRange& range) { if (range.begin == range.end) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_regions.size(); ++i) m_regions.item(i).value->add_matches(buffer, range, cache.matches[i]); modified = true; }); return modified; } } const RegionList& get_regions_for_range(const Buffer& buffer, BufferRange range) { Cache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer); if (update_matches(cache, buffer, {range.begin.line, std::min(buffer.line_count(), range.end.line + 1)})) cache.regions.clear(); auto it = cache.regions.find(range); if (it != cache.regions.end()) return it->value; RegionList& regions = cache.regions[range]; for (auto begin = find_next_begin(cache, range.begin), end = RegionAndMatch{ 0, cache.matches[0].begin_matches.end() }; begin != end; ) { const RegionMatches& matches = cache.matches[begin.first]; auto& region = m_regions.item(begin.first); auto beg_it = begin.second; auto end_it = matches.find_matching_end(buffer, beg_it->end_coord(), region.value->match_capture() ? beg_it->capture(buffer) : Optional{}); if (end_it == matches.end_matches.end() or end_it->end_coord() >= range.end) { regions.push_back({ {beg_it->line, beg_it->begin}, range.end, region.key }); break; } auto end_coord = end_it->end_coord(); regions.push_back({ beg_it->begin_coord(), end_coord, region.key }); // With empty begin and end matches (for example if the regexes // are /"\K/ and /(?=")/), that case can happen, and would // result in an infinite loop. if (end_coord == beg_it->begin_coord()) { kak_assert(beg_it->empty() and end_it->empty()); ++end_coord.column; } begin = find_next_begin(cache, end_coord); } return regions; } struct RegionHighlighter : public Highlighter { RegionHighlighter(std::unique_ptr&& delegate, Regex begin, Regex end, Regex recurse, bool match_capture) : Highlighter{delegate->passes()}, m_delegate{std::move(delegate)}, m_begin{std::move(begin)}, m_end{std::move(end)}, m_recurse{std::move(recurse)}, m_match_capture{match_capture} { } RegionHighlighter(std::unique_ptr&& delegate) : Highlighter{delegate->passes()}, m_delegate{std::move(delegate)}, m_default{true} { } bool has_children() const override { return m_delegate->has_children(); } Highlighter& get_child(StringView path) override { return m_delegate->get_child(path); } void add_child(String name, std::unique_ptr&& hl) override { return m_delegate->add_child(name, std::move(hl)); } void remove_child(StringView id) override { return m_delegate->remove_child(id); } Completions complete_child(StringView path, ByteCount cursor_pos, bool group) const override { return m_delegate->complete_child(path, cursor_pos, group); } void fill_unique_ids(Vector& unique_ids) const override { return m_delegate->fill_unique_ids(unique_ids); } void do_highlight(HighlightContext context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, BufferRange range) override { return m_delegate->highlight(context, display_buffer, range); } void add_matches(const Buffer& buffer, LineRange range, RegionMatches& matches) const { if (m_default) return; Kakoune::insert_matches(buffer, matches.begin_matches, m_begin, m_match_capture, range); Kakoune::insert_matches(buffer, matches.end_matches, m_end, m_match_capture, range); if (not m_recurse.empty()) Kakoune::insert_matches(buffer, matches.recurse_matches, m_recurse, m_match_capture, range); } bool match_capture() const { return m_match_capture; } bool is_default() const { return m_default; } Highlighter& delegate() { return *m_delegate; } private: std::unique_ptr m_delegate; Regex m_begin; Regex m_end; Regex m_recurse; bool m_match_capture = false; bool m_default = false; }; HashMap, MemoryDomain::Highlight> m_regions; String m_default_region; size_t m_regions_timestamp = 0; BufferSideCache m_cache; }; void setup_builtin_highlighters(HighlighterGroup& group) { group.add_child("tabulations"_str, std::make_unique()); group.add_child("unprintable"_str, make_highlighter(expand_unprintable)); group.add_child("selections"_str, make_highlighter(highlight_selections)); } void register_highlighters() { HighlighterRegistry& registry = HighlighterRegistry::instance(); registry.insert({ "number-lines", { LineNumbersHighlighter::create, "Display line numbers \n" "Parameters: -relative, -hlcursor, -separator \n" } }); registry.insert({ "show-matching", { create_matching_char_highlighter, "Apply the MatchingChar face to the char matching the one under the cursor" } }); registry.insert({ "show-whitespaces", { ShowWhitespacesHighlighter::create, "Display whitespaces using symbols \n" "Parameters: -tab -tabpad -lf -spc -nbsp \n" } }); registry.insert({ "fill", { create_fill_highlighter, "Fill the whole highlighted range with the given face" } }); registry.insert({ "regex", { RegexHighlighter::create, "Parameters: : :...\n" "Highlights the matches for captures from the regex with the given faces" } }); registry.insert({ "dynregex", { create_dynamic_regex_highlighter, "Parameters: : :...\n" "Evaluate expression at every redraw to gather a regex" } }); registry.insert({ "group", { create_highlighter_group, "Parameters: [-passes ]\n" "Creates a group that can contain other highlighters,\n" " is a flags(colorize|move|wrap) defaulting to colorize\n" "which specify what kind of highlighters can be put in the group" } }); registry.insert({ "flag-lines", { FlagLinesHighlighter::create, "Parameters: