#include "selectors.hh" #include "optional.hh" #include "string.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { Selection select_line(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection) { Utf8Iterator first{buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()), buffer}; if (*first == '\n' and first + 1 != buffer.end()) ++first; while (first != buffer.begin() and *(first - 1) != '\n') --first; Utf8Iterator last = first; while (last + 1 != buffer.end() and *last != '\n') ++last; return target_eol(utf8_range(first, last)); } Selection select_matching(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection) { Vector matching_pairs = { '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '<', '>' }; Utf8Iterator it{buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()), buffer}; Vector::iterator match = matching_pairs.end(); while (not is_eol(*it)) { match = std::find(matching_pairs.begin(), matching_pairs.end(), *it); if (match != matching_pairs.end()) break; ++it; } if (match == matching_pairs.end()) return selection; Utf8Iterator begin = it; if (((match - matching_pairs.begin()) % 2) == 0) { int level = 0; const Codepoint opening = *match; const Codepoint closing = *(match+1); while (it != buffer.end()) { if (*it == opening) ++level; else if (*it == closing and --level == 0) return utf8_range(begin, it); ++it; } } else { int level = 0; const Codepoint opening = *(match-1); const Codepoint closing = *match; while (true) { if (*it == closing) ++level; else if (*it == opening and --level == 0) return utf8_range(begin, it); if (it == buffer.begin()) break; --it; } } return selection; } static Optional find_surrounding(const Buffer& buffer, ByteCoord coord, MatchingPair matching, ObjectFlags flags, int init_level) { const bool to_begin = flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin; const bool to_end = flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd; const bool nestable = matching.opening != matching.closing; auto pos = buffer.iterator_at(coord); Utf8Iterator first{pos, buffer}; if (to_begin) { int level = nestable ? init_level : 0; while (first != buffer.begin()) { if (nestable and first != pos and *first == matching.closing) ++level; else if (*first == matching.opening) { if (level == 0) break; else --level; } --first; } if (level != 0 or *first != matching.opening) return Optional{}; } Utf8Iterator last{pos, buffer}; if (to_end) { int level = nestable ? init_level : 0; while (last != buffer.end()) { if (nestable and last != pos and *last == matching.opening) ++level; else if (*last == matching.closing) { if (level == 0) break; else --level; } ++last; } if (level != 0 or last == buffer.end()) return Optional{}; } if (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) { if (to_begin and first != last) ++first; if (to_end and first != last) --last; } return to_end ? utf8_range(first, last) : utf8_range(last, first); } Selection select_surrounding(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, MatchingPair matching, int level, ObjectFlags flags) { const bool nestable = matching.opening != matching.closing; auto pos = selection.cursor(); if (not nestable or flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) { if (auto res = find_surrounding(buffer, pos, matching, flags, level)) return *res; return selection; } auto c = buffer.byte_at(pos); if ((flags == ObjectFlags::ToBegin and c == matching.opening) or (flags == ObjectFlags::ToEnd and c == matching.closing)) ++level; auto res = find_surrounding(buffer, pos, matching, flags, level); if (not res) return selection; if (flags == (ObjectFlags::ToBegin | ObjectFlags::ToEnd) and res->min() == selection.min() and res->max() == selection.max()) { if (auto res_parent = find_surrounding(buffer, pos, matching, flags, level+1)) return Selection{*res_parent}; } return *res; } Selection select_to(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, Codepoint c, int count, bool inclusive) { Utf8Iterator begin{buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()), buffer}; Utf8Iterator end = begin; do { ++end; skip_while(end, buffer.end(), [c](Codepoint cur) { return cur != c; }); if (end == buffer.end()) return selection; } while (--count > 0); return utf8_range(begin, inclusive ? end : end-1); } Selection select_to_reverse(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, Codepoint c, int count, bool inclusive) { Utf8Iterator begin{buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()), buffer}; Utf8Iterator end = begin; do { --end; skip_while_reverse(end, buffer.begin(), [c](Codepoint cur) { return cur != c; }); if (end == buffer.begin()) return selection; } while (--count > 0); return utf8_range(begin, inclusive ? end : end+1); } Selection select_number(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, ObjectFlags flags) { auto is_number = [&](char c) { return (c >= '0' and c <= '9') or (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) and c == '.'); }; BufferIterator first = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()); BufferIterator last = first; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin) { skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_number); if (not is_number(*first) and *first != '-' and first+1 != buffer.end()) ++first; } if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) { skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_number); --last; } return (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) ? Selection{first.coord(), last.coord()} : Selection{last.coord(), first.coord()}; } Selection select_sentence(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, ObjectFlags flags) { auto is_end_of_sentence = [](char c) { return c == '.' or c == ';' or c == '!' or c == '?'; }; BufferIterator first = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()); if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd)) { BufferIterator prev_non_blank = first-1; skip_while_reverse(prev_non_blank, buffer.begin(), [](char c) { return is_horizontal_blank(c) or is_eol(c); }); if (is_end_of_sentence(*prev_non_blank)) first = prev_non_blank; } BufferIterator last = first; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin) { bool saw_non_blank = false; while (first != buffer.begin()) { char cur = *first; char prev = *(first-1); if (not is_horizontal_blank(cur)) saw_non_blank = true; if (is_eol(prev) and is_eol(cur)) { ++first; break; } else if (is_end_of_sentence(prev)) { if (saw_non_blank) break; else if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) last = first-1; } --first; } skip_while(first, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank); } if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) { while (last != buffer.end()) { char cur = *last; if (is_end_of_sentence(cur) or (is_eol(cur) and (last+1 == buffer.end() or is_eol(*(last+1))))) break; ++last; } if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) and last != buffer.end()) { ++last; skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_horizontal_blank); --last; } } return (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) ? Selection{first.coord(), last.coord()} : Selection{last.coord(), first.coord()}; } Selection select_paragraph(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, ObjectFlags flags) { BufferIterator first = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()); if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) and first.coord() > ByteCoord{0,1} and *(first-1) == '\n' and *(first-2) == '\n') --first; else if ((flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) and first != buffer.begin() and (first+1) != buffer.end() and *(first-1) == '\n' and *first == '\n') ++first; BufferIterator last = first; if ((flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin) and first != buffer.begin()) { skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_eol); if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) last = first; while (first != buffer.begin()) { char cur = *first; char prev = *(first-1); if (is_eol(prev) and is_eol(cur)) { ++first; break; } --first; } } if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) { if (last != buffer.end() and is_eol(*last)) ++last; while (last != buffer.end()) { if (last != buffer.begin() and is_eol(*last) and is_eol(*(last-1))) { if (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner)) skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_eol); break; } ++last; } --last; } return (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) ? Selection{first.coord(), last.coord()} : Selection{last.coord(), first.coord()}; } Selection select_whitespaces(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, ObjectFlags flags) { auto is_whitespace = [&](char c) { return c == ' ' or c == '\t' or (not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) and c == '\n'); }; BufferIterator first = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()); BufferIterator last = first; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin) { if (is_whitespace(*first)) { skip_while_reverse(first, buffer.begin(), is_whitespace); if (not is_whitespace(*first)) ++first; } } if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) { if (is_whitespace(*last)) { skip_while(last, buffer.end(), is_whitespace); --last; } } return (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) ? Selection{first.coord(), last.coord()} : Selection{last.coord(), first.coord()}; } Selection select_indent(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, ObjectFlags flags) { auto get_indent = [](StringView str, int tabstop) { CharCount indent = 0; for (auto& c : str) { if (c == ' ') ++indent; else if (c =='\t') indent = (indent / tabstop + 1) * tabstop; else break; } return indent; }; auto is_only_whitespaces = [](StringView str) { auto it = str.begin(); skip_while(it, str.end(), [](char c){ return c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\n'; }); return it == str.end(); }; int tabstop = buffer.options()["tabstop"].get(); LineCount line = selection.cursor().line; auto indent = get_indent(buffer[line], tabstop); LineCount begin_line = line - 1; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin) { while (begin_line >= 0 and (buffer[begin_line] == StringView{"\n"} or get_indent(buffer[begin_line], tabstop) >= indent)) --begin_line; } ++begin_line; LineCount end_line = line + 1; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd) { const LineCount end = buffer.line_count(); while (end_line < end and (buffer[end_line] == StringView{"\n"} or get_indent(buffer[end_line], tabstop) >= indent)) ++end_line; } --end_line; // remove only whitespaces lines in inner mode if (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) { while (begin_line < end_line and is_only_whitespaces(buffer[begin_line])) ++begin_line; while (begin_line < end_line and is_only_whitespaces(buffer[end_line])) --end_line; } return Selection{begin_line, {end_line, buffer[end_line].length() - 1}}; } Selection select_argument(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection, int level, ObjectFlags flags) { enum Class { None, Opening, Closing, Delimiter }; auto classify = [](Codepoint c) { switch (c) { case '(': case '[': case '{': return Opening; case ')': case ']': case '}': return Closing; case ',': case ';': return Delimiter; default: return None; } }; BufferIterator pos = buffer.iterator_at(selection.cursor()); switch (classify(*pos)) { //case Closing: if (pos+1 != buffer.end()) ++pos; break; case Opening: case Delimiter: if (pos != buffer.begin()) --pos; break; default: break; }; bool first_arg = false; BufferIterator begin = pos; for (int lev = level; begin != buffer.begin(); --begin) { Class c = classify(*begin); if (c == Closing) ++lev; else if (c == Opening and (lev-- == 0)) { first_arg = true; ++begin; break; } else if (c == Delimiter and lev == 0) { ++begin; break; } } bool last_arg = false; BufferIterator end = pos; for (int lev = level; end != buffer.end(); ++end) { Class c = classify(*end); if (c == Opening) ++lev; else if (end != pos and c == Closing and (lev-- == 0)) { last_arg = true; --end; break; } else if (c == Delimiter and lev == 0) { // include whitespaces *after* the delimiter only for first argument if (first_arg and not (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner)) { while (end + 1 != buffer.end() and is_blank(*(end+1))) ++end; } break; } } if (flags & ObjectFlags::Inner) { if (not last_arg) --end; skip_while(begin, end, is_blank); skip_while_reverse(end, begin, is_blank); } // get starting delimiter for non inner last arg else if (not first_arg and last_arg) --begin; if (end == buffer.end()) --end; if (flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin and not (flags & ObjectFlags::ToEnd)) return {pos.coord(), begin.coord()}; return {(flags & ObjectFlags::ToBegin ? begin : pos).coord(), end.coord()}; } Selection select_lines(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection) { ByteCoord anchor = selection.anchor(); ByteCoord cursor = selection.cursor(); ByteCoord& to_line_start = anchor <= cursor ? anchor : cursor; ByteCoord& to_line_end = anchor <= cursor ? cursor : anchor; to_line_start.column = 0; to_line_end.column = buffer[to_line_end.line].length()-1; return target_eol({anchor, cursor}); } Selection trim_partial_lines(const Buffer& buffer, const Selection& selection) { ByteCoord anchor = selection.anchor(); ByteCoord cursor = selection.cursor(); ByteCoord& to_line_start = anchor <= cursor ? anchor : cursor; ByteCoord& to_line_end = anchor <= cursor ? cursor : anchor; if (to_line_start.column != 0) to_line_start = to_line_start.line+1; if (to_line_end.column != buffer[to_line_end.line].length()-1) { if (to_line_end.line == 0) return selection; auto prev_line = to_line_end.line-1; to_line_end = ByteCoord{ prev_line, buffer[prev_line].length()-1 }; } if (to_line_start > to_line_end) return selection; return target_eol({anchor, cursor}); } void select_buffer(SelectionList& selections) { auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); selections = SelectionList{ buffer, target_eol({{0,0}, buffer.back_coord()}) }; } using RegexIt = RegexIterator; void select_all_matches(SelectionList& selections, const Regex& regex, unsigned capture) { const unsigned mark_count = regex.mark_count(); if (capture > mark_count) throw runtime_error("invalid capture number"); Vector result; auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); for (auto& sel : selections) { auto sel_end = utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer.end()); RegexIt re_it(buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()), sel_end, regex); RegexIt re_end; for (; re_it != re_end; ++re_it) { auto begin = ensure_char_start(buffer, (*re_it)[capture].first); if (begin == sel_end) continue; auto end = ensure_char_start(buffer, (*re_it)[capture].second); CaptureList captures; captures.reserve(mark_count); for (auto& match : *re_it) captures.push_back(buffer.string(match.first.coord(), match.second.coord())); result.push_back( keep_direction({ begin.coord(), (begin == end ? end : utf8::previous(end, begin)).coord(), std::move(captures) }, sel)); } } if (result.empty()) throw runtime_error("nothing selected"); // Avoid SelectionList::operator=(Vector) as we know result is // already sorted and non overlapping. selections = SelectionList{buffer, std::move(result)}; } void split_selections(SelectionList& selections, const Regex& regex, unsigned capture) { if (capture > regex.mark_count()) throw runtime_error("invalid capture number"); Vector result; auto& buffer = selections.buffer(); auto buf_end = buffer.end(); for (auto& sel : selections) { auto begin = buffer.iterator_at(sel.min()); auto sel_end = utf8::next(buffer.iterator_at(sel.max()), buffer.end()); RegexIt re_it(begin, sel_end, regex); RegexIt re_end; for (; re_it != re_end; ++re_it) { BufferIterator end = (*re_it)[capture].first; if (end == buf_end) continue; end = ensure_char_start(buffer, end); result.push_back(keep_direction({ begin.coord(), (begin == end) ? end.coord() : utf8::previous(end, begin).coord() }, sel)); begin = ensure_char_start(buffer, (*re_it)[capture].second); } if (begin.coord() <= sel.max()) result.push_back(keep_direction({ begin.coord(), sel.max() }, sel)); } selections = std::move(result); } }