#include #include "input_handler.hh" #include "buffer_manager.hh" #include "buffer_utils.hh" #include "command_manager.hh" #include "client.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "face_registry.hh" #include "insert_completer.hh" #include "normal.hh" #include "option_types.hh" #include "regex.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "hash_map.hh" #include "user_interface.hh" #include "utf8.hh" #include "window.hh" namespace Kakoune { class InputMode : public RefCountable { public: InputMode(InputHandler& input_handler) : m_input_handler(input_handler) {} ~InputMode() override = default; InputMode(const InputMode&) = delete; InputMode& operator=(const InputMode&) = delete; void handle_key(Key key) { RefPtr keep_alive{this}; on_key(key); } virtual void on_enabled() {} virtual void on_disabled(bool temporary) {} bool enabled() const { return &m_input_handler.current_mode() == this; } Context& context() const { return m_input_handler.context(); } virtual DisplayLine mode_line() const = 0; virtual KeymapMode keymap_mode() const = 0; virtual StringView name() const = 0; virtual std::pair get_cursor_info() const { const auto cursor = context().selections().main().cursor(); auto coord = context().window().display_position(cursor).value_or(DisplayCoord{}); return {CursorMode::Buffer, coord}; } using Insertion = InputHandler::Insertion; Insertion& last_insert() { return m_input_handler.m_last_insert; } protected: virtual void on_key(Key key) = 0; void push_mode(InputMode* new_mode) { m_input_handler.push_mode(new_mode); } void pop_mode() { m_input_handler.pop_mode(this); } private: InputHandler& m_input_handler; }; namespace InputModes { std::chrono::milliseconds get_idle_timeout(const Context& context) { return std::chrono::milliseconds{context.options()["idle_timeout"].get()}; } std::chrono::milliseconds get_fs_check_timeout(const Context& context) { return std::chrono::milliseconds{context.options()["fs_check_timeout"].get()}; } struct MouseHandler { bool handle_key(Key key, Context& context) { if (not context.has_window()) return false; Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); BufferCoord cursor; auto& selections = context.selections(); switch ((Key::Modifiers)(key.modifiers & Key::Modifiers::MouseEvent)) { case Key::Modifiers::MousePress: m_dragging = true; m_anchor = context.window().buffer_coord(key.coord()); if (not (key.modifiers & Key::Modifiers::Control)) context.selections_write_only() = { buffer, m_anchor}; else { size_t main = selections.size(); selections.push_back({m_anchor}); selections.set_main_index(main); selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } return true; case Key::Modifiers::MouseRelease: if (not m_dragging) return true; m_dragging = false; cursor = context.window().buffer_coord(key.coord()); selections.main() = {buffer.clamp(m_anchor), cursor}; selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); return true; case Key::Modifiers::MousePos: if (not m_dragging) return true; cursor = context.window().buffer_coord(key.coord()); selections.main() = {buffer.clamp(m_anchor), cursor}; selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); return true; case Key::Modifiers::MouseWheelDown: m_dragging = false; scroll_window(context, 3); return true; case Key::Modifiers::MouseWheelUp: m_dragging = false; scroll_window(context, -3); return true; default: return false; } } private: bool m_dragging = false; BufferCoord m_anchor; }; constexpr StringView register_doc = "Special registers:\n" "[0-9]: selections capture group\n" "%: buffer name\n" ".: selection contents\n" "#: selection index\n" "_: null register\n" "\": default yank/paste register\n" "@: default macro register\n" "/: default search register\n" "^: default mark register\n" "|: default shell command register\n" ":: last entered command\n"; class Normal : public InputMode { public: Normal(InputHandler& input_handler, bool single_command = false) : InputMode(input_handler), m_idle_timer{TimePoint::max(), context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft ? Timer::Callback{} : [this](Timer&) { context().hooks().run_hook("NormalIdle", "", context()); }}, m_fs_check_timer{TimePoint::max(), context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft ? Timer::Callback{} : Timer::Callback{[this](Timer& timer) { if (context().has_client()) context().client().check_if_buffer_needs_reloading(); timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_fs_check_timeout(context())); }}}, m_single_command(single_command) {} void on_enabled() override { if (not (context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft)) { if (context().has_client()) context().client().check_if_buffer_needs_reloading(); m_fs_check_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_fs_check_timeout(context())); m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } if (m_hooks_disabled and not m_in_on_key) { context().hooks_disabled().unset(); m_hooks_disabled = false; } context().hooks().run_hook("NormalBegin", "", context()); } void on_disabled(bool temporary) override { m_idle_timer.set_next_date(TimePoint::max()); m_fs_check_timer.set_next_date(TimePoint::max()); if (not temporary and m_hooks_disabled) { context().hooks_disabled().unset(); m_hooks_disabled = false; } context().hooks().run_hook("NormalEnd", "", context()); } void on_key(Key key) override { ScopedSetBool set_in_on_key{m_in_on_key}; // Hack to parse keys sent by terminals using the 8th bit to mark the // meta key. In normal mode, give priority to a potential alt-key than // the accentuated character. if (not (key.modifiers & Key::Modifiers::MouseEvent) and key.key >= 127 and key.key < 256) { key.modifiers |= Key::Modifiers::Alt; key.key &= 0x7f; } bool do_restore_hooks = false; auto restore_hooks = on_scope_end([&, this]{ if (m_hooks_disabled and enabled() and do_restore_hooks) { context().hooks_disabled().unset(); m_hooks_disabled = false; } }); const bool transient = context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft; auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (m_mouse_handler.handle_key(key, context())) { context().print_status({}); if (context().has_client()) context().client().info_hide(); if (not transient) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } else if (cp and isdigit(*cp)) { long long new_val = (long long)m_params.count * 10 + *cp - '0'; if (new_val > std::numeric_limits::max()) context().print_status({ "parameter overflowed", context().faces()["Error"] }); else m_params.count = new_val; } else if (key == Key::Backspace) m_params.count /= 10; else if (key == '\\') { if (not m_hooks_disabled) { m_hooks_disabled = true; context().hooks_disabled().set(); } } else if (key == '"') { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this](Key key, Context& context) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; if (*cp <= 127) m_params.reg = *cp; else context.print_status( { format("invalid register '{}'", *cp), context.faces()["Error"] }); }, "enter target register", register_doc); } else { // Preserve hooks disabled for the whole execution prior to pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks{context().hooks_disabled(), m_single_command and m_hooks_disabled}; if (m_single_command) pop_mode(); context().print_status({}); if (context().has_client()) context().client().info_hide(); do_restore_hooks = true; if (auto command = get_normal_command(key)) { auto autoinfo = context().options()["autoinfo"].get(); if (autoinfo & AutoInfo::Normal and context().has_client()) context().client().info_show(key_to_str(key), command->docstring.str(), {}, InfoStyle::Prompt); // reset m_params now to be reentrant NormalParams params = m_params; m_params = { 0, 0 }; command->func(context(), params); } } context().hooks().run_hook("NormalKey", key_to_str(key), context()); if (enabled() and not transient) // The hook might have changed mode m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } DisplayLine mode_line() const override { AtomList atoms; auto num_sel = context().selections().size(); auto main_index = context().selections().main_index(); if (num_sel == 1) atoms.emplace_back(format("{} sel", num_sel), context().faces()["StatusLineInfo"]); else atoms.emplace_back(format("{} sels ({})", num_sel, main_index + 1), context().faces()["StatusLineInfo"]); if (m_params.count != 0) { atoms.emplace_back(" param=", context().faces()["StatusLineInfo"]); atoms.emplace_back(to_string(m_params.count), context().faces()["StatusLineValue"]); } if (m_params.reg) { atoms.emplace_back(" reg=", context().faces()["StatusLineInfo"]); atoms.emplace_back(StringView(m_params.reg).str(), context().faces()["StatusLineValue"]); } return atoms; } KeymapMode keymap_mode() const override { return KeymapMode::Normal; } StringView name() const override { return "normal"; } private: friend struct InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal; NormalParams m_params = { 0, 0 }; bool m_hooks_disabled = false; NestedBool m_in_on_key; Timer m_idle_timer; Timer m_fs_check_timer; MouseHandler m_mouse_handler; const bool m_single_command; }; template void to_next_word_begin(CharCount& pos, StringView line) { const CharCount len = line.char_length(); if (pos == len) return; if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(line[pos])) { while (pos != len and is_punctuation(line[pos])) ++pos; } else if (is_word(line[pos])) { while (pos != len and is_word(line[pos])) ++pos; } while (pos != len and is_horizontal_blank(line[pos])) ++pos; } template void to_next_word_end(CharCount& pos, StringView line) { const CharCount len = line.char_length(); if (pos + 1 >= len) return; ++pos; while (pos != len and is_horizontal_blank(line[pos])) ++pos; if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(line[pos])) { while (pos != len and is_punctuation(line[pos])) ++pos; } else if (is_word(line[pos])) { while (pos != len and is_word(line[pos])) ++pos; } --pos; } template void to_prev_word_begin(CharCount& pos, StringView line) { if (pos == 0_char) return; --pos; while (pos != 0_char and is_horizontal_blank(line[pos])) --pos; if (word_type == Word and is_punctuation(line[pos])) { while (pos != 0_char and is_punctuation(line[pos])) --pos; if (!is_punctuation(line[pos])) ++pos; } else if (is_word(line[pos])) { while (pos != 0_char and is_word(line[pos])) --pos; if (!is_word(line[pos])) ++pos; } } class LineEditor { public: LineEditor(const FaceRegistry& faces) : m_faces{faces} {} void handle_key(Key key) { if (key == Key::Left or key == alt('h')) { if (m_cursor_pos > 0) --m_cursor_pos; } else if (key == Key::Right or key == alt('l')) { if (m_cursor_pos < m_line.char_length()) ++m_cursor_pos; } else if (key == Key::Home) m_cursor_pos = 0; else if (key == Key::End) m_cursor_pos = m_line.char_length(); else if (key == Key::Backspace or key == alt('x')) { if (m_cursor_pos != 0) { m_line = m_line.substr(0_char, m_cursor_pos - 1) + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); --m_cursor_pos; } } else if (key == Key::Delete or key == alt('d')) { if (m_cursor_pos != m_line.char_length()) m_line = m_line.substr(0, m_cursor_pos) + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos+1); } else if (key == ctrl('w')) to_next_word_begin(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl(alt('w'))) to_next_word_begin(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl('b')) to_prev_word_begin(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl(alt('b'))) to_prev_word_begin(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl('e')) to_next_word_end(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl(alt('e'))) to_next_word_end(m_cursor_pos, m_line); else if (key == ctrl('k')) m_line = m_line.substr(0_char, m_cursor_pos).str(); else if (key == ctrl('u')) { m_line = m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos).str(); m_cursor_pos = 0; } else if (auto cp = key.codepoint()) insert(*cp); } void insert(Codepoint cp) { m_line = m_line.substr(0, m_cursor_pos) + String{cp} + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); ++m_cursor_pos; } void insert(StringView str) { insert_from(m_cursor_pos, str); } void insert_from(CharCount start, StringView str) { kak_assert(start <= m_cursor_pos); m_line = m_line.substr(0, start) + str + m_line.substr(m_cursor_pos); m_cursor_pos = start + str.char_length(); } void reset(String line, StringView empty_text) { m_line = std::move(line); m_empty_text = empty_text; m_cursor_pos = m_line.char_length(); m_display_pos = 0; } const String& line() const { return m_line; } CharCount cursor_pos() const { return m_cursor_pos; } ColumnCount cursor_display_column() const { return m_line.substr(m_display_pos, m_cursor_pos).column_length(); } DisplayLine build_display_line(ColumnCount in_width) { CharCount width = (int)in_width; // Todo: proper handling of char/column kak_assert(m_cursor_pos <= m_line.char_length()); if (m_cursor_pos < m_display_pos) m_display_pos = m_cursor_pos; if (m_cursor_pos >= m_display_pos + width) m_display_pos = m_cursor_pos + 1 - width; const bool empty = m_line.empty(); StringView str = empty ? m_empty_text : m_line; const Face line_face = m_faces[empty ? "StatusLineInfo" : "StatusLine"]; const Face cursor_face = m_faces["StatusCursor"]; if (m_cursor_pos == str.char_length()) return DisplayLine{{ { fix_atom_text(str.substr(m_display_pos, width-1)), line_face }, { " "_str, cursor_face} } }; else return DisplayLine({ { fix_atom_text(str.substr(m_display_pos, m_cursor_pos - m_display_pos)), line_face }, { fix_atom_text(str.substr(m_cursor_pos,1)), cursor_face }, { fix_atom_text(str.substr(m_cursor_pos+1, width - m_cursor_pos + m_display_pos - 1)), line_face } }); } private: CharCount m_cursor_pos = 0; CharCount m_display_pos = 0; String m_line; StringView m_empty_text = {}; const FaceRegistry& m_faces; }; class Menu : public InputMode { public: Menu(InputHandler& input_handler, Vector choices, MenuCallback callback) : InputMode(input_handler), m_callback(std::move(callback)), m_choices(choices.begin(), choices.end()), m_selected(m_choices.begin()), m_filter_editor{context().faces()} { if (not context().has_client()) return; context().client().menu_show(std::move(choices), {}, MenuStyle::Prompt); context().client().menu_select(0); } void on_key(Key key) override { auto match_filter = [this](const DisplayLine& choice) { for (auto& atom : choice) { const auto& contents = atom.content(); if (regex_match(contents.begin(), contents.end(), m_filter)) return true; } return false; }; if (key == Key::Return) { if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); // Maintain hooks disabled in callback if they were before pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()); pop_mode(); int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Validate, context()); return; } else if (key == Key::Escape or key == ctrl('c')) { if (m_edit_filter) { m_edit_filter = false; m_filter = Regex{".*"}; m_filter_editor.reset("", ""); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); } else { if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); // Maintain hooks disabled in callback if they were before pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()); pop_mode(); int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Abort, context()); } } else if (key == Key::Down or key == Key::Tab or key == ctrl('n') or (not m_edit_filter and key == 'j')) { auto it = std::find_if(m_selected+1, m_choices.end(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.end()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.begin(), m_selected, match_filter); select(it); } else if (key == Key::Up or key == shift(Key::Tab) or key == ctrl('p') or (not m_edit_filter and key == 'k')) { ChoiceList::const_reverse_iterator selected(m_selected+1); auto it = std::find_if(selected+1, m_choices.rend(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.rend()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.rbegin(), selected, match_filter); select(it.base()-1); } else if (key == '/' and not m_edit_filter) { m_edit_filter = true; } else if (m_edit_filter) { m_filter_editor.handle_key(key); auto search = ".*" + m_filter_editor.line() + ".*"; m_filter = Regex{search}; auto it = std::find_if(m_selected, m_choices.end(), match_filter); if (it == m_choices.end()) it = std::find_if(m_choices.begin(), m_selected, match_filter); select(it); } if (m_edit_filter and context().has_client()) { auto prompt = "filter:"_str; auto width = context().client().dimensions().column - prompt.column_length(); auto display_line = m_filter_editor.build_display_line(width); display_line.insert(display_line.begin(), { prompt, context().faces()["Prompt"] }); context().print_status(display_line); } } DisplayLine mode_line() const override { return { "menu", context().faces()["StatusLineMode"] }; } KeymapMode keymap_mode() const override { return KeymapMode::Menu; } StringView name() const override { return "menu"; } private: MenuCallback m_callback; using ChoiceList = Vector; const ChoiceList m_choices; ChoiceList::const_iterator m_selected; void select(ChoiceList::const_iterator it) { m_selected = it; int selected = m_selected - m_choices.begin(); if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_select(selected); m_callback(selected, MenuEvent::Select, context()); } Regex m_filter = Regex{".*"}; bool m_edit_filter = false; LineEditor m_filter_editor; }; static Optional get_raw_codepoint(Key key) { if (auto cp = key.codepoint()) return cp; else if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::Control and ((key.key >= '@' and key.key <= '_') or (key.key >= 'a' and key.key <= 'z'))) return {(Codepoint)(to_upper((char)key.key) - '@')}; return {}; } class Prompt : public InputMode { public: Prompt(InputHandler& input_handler, StringView prompt, String initstr, String emptystr, Face face, PromptFlags flags, Completer completer, PromptCallback callback) : InputMode(input_handler), m_prompt(prompt.str()), m_prompt_face(face), m_empty_text{std::move(emptystr)}, m_flags(flags), m_completer(std::move(completer)), m_callback(std::move(callback)), m_autoshowcompl{context().options()["autoshowcompl"].get()}, m_idle_timer{TimePoint::max(), context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft ? Timer::Callback{} : [this](Timer&) { if (m_autoshowcompl and m_refresh_completion_pending) refresh_completions(CompletionFlags::Fast); if (m_line_changed) { m_callback(m_line_editor.line(), PromptEvent::Change, context()); m_line_changed = false; } context().hooks().run_hook("PromptIdle", "", context()); }}, m_line_editor{context().faces()} { m_history_it = ms_history[m_prompt].end(); m_line_editor.reset(std::move(initstr), m_empty_text); } void on_key(Key key) override { History& history = ms_history[m_prompt]; const String& line = m_line_editor.line(); if (key == Key::Return) { if (not context().history_disabled()) history_push(history, line); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); // Maintain hooks disabled in callback if they were before pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()); pop_mode(); // call callback after pop_mode so that callback // may change the mode m_callback(line, PromptEvent::Validate, context()); return; } else if (key == Key::Escape or key == ctrl('c')) { if (not context().history_disabled()) history_push(history, line); context().print_status(DisplayLine{}); if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); // Maintain hooks disabled in callback if they were before pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()); pop_mode(); m_callback(line, PromptEvent::Abort, context()); return; } else if (key == ctrl('r')) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this](Key key, Context&) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; StringView reg = context().main_sel_register_value(String{*cp}); m_line_editor.insert(reg); display(); m_line_changed = true; m_refresh_completion_pending = true; }, "enter register name", register_doc); display(); return; } else if (key == ctrl('v')) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this](Key key, Context&) { if (auto cp = get_raw_codepoint(key)) { m_line_editor.insert(*cp); display(); m_line_changed = true; m_refresh_completion_pending = true; } }, "raw insert", "enter key to insert"); display(); return; } else if (key == Key::Up or key == ctrl('p')) { if (m_history_it != history.begin()) { if (m_history_it == history.end()) m_prefix = line; auto it = m_history_it; // search for the previous history entry matching typed prefix do { --it; if (prefix_match(*it, m_prefix)) { m_history_it = it; m_line_editor.reset(*it, m_empty_text); break; } } while (it != history.begin()); clear_completions(); m_refresh_completion_pending = true; } } else if (key == Key::Down or key == ctrl('n')) // next { if (m_history_it != history.end()) { // search for the next history entry matching typed prefix ++m_history_it; while (m_history_it != history.end() and not prefix_match(*m_history_it, m_prefix)) ++m_history_it; if (m_history_it != history.end()) m_line_editor.reset(*m_history_it, m_empty_text); else m_line_editor.reset(m_prefix, m_empty_text); clear_completions(); m_refresh_completion_pending = true; } } else if (key == Key::Tab or key == shift(Key::Tab) or key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::MenuSelect) // completion { CandidateList& candidates = m_completions.candidates; // first try, we need to ask our completer for completions if (candidates.empty()) { refresh_completions(CompletionFlags::None); if ((not m_prefix_in_completions and candidates.size() > 1) or candidates.size() > 2) return; } if (candidates.empty()) return; const bool reverse = (key == shift(Key::Tab)); if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::MenuSelect) m_current_completion = clamp(key.key, 0, candidates.size() - 1); else if (not reverse and ++m_current_completion >= candidates.size()) m_current_completion = 0; else if (reverse and --m_current_completion < 0) m_current_completion = candidates.size()-1; const String& completion = candidates[m_current_completion]; if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_select(m_current_completion); m_line_editor.insert_from(line.char_count_to(m_completions.start), completion); // when we have only one completion candidate, make next tab complete // from the new content. if (candidates.size() == 1 or (m_prefix_in_completions and candidates.size() == 2)) { m_current_completion = -1; candidates.clear(); m_refresh_completion_pending = true; } } else if (key == ctrl('o')) { m_autoshowcompl = false; clear_completions(); if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); } else if (key == alt('!')) { try { m_line_editor.reset(expand(m_line_editor.line(), context()), m_empty_text); } catch (std::runtime_error& error) { context().print_status({error.what(), context().faces()["Error"]}); return; } } else { m_line_editor.handle_key(key); clear_completions(); m_refresh_completion_pending = true; } display(); m_line_changed = true; if (enabled() and not (context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft)) // The callback might have disabled us m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } void set_prompt_face(Face face) { if (face != m_prompt_face) { m_prompt_face = face; display(); } } DisplayLine mode_line() const override { return { "prompt", context().faces()["StatusLineMode"] }; } KeymapMode keymap_mode() const override { return KeymapMode::Prompt; } StringView name() const override { return "prompt"; } std::pair get_cursor_info() const override { DisplayCoord coord{0_line, m_prompt.column_length() + m_line_editor.cursor_display_column()}; return { CursorMode::Prompt, coord }; } private: void refresh_completions(CompletionFlags flags) { try { m_refresh_completion_pending = false; if (not m_completer) return; m_current_completion = -1; const String& line = m_line_editor.line(); m_completions = m_completer(context(), flags, line, line.byte_count_to(m_line_editor.cursor_pos())); if (context().has_client()) { if (m_completions.candidates.empty()) return context().client().menu_hide(); Vector items; for (auto& candidate : m_completions.candidates) items.push_back({ candidate, {} }); const auto menu_style = (m_flags & PromptFlags::Search) ? MenuStyle::Search : MenuStyle::Prompt; context().client().menu_show(items, {}, menu_style); auto prefix = line.substr(m_completions.start, m_completions.end - m_completions.start); if (not contains(m_completions.candidates, prefix)) { m_current_completion = m_completions.candidates.size(); m_completions.candidates.push_back(prefix.str()); m_prefix_in_completions = true; } else m_prefix_in_completions = false; } } catch (runtime_error&) {} } void clear_completions() { m_current_completion = -1; m_completions.candidates.clear(); } void display() { if (not context().has_client()) return; auto width = context().client().dimensions().column - m_prompt.column_length(); DisplayLine display_line; if (not (m_flags & PromptFlags::Password)) display_line = m_line_editor.build_display_line(width); display_line.insert(display_line.begin(), { m_prompt, m_prompt_face }); context().print_status(display_line); } void on_enabled() override { display(); m_line_changed = true; if (not (context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft)) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } void on_disabled(bool) override { context().print_status({}); m_idle_timer.set_next_date(TimePoint::max()); if (context().has_client()) context().client().menu_hide(); } PromptCallback m_callback; Completer m_completer; const String m_prompt; Face m_prompt_face; Completions m_completions; int m_current_completion = -1; bool m_prefix_in_completions = false; String m_prefix; String m_empty_text; LineEditor m_line_editor; bool m_line_changed = false; PromptFlags m_flags; bool m_autoshowcompl; bool m_refresh_completion_pending = true; Timer m_idle_timer; using History = Vector; static HashMap ms_history; History::iterator m_history_it; void history_push(History& history, StringView entry) { if (entry.empty() or (m_flags & PromptFlags::DropHistoryEntriesWithBlankPrefix and is_horizontal_blank(entry[0_byte]))) return; history.erase(std::remove(history.begin(), history.end(), entry), history.end()); history.push_back(entry.str()); } }; HashMap Prompt::ms_history; class NextKey : public InputMode { public: NextKey(InputHandler& input_handler, KeymapMode keymap_mode, KeyCallback callback) : InputMode(input_handler), m_keymap_mode(keymap_mode), m_callback(std::move(callback)) {} void on_key(Key key) override { // maintain hooks disabled in the callback if they were before pop_mode ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()); pop_mode(); m_callback(key, context()); } DisplayLine mode_line() const override { return { "enter key", context().faces()["StatusLineMode"] }; } KeymapMode keymap_mode() const override { return m_keymap_mode; } StringView name() const override { return "next-key"; } private: KeyCallback m_callback; KeymapMode m_keymap_mode; }; class Insert : public InputMode { public: Insert(InputHandler& input_handler, InsertMode mode, int count) : InputMode(input_handler), m_restore_cursor(mode == InsertMode::Append), m_edition(context()), m_completer(context()), m_autoshowcompl{context().options()["autoshowcompl"].get()}, m_disable_hooks{context().hooks_disabled(), context().hooks_disabled()}, m_idle_timer{TimePoint::max(), context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft ? Timer::Callback{} : [this](Timer&) { if (m_autoshowcompl) m_completer.update(); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertIdle", "", context()); }} { context().buffer().throw_if_read_only(); last_insert().recording.set(); last_insert().mode = mode; last_insert().keys.clear(); last_insert().disable_hooks = context().hooks_disabled(); last_insert().count = count; context().hooks().run_hook("InsertBegin", "", context()); prepare(mode, count); } void on_enabled() override { if (not (context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft)) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } void on_disabled(bool temporary) override { m_idle_timer.set_next_date(TimePoint::max()); if (not temporary) { last_insert().recording.unset(); auto& selections = context().selections(); if (m_restore_cursor) { for (auto& sel : selections) { if (sel.cursor() > sel.anchor() and sel.cursor().column > 0) sel.cursor() = context().buffer().char_prev(sel.cursor()); } } } } void on_key(Key key) override { auto& buffer = context().buffer(); const bool transient = context().flags() & Context::Flags::Draft; bool update_completions = true; bool moved = false; if (m_mouse_handler.handle_key(key, context())) { if (not transient) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } else if (key == Key::Escape or key == ctrl('c')) { if (m_in_end) throw runtime_error("asked to exit insert mode while running InsertEnd hook"); m_in_end = true; context().hooks().run_hook("InsertEnd", "", context()); m_completer.reset(); pop_mode(); } else if (key == Key::Backspace) { Vector sels; for (auto& sel : context().selections()) { if (sel.cursor() == BufferCoord{0,0}) continue; auto pos = sel.cursor(); sels.emplace_back(buffer.char_prev(pos)); } auto& main = context().selections().main(); String main_char; if (main.cursor() != BufferCoord{0, 0}) main_char = buffer.string(buffer.char_prev(main.cursor()), main.cursor()); if (not sels.empty()) SelectionList{buffer, std::move(sels)}.erase(); if (not main_char.empty()) context().hooks().run_hook("InsertDelete", main_char, context()); } else if (key == Key::Delete) { Vector sels; for (auto& sel : context().selections()) sels.emplace_back(sel.cursor()); SelectionList{buffer, std::move(sels)}.erase(); } else if (key == Key::Left) { move(-1_char); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Right) { move(1_char); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Up) { move(-1_line); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Down) { move(1_line); moved = true; } else if (key == Key::Home) { auto& selections = context().selections(); for (auto& sel : selections) sel.anchor() = sel.cursor() = BufferCoord{sel.cursor().line, 0}; selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } else if (key == Key::End) { auto& buffer = context().buffer(); auto& selections = context().selections(); for (auto& sel : selections) { const LineCount line = sel.cursor().line; sel.anchor() = sel.cursor() = buffer.clamp({line, buffer[line].length()}); } selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } else if (auto cp = key.codepoint()) insert(*cp); else if (key == ctrl('r')) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this](Key key, Context&) { auto cp = key.codepoint(); if (not cp or key == Key::Escape) return; insert(RegisterManager::instance()[*cp].get(context())); }, "enter register name", register_doc); update_completions = false; } else if (key == ctrl('n')) { last_insert().keys.pop_back(); m_completer.select(1, true, last_insert().keys); update_completions = false; } else if (key == ctrl('p')) { last_insert().keys.pop_back(); m_completer.select(-1, true, last_insert().keys); update_completions = false; } else if (key.modifiers == Key::Modifiers::MenuSelect) { last_insert().keys.pop_back(); m_completer.select(key.key, false, last_insert().keys); update_completions = false; } else if (key == ctrl('x')) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this](Key key, Context&) { if (key.key == 'f') m_completer.explicit_file_complete(); if (key.key == 'w') m_completer.explicit_word_buffer_complete(); if (key.key == 'W') m_completer.explicit_word_all_complete(); if (key.key == 'l') m_completer.explicit_line_buffer_complete(); if (key.key == 'L') m_completer.explicit_line_all_complete(); }, "enter completion type", "f: filename\n" "w: word (current buffer)\n" "W: word (all buffers)\n" "l: line (current buffer)\n" "L: line (all buffers)\n"); update_completions = false; } else if (key == ctrl('o')) { m_autoshowcompl = false; m_completer.reset(); } else if (key == ctrl('u')) { context().buffer().commit_undo_group(); context().print_status({ format("committed change #{}", (size_t)context().buffer().current_history_id()), context().faces()["Information"] }); } else if (key == ctrl('v')) { on_next_key_with_autoinfo(context(), KeymapMode::None, [this, transient](Key key, Context&) { if (auto cp = get_raw_codepoint(key)) { insert(*cp); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertKey", key_to_str(key), context()); if (enabled() and not transient) m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } }, "raw insert", "enter key to insert"); update_completions = false; } else if (key == alt(';')) { push_mode(new Normal(context().input_handler(), true)); return; } context().hooks().run_hook("InsertKey", key_to_str(key), context()); if (moved) context().hooks().run_hook("InsertMove", key_to_str(key), context()); if (update_completions and enabled() and not transient) // Hooks might have disabled us m_idle_timer.set_next_date(Clock::now() + get_idle_timeout(context())); } DisplayLine mode_line() const override { auto num_sel = context().selections().size(); auto main_index = context().selections().main_index(); return {AtomList{ { "insert", context().faces()["StatusLineMode"] }, { " ", context().faces()["StatusLine"] }, { format( "{} sels ({})", num_sel, main_index + 1), context().faces()["StatusLineInfo"] } }}; } KeymapMode keymap_mode() const override { return KeymapMode::Insert; } StringView name() const override { return "insert"; } private: template void move(Type offset) { auto& selections = context().selections(); const ColumnCount tabstop = context().options()["tabstop"].get(); for (auto& sel : selections) { auto cursor = context().buffer().offset_coord(sel.cursor(), offset, tabstop, false); sel.anchor() = sel.cursor() = cursor; } selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); } void insert(ConstArrayView strings) { context().selections().insert(strings, InsertMode::InsertCursor); } void insert(Codepoint key) { String str{key}; context().selections().insert(str, InsertMode::InsertCursor); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertChar", str, context()); } void prepare(InsertMode mode, int count) { SelectionList& selections = context().selections(); Buffer& buffer = context().buffer(); switch (mode) { case InsertMode::Insert: for (auto& sel : selections) sel.set(sel.max(), sel.min()); break; case InsertMode::Replace: selections.erase(); break; case InsertMode::Append: for (auto& sel : selections) { sel.set(sel.min(), sel.max()); auto& cursor = sel.cursor(); // special case for end of lines, append to current line instead if (cursor.column != buffer[cursor.line].length() - 1) cursor = buffer.char_next(cursor); } break; case InsertMode::AppendAtLineEnd: for (auto& sel : selections) sel.set({sel.max().line, buffer[sel.max().line].length() - 1}); break; case InsertMode::OpenLineBelow: { Vector new_sels; count = count > 0 ? count : 1; LineCount inserted_count = 0; for (auto sel : selections) { buffer.insert(sel.max().line + inserted_count + 1, String{'\n', CharCount{count}}); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) new_sels.push_back({sel.max().line + inserted_count + i + 1}); inserted_count += count; } selections.set(std::move(new_sels), selections.main_index() * count + count - 1); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertChar", "\n", context()); break; } case InsertMode::OpenLineAbove: { Vector new_sels; count = count > 0 ? count : 1; LineCount inserted_count = 0; for (auto sel : selections) { buffer.insert(sel.min().line + inserted_count, String{'\n', CharCount{count}}); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) new_sels.push_back({sel.min().line + inserted_count + i}); inserted_count += count; } selections.set(std::move(new_sels), selections.main_index() * count + count - 1); context().hooks().run_hook("InsertChar", "\n", context()); break; } case InsertMode::InsertAtLineBegin: for (auto& sel : selections) { BufferCoord pos = sel.min().line; auto pos_non_blank = buffer.iterator_at(pos); while (*pos_non_blank == ' ' or *pos_non_blank == '\t') ++pos_non_blank; if (*pos_non_blank != '\n') pos = pos_non_blank.coord(); sel.set(pos); } break; case InsertMode::InsertAtNextLineBegin: case InsertMode::InsertCursor: kak_assert(false); // invalid for interactive insert break; } if (mode != InsertMode::Append and mode != InsertMode::Replace) selections.sort_and_merge_overlapping(); selections.check_invariant(); buffer.check_invariant(); } ScopedEdition m_edition; InsertCompleter m_completer; bool m_restore_cursor; bool m_autoshowcompl; Timer m_idle_timer; bool m_in_end = false; MouseHandler m_mouse_handler; ScopedSetBool m_disable_hooks; }; } InputHandler::InputHandler(SelectionList selections, Context::Flags flags, String name) : m_context(*this, std::move(selections), flags, std::move(name)) { m_mode_stack.emplace_back(new InputModes::Normal(*this)); current_mode().on_enabled(); } InputHandler::~InputHandler() = default; void InputHandler::push_mode(InputMode* new_mode) { StringView prev_name = current_mode().name(); current_mode().on_disabled(true); m_mode_stack.emplace_back(new_mode); new_mode->on_enabled(); context().hooks().run_hook("ModeChange", format("{}:{}", prev_name, new_mode->name()), context()); } void InputHandler::pop_mode(InputMode* mode) { kak_assert(m_mode_stack.back().get() == mode); kak_assert(m_mode_stack.size() > 1); StringView prev_name = mode->name(); current_mode().on_disabled(false); m_mode_stack.pop_back(); current_mode().on_enabled(); context().hooks().run_hook("ModeChange", format("{}:{}", prev_name, current_mode().name()), context()); } void InputHandler::reset_normal_mode() { kak_assert(dynamic_cast(m_mode_stack[0].get()) != nullptr); if (m_mode_stack.size() == 1) return; StringView prev_name = current_mode().name(); current_mode().on_disabled(false); m_mode_stack.resize(1); current_mode().on_enabled(); context().hooks().run_hook("ModeChange", format("{}:{}", prev_name, current_mode().name()), context()); } void InputHandler::insert(InsertMode mode, int count) { push_mode(new InputModes::Insert(*this, mode, count)); } void InputHandler::repeat_last_insert() { if (m_last_insert.keys.empty()) return; if (dynamic_cast(¤t_mode()) == nullptr or m_last_insert.recording) throw runtime_error{"repeating last insert not available in this context"}; Vector keys; swap(keys, m_last_insert.keys); ScopedSetBool disable_hooks(context().hooks_disabled(), m_last_insert.disable_hooks); push_mode(new InputModes::Insert(*this, m_last_insert.mode, m_last_insert.count)); for (auto& key : keys) { // refill last_insert, this is very inefficient, but necesary at the moment // to properly handle insert completion m_last_insert.keys.push_back(key); current_mode().handle_key(key); } kak_assert(dynamic_cast(¤t_mode()) != nullptr); } void InputHandler::prompt(StringView prompt, String initstr, String emptystr, Face prompt_face, PromptFlags flags, Completer completer, PromptCallback callback) { push_mode(new InputModes::Prompt(*this, prompt, std::move(initstr), std::move(emptystr), prompt_face, flags, std::move(completer), std::move(callback))); } void InputHandler::set_prompt_face(Face prompt_face) { InputModes::Prompt* prompt = dynamic_cast(¤t_mode()); if (prompt) prompt->set_prompt_face(prompt_face); } void InputHandler::menu(Vector choices, MenuCallback callback) { push_mode(new InputModes::Menu(*this, std::move(choices), std::move(callback))); } void InputHandler::on_next_key(KeymapMode keymap_mode, KeyCallback callback) { push_mode(new InputModes::NextKey(*this, keymap_mode, std::move(callback))); } InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal::ScopedForceNormal(InputHandler& handler, NormalParams params) : m_handler(handler), m_mode(nullptr) { if (handler.m_mode_stack.size() != 1) { handler.push_mode(new InputModes::Normal(handler)); m_mode = handler.m_mode_stack.back().get(); } static_cast(handler.m_mode_stack.back().get())->m_params = params; } InputHandler::ScopedForceNormal::~ScopedForceNormal() { if (not m_mode) return; kak_assert(m_handler.m_mode_stack.size() > 1); if (m_mode == m_handler.m_mode_stack.back().get()) m_handler.pop_mode(m_mode); else { auto it = find_if(m_handler.m_mode_stack, [this](const RefPtr& m) { return m.get() == m_mode; }); kak_assert(it != m_handler.m_mode_stack.end()); m_handler.m_mode_stack.erase(it); } } static bool is_valid(Key key) { constexpr Key::Modifiers valid_mods = (Key::Modifiers::Control | Key::Modifiers::Alt | Key::Modifiers::Shift); return key != Key::Invalid and ((key.modifiers & ~valid_mods) or key.key <= 0x10FFFF); } void InputHandler::handle_key(Key key) { if (not is_valid(key)) return; const bool was_recording = is_recording(); ++m_handle_key_level; auto dec = on_scope_end([this]{ --m_handle_key_level; }); auto process_key = [&](Key key) { if (m_last_insert.recording) m_last_insert.keys.push_back(key); current_mode().handle_key(key); }; const auto keymap_mode = current_mode().keymap_mode(); KeymapManager& keymaps = m_context.keymaps(); if (keymaps.is_mapped(key, keymap_mode) and not m_context.keymaps_disabled()) { ScopedSetBool disable_history{context().history_disabled()}; for (auto& k : keymaps.get_mapping(key, keymap_mode).keys) process_key(k); } else process_key(key); // do not record the key that made us enter or leave recording mode, // and the ones that are triggered recursively by previous keys. if (was_recording and is_recording() and m_handle_key_level == m_recording_level) m_recorded_keys += key_to_str(key); if (m_handle_key_level < m_recording_level) { write_to_debug_buffer("Macro recording started but not finished"); m_recording_reg = 0; m_recording_level = -1; } } void InputHandler::start_recording(char reg) { kak_assert(m_recording_reg == 0); m_recording_level = m_handle_key_level; m_recorded_keys = ""; m_recording_reg = reg; } bool InputHandler::is_recording() const { return m_recording_reg != 0; } void InputHandler::stop_recording() { kak_assert(m_recording_reg != 0); if (not m_recorded_keys.empty()) RegisterManager::instance()[m_recording_reg].set( context(), {m_recorded_keys}); m_recording_reg = 0; m_recording_level = -1; } DisplayLine InputHandler::mode_line() const { return current_mode().mode_line(); } std::pair InputHandler::get_cursor_info() const { return current_mode().get_cursor_info(); } bool show_auto_info_ifn(StringView title, StringView info, AutoInfo mask, const Context& context) { if (not (context.options()["autoinfo"].get() & mask) or not context.has_client()) return false; context.client().info_show(title.str(), info.str(), {}, InfoStyle::Prompt); return true; } void hide_auto_info_ifn(const Context& context, bool hide) { if (hide) context.client().info_hide(); } void scroll_window(Context& context, LineCount offset) { Window& window = context.window(); Buffer& buffer = context.buffer(); DisplayCoord win_pos = window.position(); DisplayCoord win_dim = window.dimensions(); const DisplayCoord max_offset{(win_dim.line - 1)/2, (win_dim.column - 1)/2}; const DisplayCoord scrolloff = std::min(context.options()["scrolloff"].get(), max_offset); const LineCount line_count = buffer.line_count(); win_pos.line = clamp(win_pos.line + offset, 0_line, line_count-1); SelectionList& selections = context.selections(); const BufferCoord cursor = selections.main().cursor(); auto line = clamp(cursor.line, win_pos.line + scrolloff.line, win_pos.line + win_dim.line - 1 - scrolloff.line); line = clamp(line, 0_line, line_count-1); using std::min; using std::max; // This is not exactly a clamp, and must be done in this order as // byte_count_to could return line length auto col = min(max(cursor.column, buffer[line].byte_count_to(win_pos.column)), buffer[line].length()-1); selections = SelectionList{buffer, BufferCoord{line, col}}; window.set_position(win_pos); } }