# zenburn theme %sh{ # define some named colors zenbackground="default,rgb:3f3f3f" zenstatus="rgb:efdcbc,rgb:2a2a2a" zencursor="default,rgb:7f9f7f" zeninfo="rgb:cc9393,rgb:2a2a2a" zenmenubg="rgb:7f9f7f,rgb:4a4a4a" zenmenufg="rgb:8cd0d3,rgb:5b5b5b" zentext="rgb:efefef" zenkeyword="rgb:f0dfaf+b" zenstorageClass="rgb:c3bf9f+b" zennumber="rgb:8cd0d3" zencomment="rgb:7f9f7f" zenconstant="rgb:dca3a3+b" zenspecial="rgb:cfbfaf" zenfunction="rgb:efef8f" zenstatement="rgb:e3ceab" zenidentifier="rgb:efdcbc" zentype="rgb:dfdfbf" zenstring="rgb:cc9393" zenexception="rgb:c3bf9f+b" zenmatching="rgb:3f3f3f,rgb:8cd0d3" zenpadding="rgb:f0dfaf,rgb:3f3f3f+b" echo " # then we map them to code face value ${zenconstant} face type ${zentype} face identifier ${zenidentifier} face string ${zenstring} face error ${zenexception} face keyword ${zenkeyword} face operator ${zenfunction} face attribute ${zenstatement} face comment ${zencomment} face meta ${zenspecial} # and markup face title ${zenkeyword} face header ${zenconstant} face bold ${zenstorageClass} face italic ${zenfunction} face mono ${zennumber} face block ${zenstatement} face link ${zenstring} face bullet ${zenidentifier} face list ${zentype} # and built in faces face Default ${zenbackground} face PrimarySelection white,blue face SecondarySelection black,blue face PrimaryCursor black,white face SecondaryCursor black,white face LineNumbers default face LineNumberCursor ${zenstatus} face MenuForeground ${zenmenufg} face MenuBackground ${zenmenubg} face MenuInfo rgb:cc9393 face Information ${zeninfo} face Error default,red face StatusLine ${zenstatus} face StatusLineMode ${zencomment} face StatusLineInfo ${zenspecial} face StatusLineValue ${zennumber} face StatusCursor ${zencursor} face Prompt yellow face MatchingChar default+b face BufferPadding ${zenpadding} " }