#include "option_manager.hh" #include "insert_completer.hh" #include "assert.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { OptionDesc::OptionDesc(String name, String docstring, OptionFlags flags) : m_name(std::move(name)), m_docstring(std::move(docstring)), m_flags(flags) {} Option::Option(const OptionDesc& desc, OptionManager& manager) : m_manager(manager), m_desc(desc) {} OptionManager::OptionManager(OptionManager& parent) : m_parent(&parent) { parent.register_watcher(*this); } OptionManager::~OptionManager() { if (m_parent) m_parent->unregister_watcher(*this); kak_assert(m_watchers.empty()); } void OptionManager::register_watcher(OptionManagerWatcher& watcher) { kak_assert(not contains(m_watchers, &watcher)); m_watchers.push_back(&watcher); } void OptionManager::unregister_watcher(OptionManagerWatcher& watcher) { auto it = find(m_watchers.begin(), m_watchers.end(), &watcher); kak_assert(it != m_watchers.end()); m_watchers.erase(it); } Option& OptionManager::get_local_option(const String& name) { auto it = find_option(m_options, name); if (it != m_options.end()) return **it; else if (m_parent) { m_options.emplace_back((*m_parent)[name].clone(*this)); return *m_options.back(); } else throw option_not_found(name); } Option& OptionManager::operator[](const String& name) { auto it = find_option(m_options, name); if (it != m_options.end()) return **it; else if (m_parent) return (*m_parent)[name]; else throw option_not_found(name); } const Option& OptionManager::operator[](const String& name) const { return const_cast(*this)[name]; } template CandidateList OptionManager::get_matching_names(MatchingFunc func) { CandidateList result; if (m_parent) result = m_parent->get_matching_names(func); for (auto& option : m_options) { if (option->flags() & OptionFlags::Hidden) continue; const auto& name = option->name(); if (func(name) and not contains(result, name)) result.push_back(name); } return result; } CandidateList OptionManager::complete_option_name(StringView prefix, ByteCount cursor_pos) { using namespace std::placeholders; auto real_prefix = prefix.substr(0, cursor_pos); auto result = get_matching_names(std::bind(prefix_match, _1, real_prefix)); if (result.empty()) result = get_matching_names(std::bind(subsequence_match, _1, real_prefix)); return result; } OptionManager::OptionList OptionManager::flatten_options() const { OptionList res = m_parent ? m_parent->flatten_options() : OptionList{}; for (auto& option : m_options) { auto it = find_option(res, option->name()); if (it != res.end()) *it = option.get(); else res.emplace_back(option.get()); } return res; } void OptionManager::on_option_changed(const Option& option) { // if parent option changed, but we overrided it, it's like nothing happened if (&option.manager() != this and find_option(m_options, option.name()) != m_options.end()) return; for (auto watcher : m_watchers) watcher->on_option_changed(option); } GlobalOptions::GlobalOptions() : OptionManager() { declare_option("tabstop", "size of a tab character", 8); declare_option("indentwidth", "indentation width", 4); declare_option("scrolloff", "number of lines to keep visible main cursor when scrolling", 0); declare_option("eolformat", "end of line format: 'crlf' or 'lf'", "lf"_str); declare_option("BOM", "insert a byte order mark when writing buffer", "no"_str); declare_option("complete_prefix", "complete up to common prefix in tab completion", true); declare_option("incsearch", "incrementaly apply search/select/split regex", true); declare_option("autoinfo", "automatically display contextual help", 1); declare_option("autoshowcompl", "automatically display possible completions for prompts", true); declare_option("aligntab", "use tab characters when possible for alignement", false); declare_option("ignored_files", "patterns to ignore when completing filenames", Regex{R"(^(\..*|.*\.(o|so|a))$)"}); declare_option("filetype", "buffer filetype", ""_str); declare_option("path", "path to consider when trying to find a file", std::vector({ "./", "/usr/include" })); declare_option("completers", "insert mode completers to execute.", std::vector({ InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Filename }, InsertCompleterDesc{ InsertCompleterDesc::Word, "all"_str } }), OptionFlags::None); declare_option("autoreload", "autoreload buffer when a filesystem modification is detected", Ask); } }