#include "filters.hh" #include "buffer.hh" #include "selection.hh" namespace Kakoune { void preserve_indent(Buffer& buffer, Selection& selection, String& content) { if (content == "\n") { BufferCoord line_begin{selection.last().line, 0}; auto first_non_white = buffer.iterator_at(line_begin); while ((*first_non_white == '\t' or *first_non_white == ' ') and not first_non_white.is_end()) ++first_non_white; content += buffer.string(line_begin, first_non_white); } } void cleanup_whitespaces(Buffer& buffer, Selection& selection, String& content) { const auto position = buffer.iterator_at(selection.last()); if (content[0] == '\n' and not position.is_begin()) { auto whitespace_start = position-1; while ((*whitespace_start == ' ' or *whitespace_start == '\t') and not whitespace_start .is_begin()) --whitespace_start; ++whitespace_start; if (whitespace_start != position) buffer.erase(whitespace_start, position); } } void expand_tabulations(Buffer& buffer, Selection& selection, String& content) { const int tabstop = buffer.options()["tabstop"].get(); if (content == "\t") { int column = 0; const auto position = buffer.iterator_at(selection.last()); for (auto it = buffer.iterator_at_line_begin(position); it != position; ++it) { kak_assert(*it != '\n'); if (*it == '\t') column += tabstop - (column % tabstop); else ++column; } CharCount count = tabstop - (column % tabstop); content = String(' ', count); } } struct RegexFilter { RegexFilter(const String& line_match, const String& insert_match, const String& replacement) : m_line_match(line_match.c_str()), m_insert_match(insert_match.c_str()), m_replacement(replacement.c_str()) {} void operator() (Buffer& buffer, Selection& selection, String& content) { const auto position = buffer.iterator_at(selection.last()); auto line_begin = buffer.iterator_at_line_begin(position); boost::match_results results; if (boost::regex_match(content.c_str(), m_insert_match) and boost::regex_match(line_begin, position, results, m_line_match)) { content = results.format(m_replacement.c_str()); auto it = std::find(content.begin(), content.end(), '$'); if (it != content.end()) { ++it; if (it != content.end() && *it == 'c') { String suffix(it+1, content.end()); content = String(content.begin(), it-1); auto& first = selection.first(); auto& last = selection.last(); buffer.insert(position, suffix); if (first == last) first = buffer.advance(first, -suffix.length()); last = buffer.advance(last, -suffix.length()); } } } } private: Regex m_line_match; Regex m_insert_match; String m_replacement; }; FilterAndId regex_filter_factory(const FilterParameters& params) { if (params.size() != 3) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); return FilterAndId{"re" + params[0] + "__" + params[1], RegexFilter{params[0], params[1], params[2]}}; } template class SimpleFilterFactory { public: SimpleFilterFactory(const String& id) : m_id(id) {} FilterAndId operator()(const FilterParameters& params) const { return FilterAndId(m_id, FilterFunc(filter_func)); } private: String m_id; }; FilterAndId filter_group_factory(const FilterParameters& params) { if (params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error("wrong parameter count"); return FilterAndId(params[0], FilterGroup()); } void register_filters() { FilterRegistry& registry = FilterRegistry::instance(); registry.register_func("preserve_indent", SimpleFilterFactory("preserve_indent")); registry.register_func("cleanup_whitespaces", SimpleFilterFactory("cleanup_whitespaces")); registry.register_func("expand_tabulations", SimpleFilterFactory("expand_tabulations")); registry.register_func("regex", regex_filter_factory); registry.register_func("group", filter_group_factory); } }