= Kakoune's online documentation

This is Kakoune's online documentation system.

To see what documentation topics are available, type `:doc` and look at the
completion menu. To view the a particular documentation topic, type the topic
name or choose it from the completion menu and hit Enter.

Documentation will be displayed in the client named in the `docsclient` option.

== Using the documentation browser

Documentation buffers are like any other buffer, so you can scroll through them
as normal, search within a topic with `/`, etc. However, they can also contain
links, <<doc#demonstration-target,like this>>. When you see a link, you can
follow it by moving the cursor onto it and pressing Enter. If the link takes you
to a different documentation topic, you can get back by using the `:buffer`

== Writing documentation

Documentation must be in AsciiDoc format, with the extension `.asciidoc`,
and stored somewhere within <<doc#sources,the documentation search path>>.
Kakoune's built-in documentation renderer does not necessarily support every
feature, so don't go overboard with formatting.

To create a link to another documentation topic, the URL should be the topic-
name, just like `:doc` uses. Because topics are identified
only by their basename, you should take care that your topic's name does not
collide with any of the names used by other plugins or Kakoune's standard

== Sources

The `:doc` command searches within the following locations for
documents in the AsciiDoc format (`*.asciidoc`):

* The user plugin directory, `"%val{config}/autoload"`
* The system documentation directory, `"%val{runtime}/doc"`
* The system plugin directory, `"%val{runtime}/rc"`

It searches recursively, and follows symlinks.

== Demonstration target

Well done! You can <<doc#using-the-documentation-browser,go back now>>!