# Based on IEEE Std 1076‐2019 # Detection hook global BufCreate .*[.](vhd[l]?) %[ set-option buffer filetype vhdl ] # Initialization hook global WinSetOption filetype=vhdl %[ require-module vhdl set-option window static_words %opt{vhdl_static_words} hook -group vhdl-indent window InsertChar \n vhdl-indent-on-new-line hook -group vhdl-indent window InsertChar \) vhdl-indent-on-closing-parenthesis hook -group vhdl-insert window InsertChar \n vhdl-insert-on-new-line # Cleanup trailing whitespaces on current line insert end. hook -group vhdl-trim-indent window ModeChange pop:insert:.* %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> <a-x> s ^\h+$ <ret> d ] ] hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %[ remove-hooks window vhdl-.+ ] ] hook -group vhdl-highlight global WinSetOption filetype=vhdl %[ add-highlighter window/vhdl ref vhdl hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %[ remove-highlighter window/vhdl ] ] provide-module vhdl %§ # Highlighters & Completion add-highlighter shared/vhdl regions add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code default-region group add-highlighter shared/vhdl/comment_line region '--' $ fill comment add-highlighter shared/vhdl/comment region /\* \*/ fill comment # Integer formats add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b0b[01]+l?\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b0x[\da-f]+l?\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b0o?[0-7]+l?\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b([1-9]\d*|0)l?\b' 0:value # Float formats add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '\b\d+[eE][+-]?\d+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(\b\d+)?\.\d+\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '\b\d+\.' 0:value # Imaginary formats add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '\b\d+\+\d+[jJ]\b' 0:value evaluate-commands %sh[ values="true false note warning error failure" # LRM units="fs ps ns us ms sec min Å nm um mm cm m km" # LRM 16.2 predefined_attributes=" base left right high low ascending length range reverse_range subtype image pos succ pred leftof rightof value val designated_subtype reflect high low index element delayed stable quiet transaction event active last_event last_active last_value driving driving_value simple_name instance_name path_name record signal converse " libraries="ieee std" packages=" math_real math_complex std_logic_1164 std_logic_textio numeric_bit numeric_std numeric_bit_unsigned numeric_std_unsigned fixed_float_types fixed_generic_pkg fixed_pkg float_generic_pkg float_pkg standard textio env " # LRM 15.10 reserved_words=" abs access after alias all and architecture array assert assume assume_guarantee attribute begin block body buffer bus case component configuration constant context cover default disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit fairness file for force function generate generic group guarded if impure in inertial inout is label library linkage literal loop map mod nand new next nor not null of on open or others out package parameter port postponed procedure process property protected pure range record register reject release rem report restrict restrict_guarantee return rol ror select sequence severity signal shared sla sll sra srl strong subtype then to transport type unaffected units until use variable view vpkg vmode vprop vunit wait when while with xnor xor " types=" bit bit_vector boolean character file_open_state file_origin_kind integer natural positive line line_vector std_logic std_logic_vector std_ulogic std_ulogic_vector side signed unsigned string text time " functions=" find_leftmost find_rightmost divide reciprocal remainder modulo minimum maximum std_match add_carry scalb resize to_ufixed to_sfixed to_unsigned to_signed to_real to_integer to_slv to_std_logic_vector to_stdlogicvector to_sulv to_std_ulogic_vector to_std_ulogicvector to_01 is_x to_x01 to_ux01 to_x01z ufixed_high ufixed_low sfixed_high sfixed_low to_ufix to_sfix ufix_high ufix_low sfix_high sfix_low write read bwrite binary_write bread binary_read owrite oread octal_write octal_read hwrite hread hex_write hex_read to_string to_bstring to_binary_string to_ostring to_octal_string to_hstring to_hex_string from_string from_bstring from_binary_string from_ostring from_octal_string from_hstring from_hex_string rising_edge falling_edge " join() { sep=$2; eval set -- $1; IFS="$sep"; echo "$*"; } # Add the language's grammar to the static completion list printf %s\\n "declare-option str-list vhdl_static_words $(join "${values} ${units} ${predefined_attributes} ${libraries} ${packages} ${reserved_words} ${types} ${functions}" ' ')" # Highlight keywords printf %s " add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${values}" '|'))\b' 0:value add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${units}" '|'))\b' 0:meta add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex \"'(?i)\b($(join "${predefined_attributes}" '|'))\b\" 0:attribute add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${libraries}" '|'))\b' 0:builtin add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${packages}" '|'))\b' 0:builtin add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${reserved_words}" '|'))\b' 0:keyword add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${functions}" '|'))\b\(' 1:builtin add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)\b($(join "${types}" '|'))\b' 0:type add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '^\h*(@[\w_.]+))' 1:attribute " ] add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex \(|\)|\;|\.|,|:|\| 0:attribute add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex \?\?|=|/=|<|<=|>|>=|\?=|\?/=|\?<|\?<=|\?>|\?>=|\+|-|&|\*|/|:= 0:operator # Meta values highlight. # The values 'U', 'X', 'W', and '–' are metalogical values; they define the behavior of the model itself rather than the behavior of the hardware being synthesized. add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex "(?i)'[U|X|W|-]'" 0:meta # Highlight other logical values. add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex "(?i)'[0|1|Z|L|H]'" 0:value # String add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '"[^"]*"' 0:string # Binary vector. add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '[bB]"[01_]*"' 0:value # Octal vector. add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '[oO]"[01234567_]*"' 0:value # Hex vector. add-highlighter shared/vhdl/code/ regex '(?i)x"[0123456789abcdef_]*"' 0:value define-command -hidden vhdl-insert-on-new-line %[ # Handle comment lines. evaluate-commands -itersel %[ # Copy '--' comment prefix and following white spaces. try %[ # <a-lt> is needed because of "Preserve previous line indent" command. try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s ^\h*--\h* <ret> y j <a-lt> gh P ] ] ] evaluate-commands -save-regs x %[ # Save previous line indent in register x. try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x>s^\h+<ret>"xy ] catch %[ reg x '' ] # All "wisely add" commands share the same concept. # Only "end if" has extra comments. # Wisely add "end if;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ # Validate previous line and that it is not closed yet. execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)((then|(.*:\h*)?if\b.*\bthen)$)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)end\b<ret> # Don't add for "if ... generate", it requires "end generate;". execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-K>(?i)\bgenerate\b<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>if<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end generate;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i).*\bgenerate$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> # Don't add in case of comment line. execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-K>^\h*--<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>generate<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end case;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(case|.*\h*:\h*case)\b<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)end<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>case<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "begin" and "end block;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)((block|.*:\h*block)\b)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>block<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "begin" and "end process;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(.*:\h*)?(postponed\h+)?process\b<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>process<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end loop;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(.*\bloop|.*\h*:\h*(for|loop))$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>loop<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end protected;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(type\b.*\bis\h+protected)$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>protected<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end record;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(type\b.*\bis\h+record\h*)$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>record<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ");" for "type ... is (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(type\b.*\bis\h+\(\h*)$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\))<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end entity;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)\h*entity\b.*\bis$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xend<space>entity<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "begin" and "end function;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)(\h*\)?\h*return\b.*\bis$)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>function<semicolon><esc> ] try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)(\h*((pure|impure)\h+)?function\b.*\bis$)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>function<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "begin" and "end procedure;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)(\h*procedure\b.*\bis$)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)\b(begin|end)\b<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>procedure<semicolon><esc> ] try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)\h*\)\h*\bis$<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)\b(begin|end)\b<ret> # Verify that line with opening parenthesis contains "procedure" keyword. execute-keys -draft k<a-x> s\)<ret> <a-m><semicolon> <a-x><a-k> (?i)\bprocedure\b<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>procedure<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end package;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)(package\b)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(end)<ret> # Make sure it is not package body. execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-K>(?i)\bbody\b<ret> execute-keys -draft oend<space>package<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "end package body;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)(package\h+body\b)<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(end)<ret> execute-keys -draft oend<space>package<space>body<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add "begin" and "end architecture;". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^(?i)\h*architecture\b<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(?i)(begin|end)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>xbegin<ret><c-r>xend<space>architecture<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ");" for "port (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)port\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\)\;)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ");" for "port map (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)port\h+map\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\)\;)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ");" for "generic (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)generic\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\)\;)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ")" for "generic map (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)generic\h+map\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\))<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<esc> ] ] # Wisely add ") return ;" for "[pure|impure] function ... (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)(pure\b|impure\b)?\h*function\b.*\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\)\h*return.*)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<space>return<space><semicolon><esc> ] ] # Wisely add ");" for "procedure ... (". evaluate-commands %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x> <a-k>^\h*(?i)procedure\b.*\h*\($<ret> }i<a-x> <a-K>^<c-r>x(\)\h*\;)<ret> execute-keys -draft o<c-r>x)<semicolon><esc> ] ] ] ] define-command -hidden vhdl-indent-on-new-line %{ evaluate-commands -itersel %{ # Align "then" to previous "if|elsif". evaluate-commands -itersel -save-regs x %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> (?i)^\h*then$ <ret> try %[ execute-keys -draft <a-/>(?i)\b(if|elsif)\b<ret><a-x>s^\h+<ret>"xy ] catch %[ reg x '' ] try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x>s^\h+<ret>d ] catch %[ ] execute-keys -draft kgh i<c-r>x<esc> ] ] # Align "generate" to previous "if|for". evaluate-commands -itersel -save-regs x %[ try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> <a-k> (?i)^\h*generate$ <ret> try %[ execute-keys -draft <a-/>(?i)\b(if|for)\b<ret><a-x>s^\h+<ret>"xy ] catch %[ reg x '' ] try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x>s^\h+<ret>d ] catch %[ ] execute-keys -draft kgh i<c-r>x<esc> ] ] # Preserve previous line indent. try %[ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> K <a-&> ] # Cleanup trailing whitespaces from previous line. try %[ execute-keys -draft k <a-x> s \h+$ <ret> d ] # Increase indent after some keywords. try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-k> (?i)\b(begin|block|else|for|generate|if|is|loop|process|protected|record|select|then)$ <ret> # Does not indent if in comment line. execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-K>(?i)^\h*--<ret> # Handle case line in a bit different way. execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-K>(?i)^\h*case\b<ret> execute-keys -draft <semicolon> <a-gt> ] # Add "when " and increase indent after "case ... is". try %[ execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-k> (?i)\h*case\b.*\h+is$ <ret> # Don't indent if in comment line. execute-keys -draft k<a-x><a-K>(?i)^\h*--<ret> execute-keys -draft <semicolon>iwhen<space><esc><a-gt> ] # Copy the indentation of the matching if. try %{ execute-keys -draft <space> k <a-x> <a-k> ^\h*(elsif\b|else$) <ret> gh [c^\h*(\S*\h*:\h*)?if\b,\bend\sif\b <ret> <a-x> <a-S> 1<a-&> <space> j K <a-&> } # Increase indent after some operators. try %[ execute-keys -draft <semicolon> <space> k <a-x> <a-k> (\(|=>|<=|:=)$ <ret> j <a-gt> ] } } define-command vhdl-indent-on-closing-parenthesis %[ evaluate-commands -itersel %[ # Decrease indent after ")" at the beginning of line. try %[ execute-keys -draft <a-x> <a-k> (^\h+\)$) <ret> <a-lt> ] ] ] §