#include "ncurses.hh" #include "display_buffer.hh" #include "event_manager.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include "utf8_iterator.hh" #include #define NCURSES_OPAQUE 0 #define NCURSES_INTERNALS #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kakoune { struct NCursesWin : WINDOW {}; static void set_attribute(int attribute, bool on) { if (on) attron(attribute); else attroff(attribute); } static bool operator<(Color lhs, Color rhs) { if (lhs.color == rhs.color and lhs.color == Colors::RGB) return lhs.r == rhs.r ? (lhs.g == rhs.g ? lhs.b < rhs.b : lhs.g < rhs.g) : lhs.r < rhs.r; return lhs.color < rhs.color; } static int nc_color(Color color) { static std::map colors = { { Colors::Default, -1 }, { Colors::Black, COLOR_BLACK }, { Colors::Red, COLOR_RED }, { Colors::Green, COLOR_GREEN }, { Colors::Yellow, COLOR_YELLOW }, { Colors::Blue, COLOR_BLUE }, { Colors::Magenta, COLOR_MAGENTA }, { Colors::Cyan, COLOR_CYAN }, { Colors::White, COLOR_WHITE }, }; static int next_color = 8; auto it = colors.find(color); if (it != colors.end()) return it->second; else if (can_change_color() and COLORS > 8) { kak_assert(color.color == Colors::RGB); if (next_color > COLORS) next_color = 8; init_color(next_color, color.r * 1000 / 255, color.g * 1000 / 255, color.b * 1000 / 255); colors[color] = next_color; return next_color++; } else { kak_assert(color.color == Colors::RGB); // project to closest color. struct BuiltinColor { int id; unsigned char r, g, b; }; static constexpr BuiltinColor builtins[] = { { COLOR_BLACK, 0, 0, 0 }, { COLOR_RED, 255, 0, 0 }, { COLOR_GREEN, 0, 255, 0 }, { COLOR_YELLOW, 255, 255, 0 }, { COLOR_BLUE, 0, 0, 255 }, { COLOR_MAGENTA, 255, 0, 255 }, { COLOR_CYAN, 0, 255, 255 }, { COLOR_WHITE, 255, 255, 255 } }; auto sq = [](int x) { return x * x; }; int lowestDist = INT_MAX; int closestCol = -1; for (auto& col : builtins) { int dist = sq(color.r - col.r) + sq(color.g - col.g) + sq(color.b - col.b); if (dist < lowestDist) { lowestDist = dist; closestCol = col.id; } } return closestCol; } } static int get_color_pair(ColorPair colors) { static std::map colorpairs; static int next_pair = 1; auto it = colorpairs.find(colors); if (it != colorpairs.end()) return it->second; else { init_pair(next_pair, nc_color(colors.first), nc_color(colors.second)); colorpairs[colors] = next_pair; return next_pair++; } } static void set_color(WINDOW* window, ColorPair colors) { static int current_pair = -1; if (current_pair != -1) wattroff(window, COLOR_PAIR(current_pair)); if (colors.first != Colors::Default or colors.second != Colors::Default) { current_pair = get_color_pair(colors); wattron(window, COLOR_PAIR(current_pair)); } } void on_term_resize(int) { ungetch(KEY_RESIZE); EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); } void on_sigint(int) { ungetch(CTRL('c')); EventManager::instance().force_signal(0); } NCursesUI::NCursesUI() : m_stdin_watcher{0, [this](FDWatcher&){ if (m_input_callback) m_input_callback(); }} { initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); intrflush(stdscr, false); keypad(stdscr, true); curs_set(0); start_color(); use_default_colors(); set_escdelay(25); signal(SIGWINCH, on_term_resize); signal(SIGINT, on_sigint); update_dimensions(); } NCursesUI::~NCursesUI() { endwin(); signal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } void NCursesUI::redraw() { wnoutrefresh(stdscr); if (m_menu_win) { redrawwin(m_menu_win); wnoutrefresh(m_menu_win); } if (m_info_win) { redrawwin(m_info_win); wnoutrefresh(m_info_win); } doupdate(); } using Utf8Policy = utf8::InvalidBytePolicy::Pass; using Utf8Iterator = utf8::utf8_iterator; void addutf8str(WINDOW* win, Utf8Iterator begin, Utf8Iterator end) { waddstr(win, std::string(begin.base(), end.base()).c_str()); } static DisplayCoord window_size(WINDOW* win) { DisplayCoord size; getmaxyx(win, (int&)size.line, (int&)size.column); return size; } static DisplayCoord window_pos(WINDOW* win) { DisplayCoord pos; getbegyx(win, (int&)pos.line, (int&)pos.column); return pos; } void NCursesUI::update_dimensions() { m_dimensions = window_size(stdscr); --m_dimensions.line; } void NCursesUI::draw_line(const DisplayLine& line, CharCount col_index) const { for (const DisplayAtom& atom : line) { set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, atom.attribute & Underline); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, atom.attribute & Reverse); set_attribute(A_BLINK, atom.attribute & Blink); set_attribute(A_BOLD, atom.attribute & Bold); set_color(stdscr, atom.colors); String content = atom.content(); if (content[content.length()-1] == '\n' and content.char_length() - 1 < m_dimensions.column - col_index) { addutf8str(stdscr, Utf8Iterator(content.begin()), Utf8Iterator(content.end())-1); addch(' '); } else { Utf8Iterator begin(content.begin()), end(content.end()); if (end - begin > m_dimensions.column - col_index) end = begin + (m_dimensions.column - col_index); addutf8str(stdscr, begin, end); col_index += end - begin; } } } void NCursesUI::draw(const DisplayBuffer& display_buffer, const DisplayLine& status_line, const DisplayLine& mode_line) { LineCount line_index = 0; for (const DisplayLine& line : display_buffer.lines()) { wmove(stdscr, (int)line_index, 0); wclrtoeol(stdscr); draw_line(line, 0); ++line_index; } set_attribute(A_UNDERLINE, 0); set_attribute(A_REVERSE, 0); set_attribute(A_BLINK, 0); set_attribute(A_BOLD, 0); set_color(stdscr, { Colors::Blue, Colors::Default }); for (;line_index < m_dimensions.line; ++line_index) { move((int)line_index, 0); clrtoeol(); addch('~'); } move((int)m_dimensions.line, 0); clrtoeol(); draw_line(status_line, 0); CharCount status_len = mode_line.length(); // only draw mode_line if it does not overlap one status line if (m_dimensions.column - status_line.length() > status_len + 1) { CharCount col = m_dimensions.column - status_len; move((int)m_dimensions.line, (int)col); draw_line(mode_line, col); } const char* tsl = tigetstr((char*)"tsl"); const char* fsl = tigetstr((char*)"fsl"); if (tsl != 0 and (ptrdiff_t)tsl != -1 and fsl != 0 and (ptrdiff_t)fsl != -1) { String title; for (auto& atom : mode_line) title += atom.content(); title += " - Kakoune"; printf("%s%s%s", tsl, title.c_str(), fsl); } redraw(); } bool NCursesUI::is_key_available() { timeout(0); const int c = getch(); if (c != ERR) ungetch(c); timeout(-1); return c != ERR; } Key NCursesUI::get_key() { const int c = getch(); if (c > 0 and c < 27) { if (c == CTRL('l')) redrawwin(stdscr); return {Key::Modifiers::Control, Codepoint(c) - 1 + 'a'}; } else if (c == 27) { timeout(0); const Codepoint new_c = getch(); timeout(-1); if (new_c != ERR) return {Key::Modifiers::Alt, new_c}; else return Key::Escape; } else if (c == KEY_RESIZE) { int fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR); winsize ws; if (fd != -1 and ioctl(fd, TIOCGWINSZ, (void*)&ws) == 0) { close(fd); resizeterm(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col); update_dimensions(); } return Key::Invalid; } else switch (c) { case KEY_BACKSPACE: case 127: return Key::Backspace; case KEY_UP: return Key::Up; case KEY_DOWN: return Key::Down; case KEY_LEFT: return Key::Left; case KEY_RIGHT: return Key::Right; case KEY_PPAGE: return Key::PageUp; case KEY_NPAGE: return Key::PageDown; case KEY_HOME: return Key::Home; case KEY_END: return Key::End; case KEY_BTAB: return Key::BackTab; } if (c >= 0 and c < 256) { ungetch(c); struct getch_iterator { int operator*() { return getch(); } getch_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } getch_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } }; return utf8::codepoint(getch_iterator{}); } return Key::Invalid; } template T div_round_up(T a, T b) { return (a - T(1)) / b + T(1); } void NCursesUI::draw_menu() { // menu show may have not created the window if it did not fit. // so be tolerant. if (not m_menu_win) return; const auto menu_fg = get_color_pair(m_menu_fg); const auto menu_bg = get_color_pair(m_menu_bg); const auto scroll_fg = get_color_pair({ Colors::White, Colors::White }); const auto scroll_bg = get_color_pair(m_menu_bg); wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg)); wbkgdset(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg)); const int choice_count = (int)m_choices.size(); const DisplayCoord win_size = window_size(m_menu_win); const LineCount win_lines = win_size.line; const CharCount column_width = (win_size.column - 1) / m_menu_columns; const LineCount menu_lines = div_round_up(choice_count, m_menu_columns); const LineCount mark_height = clamp(div_round_up(win_lines * win_lines, menu_lines), 1_line, win_lines); const LineCount mark_line = (win_lines - mark_height) * m_menu_top_line / std::max(1_line, menu_lines - win_lines); for (auto line = 0_line; line < win_lines; ++line) { wmove(m_menu_win, (int)line, 0); for (int col = 0; col < m_menu_columns; ++col) { int choice_idx = (int)(m_menu_top_line + line) * m_menu_columns + col; if (choice_idx >= choice_count) break; if (choice_idx == m_selected_choice) wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_fg)); auto& choice = m_choices[choice_idx]; auto begin = choice.cbegin(); auto end = utf8::advance(begin, choice.cend(), column_width); addutf8str(m_menu_win, begin, end); for (auto pad = column_width - utf8::distance(begin, end); pad > 0; --pad) waddch(m_menu_win, ' '); wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg)); } const bool is_mark = line >= mark_line and line < mark_line + mark_height; wclrtoeol(m_menu_win); wmove(m_menu_win, (int)line, (int)win_size.column - 1); wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(is_mark ? scroll_fg : scroll_bg)); waddch(m_menu_win, ' '); wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg)); } redraw(); } void NCursesUI::menu_show(memoryview choices, DisplayCoord anchor, ColorPair fg, ColorPair bg, MenuStyle style) { kak_assert(m_menu_win == nullptr); kak_assert(m_choices.empty()); m_menu_fg = fg; m_menu_bg = bg; DisplayCoord maxsize = window_size(stdscr); maxsize.column -= anchor.column; if (maxsize.column <= 2) return; m_choices.reserve(choices.size()); CharCount longest = 0; const CharCount maxlen = std::min((int)maxsize.column-2, 200); for (auto& choice : choices) { m_choices.push_back(choice.substr(0_char, maxlen)); longest = std::max(longest, m_choices.back().char_length()); } longest += 1; m_menu_columns = (style == MenuStyle::Prompt) ? (int)((maxsize.column - 1) / longest) : 1; int lines = std::min(10, div_round_up((int)m_choices.size(), m_menu_columns)); DisplayCoord pos = { anchor.line+1, anchor.column }; if (pos.line + lines >= maxsize.line) pos.line = anchor.line - lines; DisplayCoord size = { lines, style == MenuStyle::Prompt ? maxsize.column : longest }; m_selected_choice = 0; m_menu_top_line = 0; m_menu_win = (NCursesWin*)newwin((int)size.line, (int)size.column, (int)pos.line, (int)pos.column); draw_menu(); } void NCursesUI::menu_select(int selected) { const int choice_count = m_choices.size(); const LineCount menu_lines = (choice_count + m_menu_columns - 1) / m_menu_columns; if (selected < 0 or selected >= choice_count) { m_selected_choice = -1; m_menu_top_line = 0; } else { m_selected_choice = selected; const LineCount selected_line = m_selected_choice / m_menu_columns; const LineCount win_lines = window_size(m_menu_win).line; if (selected_line < m_menu_top_line) m_menu_top_line = selected_line; if (selected_line >= m_menu_top_line + win_lines) m_menu_top_line = std::min(selected_line, std::max(0_line, menu_lines - win_lines)); } draw_menu(); } void NCursesUI::menu_hide() { if (not m_menu_win) return; m_choices.clear(); wredrawln(stdscr, (int)window_pos(m_menu_win).line, (int)window_size(m_menu_win).line); delwin(m_menu_win); m_menu_win = nullptr; redraw(); } static DisplayCoord compute_needed_size(const String& str) { DisplayCoord res{1,0}; CharCount line_len = 0; for (Utf8Iterator begin{str.begin()}, end{str.end()}; begin != end; ++begin) { if (*begin == '\n') { // ignore last '\n', no need to show an empty line if (begin+1 == end) break; res.column = std::max(res.column, line_len); line_len = 0; ++res.line; } else { ++line_len; res.column = std::max(res.column, line_len); } } return res; } static DisplayCoord compute_pos(DisplayCoord anchor, DisplayCoord size, WINDOW* opt_window_to_avoid = nullptr) { DisplayCoord scrsize = window_size(stdscr); DisplayCoord pos = { anchor.line+1, anchor.column }; if (pos.line + size.line >= scrsize.line) pos.line = std::max(0_line, anchor.line - size.line); if (pos.column + size.column >= scrsize.column) pos.column = std::max(0_char, anchor.column - size.column+1); if (opt_window_to_avoid) { DisplayCoord winbeg = window_pos(opt_window_to_avoid); DisplayCoord winend = winbeg + window_size(opt_window_to_avoid); DisplayCoord end = pos + size; // check intersection if (not (end.line < winbeg.line or end.column < winbeg.column or pos.line > winend.line or pos.column > winend.column)) { pos.line = std::min(winbeg.line, anchor.line) - size.line; // if above does not work, try below if (pos.line < 0) pos.line = std::max(winend.line, anchor.line); } } return pos; } static std::vector wrap_lines(const String& text, CharCount max_width) { enum CharCategory { Word, Blank, Eol }; static const auto categorize = [](Codepoint c) { return is_blank(c) ? Blank : is_eol(c) ? Eol : Word; }; using Utf8It = utf8::utf8_iterator; Utf8It word_begin{text.begin()}; Utf8It word_end{word_begin}; Utf8It end{text.end()}; CharCount col = 0; std::vector lines; String line; while (word_begin != end) { CharCategory cat = categorize(*word_begin); do { ++word_end; } while (word_end != end and categorize(*word_end) == cat); col += word_end - word_begin; if (col > max_width or *word_begin == '\n') { lines.push_back(std::move(line)); line = ""; col = 0; } if (*word_begin != '\n') line += String{word_begin.base(), word_end.base()}; word_begin = word_end; } if (not line.empty()) lines.push_back(std::move(line)); return lines; } template static String make_info_box(const String& title, const String& message, CharCount max_width) { static const std::vector assistant = { " ╭──╮ ", " │ │ ", " @ @ ╭", " ││ ││ │", " ││ ││ ╯", " │╰─╯│ ", " ╰───╯ ", " " }; DisplayCoord assistant_size; if (assist) assistant_size = { (int)assistant.size(), assistant[0].char_length() }; const CharCount max_bubble_width = max_width - assistant_size.column - 6; std::vector lines = wrap_lines(message, max_bubble_width); CharCount bubble_width = title.char_length() + 2; for (auto& line : lines) bubble_width = std::max(bubble_width, line.char_length()); String result; auto lineCount = std::max(assistant_size.line-1, (int)lines.size() + 2); for (LineCount i = 0; i < lineCount; ++i) { constexpr Codepoint dash{L'─'}; if (assist) result += assistant[std::min((int)i, (int)assistant_size.line-1)]; if (i == 0) { if (title.empty()) result += "╭─" + String(dash, bubble_width) + "─╮"; else { CharCount dashCount = bubble_width - title.char_length() - 2_char; CharCount leftCount = dashCount / 2; CharCount rightCount= dashCount - leftCount; result += "╭─" + String(dash, leftCount) + "┤" + title +"├" + String(dash, rightCount) +"─╮"; } } else if (i < lines.size() + 1) { auto& line = lines[(int)i - 1]; const CharCount padding = std::max(bubble_width - line.char_length(), 0_char); result += "│ " + line + String(' ', padding) + " │"; } else if (i == lines.size() + 1) result += "╰─" + String(dash, bubble_width) + "─╯"; result += "\n"; } return result; } void NCursesUI::info_show(const String& title, const String& content, DisplayCoord anchor, ColorPair colors, MenuStyle style) { kak_assert(m_info_win == nullptr); const String& info_box = style == MenuStyle::Inline ? content : make_info_box(title, content, m_dimensions.column); DisplayCoord size = compute_needed_size(info_box); DisplayCoord pos = compute_pos(anchor, size, m_menu_win); m_info_win = (NCursesWin*)newwin((int)size.line, (int)size.column, (int)pos.line, (int)pos.column); wbkgd(m_info_win, COLOR_PAIR(get_color_pair(colors))); int line = 0; auto it = info_box.begin(), end = info_box.end(); while (true) { wmove(m_info_win, line++, 0); auto eol = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) { return c == '\n'; }); addutf8str(m_info_win, Utf8Iterator(it), Utf8Iterator(eol)); if (eol == end) break; it = eol + 1; } redraw(); } void NCursesUI::info_hide() { if (not m_info_win) return; wredrawln(stdscr, (int)window_pos(m_info_win).line, (int)window_size(m_info_win).line); delwin(m_info_win); m_info_win = nullptr; redraw(); } DisplayCoord NCursesUI::dimensions() { return m_dimensions; } void NCursesUI::set_input_callback(InputCallback callback) { m_input_callback = std::move(callback); } void NCursesUI::abort() { endwin(); } }