declare-option -docstring "shell command used for the 'format-selections' and 'format-buffer' commands" \ str formatcmd define-command format-buffer -docstring "Format the contents of the buffer" %{ evaluate-commands -draft %{ execute-keys '%' format-selections } } define-command format-selections -docstring "Format the selections individually" %{ evaluate-commands %sh{ if [ -z "${kak_opt_formatcmd}" ]; then echo "fail 'The option ''formatcmd'' must be set'" fi } evaluate-commands -draft -no-hooks -save-regs '|' %{ set-register '|' %{ format_in="$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-formatter-XXXXXX)" format_out="$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/kak-formatter-XXXXXX)" cat > "$format_in" eval "$kak_opt_formatcmd" < "$format_in" > "$format_out" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cat "$format_out" else printf 'eval -client %s %%{ fail formatter returned an error %s }\n' "$kak_client" "$?" | kak -p "$kak_session" cat "$format_in" fi rm -f "$format_in" "$format_out" } execute-keys '|<ret>' } } alias global format format-buffer