#ifndef keymap_manager_hh_INCLUDED #define keymap_manager_hh_INCLUDED #include "array_view.hh" #include "keys.hh" #include "hash.hh" #include "string.hh" #include "hash_map.hh" #include "vector.hh" namespace Kakoune { enum class KeymapMode : char { None, Normal, Insert, Prompt, Menu, Goto, View, User, Object, FirstUserMode, }; class KeymapManager { public: KeymapManager(KeymapManager& parent) : m_parent(&parent) {} using KeyList = Vector<Key, MemoryDomain::Mapping>; void map_key(Key key, KeymapMode mode, KeyList mapping, String docstring); void unmap_key(Key key, KeymapMode mode); void unmap_keys(KeymapMode mode); bool is_mapped(Key key, KeymapMode mode) const; KeyList get_mapped_keys(KeymapMode mode) const; struct KeymapInfo { KeyList keys; String docstring; }; const KeymapInfo& get_mapping(Key key, KeymapMode mode) const; using UserModeList = Vector<String>; UserModeList& user_modes() { if (m_parent) return m_parent->user_modes(); return m_user_modes; } void add_user_mode(const String user_mode_name); private: KeymapManager() : m_parent(nullptr) {} // the only one allowed to construct a root map manager friend class Scope; KeymapManager* m_parent; using KeyAndMode = std::pair<Key, KeymapMode>; HashMap<KeyAndMode, KeymapInfo, MemoryDomain::Mapping> m_mapping; UserModeList m_user_modes; }; } #endif // keymap_manager_hh_INCLUDED