#include "display_buffer.hh" #include "assert.hh" namespace Kakoune { void DisplayAtom::trim_begin(CharCount count) { if (m_type == BufferRange) m_begin = utf8::advance(m_buffer->iterator_at(m_begin), m_buffer->iterator_at(m_end), count).coord(); else m_text = m_text.substr(count); } void DisplayAtom::trim_end(CharCount count) { if (m_type == BufferRange) m_end = utf8::advance(m_buffer->iterator_at(m_end), m_buffer->iterator_at(m_begin), -count).coord(); else m_text = m_text.substr(0, m_text.char_length() - count); } DisplayLine::DisplayLine(AtomList atoms) : m_atoms(std::move(atoms)) { compute_range(); } DisplayLine::iterator DisplayLine::split(iterator it, BufferCoord pos) { kak_assert(it->type() == DisplayAtom::BufferRange); kak_assert(it->begin() < pos); kak_assert(it->end() > pos); DisplayAtom atom = *it; atom.m_end = pos; it->m_begin = pos; return m_atoms.insert(it, std::move(atom)); } DisplayLine::iterator DisplayLine::insert(iterator it, DisplayAtom atom) { if (atom.has_buffer_range()) { m_range.first = std::min(m_range.first, atom.begin()); m_range.second = std::max(m_range.second, atom.end()); } return m_atoms.insert(it, std::move(atom)); } void DisplayLine::push_back(DisplayAtom atom) { if (atom.has_buffer_range()) { m_range.first = std::min(m_range.first, atom.begin()); m_range.second = std::max(m_range.second, atom.end()); } m_atoms.push_back(std::move(atom)); } void DisplayLine::optimize() { if (m_atoms.empty()) return; auto atom_it = m_atoms.begin(); auto next_atom_it = atom_it + 1; while (next_atom_it != m_atoms.end()) { auto& atom = *atom_it; auto& next_atom = *next_atom_it; bool merged = false; if (atom.colors == next_atom.colors and atom.attribute == next_atom.attribute and atom.type() == next_atom.type()) { auto type = atom.type(); if ((type == DisplayAtom::BufferRange or type == DisplayAtom::ReplacedBufferRange) and next_atom.begin() == atom.end()) { atom.m_end = next_atom.end(); if (type == DisplayAtom::ReplacedBufferRange) atom.m_text += next_atom.m_text; merged = true; } if (type == DisplayAtom::Text) { atom.m_text += next_atom.m_text; merged = true; } } if (merged) next_atom_it = m_atoms.erase(next_atom_it); else atom_it = next_atom_it++; } } CharCount DisplayLine::length() const { CharCount len = 0; for (auto& atom : m_atoms) len += atom.length(); return len; } void DisplayLine::trim(CharCount first_char, CharCount char_count) { for (auto it = begin(); first_char > 0 and it != end(); ) { if (not it->has_buffer_range()) { ++it; continue; } auto len = it->length(); if (len <= first_char) { m_atoms.erase(it); first_char -= len; } else { it->trim_begin(first_char); first_char = 0; } } auto it = begin(); for (; it != end() and char_count > 0; ++it) char_count -= it->length(); if (char_count < 0) (it-1)->trim_end(-char_count); m_atoms.erase(it, end()); compute_range(); } void DisplayLine::compute_range() { m_range = { {INT_MAX, INT_MAX}, {INT_MIN, INT_MIN} }; for (auto& atom : m_atoms) { if (not atom.has_buffer_range()) continue; m_range.first = std::min(m_range.first, atom.begin()); m_range.second = std::max(m_range.second, atom.end()); } } void DisplayBuffer::compute_range() { m_range.first = {INT_MAX,INT_MAX}; m_range.second = {0,0}; for (auto& line : m_lines) { m_range.first = std::min(line.range().first, m_range.first); m_range.second = std::max(line.range().second, m_range.second); } kak_assert(m_range.first <= m_range.second); } void DisplayBuffer::optimize() { for (auto& line : m_lines) line.optimize(); } }