#include "editor.hh" #include "exception.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "register.hh" #include "register_manager.hh" #include namespace Kakoune { Editor::Editor(Buffer& buffer) : m_buffer(buffer), m_edition_level(0) { m_selections.push_back(SelectionList()); m_selections.back().push_back(Selection(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin())); } void Editor::erase() { scoped_edition edition(*this); for (auto& sel : selections()) m_buffer.modify(Modification::make_erase(sel.begin(), sel.end())); } template static void do_insert(Editor& editor, const String& string) { scoped_edition edition(editor); for (auto& sel : editor.selections()) { BufferIterator pos = append ? sel.end() : sel.begin(); editor.buffer().modify(Modification::make_insert(pos, string)); } } template static void do_insert(Editor& editor, const memoryview& strings) { if (strings.empty()) return; scoped_edition edition(editor); for (size_t i = 0; i < editor.selections().size(); ++i) { BufferIterator pos = append ? editor.selections()[i].end() : editor.selections()[i].begin(); size_t index = std::min(i, strings.size()-1); editor.buffer().modify(Modification::make_insert(pos, strings[index])); } } void Editor::insert(const String& string) { do_insert(*this, string); } void Editor::insert(const memoryview& strings) { do_insert(*this, strings); } void Editor::append(const String& string) { do_insert(*this, string); } void Editor::append(const memoryview& strings) { do_insert(*this, strings); } void Editor::replace(const String& string) { scoped_edition edition(*this); erase(); insert(string); } void Editor::replace(const memoryview& strings) { scoped_edition edition(*this); erase(); insert(strings); } std::vector Editor::selections_content() const { std::vector contents; for (auto& sel : selections()) contents.push_back(m_buffer.string(sel.begin(), sel.end())); return contents; } void Editor::push_selections() { SelectionList current_selections = m_selections.back(); m_selections.push_back(std::move(current_selections)); } void Editor::pop_selections() { if (m_selections.size() > 1) m_selections.pop_back(); else throw runtime_error("no more selections on stack"); } void Editor::move_selections(const BufferCoord& offset, bool append) { for (auto& sel : m_selections.back()) { BufferCoord pos = m_buffer.line_and_column_at(sel.last()); BufferIterator last = m_buffer.iterator_at(pos + BufferCoord(offset)); sel = Selection(append ? sel.first() : last, last); } } void Editor::clear_selections() { check_invariant(); BufferIterator pos = selections().back().last(); if (*pos == '\n' and not pos.is_begin() and *(pos-1) != '\n') --pos; Selection sel = Selection(pos, pos); m_selections.back().clear(); m_selections.back().push_back(std::move(sel)); } void Editor::keep_selection(int index) { check_invariant(); if (index < selections().size()) { Selection sel = selections()[index]; m_selections.back().clear(); m_selections.back().push_back(std::move(sel)); } } void Editor::remove_selection(int index) { check_invariant(); if (selections().size() > 1 and index < selections().size()) m_selections.back().erase(m_selections.back().begin() + index); } void Editor::select(const BufferIterator& iterator) { m_selections.back().clear(); m_selections.back().push_back(Selection(iterator, iterator)); } void Editor::select(const Selector& selector, bool append) { check_invariant(); std::array, 10> captures; size_t capture_count = -1; for (auto& sel : m_selections.back()) { SelectionAndCaptures res = selector(sel); if (append) sel.merge_with(res.selection); else sel = std::move(res.selection); assert(capture_count == -1 or capture_count == res.captures.size()); capture_count = res.captures.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < res.captures.size(); ++i) captures[i].push_back(res.captures[i]); } if (not captures[0].empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i) RegisterManager::instance()['0' + i] = std::move(captures[i]); } } struct nothing_selected : public runtime_error { nothing_selected() : runtime_error("nothing was selected") {} }; void Editor::multi_select(const MultiSelector& selector) { check_invariant(); std::array, 10> captures; size_t capture_count = -1; SelectionList new_selections; for (auto& sel : m_selections.back()) { SelectionAndCapturesList res = selector(sel); for (auto& sel_and_cap : res) { new_selections.push_back(sel_and_cap.selection); assert(capture_count == -1 or capture_count == sel_and_cap.captures.size()); capture_count = sel_and_cap.captures.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < sel_and_cap.captures.size(); ++i) captures[i].push_back(sel_and_cap.captures[i]); } } if (new_selections.empty()) throw nothing_selected(); m_selections.back() = std::move(new_selections); if (not captures[0].empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < captures.size(); ++i) RegisterManager::instance()['0' + i] = std::move(captures[i]); } } bool Editor::undo() { return m_buffer.undo(); } bool Editor::redo() { return m_buffer.redo(); } void Editor::check_invariant() const { assert(not selections().empty()); } struct id_not_unique : public runtime_error { id_not_unique(const String& id) : runtime_error("id not unique: " + id) {} }; void Editor::begin_edition() { ++m_edition_level; if (m_edition_level == 1) m_buffer.begin_undo_group(); } void Editor::end_edition() { assert(m_edition_level > 0); if (m_edition_level == 1) m_buffer.end_undo_group(); --m_edition_level; } IncrementalInserter::IncrementalInserter(Editor& editor, Mode mode) : m_editor(editor), m_edition(editor), m_mode(mode) { m_editor.on_incremental_insertion_begin(); if (mode == Mode::Change) editor.erase(); for (auto& sel : m_editor.m_selections.back()) { BufferIterator first, last; switch (mode) { case Mode::Insert: first = sel.end()-1; last = sel.begin(); break; case Mode::Change: first = sel.end()-1; last = sel.begin(); break; case Mode::Append: first = sel.begin(); last = sel.end(); break; case Mode::OpenLineBelow: case Mode::AppendAtLineEnd: first = m_editor.m_buffer.iterator_at_line_end(sel.end() - 1) - 1; last = first; break; case Mode::OpenLineAbove: case Mode::InsertAtLineBegin: first = m_editor.m_buffer.iterator_at_line_begin(sel.begin()); if (mode == Mode::OpenLineAbove) --first; else { auto first_non_blank = first; while (*first_non_blank == ' ' or *first_non_blank == '\t') ++first_non_blank; if (*first_non_blank != '\n') first = first_non_blank; } last = first; break; } sel = Selection(first, last); if (mode == Mode::OpenLineBelow or mode == Mode::OpenLineAbove) apply(Modification::make_insert(sel.last(), "\n")); } } IncrementalInserter::~IncrementalInserter() { if (m_mode == Mode::Append) for (auto& sel : m_editor.m_selections.back()) sel = Selection(sel.first(), sel.last()-1); m_editor.on_incremental_insertion_end(); } void IncrementalInserter::apply(Modification&& modification) const { m_editor.filters()(m_editor.buffer(), modification); m_editor.buffer().modify(std::move(modification)); } void IncrementalInserter::insert(const String& string) { for (auto& sel : m_editor.selections()) apply(Modification::make_insert(sel.last(), string)); } void IncrementalInserter::insert(const memoryview& strings) { m_editor.insert(strings); } void IncrementalInserter::erase() { for (auto& sel : m_editor.m_selections.back()) { BufferIterator pos = sel.last(); apply(Modification::make_erase(pos-1, pos)); } } void IncrementalInserter::move_cursors(const BufferCoord& offset) { for (auto& sel : m_editor.m_selections.back()) { BufferCoord pos = m_editor.m_buffer.line_and_column_at(sel.last()); BufferIterator it = m_editor.m_buffer.iterator_at(pos + offset); sel = Selection(it, it); } } }