Interfacing Kakoune with external programs ========================================== In order to interact with the external world, Kakoune uses the shell, mainly through the +%sh{ ... }+ string type, and its control socket. Basic interaction ----------------- For synchronous operations, +%sh{ ... }+ blocks are easy to use, they behave similarly to +$( ... )+ shell construct. For example, one can echo the current time in Kakoune's status line using: [source,bash] ---- :echo %sh{ date } ---- For asynchronous operations, the Kakoune Unix stream socket can be used. This is the same socket that Kakoune clients connect to. It is available through the +kak_session+ environment variable: the socket is +/tmp/kakoune/${username}/${kak_session}+ For example, we can echo a message in Kakoune in 10 seconds with: [source,bash] ---- :nop %sh{ { sleep 10 echo "eval -client '$kak_client' 'echo sleep ended'" | kak -p ${kak_session} } > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & } ---- * The +nop+ command is used so that any eventual output from the +%sh{ ... }+ is not interpreted by Kakoune * When writing to the socket, Kakoune has no way to guess in which client's context the command should be evaluated. A temporary context is used, which does not have any user interface, so if we want to interact with the user, we need to use the +eval+ command, with its +-client+ option to send commands to a specific client. * For the command to run asynchronously, we wrap it in a sub shell with braces, redirect its +std{in,err,out}+ to +/dev/null+, and run it in background with +&+. Using this pattern, the shell does not wait for this sub shell to finish before quitting. Interactive output ------------------ It is a frequent interaction mode to run a program and display its output in a Kakoune buffer. The common pattern to do that is to use a fifo buffer: [source,bash] ----- evaluate-commands %sh{ # Create a temporary fifo for communication output=$(mktemp -d -t kak-temp-XXXXXXXX)/fifo mkfifo ${output} # run command detached from the shell { run command here > ${output} } > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & # Open the file in Kakoune and add a hook to remove the fifo echo "edit! -fifo ${output} *buffer-name* hook buffer BufClose .* %{ nop %sh{ rm -r $(dirname ${output})} }" } ----- This is a very simple example, most of the time, the echo command will as well contain ----- set buffer filetype <...> ----- and some hooks for this filetype will have been written Completion candidates --------------------- Filetype specific completion should be provided by external programs. External completions are provided using an option to store completion, which have the following format. ---- line.column[+len]@timestamp candidate1|desc1|menu1 candidate2|desc2|menu2 ... ---- the first element of this string list specify where and when this completion applies, the others are a triplet `<completion text>|<docstring>|<menu text>` The menu text is a markup string (see <<faces#markup-strings,`:doc faces markup-strings`>>), so it can contain `{face}` directives. To effectively use that completion option, it should get added to the completers option. --- set -add buffer completers option=my_option_name --- As a completion program may take some time to compute the candidates, it should run asynchronously. In order to do that, the following pattern may be used: [source,bash] ----- # Declare the option which will store the temporary filename decl str plugin_filename # Declare the completion option decl completions plugin_completions # Add plugin_completions to completers for files of good filetype hook global BufSetOption filetype=my_filetype %{ set -add buffer completers option=plugin_completions } evaluate-commands %sh{ # ask Kakoune to write current buffer to temporary file filename=$(mktemp -t kak-temp.XXXXXXXX) echo "set buffer plugin_filename '$filename' write '$filename'" } # End the %sh{} so that its output gets executed by Kakoune. # Use a nop so that any eventual output of this %sh does not get interpreted. nop %sh{ { # launch a detached shell buffer="${kak_opt_plugin_filename}" line="${kak_cursor_line}" column="${kak_cursor_column}" # run completer program and format the output in a list of completions candidates=$(completer $buffer $line $column | completer_filter) # remove temporary file rm $buffer # generate completion option value completions="$line.$column@$kak_timestamp $candidates" # write to Kakoune socket for the buffer that triggered the completion echo "set buffer=${kak_bufname} plugin_completions $completions" | kak -p ${kak_session} } > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null & } -----