Use a per line caching strategy for region highlighter

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2014-01-06 21:04:55 +00:00
parent b247a05e43
commit d466193ee7
2 changed files with 73 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ addhl -def-group cpp regex "\<(void|int|char|unsigned|float|bool|size_t)\>" 0:ty
addhl -def-group cpp regex "\<(while|for|if|else|do|switch|case|default|goto|break|continue|return|using|try|catch|throw|new|delete|and|or|not|operator|explicit)\>" 0:keyword
addhl -def-group cpp regex "\<(const|mutable|auto|namespace|inline|static|volatile|class|struct|enum|union|public|protected|private|template|typedef|virtual|friend|extern|typename|override|final)\>" 0:attribute
addhl -def-group cpp regex "^\h*?#.*?(?<!\\)$" 0:macro
addhl -def-group cpp region %{(?<!')"} %{(\`|[^\\])(\\\\)*"} string
addhl -def-group cpp region %{(?<!')"} %{(?<!\\)(\\\\)*"} string
addhl -def-group cpp region /\* \*/ comment
addhl -def-group cpp regex "(//[^\n]*\n)" 0:comment

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@ -524,47 +524,100 @@ public:
void operator()(const Context& context, DisplayBuffer& display_buffer)
auto& cache = update_cache_ifn(context.buffer());
for (auto& pair : cache.regions)
m_func(context, display_buffer, pair.first, pair.second);
auto& regions = update_cache_ifn(context.buffer());
for (auto& region : regions)
m_func(context, display_buffer, region.begin, region.end);
Regex m_begin;
Regex m_end;
HighlightFunc m_func;
struct Region
BufferCoord begin;
BufferCoord end;
using RegionList = std::vector<Region>;
struct Match
size_t timestamp;
BufferCoord begin;
BufferCoord end;
using MatchList = std::vector<Match>;
struct RegionCache
size_t timestamp = -1;
std::vector<std::pair<BufferCoord, BufferCoord>> regions;
size_t timestamp = 0;
MatchList begin_matches;
MatchList end_matches;
RegionList regions;
BufferSideCache<RegionCache> m_cache;
RegionCache& update_cache_ifn(const Buffer& buffer)
const RegionList& update_cache_ifn(const Buffer& buffer)
RegionCache& cache = m_cache.get(buffer);
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
if (cache.timestamp == buf_timestamp)
return cache.regions;
if (cache.timestamp == buffer.timestamp())
return cache;
update_matches(buffer, cache.timestamp, cache.begin_matches, m_begin);
update_matches(buffer, cache.timestamp, cache.end_matches, m_end);
boost::match_results<BufferIterator> results;
auto pos = buffer.begin();
auto end = buffer.end();
while (boost::regex_search(pos, end, results, m_begin))
for (auto beg_it = cache.begin_matches.begin(), end_it = cache.end_matches.begin();
beg_it != cache.begin_matches.end(); )
pos = results[0].first;
if (boost::regex_search(results[0].second, end, results, m_end))
auto compare_matches = [&](const Match& lhs, const Match& rhs) {
return lhs.end < rhs.end;
end_it = std::upper_bound(end_it, cache.end_matches.end(),
*beg_it, compare_matches);
if (end_it == cache.end_matches.end())
cache.regions.emplace_back(pos.coord(), results[0].second.coord());
pos = results[0].second;
cache.regions.push_back({beg_it->begin, buffer.end_coord()});
cache.regions.push_back({beg_it->begin, end_it->end});
beg_it = std::upper_bound(beg_it, cache.begin_matches.end(),
*end_it, compare_matches);
cache.timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
return cache;
return cache.regions;
void update_matches(const Buffer& buffer, size_t timestamp, MatchList& matches, const Regex& regex)
const size_t buf_timestamp = buffer.timestamp();
// remove out of date matches
for (auto it = matches.begin(); it != matches.end();)
if (it->timestamp < buffer.line_timestamp(it->begin.line))
it = matches.erase(it);
else ++it;
// try to find new matches in each updated lines
for (auto line = 0_line; line < buffer.line_count(); ++line)
if (buffer.line_timestamp(line) > timestamp)
auto& l = buffer[line];
for (boost::regex_iterator<String::const_iterator> it{l.begin(), l.end(), regex}, end{}; it != end; ++it)
BufferCoord b{line, (int)((*it)[0].first - l.begin())};
BufferCoord e{line, (int)((*it)[0].second - l.begin())};
matches.push_back({ buf_timestamp, b, e });
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(),
[](const Match& lhs, const Match& rhs) { return lhs.begin < rhs.begin; });