Refactor NCursesUI implementation, use pads instead of windows

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Coste 2015-09-10 23:39:19 +01:00
parent a685a928f7
commit 80726a789b
2 changed files with 94 additions and 86 deletions

View File

@ -295,19 +295,36 @@ NCursesUI::~NCursesUI()
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
void NCursesUI::Window::create(const CharCoord& p, const CharCoord& s)
pos = p;
size = s;
win = (NCursesWin*)newpad((int)size.line, (int)size.column);
void NCursesUI::Window::destroy()
win = nullptr;
void NCursesUI::Window::refresh()
if (not win)
CharCoord max_pos = pos + size - CharCoord{1,1};
pnoutrefresh(win, 0, 0, (int)pos.line, (int)pos.column,
(int)max_pos.line, (int)max_pos.column);
void NCursesUI::redraw()
if (m_menu_win)
if (m_info_win)
pnoutrefresh(m_window, 0, 0, 0, 0,
(int)m_dimensions.line + 1, (int)m_dimensions.column);
@ -325,20 +342,6 @@ void addutf8str(WINDOW* win, Utf8Iterator begin, Utf8Iterator end)
waddnstr(win, begin.base(), end.base() - begin.base());
static CharCoord window_size(WINDOW* win)
CharCoord size;
getmaxyx(win, (int&)size.line, (int&)size.column);
return size;
static CharCoord window_pos(WINDOW* win)
CharCoord pos;
getbegyx(win, (int&)pos.line, (int&)pos.column);
return pos;
void NCursesUI::draw_line(const DisplayLine& line, CharCount col_index,
const Face& default_face) const
@ -460,12 +463,12 @@ void NCursesUI::check_resize(bool force)
resize_term(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col);
m_window = (NCursesWin*)newwin(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col, 0, 0);
m_window = (NCursesWin*)newpad(ws.ws_row, ws.ws_col);
m_dimensions = CharCoord{ws.ws_row-1, ws.ws_col};
@ -597,22 +600,21 @@ void NCursesUI::draw_menu()
// menu show may have not created the window if it did not fit.
// so be tolerant.
if (not m_menu_win)
if (not m_menu)
const auto menu_fg = get_color_pair(m_menu_fg);
const auto menu_bg = get_color_pair(m_menu_bg);
wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
wbkgdset(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
wattron(, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
wbkgdset(, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
const int item_count = (int)m_items.size();
const LineCount menu_lines = div_round_up(item_count, m_menu_columns);
const CharCoord win_size = window_size(m_menu_win);
const LineCount& win_height = win_size.line;
const LineCount& win_height = m_menu.size.line;
kak_assert(win_height <= menu_lines);
const CharCount column_width = (win_size.column - 1) / m_menu_columns;
const CharCount column_width = (m_menu.size.column - 1) / m_menu_columns;
const LineCount mark_height = min(div_round_up(sq(win_height), menu_lines),
@ -620,7 +622,7 @@ void NCursesUI::draw_menu()
max(1_line, menu_lines - win_height);
for (auto line = 0_line; line < win_height; ++line)
wmove(m_menu_win, (int)line, 0);
wmove(, (int)line, 0);
for (int col = 0; col < m_menu_columns; ++col)
const int item_idx = (int)(m_menu_top_line + line) * m_menu_columns
@ -628,22 +630,22 @@ void NCursesUI::draw_menu()
if (item_idx >= item_count)
if (item_idx == m_selected_item)
wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_fg));
wattron(, COLOR_PAIR(menu_fg));
StringView item = m_items[item_idx];
auto begin = item.begin();
auto end = utf8::advance(begin, item.end(), column_width);
addutf8str(m_menu_win, begin, end);
addutf8str(, begin, end);
const CharCount pad = column_width - utf8::distance(begin, end);
waddstr(m_menu_win, String{' ' COMMA pad}.c_str());
wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
waddstr(, String{' ' COMMA pad}.c_str());
wattron(, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
const bool is_mark = line >= mark_line and
line < mark_line + mark_height;
wmove(m_menu_win, (int)line, (int)win_size.column - 1);
wattron(m_menu_win, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
waddstr(m_menu_win, is_mark ? "" : "");
wmove(, (int)line, (int)m_menu.size.column - 1);
wattron(, COLOR_PAIR(menu_bg));
waddstr(, is_mark ? "" : "");
m_dirty = true;
@ -662,7 +664,7 @@ void NCursesUI::menu_show(ConstArrayView<String> items,
else if (m_status_on_top)
anchor.line += 1;
CharCoord maxsize = window_size(stdscr);
CharCoord maxsize = m_dimensions;
maxsize.column -= anchor.column;
if (maxsize.column <= 2)
@ -690,7 +692,7 @@ void NCursesUI::menu_show(ConstArrayView<String> items,
m_menu_top_line = 0;
int width = is_prompt ? (int)maxsize.column : (int)longest;
m_menu_win = (NCursesWin*)newwin(height, width, line, (int)anchor.column);
m_menu.create({line, anchor.column}, {height, width});
@ -707,7 +709,7 @@ void NCursesUI::menu_select(int selected)
m_selected_item = selected;
const LineCount selected_line = m_selected_item / m_menu_columns;
const LineCount win_height = window_size(m_menu_win).line;
const LineCount win_height = m_menu.size.line;
kak_assert(menu_lines >= win_height);
if (selected_line < m_menu_top_line)
m_menu_top_line = selected_line;
@ -719,12 +721,11 @@ void NCursesUI::menu_select(int selected)
void NCursesUI::menu_hide()
if (not m_menu_win)
if (not m_menu)
m_menu_win = nullptr;
m_dirty = true;
@ -754,11 +755,11 @@ static CharCoord compute_needed_size(StringView str)
return res;
static CharCoord compute_pos(CharCoord anchor, CharCoord size,
WINDOW* opt_window_to_avoid = nullptr,
static CharCoord compute_pos(CharCoord anchor, CharCoord size, CharCoord scrsize,
CharCoord rect_to_avoid_pos = CharCoord{},
CharCoord rect_to_avoid_size = CharCoord{},
bool prefer_above = false)
CharCoord scrsize = window_size(stdscr);
CharCoord pos;
if (prefer_above)
@ -775,21 +776,21 @@ static CharCoord compute_pos(CharCoord anchor, CharCoord size,
if (pos.column + size.column >= scrsize.column)
pos.column = max(0_char, scrsize.column - size.column);
if (opt_window_to_avoid)
if (rect_to_avoid_size != CharCoord{})
CharCoord winbeg = window_pos(opt_window_to_avoid);
CharCoord winend = winbeg + window_size(opt_window_to_avoid);
CharCoord rectbeg = rect_to_avoid_pos;
CharCoord rectend = rectbeg + rect_to_avoid_size;
CharCoord end = pos + size;
// check intersection
if (not (end.line < winbeg.line or end.column < winbeg.column or
pos.line > winend.line or pos.column > winend.column))
if (not (end.line < rectbeg.line or end.column < rectbeg.column or
pos.line > rectend.line or pos.column > rectend.column))
pos.line = min(winbeg.line, anchor.line) - size.line;
pos.line = min(rectbeg.line, anchor.line) - size.line;
// if above does not work, try below
if (pos.line < 0)
pos.line = max(winend.line, anchor.line);
pos.line = max(rectend.line, anchor.line);
@ -866,8 +867,8 @@ void NCursesUI::info_show(StringView title, StringView content,
if (m_status_on_top)
anchor.line += 1;
CharCount col = anchor.column;
if (style == InfoStyle::MenuDoc and m_menu_win)
col = window_pos(m_menu_win).column + window_size(m_menu_win).column;
if (style == InfoStyle::MenuDoc and m_menu)
col = m_menu.pos.column + m_menu.size.column;
const CharCount max_width = m_dimensions.column - col;
if (max_width < 4)
@ -877,29 +878,27 @@ void NCursesUI::info_show(StringView title, StringView content,
info_box += line + "\n";
CharCoord size = compute_needed_size(info_box);
CharCoord pos;
if (style == InfoStyle::MenuDoc and m_menu_win)
pos = window_pos(m_menu_win) +
CharCoord{0_line, window_size(m_menu_win).column};
CharCoord size = compute_needed_size(info_box), pos;
if (style == InfoStyle::MenuDoc and m_menu)
pos = m_menu.pos + CharCoord{0_line, m_menu.size.column};
pos = compute_pos(anchor, size, m_menu_win, style == InfoStyle::InlineAbove);
pos = compute_pos(anchor, size, m_dimensions, m_menu.pos, m_menu.size,
style == InfoStyle::InlineAbove);
// The info window will hide the status line
if (pos.line + size.line > m_dimensions.line)
m_info_win = (NCursesWin*)newwin((int)size.line, (int)size.column,
(int)pos.line, (int)pos.column);
m_info.create(pos, size);
wbkgd(m_info_win, COLOR_PAIR(get_color_pair(face)));
wbkgd(, COLOR_PAIR(get_color_pair(face)));
int line = 0;
auto it = info_box.begin(), end = info_box.end();
while (true)
wmove(m_info_win, line++, 0);
wmove(, line++, 0);
auto eol = std::find_if(it, end, [](char c) { return c == '\n'; });
addutf8str(m_info_win, Utf8Iterator(it), Utf8Iterator(eol));
addutf8str(, Utf8Iterator(it), Utf8Iterator(eol));
if (eol == end)
it = eol + 1;
@ -909,20 +908,16 @@ void NCursesUI::info_show(StringView title, StringView content,
void NCursesUI::info_hide()
if (not m_info_win)
if (not m_info)
m_info_win = nullptr;
m_dirty = true;
void NCursesUI::mark_dirty(NCursesWin* region)
void NCursesUI::mark_dirty(const Window& win)
auto pos = window_pos(region);
auto size = window_size(region);
wredrawln(m_window, (int)pos.line, (int)size.line);
wredrawln(m_window, (int)win.pos.line, (int)win.size.line);
CharCoord NCursesUI::dimensions()

View File

@ -57,13 +57,26 @@ private:
void draw_line(const DisplayLine& line, CharCount col_index,
const Face& default_face) const;
void mark_dirty(NCursesWin* region);
NCursesWin* m_window = nullptr;
CharCoord m_dimensions;
NCursesWin* m_menu_win = nullptr;
struct Window
void create(const CharCoord& pos, const CharCoord& size);
void destroy();
void refresh();
explicit operator bool() const { return win; }
NCursesWin* win = nullptr;
CharCoord pos;
CharCoord size;
void mark_dirty(const Window& win);
Window m_menu;
Vector<String> m_items;
Face m_menu_fg;
Face m_menu_bg;
@ -72,7 +85,7 @@ private:
LineCount m_menu_top_line = 0;
void draw_menu();
NCursesWin* m_info_win = nullptr;
Window m_info;
FDWatcher m_stdin_watcher;
InputCallback m_input_callback;