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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
ef97390a8b Parse the request line properly 2023-09-07 23:39:39 +02:00
7e87f2c8fb Parse full request, including headers and body 2023-09-07 15:18:58 +02:00
10 changed files with 537 additions and 172 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ record Monad (M : Type → Type) : Type₁ where
_<$>_ : {A B : Type} (A B) M A M B
f <$> x = x >>= (λ a pure (f a))
infixl 5 _>>=_
infixl 5 _>>_
infixr 4 _<$>_
open Monad ⦃...⦄ public
data Maybe (A : Type) : Type where
@ -38,7 +43,7 @@ _or-else_ : {A : Type} → Maybe A → A → A
(real x) or-else _ = x
cake or-else x = x
infix 10 _or-else_
infix 1 _or-else_
is-real : {A : Type} Maybe A Type
is-real cake =
@ -72,6 +77,18 @@ instance
EqString : Eq Data.String.String
EqString ._==_ a b = a Data.String.== b
EqMaybe : {T : Type} Eq T Eq (Maybe T)
EqMaybe ._==_ (real a) (real b) = a == b
EqMaybe ._==_ cake cake = true
EqMaybe ._==_ (real _) cake = false
EqMaybe ._==_ cake (real _) = false
EqList : {T : Type} Eq T Eq (List T)
EqList ._==_ [] [] = true
EqList ._==_ (x xs) (y ys) = x == y xs == ys
EqList ._==_ (_ _) [] = false
EqList ._==_ [] (_ _) = false
record Show (T : Type) : Type₁ where
show : T String.String

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@ -33,15 +33,61 @@ module bytes where
PERCENT = < 37 >
BIG = < 0xff >
import Data.String as String
import Data.Fin as Fin
import Data.Char as Char
toHexDigit : String.String
toHexDigit 0 = "0"
toHexDigit 1 = "1"
toHexDigit 2 = "2"
toHexDigit 3 = "3"
toHexDigit 4 = "4"
toHexDigit 5 = "5"
toHexDigit 6 = "6"
toHexDigit 7 = "7"
toHexDigit 8 = "8"
toHexDigit 9 = "9"
toHexDigit 10 = "a"
toHexDigit 11 = "b"
toHexDigit 12 = "c"
toHexDigit 13 = "d"
toHexDigit 14 = "e"
toHexDigit 15 = "f"
toHexDigit x = "?"
toHex : String.String
toHex n = toHexDigit (DivMod.quotient divmod) String.++ toHexDigit ( (DivMod.remainder divmod))
divmod : DivMod n 16
divmod = n divMod 16
EqByte : Eq Byte
EqByte ._==_ a b = a .value == b .value
ShowByte : Show Byte
ShowByte .show x = "< " String.++ show (x .value) String.++ " >"
ShowByte .show x =
if (0x20 ≤ᵇ x .value) (x .value <ᵇ 0x7f) not (x .value == 0x60)
then "`" String.++ String.fromChar (Char.from (x .value)) String.++ "`"
else "<" String.++ toHex (x .value) String.++ ">"
import Data.String as String
import Data.List as List
ShowByteList : Show (List.List Byte)
ShowByteList .show xs = "'" String.++ show-inner xs String.++ "'"
show-inner : List.List Byte String.String
show-inner List.[] = ""
show-inner (x List.∷ xs) =
if (0x20 ≤ᵇ x .value) (x .value <ᵇ 0x7f)
then String.fromChar (Char.from (x .value)) String.++ show-inner xs
else "\\x" String.++ toHex (x .value) String.++ show-inner xs
mkClip : Byte
mkClip v = case v <? 256 of λ where
(yes v<256) record { value = v ; in-range = v<256 }

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@ -11,29 +11,57 @@ open L using (List)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to _,,,_)
open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_; _>_)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool
open import Base
open import Bits-and-Bytes using (Byte)
open import Bits-and-Bytes using (Byte; ShowByteList)
open import SysIO
open import Socket
open import Indexed
open import Parsing (Byte)
open import NonEmpty
open import Parse-HTTP hiding (_/_)
open import HTML
open import Parse-HTTP
open import Parse-HTTP.URL hiding (_/_)
open import Parse-HTTP.Methods
import HTML
import UTF-8
200-ok : S.String List Byte List Byte
200-ok content-type response-data = UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (headers S.++ "\r\n\r\n")) L.++ response-data
response-with-content : S.String String List Byte List Byte
response-with-content status-code status content-type response-data =
UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (status-line S.++ "\r\n" S.++ headers-lines S.++ "\r\n")) L.++ response-data
headers : String
headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: " S.++ content-type S.++ "; charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length: " S.++ (show (L.length response-data))
status-line : String
status-line = "HTTP/1.1 " S.++ show status-code S.++ " " S.++ status
response-headers : List String
response-headers =
("Content-Type: " S.++ content-type S.++ "; charset=utf-8")
L.∷ ("Content-Length: " S.++ (show (L.length response-data)))
L.∷ L.[]
headers-lines : String
headers-lines = L.foldr (λ hdr rest hdr S.++ "\r\n" S.++ rest) "" response-headers
response-without-content : S.String List Byte
response-without-content status-code status =
UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (
"HTTP/1.1 " S.++ show status-code S.++ " " S.++ status S.++ "\r\n\r\n"
200-ok : S.String List Byte List Byte
200-ok content-type response-data = response-with-content 200 "OK" content-type response-data
400-bad-request : List Byte
400-bad-request = UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList "400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n")
400-bad-request = response-without-content 400 "Bad Request"
render-page : (Path × Maybe String) DOM
render-page (path ,,, mquery) =
404-not-found : List Byte
404-not-found = response-with-content 404 "Not Found" "text/plain" (UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList "3: could not find the resource :("))
module Pages where
open HTML
render-index : Maybe S.String HTML.DOM
render-index query =
< html & lang "en" , style "color: yellow; background: black; padding: 1em;" >
< head >
< title > "Test page in Agda" </ title > ,
@ -43,34 +71,45 @@ render-page (path ,,, mquery) =
< body >
< h 1 > "hi" </ h 1 > ,
< p >
"you requested " ,
< span & style "color: white;" > show path </ span > ,
((λ q < span & style "color: fuchsia;" > "?" , q </ span >) <$> mquery or-else L.[])
"welcome to the " ,
< span & style "color: white;" > "index" </ span > ,
(((λ q < span & style "color: fuchsia;" > " (query = " , q , ")" </ span >) <$> query) or-else L.[])
</ p >
</ body >
</ html >
handle-request : (Path × Maybe String) IO (List Byte)
handle-request : Request IO (List Byte)
handle-request req =
pure (
if (req .target .path) == ("index.html" / $)
then pure (
(UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (
render-dom (render-page req)
HTML.render-dom (Pages.render-index (req .target .query))
else pure 404-not-found
open Request using (target)
open import Parse-HTTP.URL
handle : Socket IO (List Byte)
handle sock = do
putStrLn "handle: new connection‼"
let got = get-bytes sock
let parsed = parse-get-request .parse (V.fromList got)
case parsed of λ where
(real req@(path ,,, mquery) , _ , _ )
case parse-request .parse (V.fromList got) of λ where
(real req , _ , _ )
putStrLn ("handle: path = " S.++ show path S.++ ", query = " S.++ mquery or-else "(no query)")
putStrLn "handle: got request"
putStrLn (" method = " S.++ show (req .method))
putStrLn (" target = " S.++ show (req .target))
putStrLn (" version = " S.++ show (req .version))
putStrLn (" headers = " S.++ show (req .headers))
case req .content of λ where
(real c) putStrLn (" content = " S.++ show ShowByteList c)
cake putStrLn " no content"
handle-request req
@ -78,6 +117,8 @@ handle sock = do
putStrLn "Got an invalid request"
pure 400-bad-request
open Request
run-port :
run-port = 1337

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@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
module NonEmpty where
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Bool
import Data.Vec as V
open import Base
module NonEmpty where
data List⁺ (A : Type) : Type where
[_]⁺ : A List⁺ A
_∷⁺_ : A List⁺ A List⁺ A
@ -23,8 +28,22 @@ list⁺-to-list : {A : Type} → List⁺ A → List A
list⁺-to-list [ x ]⁺ = x []
list⁺-to-list (x ∷⁺ xs) = x list⁺-to-list xs
list⁺-to-vec : {A : Type} List⁺ A Σ λ n V.Vec A (suc n)
list⁺-to-vec [ x ]⁺ = 0 , x V.∷ V.[]
list⁺-to-vec (x ∷⁺ xs) = _ , x V.∷ (proj₂ (list⁺-to-vec xs))
vec-to-list⁺ : {A : Type} {n : } V.Vec A (suc n) List⁺ A
vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ V.[]) = [ x ]⁺
vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ xs@(_ V.∷ _)) = x ∷⁺ vec-to-list⁺ xs
ShowList⁺ : {A : Type} Show A Show (List⁺ A)
ShowList⁺ .show x = show (list⁺-to-list x) String.++ ""
import Data.String as String
EqList⁺ : {T : Type} Eq T Eq (List⁺ T)
EqList⁺ ._==_ [ x ]⁺ [ y ]⁺ = x == y
EqList⁺ ._==_ (x ∷⁺ xs) (y ∷⁺ ys) = x == y xs == ys
EqList⁺ ._==_ (_ ∷⁺ _) [ _ ]⁺ = false
EqList⁺ ._==_ [ _ ]⁺ (_ ∷⁺ _) = false

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
open import Data.Vec renaming (map to mapᵥ) hiding ([_]; foldr; foldl)
open import Data.Vec renaming (map to mapᵥ) hiding ([_]; foldr; foldl; _>>=_)
import Data.List as List
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (<ᵇ⇒<)
@ -19,104 +21,19 @@ open import Bits-and-Bytes
import UTF-8
open import Parsing (Byte)
open import Parse-HTTP.Methods
open import Parse-HTTP.Helpers
module Parse-HTTP where
-- HTTP Method: GET, POST, etc.
data HTTP-Method : Type where
ShowMethod : Show HTTP-Method
ShowMethod .show x = go x
go : HTTP-Method String.String
go GET = "GET"
go HEAD = "HEAD"
go POST = "POST"
go PUT = "PUT"
name-of-enc : HTTP-Method Σ λ n Vec Byte (suc n)
name-of-enc GET = _ , < 71 > < 69 > < 84 > []
name-of-enc HEAD = _ , < 72 > < 69 > < 65 > < 68 > []
name-of-enc POST = _ , < 80 > < 79 > < 83 > < 84 > []
name-of-enc PUT = _ , < 80 > < 85 > < 84 > []
name-of-enc DELETE = _ , < 68 > < 69 > < 76 > < 69 > < 84 > < 69 > []
name-of-enc CONNECT = _ , < 67 > < 79 > < 78 > < 78 > < 69 > < 67 > < 84 > []
name-of-enc OPTIONS = _ , < 79 > < 80 > < 84 > < 73 > < 79 > < 78 > < 83 > []
name-of-enc TRACE = _ , < 84 > < 82 > < 65 > < 67 > < 69 > []
name-of-enc PATCH = _ , < 80 > < 65 > < 84 > < 67 > < 72 > []
http-methods : List⁺ HTTP-Method
http-methods = GET ∷⁺ HEAD ∷⁺ POST ∷⁺ PUT ∷⁺ DELETE ∷⁺ CONNECT ∷⁺ OPTIONS ∷⁺ TRACE ∷⁺ [ PATCH ]⁺
parse-specific-http-method : HTTP-Method [ Parser HTTP-Method ]
parse-specific-http-method m = (λ _ m) <$> exact name
name-len :
name-len = proj₁ (name-of-enc m)
name : Vec Byte (suc name-len)
name = proj₂ (name-of-enc m)
parse-name : [ Parser ]
parse-name = exact name
parse-http-method : [ Parser HTTP-Method ]
parse-http-method = foldl (λ p m p <|> (parse-specific-http-method m)) fail http-methods
module Parse-URL where
record Authority : Type where
constructor __
host : String.String -- TODO: Split out IP:s as a separate type?
port :
-- TODO: maybe include {port-in-range} : port < 2 ^ 16
open Authority public
infix 10 __
data Path : Type where
$ : Path -- end
_/_ : String.String Path Path
open Path public
ShowPath : Show Path
ShowPath .show $ = "(empty path)"
ShowPath .show (p / $) = p
ShowPath .show (p / rest@(_ / _)) = p String.++ "/" String.++ show rest
infixr 5 _/_
record URL : Type where
constructor http://_/_¿_#_
authority : Authority
path : Path
query : Maybe String.String
fragment : Maybe String.String
open URL public
infix 0 http://_/_¿_#_
sample-url : URL
sample-url = http:// "" 80 / ("pages" / "index.html" / $) ¿ real "key=value" # cake
-- helper functions
decode-utf8⁺ : List⁺ Byte Maybe String.String
decode-utf8⁺ bs = String.fromList <$> UTF-8.decode-string (list⁺-to-list bs)
module Parse-URL where
open import Parse-HTTP.URL
-- commonly used sub-parsers
gen-delims sub-delims reserved unreserved : [ Parser Byte ]
@ -138,11 +55,16 @@ module Parse-URL where
reg-name = decode-utf8⁺ <$?> (many (unreserved <|> percent-encoded <|> sub-delims))
unchecked : [ Parser Authority ]
unchecked = (λ (host , rest) host (proj₂ <$> rest or-else 80))
<$> (reg-name <&?> enbox (any-of ":" <&> enbox number))
unchecked = (λ (host , rest) host ((proj₂ <$> rest) or-else 80))
<$> (reg-name <&?> any-of ":" <&>□ number)
parse-path : [ Parser Path ]
parse-path = foldr (λ (slash , seg) path seg / path) $ <$> (many (any-of "/" <&> enbox segment))
parse-path =
List.foldr (λ (slash , seg) path seg / path) $ <$>
(list⁺-to-list <$> many (any-of "/" <&> enbox segment))
<|> ((λ _ List.[]) <$> any-of "/")
segment : [ Parser String.String ]
segment = decode-utf8⁺ <$?> many pchar
@ -151,35 +73,173 @@ module Parse-URL where
parse-query = decode-utf8⁺ <$?> many (pchar <|> any-of "/?")
parse-fragment = parse-query
parse-path-and-query : [ Parser (Path × Maybe String.String) ]
parse-path-and-query = parse-path <&?>□ (any-of "?" <&⃗>□ parse-query)
parse-absolute-url : [ Parser (Authority × Path) ]
parse-absolute-url =
(parse-scheme >?= (_== "http"))
<&⃗>□ exact (string-to-ascii-vec "://")
<&⃗>□ parse-authority
<&>□ parse-path
parse-url : [ Parser URL ]
parse-url = enurl <$?> parse-parts
enurl : String.String × Authority × (Path × Maybe String.String) × Maybe String.String Maybe URL
enurl (scheme , auth , (path , mquery) , mfrag) =
if true -- scheme == "http"
then real (http:// auth / path ¿ mquery # mfrag)
else cake
parse-url =
<&?>□ (any-of "?" <&⃗>□ parse-query)
>$= λ ((auth , path) , mquery) http:// auth / path ¿ mquery
parse-parts : [ Parser (String.String × Authority × (Path × Maybe String.String) × Maybe String.String) ]
parse-parts =
parse-scheme <&>□
(any-of ":" <&>□ repeat 2 (any-of "/")) <&⃗>□
parse-authority <&>□
(parse-path <&?>□ (any-of "?" <&⃗>□ parse-query))
<&?>□ (any-of "#" <&⃗>□ parse-fragment)
open Parse-URL public
parse-http-version : [ Parser ]
parse-http-version = (λ _ tt) <$> (exact (< 72 > < 84 > < 84 > < 80 > < 47 > []) <&>□ many (digit <|> any-of "."))
module Parse-Header where
open import Parse-HTTP.URL using (Authority)
parse-get-request : [ Parser (Path × Maybe String.String) ]
parse-get-request =
parse-specific-http-method GET <&⃗>□
spaces <&⃗>□
parse-path-and-query <&⃖>□
spaces <&>□
record Header : Type where
name : List⁺ Byte
value : List⁺ Byte
open Header
ShowHeader : Show Header
ShowHeader .show hdr = show ShowByteList (list⁺-to-list (hdr .name)) String.++ ": " String.++ show ShowByteList (list⁺-to-list (hdr .value))
get-field : List⁺ Byte List.List Header Maybe (List⁺ Byte)
get-field field-name List.[] = cake
get-field field-name (hdr List.∷ rest) =
if hdr .name == field-name
then real (hdr .value)
else get-field field-name rest
content-length : List.List Header Maybe
content-length headers =
get-field (string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length") headers
>>= parse-list⁺ number
host : List.List Header Maybe Authority
host headers =
get-field (string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Host") headers
>>= parse-list⁺ parse-authority
parse-vchar-sp : [ Parser Byte ]
parse-vchar-sp = (λ x (0x20 ≤ᵇ x .value) (x .value ≤ᵇ 0x7e)) <?> any₁
parse-token : [ Parser (List⁺ Byte) ]
parse-token = many parse-tchar
parse-tchar : [ Parser Byte ]
parse-tchar = digit <|> letter <|> any-of "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~"
parse-field-content : [ Parser (List⁺ Byte) ]
parse-field-content = many parse-vchar-sp
parse-header : [ Parser Header ]
parse-header =
(λ (name , value) record { name = name ; value = value })
<$> (
<&>□ any-of ":"
<&⃗>□ spaces
<&⃗>□ parse-field-content
parse-headers⁺ : [ Parser (List⁺ Header) ]
parse-headers⁺ = many parse-header
open Parse-Header public
module Parse-Request where
open import Parse-HTTP.URL
data RequestTargetPath : Type where
OriginForm : Path RequestTargetPath
AbsoluteForm : Authority Path RequestTargetPath
-- We do not care about authority-form nor asterisk form as we don't do any CONNECT nor OPTIONS requests
record RequestTarget : Type where
path : RequestTargetPath
query : Maybe String.String
open RequestTarget public
parse-request-target : [ Parser RequestTarget ]
parse-request-target =
(parse-origin-form <|> parse-absolute-form) <&?>□ (any-of "?" <&⃗>□ parse-query)
>$= λ (path , query) record { path = path; query = query }
parse-origin-form parse-absolute-form : [ Parser RequestTargetPath ]
parse-origin-form =
parse-path >$= OriginForm
parse-absolute-form =
parse-absolute-url >$= λ (auth , path) AbsoluteForm auth path
data HTTP-Version : Type where
HTTP11 : HTTP-Version -- we only support 1.1
ShowHTTP-Version : Show HTTP-Version
ShowHTTP-Version .show HTTP11 = "HTTP/1.1"
parse-http-version : [ Parser HTTP-Version ]
parse-http-version = (λ _ HTTP11) <$> exact (string-to-ascii-vec "HTTP/1.1")
parse-specific-http-method : HTTP-Method [ Parser HTTP-Method ]
parse-specific-http-method m = (λ _ m) <$> exact (proj₂ (list⁺-to-vec (name-of-method m)))
parse-http-method : [ Parser HTTP-Method ]
parse-http-method = foldr (λ m p parse-specific-http-method m <|> p) fail http-methods
parse-request-line : [ Parser (HTTP-Method × RequestTarget × HTTP-Version) ]
parse-request-line =
<&>□ (
<&⃗>□ (
<&>□ (
<&⃗>□ parse-http-version
record Request : Type where
method : HTTP-Method
target : URL
version : HTTP-Version
headers : List.List Header
content : Maybe (List.List Byte)
parse-request : [ Parser Request ]
parse-request =
((parse-request-line <&⃖>□ crlf) <&>□ many (parse-header <&⃖>□ crlf))
>$?= find-target
>>= λ (method , target , version , headers) enbox (
case content-length (list⁺-to-list headers) of λ where
(λ _ record { method = method; target = target; version = version; headers = list⁺-to-list headers; content = cake })
<$> crlf
(real 0)
(λ _ record { method = method; target = target; version = version; headers = list⁺-to-list headers; content = real List.[] })
<$> (crlf <&>□ crlf)
(real n@(suc _))
(λ content record { method = method; target = target; version = version; headers = list⁺-to-list headers; content = real (toList content) })
<$> (crlf <&⃗>□ (repeat n any₁))
find-target : ((HTTP-Method × RequestTarget × HTTP-Version) × List⁺ Header) Maybe (HTTP-Method × URL × HTTP-Version × List⁺ Header)
find-target ((method , record { path = OriginForm path ; query = query } , ver) , headers) = (list⁺-to-list headers) >>= λ auth
real (method , (http:// auth / path ¿ query) , ver , headers)
find-target ((method , record { path = AbsoluteForm auth path ; query = query } , ver) , headers) =
real (method , (http:// auth / path ¿ query) , ver , headers)
open Parse-Request public

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@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ open import Data.Bool hiding (_<_)
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Vec hiding ([_]; foldl)
import Data.List as List
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
import Data.String as String
import Data.Char as Char
@ -27,6 +30,31 @@ x is c = x .value == c
_between_and_ : Byte Char.Char Char.Char Bool
x between a and b = ( a ≤ᵇ x .value) (x .value ≤ᵇ b)
list-is-ascii : List.List Char.Char Bool
list-is-ascii List.[] = true
list-is-ascii (c List.∷ chs) = ( c <ᵇ 128) list-is-ascii chs
string-is-ascii : String.String Type
string-is-ascii x = T (list-is-ascii (String.toList x))
string-to-ascii-vec : (s : String.String) {string-is-ascii s} Vec Byte (String.length s)
string-to-ascii-vec x {prf} = go (String.toList x)
go : (l : List.List Char.Char) Vec Byte (List.length l)
go List.[] = []
go (ch List.∷ chs) = mkClip ( ch) go chs
string-to-ascii-list⁺ : (s : String.String) {string-is-ascii s} {T (0 <ᵇ String.length s)} List⁺ Byte
string-to-ascii-list⁺ s {ascii} {nonempty} = vec-to-list⁺ v
open import Data.Nat.Properties
len≢0 : String.length s 0
len≢0 = m<n⇒n≢0 (<ᵇ⇒< 0 (String.length s) nonempty)
v : Vec Byte (suc (pred (String.length s)))
v = subst (λ x Vec Byte x) (sym (suc[pred[n]]≡n {String.length s} len≢0)) (string-to-ascii-vec s {ascii})
any-of : String.String [ Parser Byte ]
any-of x = List.foldr (λ ch p ((_is ch) <?> any₁) <|> p) fail (String.toList x)
@ -39,7 +67,7 @@ letter = uppercase <|> lowercase
cr lf crlf : [ Parser ]
cr = (λ _ tt) <$> any-of "\r"
lf = (λ _ tt) <$> any-of "\n"
crlf = cr >> enbox lf
crlf = (cr >> enbox lf) <|> lf -- we allow lf because :3
space spaces : [ Parser ]
space = (λ _ tt) <$> any-of " "

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
import Data.String as String
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Vec
open import Bits-and-Bytes
open import NonEmpty
open import Base
module Parse-HTTP.Methods where
-- HTTP Method: GET, POST, etc.
data HTTP-Method : Type where
ShowMethod : Show HTTP-Method
ShowMethod .show x = go x
go : HTTP-Method String.String
go GET = "GET"
go HEAD = "HEAD"
go POST = "POST"
go PUT = "PUT"
name-of-method : HTTP-Method List⁺ Byte
name-of-method GET = < 71 > ∷⁺ < 69 > ∷⁺ [ < 84 > ]⁺
name-of-method HEAD = < 72 > ∷⁺ < 69 > ∷⁺ < 65 > ∷⁺ [ < 68 > ]⁺
name-of-method POST = < 80 > ∷⁺ < 79 > ∷⁺ < 83 > ∷⁺ [ < 84 > ]⁺
name-of-method PUT = < 80 > ∷⁺ < 85 > ∷⁺ [ < 84 > ]⁺
name-of-method DELETE = < 68 > ∷⁺ < 69 > ∷⁺ < 76 > ∷⁺ < 69 > ∷⁺ < 84 > ∷⁺ [ < 69 > ]⁺
name-of-method CONNECT = < 67 > ∷⁺ < 79 > ∷⁺ < 78 > ∷⁺ < 78 > ∷⁺ < 69 > ∷⁺ < 67 > ∷⁺ [ < 84 > ]⁺
name-of-method OPTIONS = < 79 > ∷⁺ < 80 > ∷⁺ < 84 > ∷⁺ < 73 > ∷⁺ < 79 > ∷⁺ < 78 > ∷⁺ [ < 83 > ]⁺
name-of-method TRACE = < 84 > ∷⁺ < 82 > ∷⁺ < 65 > ∷⁺ < 67 > ∷⁺ [ < 69 > ]⁺
name-of-method PATCH = < 80 > ∷⁺ < 65 > ∷⁺ < 84 > ∷⁺ < 67 > ∷⁺ [ < 72 > ]⁺
http-methods : List⁺ HTTP-Method
http-methods = GET ∷⁺ HEAD ∷⁺ POST ∷⁺ PUT ∷⁺ DELETE ∷⁺ CONNECT ∷⁺ OPTIONS ∷⁺ TRACE ∷⁺ [ PATCH ]⁺

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@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ open import Base
open import Bits-and-Bytes
open import Parsing
open import UTF-8
open import NonEmpty
open import Parse-HTTP
open import Parse-HTTP.Helpers
open import Parse-HTTP.Methods
open import Parse-HTTP.URL
module Parse-HTTP.Test where
@ -72,18 +75,40 @@ module Test-HTTP where
test-auth-port-out-of-range = refl
test-path : parse-path .parse (enc "/mjau/cat.html?meowing=true")
test-path : parse-path .parse (enc "/mjau/cat.html?meowing=true")
real "mjau" / "cat.html" / $ , _ , enc "?meowing=true"
test-path = refl
test-path = refl
test-path : parse-path .parse (enc "/%68%65%77%77%6f/%3f%5e%2f%2f%5e%3f?mjau")
test-path-encoded : parse-path .parse (enc "/%68%65%77%77%6f/%3f%5e%2f%2f%5e%3f?mjau")
real "hewwo" / "?^//^?" / $ , _ , enc "?mjau"
test-path = refl
test-path-encoded = refl
test-url : parse-url .parse (enc "")
real http:// "" 80 / ("rfc" / "rfc3986.html" / $) ¿ cake # real "section-2.1" , _ , enc ""
test-path-bare : parse-path .parse (enc "/")
real $ , _ , enc ""
test-path-bare = refl
test-url : parse-url .parse (enc "")
real http:// "" 80 / ("rfc" / "rfc3986.html" / $) ¿ cake , _ , enc ""
test-url = refl
test-request : parse-get-request .parse (enc "GET /site/index.html?mjau HTTP/1.1\nHeaders...")
real ( ( "site" / "index.html" / $ ) , real "mjau" ) , _ , enc "\nHeaders..."
test-header : parse-header .parse (enc "Content-Length: 6\r\n")
real record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "6" } , _ , enc "\r\n"
test-header = refl
test-request : parse-request .parse (enc "POST /site/index.html?mjau HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 6\r\nHost:\r\n\r\nmjau:)\r\n")
{ method = POST
; target = http:// "" 80 / ("site" / "index.html" / $) ¿ real "mjau"
; version = HTTP11
; headers =
record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "6" }
List.∷ record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Host" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "" }
List.∷ List.[]
; content = real (list⁺-to-list (string-to-ascii-list⁺ "mjau:)"))
, _
, enc "\r\n"
test-request = refl

src/Parse-HTTP/URL.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
import Data.String as S
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Bool
open import Base
module Parse-HTTP.URL where
record Authority : Type where
constructor __
host : S.String -- TODO: Split out IP:s as a separate type?
port :
-- TODO: maybe include {port-in-range} : port < 2 ^ 16
open Authority public
ShowAuthority : Show Authority
ShowAuthority .show x =
if x .port == 80
then x .host
else x .host S.++ ":" S.++ show (x .port)
infix 10 __
data Path : Type where
$ : Path -- end
_/_ : S.String Path Path
open Path public
ShowPath : Show Path
ShowPath .show $ = "(empty path)"
ShowPath .show (p / $) = p
ShowPath .show (p / rest@(_ / _)) = p S.++ "/" S.++ show rest
EqPath : Eq Path
EqPath ._==_ $ $ = true
EqPath ._==_ (p / ps) (q / qs) = p == q ps == qs
EqPath ._==_ (_ / _) $ = false
EqPath ._==_ $ (_ / _) = false
infixr 5 _/_
record URL : Type where
constructor http://_/_¿_
authority : Authority
path : Path
query : Maybe S.String
open URL public
infix 0 http://_/_¿_
ShowURL : Show URL
ShowURL .show url =
"http://" S.++ show (url .authority) S.++ "/" S.++ show (url .path) S.++ ((λ q "?" S.++ q) <$> url .query or-else "")
sample-url : URL
sample-url = http:// "" 80 / ("pages" / "index.html" / $) ¿ real "key=value"

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@ -28,8 +28,17 @@ open Parse public
record Parser (A : Type) (n : ) : Type where
parse : Vec T n Maybe (Parse A n)
open Parser public
parse-list⁺ : {A : Type} [ Parser A ] List⁺ T Maybe A
parse-list⁺ p l =
p .parse (proj₂ (list⁺-to-vec l))
>>= λ parse
if parse .m == 0
then pure (parse .result)
else cake
-- Parser combinators
_<$>_ : {A B : Type} (A B) [ Parser A Parser B ]
(f <$> p) .parse a = do
@ -136,6 +145,17 @@ _>>=_ : {A B : Type} → [ Parser A →′ ((k A) →′ □ Parser B) →
_>>_ : {A B : Type} [ Parser A Parser B Parser B ]
pa >> pb = pa >>= λ _ pb
_>$=_ : {A B : Type} [ Parser A k (A B) Parser B ]
pa >$= f = f <$> pa
_>?=_ : {A : Type} [ Parser A k (A Bool) Parser A ]
pa >?= f = f <?> pa
_>$?=_ : {A B : Type} [ Parser A k (A Maybe B) Parser B ]
pa >$?= f = f <$?> pa
infixl 10 _>>=_ _>>_ _>$=_ _>$?=_ _>?=_
fail : {A : Type} [ Parser A ]
fail .parse _ = cake