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5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
efa96d7e2f Response structure 2023-09-09 12:57:31 +02:00
1ff2708d6e string-to-ascii-list function 2023-09-09 12:57:04 +02:00
6507dfe932 Add some append functions for List+ 2023-09-09 12:56:47 +02:00
97f86146a5 Change HTML syntax, split into modules 2023-09-09 12:35:00 +02:00
9de870fb20 Add list-to-list+? 2023-09-09 11:46:18 +02:00
7 changed files with 371 additions and 87 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,70 @@
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type) open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality open import Data.Nat
open import Data.List hiding (head; span)
open import Data.Nat using (; _<ᵇ_)
open import Data.String hiding (_==_; show; head) renaming (_++_ to _++ˢ_; concat to concatˢ)
open import Data.Char hiding (_==_; show)
open import Data.Bool open import Data.Bool
import Data.String as S
import Data.Char as C
import Data.List as L
open S using (String)
open C using (Char)
open L using (List)
open import Base open import Base
module HTML where module HTML where
_≤ᶜ_ : Char Char Bool
c₀ ≤ᶜ c₁ = c₀ ≤ᵇ c₁
valid-attribute-name : String Bool
valid-attribute-name x = L.all valid-attribute-char (S.toList x)
valid-attribute-char : Char Bool
valid-attribute-char c =
('a' ≤ᶜ c) (c ≤ᶜ 'z')
('A' ≤ᶜ c) (c ≤ᶜ 'Z')
valid-tag-name : String Bool
valid-tag-name x = L.all valid-tag-char (S.toList x)
valid-tag-char : Char Bool
valid-tag-char c =
('a' ≤ᶜ c) (c ≤ᶜ 'z')
('A' ≤ᶜ c) (c ≤ᶜ 'Z')
('0' ≤ᶜ c) (c ≤ᶜ '9')
record Attribute : Type where
name : String
value : String
{name-is-valid}: T (valid-attribute-name name)
open Attribute
EqAttribute : Eq Attribute
EqAttribute ._==_ x y = x .name == y .name x .value == y .value
record HTMLTag : Type where
name : String
attributes : List Attribute
{name-is-valid}: T (valid-tag-name name)
open HTMLTag
EqTag : Eq HTMLTag
EqTag ._==_ x y = x .name == y .name x .attributes == y .attributes
data Element : Type where
textnode : String Element
node : HTMLTag List Element Element
data HTMLTag : Type where data HTMLTag : Type where
html head meta title body : HTMLTag html head meta title body : HTMLTag
div p a span : HTMLTag div p a span : HTMLTag
@ -42,29 +96,24 @@ instance
ShowHTMLTag .show span = "span" ShowHTMLTag .show span = "span"
ShowHTMLTag .show (h n) = "h" ++ˢ show n ShowHTMLTag .show (h n) = "h" ++ˢ show n
data AttributeName : Type where data Attr : Type where
lang src name content href style : AttributeName lang= src= name= content= href= style= : String Attr
instance attr-name : Attr String
ShowAttributeName : Show AttributeName attr-name (lang= _) = "lang"
ShowAttributeName .show lang = "lang" attr-name (src= _) = "src"
ShowAttributeName .show src = "src" attr-name (name= _) = "name"
ShowAttributeName .show name = "name" attr-name (content= _) = "content"
ShowAttributeName .show content = "content" attr-name (href= _) = "href"
ShowAttributeName .show href = "href" attr-name (style= _) = "style"
ShowAttributeName .show style = "style"
record Attribute : Type where attr-value : Attr String
field attr-value (lang= x) = x
attrname : AttributeName attr-value (src= x) = x
value : String -- maybe string ? how to handle syntax? attr-value (name= x) = x
open Attribute attr-value (content= x) = x
attr-value (href= x) = x
AttrList : Type attr-value (style= x) = x
AttrList = List Attribute
__ : AttributeName String AttrList
attrname value = record { attrname = attrname ; value = value } []
mutual mutual
DOM : Type DOM : Type
@ -72,7 +121,7 @@ mutual
data Element : Type where data Element : Type where
textnode : String Element textnode : String Element
element : HTMLTag AttrList DOM Element element : HTMLTag List Attr DOM Element
record Listable (T L : Type) : Type where record Listable (T L : Type) : Type where
field field
@ -80,30 +129,29 @@ record Listable (T L : Type) : Type where
open Listable ⦃...⦄ open Listable ⦃...⦄
instance instance
ListListable : {T : Type} Listable (List T) T
ListListable .enlist l = l
StringDOMAble : Listable String Element StringDOMAble : Listable String Element
StringDOMAble .enlist x = textnode x [] StringDOMAble .enlist x = textnode x []
_,_ : {D₁ D₂ L : Type} Listable D₁ L Listable D₂ L D₁ D₂ List L ListListable : {T : Type} Listable (List T) T
x , y = (enlist x) Data.List.++ (enlist y) ListListable .enlist x = x
infixr 10 _,_ IdListable : {T : Type} Listable T T
IdListable .enlist x = x []
<_&_>_</_> : {D : Type} Listable D Element (x : HTMLTag) AttrList D (y : HTMLTag) {T (x == y)} DOM PairListable : {T L : Type} Listable T L Listable (L × T) L
< tag & attrs > inner </ tag > = element tag attrs (enlist inner) [] PairListable .enlist (x , y) = x enlist y
<_>_</_> : {D : Type} Listable D Element (x : HTMLTag) D (y : HTMLTag) {T (x == y)} DOM <_&_>_</_> : {Es As : Type} Listable Es Element Listable As Attr (x : HTMLTag) As Es (y : HTMLTag) {T (x == y)} Element
< tag > inner </ tag > = element tag [] (enlist inner) [] < tag & attrs > inner </ tag > = element tag (enlist attrs) (enlist inner)
<_&_/> : (x : HTMLTag) AttrList DOM <_>_</_> : {Es : Type} Listable Es Element (x : HTMLTag) Es (y : HTMLTag) {T (x == y)} Element
< tag & attrs /> = element tag attrs [] [] < tag > inner </ tag > = element tag [] (enlist inner)
<_/> : (x : HTMLTag) DOM
< tag /> = element tag [] [] []
<_&_/> : {As : Type} Listable As Attr (x : HTMLTag) As Element
< tag & attrs /> = element tag (enlist attrs) []
<_/> : (x : HTMLTag) Element
< tag /> = element tag [] []
encode : List Char String String encode : List Char String String
encode escapes text = fromList (concatMap (λ x toList (escape-char x)) (toList text)) encode escapes text = fromList (concatMap (λ x toList (escape-char x)) (toList text))
@ -119,8 +167,8 @@ private
"hi &#60;3 &#60;&#47;p&#62;" "hi &#60;3 &#60;&#47;p&#62;"
encode-test = refl encode-test = refl
render-attr : Attribute String render-attr : Attr String
render-attr x = show (x .attrname) ++ˢ "=" ++ˢ encode (toList "\t\n\r \"'=<>`") (x .value) render-attr x = show (attr-name x) ++ˢ "=" ++ˢ encode (toList "\t\n\r \"'=<>`") (attr-value x)
{-# TERMINATING #-} -- TODO: we should eliminate the tree as a traversable instead of doing it like this {-# TERMINATING #-} -- TODO: we should eliminate the tree as a traversable instead of doing it like this
render-element : Element String render-element : Element String
@ -130,16 +178,13 @@ render-element (element tag attrlist inner) =
++ˢ concatˢ (map render-element inner) ++ˢ concatˢ (map render-element inner)
++ˢ "</" ++ˢ show tag ++ˢ ">" ++ˢ "</" ++ˢ show tag ++ˢ ">"
render-dom : DOM String sample-dom : Element
render-dom x = concatˢ (map render-element x)
sample-dom : DOM
sample-dom = sample-dom =
< html & lang "en" > < html & lang= "en" >
< head > < head >
< title > "Test page in Agda" </ title > , < title > "Test page in Agda" </ title > ,
< meta & name "description" , content "Simple webpage rendered in Agda DSL" /> , < meta & name= "description" , content= "Simple webpage rendered in Agda DSL" /> ,
< meta & name "author" , content "xenia" /> < meta & name= "author" , content= "xenia" />
</ head > , </ head > ,
< body > < body >
< p > "hello" </ p > , < p > "hello" </ p > ,
@ -149,3 +194,5 @@ sample-dom =
</ div > </ div >
</ body > </ body >
</ html > </ html >

src/HTML/Render.agda Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
open import Data.Bool
import Data.String as S
import Data.List as L
import Data.Char as C
open S using (String)
open L using (List)
open C using (Char)
open import HTML
open import Base
module HTML.Render where
-- encodes using HTML decimal escapes (&#621;)
encode : List Char String String
encode escapes text = S.fromList (L.concatMap (λ x S.toList (escape-char x)) (S.toList text))
escape-char : Char String
escape-char ch =
if L.any (_== ch) escapes
then "&#" S.++ show ( ch) S.++ ";"
else S.fromChar ch
render-attr : Attribute String
render-attr x = x .name S.++ "=" S.++ encode (S.toList "\t\n\r \"'=<>`") (x .value)
open Attribute
{-# TERMINATING #-} -- TODO: we should eliminate the tree as a traversable instead of doing it like this
render-element : Element String
render-element (textnode x) = encode (S.toList "</>") x -- we don't technically need to escape all these characters, but it's easier to do this
render-element (node tag inner) =
"<" S.++ tag .name S.++ S.concat ( (λ attr " " S.++ render-attr attr) (tag .attributes)) S.++ ">"
S.++ S.concat ( render-element inner)
S.++ "</" S.++ tag .name S.++ ">"
open HTMLTag

src/HTML/Syntax.agda Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
open import Agda.Primitive renaming (Set to Type)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Bool hiding (_<_)
import Data.String as S
import Data.List as L
open S using (String)
open L using (List)
open import Base
open import HTML
module HTML.Syntax where
module Attributes where
open HTMLTag
mkAttr : (name : String) {T (valid-attribute-name name)} HTMLTag String HTMLTag
mkAttr attr-name {attr-name-is-valid} tag value =
record tag
{ attributes = record
{ name = attr-name
; value = value
; name-is-valid = attr-name-is-valid
L.∷ tag .attributes
; name = tag .name
; name-is-valid = tag .name-is-valid
_id=_ = mkAttr "id"
infixl 20 _id=_
_class=_ = mkAttr "class"
infixl 20 _class=_
_style=_ = mkAttr "style"
infixl 20 _style=_
_lang=_ = mkAttr "lang"
infixl 20 _lang=_
_src=_ = mkAttr "src"
infixl 20 _src=_
_href=_ = mkAttr "href"
infixl 20 _href=_
_name=_ = mkAttr "name"
infixl 20 _name=_
_content=_ = mkAttr "content"
infixl 20 _content=_
open Attributes hiding (mkAttr) public
module Tags where
mkTag : (name : String) {T (valid-tag-name name)} HTMLTag
mkTag name {name-is-valid} = record { name = name ; attributes = L.[]; name-is-valid = name-is-valid }
html = mkTag "html"
body = mkTag "body"
head = mkTag "head"
meta = mkTag "meta"
title = mkTag "title"
img = mkTag "img"
p = mkTag "p"
span = mkTag "span"
footer = mkTag "footer"
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
h-is-valid : (x : ) T (valid-tag-name ("h" S.++ show x)) -- :3
h : HTMLTag
h x = record
{ name = "h" S.++ show x
; attributes = L.[]
; name-is-valid = h-is-valid x
open Tags hiding (mkTag) public
record DOMAble (T : Type) : Type where
endom : T List Element
open DOMAble ⦃...⦄
TextnodeDOMAble : DOMAble String
TextnodeDOMAble .endom x = textnode x L.∷ L.[]
ElementDOMAble : DOMAble Element
ElementDOMAble .endom e = e L.∷ L.[]
ListDOMAble : {T : Type} DOMAble T DOMAble (List T)
ListDOMAble .endom x = L.concatMap endom x
PairDOMAble : {T₀ T₁ : Type} DOMAble T₀ DOMAble T₁ DOMAble (T₀ × T₁)
PairDOMAble .endom (x , y) = endom x L.++ endom y
module Syntax where
open HTMLTag
<_>_</_> : {D : Type} DOMAble D (t₀ : HTMLTag) D (t₁ : HTMLTag) {T (t₀ .name == t₁ .name)} Element
< t₀ > sub </ t₁ > = node t₀ (endom sub)
<_/> : HTMLTag Element
<_/> t = node t L.[]
open Syntax public

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Data.Vec as V
import Data.List as L import Data.List as L
open S using (String) open S using (String)
open L using (List) open L using (List)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂) renaming (_,_ to _,,,_) open import Data.Product using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂; _,_)
open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_; _>_) open import Data.Nat hiding (_<_; _>_)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt) open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Bool open import Data.Bool
@ -23,69 +23,134 @@ open import NonEmpty
open import Parse-HTTP open import Parse-HTTP
open import Parse-HTTP.URL hiding (_/_) open import Parse-HTTP.URL hiding (_/_)
open import Parse-HTTP.Methods open import Parse-HTTP.Methods
import HTML open import Parse-HTTP.Helpers
open import HTML
import HTML.Syntax
import HTML.Render
import UTF-8 import UTF-8
response-with-content : S.String String List Byte List Byte data Content-Type : Type where
response-with-content status-code status content-type response-data = text/plain text/html : Content-Type
UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (status-line S.++ "\r\n" S.++ headers-lines S.++ "\r\n")) L.++ response-data
ShowContent-Type : Show Content-Type
ShowContent-Type .show text/plain = "text/plain"
ShowContent-Type .show text/html = "text/html"
record Response : Type where
status-code :
status : String
headers : List Header -- all headers besides Content-Type and Content-Length
content : Maybe (Content-Type × List Byte) -- mime type and data
open Response
crlfᵇ : List Byte
crlfᵇ = string-to-ascii-list "\r\n"
encode-response : Response List Byte
encode-response res =
UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (status-line)) L.++ crlfᵇ L.++
encoded-headers L.++ crlfᵇ L.++
(proj₂ <$> res .content or-else L.[])
where where
status-line : String status-line : String
status-line = "HTTP/1.1 " S.++ show status-code S.++ " " S.++ status status-line = "HTTP/1.1 " S.++ show (res .status-code) S.++ " " S.++ (res .status)
response-headers : List String extra-headers : List Header
response-headers = extra-headers = case res .content of λ where
("Content-Type: " S.++ content-type S.++ "; charset=utf-8") cake L.[]
L.∷ ("Content-Length: " S.++ (show (L.length response-data))) (real (content-type , content))
L.∷ L.[] record
{ name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Type"
; value = UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (show content-type)) ++⁺ string-to-ascii-list⁺ "; charset=utf-8"
L.∷ record
{ name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length"
; value =
(list-to-list⁺? (UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (show (L.length content)))))
or-else (string-to-ascii-list⁺ "mjau")
L.∷ L.[]
headers-lines : String encode-header : Header List Byte
headers-lines = L.foldr (λ hdr rest hdr S.++ "\r\n" S.++ rest) "" response-headers encode-header hdr = list⁺-to-list (hdr .name ⁺++⁺ string-to-ascii-list⁺ ": " ⁺++⁺ hdr .value)
open Header
response-without-content : S.String List Byte encoded-headers : List Byte
response-without-content status-code status = encoded-headers =
UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList ( L.concat (
"HTTP/1.1 " S.++ show status-code S.++ " " S.++ status S.++ "\r\n\r\n"
)) (λ h encode-header h L.++ crlfᵇ)
(res .headers L.++ extra-headers)
200-ok : S.String List Byte List Byte 200-ok : Content-Type List Byte List Byte
200-ok content-type response-data = response-with-content 200 "OK" content-type response-data 200-ok content-type content =
{ status-code = 200
; status = "OK"
; headers = L.[]
; content = real (content-type , content)
400-bad-request : List Byte 400-bad-request : List Byte
400-bad-request = response-without-content 400 "Bad Request" 400-bad-request =
{ status-code = 400
; status = "Bad Request"
; headers = L.[]
; content = real (text/plain , string-to-ascii-list "what is bro doing")
404-not-found : List Byte 404-not-found : List Byte
404-not-found = response-with-content 404 "Not Found" "text/plain" (UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList "3: could not find the resource :(")) 404-not-found =
{ status-code = 404
; status = "Not Found"
; headers = L.[]
; content = real (text/plain , string-to-ascii-list "not found :(")
module Pages where module Pages where
open HTML open HTML
render-index : Maybe S.String HTML.DOM render-index : Maybe S.String HTML.Element
render-index query = render-index query =
< html & lang "en" , style "color: yellow; background: black; padding: 1em;" > < html lang= "en" style= "color: white; background: black; padding: 1em;" >
< head > < head >
< title > "Test page in Agda" </ title > , < title > "henttp index" </ title > ,
< meta & name "description" , content "Simple webpage rendered in Agda DSL" /> , < meta name= "description" content= "Simple webpage rendered in Agda DSL" /> ,
< meta & name "author" , content "xenia" /> < meta name= "author" content= "xenia" />
</ head > , </ head > ,
< body > < body >
< h 1 > "hi" </ h 1 > , < h 1 >
< span style= "color: yellow;" > "hen" </ span > ,
< span style= "color: purple;" > "ttp" </ span >
</ h 1 > ,
< p > < p >
"welcome to the " , "what is this?"
< span & style "color: white;" > "index" </ span > , </ p >
(((λ q < span & style "color: fuchsia;" > " (query = " , q , ")" </ span >) <$> query) or-else L.[]) </ body > ,
</ p > < footer >
</ body > "meow"
</ footer >
</ html > </ html >
open HTML.Syntax
handle-request : Request IO (List Byte) handle-request : Request IO (List Byte)
handle-request req = handle-request req =
if (req .target .path) == ("index.html" / $) if (req .target .path) == ("index.html" / $)
then pure ( then pure (
200-ok 200-ok
"text/html" text/html
(UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList ( (UTF-8.encode-string (S.toList (
HTML.render-dom (Pages.render-index (req .target .query)) HTML.Render.render-element (Pages.render-index (req .target .query))
))) )))
) )
else pure 404-not-found else pure 404-not-found

View File

@ -24,6 +24,25 @@ foldl : {A B : Type} → (B → A → B) → B → List⁺ A → B
foldl _+_ acc [ x ]⁺ = acc + x foldl _+_ acc [ x ]⁺ = acc + x
foldl _+_ acc (x ∷⁺ xs) = foldl _+_ (acc + x) xs foldl _+_ acc (x ∷⁺ xs) = foldl _+_ (acc + x) xs
cons⁺ : {A : Type} A List A List⁺ A
cons⁺ a [] = [ a ]⁺
cons⁺ a (x xs) = a ∷⁺ cons⁺ x xs
_⁺++⁺_ : {A : Type} List⁺ A List⁺ A List⁺ A
[ x ]⁺ ⁺++⁺ l₁ = x ∷⁺ l₁
(x ∷⁺ l₀) ⁺++⁺ l₁ = x ∷⁺ (l₀ ⁺++⁺ l₁)
_++⁺_ : {A : Type} List A List⁺ A List⁺ A
[] ++⁺ l₁ = l₁
(x l₀) ++⁺ l₁ = x ∷⁺ (l₀ ++⁺ l₁)
_⁺++_ : {A : Type} List⁺ A List A List⁺ A
[ x ]⁺ ⁺++ [] = [ x ]⁺
[ x ]⁺ ⁺++ (y l₁) = (x ∷⁺ [ y ]⁺ ) ⁺++ l₁
(x ∷⁺ l₀) ⁺++ l₁ = x ∷⁺ (l₀ ⁺++ l₁)
infixr 20 _⁺++⁺_ _++⁺_ _⁺++_
list⁺-to-list : {A : Type} List⁺ A List A list⁺-to-list : {A : Type} List⁺ A List A
list⁺-to-list [ x ]⁺ = x [] list⁺-to-list [ x ]⁺ = x []
list⁺-to-list (x ∷⁺ xs) = x list⁺-to-list xs list⁺-to-list (x ∷⁺ xs) = x list⁺-to-list xs
@ -36,6 +55,11 @@ vec-to-list⁺ : {A : Type} → {n : } → V.Vec A (suc n) → List⁺ A
vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ V.[]) = [ x ]⁺ vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ V.[]) = [ x ]⁺
vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ xs@(_ V.∷ _)) = x ∷⁺ vec-to-list⁺ xs vec-to-list⁺ (x V.∷ xs@(_ V.∷ _)) = x ∷⁺ vec-to-list⁺ xs
list-to-list⁺? : {A : Type} List A Maybe (List⁺ A)
list-to-list⁺? [] = cake
list-to-list⁺? (x xs) = real (cons⁺ x xs)
instance instance
ShowList⁺ : {A : Type} Show A Show (List⁺ A) ShowList⁺ : {A : Type} Show A Show (List⁺ A)
ShowList⁺ .show x = show (list⁺-to-list x) String.++ "" ShowList⁺ .show x = show (list⁺-to-list x) String.++ ""

View File

@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ string-to-ascii-list⁺ s {ascii} {nonempty} = vec-to-list⁺ v
v : Vec Byte (suc (pred (length s))) v : Vec Byte (suc (pred (length s)))
v = subst (λ x Vec Byte x) (sym (suc[pred[n]]≡n {length s} len≢0)) (string-to-ascii-vec s {ascii}) v = subst (λ x Vec Byte x) (sym (suc[pred[n]]≡n {length s} len≢0)) (string-to-ascii-vec s {ascii})
string-to-ascii-list : (s : String) {string-is-ascii s} List Byte
string-to-ascii-list s {ascii} = V.toList (string-to-ascii-vec s {ascii})
any-of : String [ Parser Byte ] any-of : String [ Parser Byte ]
any-of x = L.foldr (λ ch p ((_is ch) <?> any₁) <|> p) fail (S.toList x) any-of x = L.foldr (λ ch p ((_is ch) <?> any₁) <|> p) fail (S.toList x)

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module Test-HTTP where
record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "6" } record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Content-Length" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "6" }
List.∷ record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Host" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "" } List.∷ record { name = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "Host" ; value = string-to-ascii-list⁺ "" }
List.∷ List.[] List.∷ List.[]
; content = real (list⁺-to-list (string-to-ascii-list "mjau:)")) ; content = real (string-to-ascii-list "mjau:)")
} }
, _ , _
, enc "\r\n" , enc "\r\n"