
269 lines
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; submenu routines
; draw submenu items
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to menu bar root struct
; r1: selected root menu item
; r2: hovering submenu item (or 0xFFFFFFFF for none)
; outputs:
; none
push r0
push r1
push r2
push r3
push r4
push r5
push r6
push r7
push r8
push r29
push r30
push r31
; calculate the X position of the submenu
mov r31, r1 ; load number of the selected item into r31 for looping
mov r30, 16 ; X counter
cmp r31, 0 ; we don't need to loop if this is submenu 0
ifz jmp draw_submenu_items_calculate_x_skip
mov r4, r0
add r4, 5 ; point to start of root menu items text pointer
mov r3, [r4] ; get pointer to text
movz.8 r3, [r3] ; get text length byte
add r3, 2 ; add 2 for the spaces on each side of the text
mul r3, 8 ; characters are 8 pixels wide
add r30, r3 ; add length to X counter
add r4, 8 ; point to next text pointer
loop draw_submenu_items_calculate_x_loop
sub r30, 8 ; move the submenu to the left by 8 pixels
mov.16 [OVERLAY_29_POSITION_X], r30
mov r31, r0
inc r31 ; point to submenu list pointer
mul r1, 8 ; point to the selected submenu
add r31, r1
mov r0, [r31] ; load submenu list pointer
movz.8 r31, [r0] ; load number of submenu items
mov r30, r2 ; r30: number of the hovered item
mov r29, 0 ; counter of how many submenu items drawn so far
; calculate the required height for the submenu overlay
; multiply the number of submenu items by 16 (the font is 16 pixels tall)
mov r1, r31
mul r1, 16
mov.16 [OVERLAY_29_HEIGHT], r1
; calculate the required width for the submenu overlay
; multiply the width by 8 (the font is 8 pixels wide)
mov r1, r0
inc r1
movz.8 r1, [r1] ; load width of submenu
mov r8, r1 ; save the width in characters in r8 for later
mul r1, 8
mov.16 [OVERLAY_29_WIDTH], r1
push r0
; set properties of overlay 29
mov.16 [OVERLAY_29_POSITION_Y], 16
mov r0, 0x8000001D ; overlay 29: position
mov.16 r1, [OVERLAY_29_POSITION_Y]
sla r1, 16
mov.16 r1, [OVERLAY_29_POSITION_X]
out r0, r1
mov r0, 0x8000011D ; overlay 29: size
mov.16 r1, [OVERLAY_29_HEIGHT]
sla r1, 16
mov.16 r1, [OVERLAY_29_WIDTH]
out r0, r1
mov r0, 0x8000021D ; overlay 29: framebuffer pointer
out r0, r1
mov r0, 0x8000031D
out r0, 1
; draw empty submenu
mov r6, r31 ; outer loop counter
movz.8 r0, ' '
mov r1, 0
mov r2, 0
mov r3, 0xFF000000
mov r4, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov r5, 29
mov r7, r8 ; inner loop counter
cmp r30, r29
ifz mov r3, 0xFFFFFFFF ; foreground color: white
ifz mov r4, 0xFF000000 ; background color: black
ifnz mov r3, 0xFF000000 ; foreground color: black
ifnz mov r4, 0xFFFFFFFF ; background color: white
call draw_font_tile_to_overlay
add r1, 8
dec r7
ifnz jmp draw_empty_submenu_line_loop
mov r1, 0
add r2, 16
inc r29
dec r6
ifnz jmp draw_empty_submenu_loop
mov r29, 0 ; counter of how many submenu items drawn so far
pop r0
; draw submenu text
add r0, 3 ; point to start of submenu items text
mov r2, 0 ; Y = 0
cmp r30, r29
ifz mov r3, 0xFFFFFFFF ; foreground color: white
ifz mov r4, 0xFF000000 ; background color: black
ifnz mov r3, 0xFF000000 ; foreground color: black
ifnz mov r4, 0xFFFFFFFF ; background color: white
mov r1, 0 ; X = 0
call draw_str_to_overlay ; draw submenu item text
mov r1, r0
dec r1 ; point to length byte of this menu item
movz.8 r1, [r1] ; load length byte
inc r1 ; add one to count the null-terminator
add r0, r1 ; add length to menu item text pointer
inc r0 ; increment past length byte
add r2, 16 ; add 16 to Y
inc r29
loop draw_submenu_text_loop
pop r31
pop r30
pop r29
pop r8
pop r7
pop r6
pop r5
pop r4
pop r3
pop r2
pop r1
pop r0
; hide the submenu
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to menu bar root struct
; outputs:
; none
push r1
; disable overlay 29
mov r1, 0x8000031D
out r1, 0
mov r1, 0xFFFFFFFF
call draw_menu_bar_root_items
pop r1
; update the currently open submenu
; detects mouse movements over the submenu and handles clicks
; this should only be called if a submenu_update_event_type event is received
; inputs:
; *** these inputs should already be in the required registers from the event parameters ***
; r1: pointer to menu bar root struct
; r2: selected root menu item
; r3: hovering submenu item (or 0xFFFFFFFF for none)
; outputs:
; none
; the event is added back into the event queue if the submenu is still open
push r0
push r1
push r2
push r3
push r4
push r5
push r6
push r7
push r8
push r9
mov r8, r1 ; r8: pointer to menu bar root struct
mov r9, r2 ; r9: selected root menu item
mov r10, r3 ; r10: hovering submenu item (or 0xFFFFFFFF for none)
; check if the submenu overlay is enabled
; if the submenu was closed then exit without readding the update event to the event queue
in r0, 0x8000031D
cmp r0, 0
ifz jmp submenu_update_event_end_no_add
; get the current mouse position and check if the submenu overlay covers that position
; if the mouse is not in the submenu, then there is nothing to do
call get_mouse_position
mov r2, 29
call check_if_enabled_overlay_covers_position
ifnz jmp submenu_update_event_end_add
; make the mouse position relative to the submenu overlay
mov r2, 29
call make_coordinates_relative_to_overlay
; if the currently hovered item is different than the hovered item in the event parameters,
; then redraw the submenu with correct hovered item
div r1, 16 ; mouse Y / 16
cmp r1, r10 ; compare the currently hovered item to the hovered item in event parameter 2
ifz jmp submenu_update_event_no_redraw
mov r10, r1 ; set the hovering item to the currently hovering item
mov r2, r1
mov r1, r9
mov r0, r8
call draw_submenu_items
; check the mouse held bit
; this is kinda hacky but it works
call get_mouse_button
bts r0, 1
ifnz jmp submenu_update_event_clicked
jmp submenu_update_event_end_add
;div r2, 16 ; mouse Y / 16
mov r1, r8 ; event parameter 0: pointer to menu bar root struct
mov r2, r9 ; event parameter 1: selected root menu item
mov r3, r10 ; event parameter 2: selected submenu item
mov r4, 0
mov r5, 0
mov r6, 0
mov r7, 0
call new_event
mov r0, r1
call close_submenu
jmp submenu_update_event_end_no_add
; readd the submenu_update_event_type event to the event queue
mov r1, r8 ; event parameter 0: pointer to menu bar root struct
mov r2, r9 ; event parameter 1: selected root menu item
mov r3, r10 ; event parameter 2: hovering submenu item (or 0xFFFFFFFF for none)
mov r4, 0
mov r5, 0
mov r6, 0
mov r7, 0
call new_event
pop r9
pop r8
pop r7
pop r6
pop r5
pop r4
pop r3
pop r2
pop r1
pop r0