ry755 b8195a079d fox32rom: Don't use the stack pointer for the event stack
Previously this used a very hacky way to push and pop events on the
event stack. This especially caused issues since it disabled and
enabled interrupts, and these routines are called in an interrupt
handler, which breaks things in some cases :p
2022-01-30 00:53:25 -08:00

127 lines
2.1 KiB

; event system routines
const event_stack: 0x01FFFFFC ; pre-decremented
const event_stack_pointer: 0x01FFFFFC
; event types
const mouse_click_event_type: 0x00000000
const menu_bar_click_event_type: 0x00000001
const submenu_update_event_type: 0x00000002
const submenu_click_event_type: 0x00000003
const empty_event_type: 0xFFFFFFFF
; block until an event is available
; inputs:
; none
; outputs:
; r0: event type
; r1-r5: event parameters
; check the event stack pointer
; if equal to its base address, then the event stack is empty
cmp [event_stack_pointer], event_stack_pointer
ifz jmp wait_for_event
; an event is available in the event stack, pop it from the stack and return it
call pop_event
; push an event to the event stack
; inputs:
; r0: event type
; r1-r5: event parameters
; outputs:
; none
push r6
mov r6, [event_stack_pointer]
; TODO: check to make sure we don't accidentally clobber the system stack by pushing too many events
; push r0
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r0
; push r1
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r1
; push r2
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r2
; push r3
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r3
; push r4
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r4
; push r5
sub r6, 4
mov [r6], r5
mov [event_stack_pointer], r6
pop r6
; pop an event from the event stack
; inputs:
; none
; outputs:
; r0: event type
; r1-r5: event parameters
; check the event stack pointer
; if equal to its base address, then the event stack is empty
cmp [event_stack_pointer], event_stack_pointer
ifz jmp pop_event_empty
push r6
mov r6, [event_stack_pointer]
; pop r5
mov r5, [r6]
add r6, 4
; pop r4
mov r4, [r6]
add r6, 4
; pop r3
mov r3, [r6]
add r6, 4
; pop r2
mov r2, [r6]
add r6, 4
; pop r1
mov r1, [r6]
add r6, 4
; pop r0
mov r0, [r6]
add r6, 4
mov [event_stack_pointer], r6
pop r6
mov r0, empty_event_type
mov r1, 0
mov r2, 0
mov r3, 0
mov r4, 0
mov r5, 0