; event system routines const EVENT_QUEUE_TOP: 0x01FFFFFE const EVENT_QUEUE_BOTTOM: 0x01FFFBFE ; top - 0x400 (32 events * (4 bytes * (1 type + 7 parameters))) const EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX: 0x01FFFFFF ; byte const EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE: 32 ; 32 events const EVENT_SIZE_BYTES: 32 ; 32 bytes per event const EVENT_SIZE_WORDS: 8 ; 8 words per event ; event types const MOUSE_CLICK_EVENT_TYPE: 0x00000000 const MENU_BAR_CLICK_EVENT_TYPE: 0x00000001 const SUBMENU_UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE: 0x00000002 const SUBMENU_CLICK_EVENT_TYPE: 0x00000003 const EMPTY_EVENT_TYPE: 0xFFFFFFFF ; block until an event is available ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; r0: event type ; r1-r7: event parameters wait_for_event: ise halt ; if the event queue index doesn't equal zero, then at least one event is available cmp.8 [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX], 0 ifz jmp wait_for_event ; an event is available in the event queue, remove it from the queue and return it call get_next_event ret ; add an event to the event queue ; inputs: ; r0: event type ; r1-r7: event parameters ; outputs: ; none new_event: ; ensure there is enough space left for another event cmp.8 [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX], EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE ifz ret push r8 push r9 ; point to the current event queue index mov r8, EVENT_QUEUE_BOTTOM movz.8 r9, [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX] mul r9, EVENT_SIZE_BYTES add r8, r9 ; copy the event type mov [r8], r0 add r8, 4 ; copy the event parameters mov [r8], r1 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r2 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r3 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r4 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r5 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r6 add r8, 4 mov [r8], r7 add r8, 4 ; increment the index inc.8 [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX] pop r9 pop r8 ret ; get the next event and remove it from the event queue ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; r0: event type ; r1-r7: event parameters get_next_event: ; if the event queue index equals zero, then the queue is empty cmp.8 [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX], 0 ifz jmp get_next_event_empty icl push r8 ; point to the bottom of the event queue mov r8, EVENT_QUEUE_BOTTOM ; copy the event type mov r0, [r8] add r8, 4 ; copy the event parameters mov r1, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r2, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r3, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r4, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r5, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r6, [r8] add r8, 4 mov r7, [r8] ; shift all events down by one call shift_events ; decrement the index dec.8 [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX] pop r8 ise ret get_next_event_empty: mov r0, EMPTY_EVENT_TYPE mov r1, 0 mov r2, 0 mov r3, 0 mov r4, 0 mov r5, 0 mov r6, 0 mov r7, 0 ret ; shift all events down by one, overwriting the zero'th event ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; none shift_events: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r3 push r4 ; for (int i = 0; i < (event_queue_index - 1); i++) { ; event_queue[i] = event_queue[i + 1]; ; } movz.8 r31, [EVENT_QUEUE_INDEX] mov r3, 0 ; i ; source pointer: event_queue[i + 1] mov r0, EVENT_QUEUE_BOTTOM mov r4, r3 inc r4 mul r4, EVENT_SIZE_WORDS add r0, r4 ; destination pointer: event_queue[i] mov r1, EVENT_QUEUE_BOTTOM mov r4, r3 mul r4, EVENT_SIZE_WORDS add r1, r4 ; size: event_size_words mov r2, EVENT_SIZE_WORDS call copy_memory_words pop r4 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret