; entry point ; fox32 starts here on reset org 0xF0000000 const FOX32ROM_VERSION_MAJOR: 0 const FOX32ROM_VERSION_MINOR: 5 const FOX32ROM_VERSION_PATCH: 2 const SYSTEM_STACK: 0x01FFF800 const BACKGROUND_COLOR: 0xFF674764 const TEXT_COLOR: 0xFFFFFFFF ; initialization code entry: ; disable the MMU mcl ; set the stack pointer mov rsp, SYSTEM_STACK ; disable audio playback mov r0, 0x80000600 out r0, 0 ; seed the random number generator entry_seed: mov [0x000003FC], entry_seed_done ise mov r0, 2166136261 entry_seed_loop: mul r0, 16777619 rjmp entry_seed_loop entry_seed_done: mov [RANDOM_STATE], r0 ; set the stach pointer again to pop the return address and flags off the stack mov rsp, SYSTEM_STACK ; set the interrupt vector for interrupt 0xFF - vsync mov [0x000003FC], system_vsync_handler ; set the exception vector for exception 0x00 - divide by zero mov [0x00000400], system_div_zero_handler ; set the exception vector for exception 0x01 - invalid opcode mov [0x00000404], system_invalid_op_handler ; set the exception vector for exception 0x02 - page fault read mov [0x00000408], system_page_fault_handler ; set the exception vector for exception 0x03 - page fault write mov [0x0000040C], system_page_fault_handler ; set the exception vector for exception 0x04 - breakpoint mov [0x0000040C], system_breakpoint_handler ; enable interrupts ise ; clear the interrupt vector for interrupt 0xFE - audio buffer switch mov [0x000003F8], 0x00000000 ; disable all overlays mov r31, 0x1F mov r0, 0x80000300 disable_all_overlays_loop: out r0, 0 inc r0 loop disable_all_overlays_loop call enable_cursor mov r0, BACKGROUND_COLOR call fill_background call enable_menu_bar call clear_menu_bar mov r0, menu_items_root mov r1, 0xFFFFFFFF call draw_menu_bar_root_items draw_startup_text: mov r0, startup_str mov r1, 16 mov r2, 464 mov r3, TEXT_COLOR mov r4, 0x00000000 mov r10, FOX32ROM_VERSION_MAJOR mov r11, FOX32ROM_VERSION_MINOR mov r12, FOX32ROM_VERSION_PATCH call draw_format_str_to_background event_loop: call get_next_event ; was the mouse clicked? cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_CLICK ;ifz call mouse_click_event ; was the mouse released? cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_RELEASE ;ifz call mouse_release_event ; did the user click the menu bar? cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_BAR_CLICK ifz mov r0, menu_items_root ifz call menu_bar_click_event ; is the user in a menu? cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_UPDATE ifz call menu_update_event ; did the user click a menu item? cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_CLICK ifz call menu_click_event ; check if a disk is inserted as disk 0 ; if port 0x8000100n returns a non-zero value, then a disk is inserted as disk n in r0, 0x80001000 cmp r0, 0 ifnz call start_boot_process jmp event_loop menu_click_event: ; r3 contains the clicked menu item ; insert disk cmp r3, 0 ifz jmp insert_boot_disk ; shutdown cmp r3, 1 ifz icl ifz halt ret insert_boot_disk: mov r0, 0x80001000 out r0, 0 ret get_rom_version: mov r0, FOX32ROM_VERSION_MAJOR mov r1, FOX32ROM_VERSION_MINOR mov r2, FOX32ROM_VERSION_PATCH ret ; code #include "audio.asm" #include "background.asm" #include "boot.asm" #include "cursor.asm" #include "debug.asm" #include "disk.asm" #include "draw_pixel.asm" #include "draw_rectangle.asm" #include "draw_text.asm" #include "draw_tile.asm" #include "event.asm" #include "exception.asm" #include "integer.asm" #include "keyboard.asm" #include "memory.asm" #include "menu.asm" #include "menu_bar.asm" #include "monitor/monitor.asm" #include "mouse.asm" #include "overlay.asm" #include "panic.asm" #include "random.asm" #include "ryfs.asm" #include "string.asm" #include "vsync.asm" ; data ; system jump table org.pad 0xF0040000 data.32 get_rom_version data.32 system_vsync_handler data.32 get_mouse_position data.32 new_event data.32 wait_for_event data.32 get_next_event data.32 panic data.32 get_mouse_button data.32 scancode_to_ascii data.32 shift_pressed data.32 shift_released data.32 caps_pressed ; generic drawing jump table org.pad 0xF0041000 data.32 draw_str_generic data.32 draw_format_str_generic data.32 draw_decimal_generic data.32 draw_hex_generic data.32 draw_font_tile_generic data.32 draw_tile_generic data.32 set_tilemap data.32 draw_pixel_generic data.32 draw_filled_rectangle_generic data.32 get_tilemap ; background jump table org.pad 0xF0042000 data.32 fill_background data.32 draw_str_to_background data.32 draw_format_str_to_background data.32 draw_decimal_to_background data.32 draw_hex_to_background data.32 draw_font_tile_to_background data.32 draw_tile_to_background data.32 draw_pixel_to_background data.32 draw_filled_rectangle_to_background ; overlay jump table org.pad 0xF0043000 data.32 fill_overlay data.32 draw_str_to_overlay data.32 draw_format_str_to_overlay data.32 draw_decimal_to_overlay data.32 draw_hex_to_overlay data.32 draw_font_tile_to_overlay data.32 draw_tile_to_overlay data.32 draw_pixel_to_overlay data.32 draw_filled_rectangle_to_overlay data.32 check_if_overlay_covers_position data.32 check_if_enabled_overlay_covers_position data.32 enable_overlay data.32 disable_overlay data.32 move_overlay data.32 resize_overlay data.32 set_overlay_framebuffer_pointer data.32 get_unused_overlay data.32 make_coordinates_relative_to_overlay ; menu bar jump table org.pad 0xF0044000 data.32 enable_menu_bar data.32 disable_menu_bar data.32 menu_bar_click_event data.32 clear_menu_bar data.32 draw_menu_bar_root_items data.32 draw_menu_items data.32 close_menu data.32 menu_update_event ; disk jump table org.pad 0xF0045000 data.32 read_sector data.32 write_sector data.32 ryfs_open data.32 ryfs_seek data.32 ryfs_read data.32 ryfs_read_whole_file data.32 ryfs_get_size data.32 ryfs_get_file_list data.32 ryfs_tell ; memory copy/compare jump table org.pad 0xF0046000 data.32 copy_memory_bytes data.32 copy_memory_words data.32 copy_string data.32 compare_memory_bytes data.32 compare_memory_words data.32 compare_string data.32 string_length ; integer jump table org.pad 0xF0047000 data.32 string_to_int ; audio jump table org.pad 0xF0048000 data.32 play_audio data.32 stop_audio ; random number jump table org.pad 0xF0049000 data.32 random data.32 random_range org.pad 0xF004F000 standard_font_width: data.16 8 standard_font_height: data.16 16 standard_font_data: #include_bin "font/unifont-thin.raw" mouse_cursor: #include_bin "font/cursor2.raw" ; cursor overlay struct: const CURSOR_WIDTH: 8 const CURSOR_HEIGHT: 12 const CURSOR_FRAMEBUFFER_PTR: 0x0214C000 ; menu bar overlay struct: const MENU_BAR_WIDTH: 640 const MENU_BAR_HEIGHT: 16 const MENU_BAR_POSITION_X: 0 const MENU_BAR_POSITION_Y: 0 const MENU_BAR_FRAMEBUFFER_PTR: 0x0214C180 ; menu overlay struct: ; this struct must be writable, so these are hard-coded addresses in ram const MENU_WIDTH: 0x02156180 ; 2 bytes const MENU_HEIGHT: 0x02156182 ; 2 bytes const MENU_POSITION_X: 0x02156184 ; 2 bytes const MENU_POSITION_Y: 0x02156186 ; 2 bytes const MENU_FRAMEBUFFER_PTR: 0x0215618A ; 4 bytes const MENU_FRAMEBUFFER: 0x0215618E ; max 640x480x4 = end address at 0x0228218E startup_str: data.str "fox32 - ROM version %u.%u.%u - insert boot disk - F12 for monitor" data.8 0 boot_str: data.str "fox32 - ROM version %u.%u.%u - booting..." data.8 0 boot_error_str: data.str "fox32 - ROM version %u.%u.%u - system.bin not found! - F12 for monitor" data.8 0 menu_items_root: data.8 1 ; number of menus data.32 menu_items_system_list data.32 menu_items_system_name ; pointer to menu list, pointer to menu name menu_items_system_name: data.8 6 data.str "System" data.8 0x00 ; text length, text, null-terminator menu_items_system_list: data.8 2 ; number of items data.8 13 ; menu width (usually longest item + 2) data.8 11 data.str "Insert Disk" data.8 0x00 ; text length, text, null-terminator data.8 9 data.str "Shut Down" data.8 0x00 ; text length, text, null-terminator ; pad out to 512 KiB org.pad 0xF0080000