jn ffdda5eaca Make use of data.strz
The filesystem image is the same before and after this commit:

$ sha256sum fox32os-orig.img fox32os.img
abc77bd6310b8eb6bcde0a8a442ca8bab071307a6cf5155ea606578435f77d27  fox32os-orig.img
abc77bd6310b8eb6bcde0a8a442ca8bab071307a6cf5155ea606578435f77d27  fox32os.img

The conversion was performed with a few sed commands:

find -name '*.asm' | xargs sed -i -e 's/data.str \("[^"]*"\) data.8 0$/data.strz \1/g'
find -name '*.asm' | xargs sed -i -e 's/data.str \("[^"]*"\) data.8 0 /data.strz \1 /g'
find -name '*.asm' | xargs sed -i -e 's/data.str \("[^"]*"\) data.8 0x00 /data.strz \1 /g'
2023-02-02 03:03:07 +01:00

117 lines
2.8 KiB

; messagebox routines
; create a messagebox in the center of the screen
; the calling task will not regain control until the user clicks the OK button
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to null-terminated first line string
; r1: pointer to null-terminated second line string
; r2: pointer to null-terminated third line string
; r3: X coordinate
; r4: Y coordinate
; r5: width in pixels
; outputs:
; none
push r0
push r1
push r2
push r3
push r4
push r5
push r2
push r1
push r0
; save the currently active window offset
mov.8 [messagebox_old_active_window_offset], [active_window_offset]
; create the window
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
mov r1, messagebox_window_title
mov r2, r5
mov r5, r4
mov r4, r3
mov r3, 72
mov r6, 0
mov r7, messagebox_ok_button_widget
call new_window
; fill the window with white and don't redraw the titlebar
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
call get_window_overlay_number
mov r1, r0
mov r0, 0xFFFFFFFF
call fill_overlay
; draw the button widget
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
call draw_widgets_to_window
; draw the strings
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
call get_window_overlay_number
mov r5, r0
pop r0
mov r1, 8
mov r2, 8
mov r3, 0xFF000000
mov r4, 0xFFFFFFFF
call draw_str_to_overlay
pop r0
mov r1, 8
add r2, 16
call draw_str_to_overlay
pop r0
mov r1, 8
add r2, 16
call draw_str_to_overlay
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
call get_next_window_event
; was the mouse clicked?
ifz mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
ifz push messagebox_event_loop
ifz jmp handle_widget_click
; did the user click a button?
ifz jmp messagebox_ok_clicked
call yield_task
jmp messagebox_event_loop
mov r0, messagebox_window_struct
call destroy_window
; restore the old active window offset
mov.8 [active_window_offset], [messagebox_old_active_window_offset]
pop r5
pop r4
pop r3
pop r2
pop r1
pop r0
messagebox_window_title: data.strz "Messagebox"
messagebox_window_struct: data.fill 0, 36
data.32 0 ; next_ptr
data.32 0 ; id
data.32 WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON ; type
data.32 messagebox_ok_button_str ; text_ptr
data.32 0xFFFFFFFF ; foreground_color
data.32 0xFF000000 ; background_color
data.16 32 ; width
data.16 0 ; reserved
data.16 8 ; x_pos
data.16 64 ; y_pos
messagebox_ok_button_str: data.strz "OK"
messagebox_old_active_window_offset: data.8 0