2023-01-21 00:17:10 -08:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

; help command
shell_help_command_string: data.str "help" data.8 0
mov r0, shell_help_text
call print_str_to_terminal
data.str "fox32os shell" data.8 10
data.8 10
data.str "(in descriptions, $n is argument n)" data.8 10
data.str "command | description" data.8 10
data.str "------- | -----------" data.8 10
data.str "clear | clear the terminal contents" data.8 10
data.str "dir | show contents of selected disk" data.8 10
data.str "disk | select disk $0" data.8 10
data.str "diskrm | remove disk $0" data.8 10
data.str "exit | exit the shell" data.8 10
data.str "help | show this help text" data.8 10
data.str "type | print file $0 of type $1" data.8 10
data.8 10
data.str "type the name of an FXF binary to launch" data.8 10
data.str "it as a new task; the shell will suspend" data.8 10
data.str "until the launched task ends" data.8 10
data.8 10
data.str "prefix the name of an FXF binary with *" data.8 10
data.str "to launch it without suspending" data.8 10
data.8 0