
245 lines
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; virtual filesystem routines
; file struct for file:
; file_disk: 1 byte
; file_first_sector: 2 bytes
; file_seek_offset: 4 bytes
; file_system_type: 1 byte (0x00 for RYFS)
; file struct for stream:
; file_reserved_1: 1 byte
; file_reserved_2: 2 bytes
; file_reserved_4: 4 bytes
; file_system_type: 1 byte (0x01 for stream)
; file_read_call: 4 bytes
; file_write_call: 4 bytes
; open a file from a RYFS-formatted disk
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to file name string (8.3 format, for example "testfile.txt" or "test.txt")
; r1: disk ID
; r2: file struct: pointer to a blank file struct
; outputs:
; r0: first file sector, or zero if file wasn't found
call convert_filename
cmp r0, 0
ifz ret
jmp ryfs_open
; seek specified file to the specified offset
; inputs:
; r0: byte offset
; r1: pointer to file struct
; outputs:
; none
push r1
add r1, 7
cmp.8 [r1], 0x00
pop r1
ifz jmp ryfs_seek
; get the seek offset of the specified file
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to file struct
; outputs:
; r0: byte offset
push r0
add r0, 7
cmp.8 [r0], 0x00
pop r0
ifz jmp ryfs_tell
; read specified number of bytes into the specified buffer
; inputs:
; r0: number of bytes to read
; r1: pointer to file struct
; r2: pointer to destination buffer
; outputs:
; r0: number of bytes left to read (streams can read short)
push r3
push r1
add r1, 7
movz.8 r3, [r1]
pop r1
cmp.8 r3, 0x00
ifz pop r3
ifz jmp ryfs_read
cmp.8 r3, 0x01
ifz pop r3
ifz jmp stream_read
pop r3
push r1
push r2
call stream_read_char
call yield_task
cmp.8 [r2], 0
ifz jmp stream_read_out
inc r2
dec r0
ifnz jmp stream_read_loop
pop r2
pop r1
push r0
push r1
push r2
; call [file_read_call]
add r1, 8
call [r1]
; put the result into [r2]
pop r2
mov.8 [r2], r0
pop r1
pop r0
; write specified number of bytes into the specified file
; inputs:
; r0: number of bytes to write
; r1: pointer to file struct
; r2: pointer to source buffer
; outputs:
; none
push r3
push r1
add r1, 7
movz.8 r3, [r1]
pop r1
cmp.8 r3, 0x00
ifz pop r3
ifz jmp ryfs_write
cmp.8 r3, 0x01
ifz pop r3
ifz jmp stream_write
pop r3
push r31
push r2
mov r31, r0 ; number of bytes to write = loop count
call stream_write_char
inc r2
loop stream_write_loop
pop r2
pop r31
push r0
push r1
; call [file_write_call] with pointer to src buf in r0
add r1, 12
mov r0, r2
call [r1]
pop r1
pop r0
; convert a user-friendly filename (test.txt) to the internal representation (test txt)
; inputs:
; r0: pointer to null-terminated input string
; outputs:
; r0: pointer to null-terminated output string, or zero if failure
push r1
push r2
push r3
push r31
; check the length of the filename to ensure it isn't too long
mov r1, r0
call string_length
cmp r0, 12
ifgt jmp convert_filename_fail
cmp r0, 0
ifz jmp convert_filename_fail
; fill the output string buffer with spaces and a null-terminator
mov r2, convert_filename_output_string
mov r31, 11
mov.8 [r2], ' '
inc r2
loop convert_filename_space_loop
mov.8 [r2], 0
mov r2, convert_filename_output_string
mov r3, 0
; r0: input filename length
; r1: pointer to input filename
; r2: pointer to output filename
; r3: number of characters processed
cmp.8 [r1], '.'
ifz jmp convert_filename_found_ext
mov.8 [r2], [r1]
inc r1
inc r2
inc r3
cmp r3, r0
ifz jmp convert_filename_done
iflt jmp convert_filename_copy_loop
cmp r3, 0
ifz jmp convert_filename_fail
cmp r3, 8
ifgt jmp convert_filename_fail
mov r2, convert_filename_output_string
add r2, 8
inc r1
cmp.8 [r1], 0
ifz jmp convert_filename_fail
mov.8 [r2], [r1]
inc r1
inc r2
cmp.8 [r1], 0
ifz jmp convert_filename_done
mov.8 [r2], [r1]
inc r1
inc r2
cmp.8 [r1], 0
ifz jmp convert_filename_done
mov.8 [r2], [r1]
mov r0, convert_filename_output_string
pop r31
pop r3
pop r2
pop r1
mov r0, 0
pop r31
pop r3
pop r2
pop r1
convert_filename_output_string: data.fill 0, 12