
96 lines
1.7 KiB

; menu bar clock
; redraw the window title if the active window has changed
call get_active_window_struct
cmp r0, [active_window_struct_ptr]
ifnz call draw_window_title
; if no time has passed, don't bother redrawing the clock
in r0, 0x80000705
cmp.8 r0, [second_counter]
ifz jmp loop_end
mov.8 [second_counter], r0
; hour
in r0, 0x80000703
mov r1, 584
cmp r0, 12
ifgt call afternoon
mov r2, 0
mov r3, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov r4, 0xFF3F3F3F
mov r5, 30
call draw_decimal_to_overlay
; separator
movz.8 r0, [second_counter]
rem.8 r0, 2
cmp r0, 0
ifz mov r0, ':'
ifnz mov r0, ' '
call draw_font_tile_to_overlay
add r1, 8
; minute
in r0, 0x80000704
cmp r0, 10
iflt call minute_less_than_10
call draw_decimal_to_overlay
call yield_task
rjmp loop
mov [active_window_struct_ptr], r0
; if there is no active window, clear the menu bar and return
cmp r0, 0
ifz call clear_menu_bar
cmp r0, 0
ifz ret
; get the title string pointer
add r0, 12
mov r0, [r0]
; get the length of the string
mov r1, r0
call string_length
; calculate the position of the text
mov r2, 574
mul r0, 8
sub r2, r0
mov r0, r1
mov r1, r2
; draw the text
mov r2, 0
mov r3, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov r4, 0xFF3F3F3F
mov r5, 30
call draw_str_to_overlay
sub r0, 12
add r1, 8
mov r0, 0
call draw_decimal_to_overlay
in r0, 0x80000704
second_counter: data.8 0
active_window_struct_ptr: data.32 0
#include "../../fox32rom/fox32rom.def"
#include "../../fox32os.def"