; terminal ; create the window mov r0, window_struct mov r1, window_title mov r2, 320 mov r3, 400 mov r4, 32 mov r5, 32 mov r6, 0 mov r7, 0 call new_window ; fill the window with the "black" color mov r0, [colors] mov r1, window_struct call fill_window ; start an instance of sh.fxf call get_unused_task_id mov.8 [shell_task_id], r0 mov r1, stream_struct call new_shell_task event_loop: mov r0, window_struct call get_next_window_event cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_CLICK ifz jmp mouse_down cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN ifz jmp key_down cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP ifz jmp key_up event_loop_end: movz.8 r0, [shell_task_id] call is_task_id_used ifz jmp close_window call yield_task cmp.8 [read_buffer_ack], 1 ifz mov.8 [read_buffer], 0 ifz mov.8 [read_buffer_ack], 0 rjmp event_loop mouse_down: ; check if we are attempting to drag or close the window cmp r2, 16 iflteq jmp drag_window jmp event_loop_end key_down: mov r0, r1 cmp.8 r0, KEY_CTRL ifz jmp event_loop_end cmp.8 r0, KEY_LSHIFT ifz push event_loop_end ifz jmp shift_pressed cmp.8 r0, KEY_RSHIFT ifz push event_loop_end ifz jmp shift_pressed cmp.8 r0, KEY_CAPS ifz push event_loop_end ifz jmp caps_pressed call scancode_to_ascii mov.8 [read_buffer], r0 jmp event_loop_end key_up: mov r0, r1 cmp.8 r0, KEY_CTRL ifz jmp event_loop_end cmp.8 r0, KEY_LSHIFT ifz push event_loop_end ifz jmp shift_released cmp.8 r0, KEY_RSHIFT ifz push event_loop_end ifz jmp shift_released jmp event_loop_end drag_window: cmp r1, 8 iflteq jmp event_loop_end mov r0, window_struct call start_dragging_window jmp event_loop_end close_window: mov r0, window_struct call destroy_window call end_current_task jmp event_loop_end window_title: data.strz "Terminal" window_struct: data.fill 0, 36 shell_task_id: data.8 0 stream_struct: data.8 0x00 data.16 0x00 data.32 0x00 data.8 0x01 data.32 stream_get_input data.32 stream_write_to_terminal #include "stream.asm" #include "task.asm" #include "text.asm" ; include system defs #include "../../../fox32rom/fox32rom.def" #include "../../fox32os.def"