; widget management routines ; widget types const WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON: 0x00000000 ; widget struct: ; data.32 next_ptr - pointer to next widget, or 0 for none ; data.32 id - the ID number of this widget ; data.32 type - the type of this widget ; remaining entries vary depending on widget type ; draw all of a window's widgets to a window ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none draw_widgets_to_window: push r10 ; get pointer to first widget mov r10, r0 add r10, 32 mov r10, [r10] draw_widgets_to_window_next: ; check widget type add r10, 8 cmp [r10], WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON ifz call draw_widgets_to_window_button ; point to the next widget, if any sub r10, 8 mov r10, [r10] cmp r10, 0 ifz jmp draw_widgets_to_window_done jmp draw_widgets_to_window_next draw_widgets_to_window_done: pop r10 ret draw_widgets_to_window_button: push r1 push r2 push r3 push r4 push r5 push r6 push r10 ; put button parameters in registers for the drawing routine add r10, 4 mov r1, [r10] ; text_ptr add r10, 4 mov r2, [r10] ; foreground_color add r10, 4 mov r3, [r10] ; background_color add r10, 4 movz.16 r4, [r10] ; width add r10, 4 movz.16 r5, [r10] ; x_pos add r10, 2 movz.16 r6, [r10] ; y_pos call draw_button_widget pop r10 pop r6 pop r5 pop r4 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 ret ; check if a widget was clicked and if so, add an event to the window's event queue ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; r1: X coordinate of click ; r2: Y coordinate of click ; outputs: ; none handle_widget_click: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r3 push r4 push r5 push r6 push r7 push r8 push r30 mov r30, r0 ; get pointer to first widget add r0, 32 mov r0, [r0] handle_widget_click_check_type: ; check widget type add r0, 8 cmp [r0], WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON ifz jmp handle_widget_click_button handle_widget_click_done: pop r30 pop r8 pop r7 pop r6 pop r5 pop r4 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret handle_widget_click_button: push r0 push r10 push r11 push r12 push r21 push r22 ; get button width add r0, 16 movz.16 r10, [r0] ; get button X coordinate add r0, 4 movz.16 r11, [r0] ; get button Y coordinate add r0, 2 movz.16 r12, [r0] ; calculate button's right side coordinate mov r21, r11 add r21, r10 ; calculate button's bottom right corner coordinate mov r22, r12 add r22, 16 ; check if r1 is between r11 and r21 ; and if r2 is between r12 and r22 cmp r1, r11 iflt jmp handle_widget_click_button_no_click cmp r1, r21 ifgt jmp handle_widget_click_button_no_click cmp r2, r12 iflt jmp handle_widget_click_button_no_click cmp r2, r22 ifgt jmp handle_widget_click_button_no_click ; if we reach this point then the button was clicked!! pop r22 pop r21 pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r0 ; add a button click event to the window sub r0, 4 mov r1, [r0] ; parameter 0: widget ID mov r2, 0 mov r3, 0 mov r4, 0 mov r5, 0 mov r6, 0 mov r7, 0 mov r8, r30 mov r0, EVENT_TYPE_BUTTON_CLICK call new_window_event jmp handle_widget_click_done handle_widget_click_button_no_click: pop r22 pop r21 pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r0 ; get pointer to next widget sub r0, 8 mov r0, [r0] ; if this is the last widget, then exit cmp r0, 0 ifz jmp handle_widget_click_done ; retry jmp handle_widget_click_check_type ; include widget types #include "widget/button.asm"