; window management routines ; window struct: ; data.32 framebuffer_ptr - pointer to this window's framebuffer ; data.32 event_queue_ptr - current event queue pointer ; data.32 event_queue_bottom - pointer to beginning of this window's event queue ; data.32 title_ptr - pointer to null-terminated title string ; data.16 width - width of this window ; data.16 height - height of this window, not including the title bar ; data.16 x_pos - X coordinate of this window (top left corner of title bar) ; data.16 y_pos - Y coordinate of this window (top left corner of title bar) ; data.8 overlay - overlay number of this window ; data.8 reserved_1 ; data.16 flags - flags for this window ; data.32 menu_bar_ptr - pointer to this window's menu bar root struct, or 0 for none ; data.32 first_widget_ptr - pointer to this window's first widget const WINDOW_STRUCT_SIZE: 36 ; 9 words = 36 bytes const TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT: 16 const TITLE_BAR_TEXT_FOREGROUND: 0xFF000000 const TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND: 0xFFFFFFFF const WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_BACKGROUND: 1 ; create a new window and allocate memory as required ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to empty 36 byte window struct ; r1: pointer to null-terminated title string ; r2: window width ; r3: window height, not including the title bar ; r4: initial X coordinate (top left corner of title bar) ; r5: initial Y coordinate (top left corner of title bar) ; r6: pointer to menu bar root struct, or 0x00000000 for no menu bar ; r7: pointer to first widget, or 0x00000000 for no widgets ; outputs: ; none new_window: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r3 push r4 push r5 push r10 push r11 push r12 ; first, set up the initial struct values ; title string mov r10, r0 add r10, 12 mov [r10], r1 ; window size add r10, 4 mov.16 [r10], r2 add r10, 2 mov.16 [r10], r3 ; window position add r10, 2 mov.16 [r10], r4 add r10, 2 mov.16 [r10], r5 ; menu bar root struct pointer add r10, 6 mov [r10], r6 ; first widget pointer add r10, 4 mov [r10], r7 ; then, allocate memory for the framebuffer ; the space required is width * (height + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT) * 4 mov r10, r2 mov r11, r3 add r11, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT mul r10, r11 mul r10, 4 push r0 mov r0, r10 call allocate_memory cmp r0, 0 ifz jmp memory_error mov r10, r0 pop r0 mov [r0], r10 mov r12, r10 ; then, allocate memory for the event queue ; 32 events * 8 entries per event * 4 bytes per word = 1024 bytes push r0 mov r0, 1024 call allocate_memory cmp r0, 0 ifz jmp memory_error mov r11, r0 pop r0 mov r10, r0 add r10, 8 mov [r10], r11 sub r10, 4 mov [r10], r11 ; then, find an overlay to use for this window push r0 call get_unused_overlay mov r11, r0 pop r0 mov r10, r0 add r10, 24 mov.8 [r10], r11 ; then, set the properties of the overlay push r0 push r1 push r2 mov r0, r4 mov r1, r5 mov r2, r11 call move_overlay pop r2 pop r1 mov r0, r2 mov r1, r3 add r1, TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT mov r2, r11 call resize_overlay mov r0, r12 mov r1, r11 call set_overlay_framebuffer_pointer mov r0, r11 call enable_overlay mov r0, 0xFF000000 mov r1, r11 call fill_overlay pop r0 ; then, draw the title bar call draw_title_bar_to_window ; then, draw the menu bar push r0 call enable_menu_bar mov r0, r6 call clear_menu_bar mov r1, 0xFFFFFFFF cmp r0, 0 ifnz call draw_menu_bar_root_items pop r0 ; if the current active window is on a higher overlay, swap push r0 call get_window_overlay_number ; get the overlay number of the new window mov r10, r0 mov.8 r0, [active_window_offset] ; get the active window's overlay number cmp r0, 0xFF ; is there no active window? ifnz jmp new_window_active_window pop r0 jmp new_window_skip_swap new_window_active_window: mul r0, 4 add r0, window_list mov r1, [r0] mov r0, r1 call get_window_overlay_number mov r11, r0 pop r0 cmp r11, r10 ; if the active window is on a higher overlay, swap ifnc call swap_windows new_window_skip_swap: ; finally, add this window to the window list push r0 mov r0, 0x00000000 call search_for_window_list_entry mov.8 [active_window_offset], r0 mul r0, 4 add r0, window_list pop r1 mov [r0], r1 pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r5 pop r4 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret ; destroy a window and free memory used by it ; note that this does not free the memory used by the window struct itself ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none destroy_window: push r0 push r1 push r2 mov r2, r0 ; remove the window from the window list call search_for_window_list_entry mul r0, 4 add r0, window_list mov [r0], 0 ; set the active window to whatever entry is found first call search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry mov.8 [active_window_offset], r0 cmp r0, 0xFFFFFFFF ifz jmp destroy_window_no_more_windows ; swap newly active window with the window about to be destroyed call window_list_offset_to_struct mov r1, r2 call swap_windows ; set the menu bar for the newly active window mov r0, r2 call get_window_menu_bar_root_struct call enable_menu_bar call clear_menu_bar mov r1, 0xFFFFFFFF cmp r0, 0 ifnz call draw_menu_bar_root_items destroy_window_no_more_windows: ; free framebuffer memory mov r0, [r2] call free_memory ; free event queue memory add r2, 8 mov r0, [r2] call free_memory ; disable the window's overlay add r2, 16 movz.8 r0, [r2] call disable_overlay pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret ; call this if the user clicks on a window's title bar ; inputs: ; r0: 16-bit flags value ; r1: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none set_window_flags: push r1 add r1, 25 mov.16 [r1], r0 pop r1 ret ; call this if the user clicks on a window's title bar ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none start_dragging_window: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r4 push r5 mov r2, r0 mov r4, r0 mov r5, r0 add r4, 20 add r5, 22 movz.16 r4, [r4] movz.16 r5, [r5] call get_mouse_position sub r0, r4 sub r1, r5 mov r4, r0 mov r5, r1 start_dragging_window_loop: call get_mouse_position sub r0, r4 sub r1, r5 call move_window call get_mouse_button bts r0, 2 ifnz jmp start_dragging_window_loop pop r5 pop r4 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret ; move a window ; r0: X position ; r1: Y position ; r2: pointer to window struct move_window: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r3 push r4 push r5 push r6 ; prevent windows from being moved off-screen add r2, 16 movz.16 r3, [r2] add r2, 2 movz.16 r4, [r2] mov r5, 640 mov r6, 480 sub r5, r3 sub r6, r4 cmp r0, 0x80000000 ifgt mov r0, 0 cmp r1, 0x80000000 ifgt mov r1, 0 cmp r0, r5 ifgt mov r0, r5 cmp r1, r6 ifgt mov r1, r6 ; move the window add r2, 2 mov.16 [r2], r0 add r2, 2 mov.16 [r2], r1 add r2, 2 movz.8 r2, [r2] call move_overlay pop r6 pop r5 pop r4 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret ; swap two windows ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; r1: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none swap_windows: push r0 push r1 push r2 push r3 mov r2, r0 mov r3, r1 add r2, 24 movz.8 r0, [r2] add r3, 24 movz.8 r1, [r3] call swap_overlays movz.8 [r2], r1 movz.8 [r3], r0 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret ; fill a whole window with a color ; inputs: ; r0: color ; r1: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none fill_window: push r1 push r2 mov r2, r1 add r1, 24 movz.8 r1, [r1] call fill_overlay mov r0, r2 call draw_title_bar_to_window pop r2 pop r1 ret ; get the overlay used by a window ; DO NOT CACHE THIS VALUE, it can change any time the window order changes ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; r0: overlay number get_window_overlay_number: add r0, 24 movz.8 r0, [r0] ret ; get the menu bar root struct used by a window ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; r0: pointer to menu bar root struct, or 0x00000000 for no menu bar get_window_menu_bar_root_struct: add r0, 28 mov r0, [r0] ret ; draw a window's title bar ; inputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none draw_title_bar_to_window: push r0 push r3 push r4 push r10 push r11 push r12 push r31 ; get the title string add r0, 12 mov r12, [r0] ; get the width of this window add r0, 4 movz.16 r11, [r0] ; get overlay number of this window add r0, 8 movz.8 r10, [r0] ; save the old tilemap call get_tilemap push r0 push r1 push r2 ; set the tilemap to our 1x16 tile patterns mov r0, window_title_bar_patterns mov r1, 1 mov r2, 16 call set_tilemap mov r1, 0 mov r2, 0 mov r3, r10 mov r31, r11 draw_title_bar_to_window_loop: mov r4, r31 rem r4, 2 cmp r4, 0 ifz mov r0, 0 ifnz mov r0, 1 call draw_tile_to_overlay inc r1 loop draw_title_bar_to_window_loop ; restore the old tilemap pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 call set_tilemap ; draw the title text mov r0, r12 mov r1, 8 mov r2, 0 mov r3, TITLE_BAR_TEXT_FOREGROUND mov r4, TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND mov r5, r10 call draw_str_to_overlay ; draw the close button mov r0, 1 mov r1, 4 mov r2, 6 mov r3, 8 mov r4, 0xFFFFFFFF mov r5, r10 call draw_filled_rectangle_to_overlay mov r0, 2 mov r1, 5 mov r2, 4 mov r3, 6 mov r4, 0xFF000000 mov r5, r10 call draw_filled_rectangle_to_overlay pop r31 pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r4 pop r3 pop r0 ret ; add an event to the active window ; inputs: ; r0-r7: event ; outputs: ; none add_event_to_active_window: push r0 movz.8 r0, [active_window_offset] call window_list_offset_to_struct mov r8, r0 pop r0 call new_window_event ret ; add a mouse event to the active window if the mouse was clicked inside the active window ; if so, automatically convert the X and Y coords to be relative to the window ; inputs: ; r0-r7: event ; outputs: ; none add_mouse_event_to_active_window: push r0 push r2 push r10 push r11 push r12 ; save X and Y coords of the click and the event type mov r10, r1 mov r11, r2 mov r12, r0 ; get the window's overlay number movz.8 r0, [active_window_offset] call window_list_offset_to_struct call get_window_overlay_number ; check if the window's overlay covers the clicked position mov r2, r0 mov r0, r10 mov r1, r11 call check_if_overlay_covers_position ; if it doesn't, then end here ifnz jmp add_mouse_event_to_active_window_end ; if it does, then make the X and Y coords relative to the overlay call make_coordinates_relative_to_overlay ; add the event mov r2, r1 mov r1, r0 mov r0, r12 call add_event_to_active_window add_mouse_event_to_active_window_end: pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r2 pop r0 ret ; add a mouse event to an inactive window if the mouse was clicked inside the window ; if so, automatically convert the X and Y coords to be relative to the window ; inputs: ; r0-r7: event ; r8: pointer to window struct ; outputs: ; none add_mouse_event_to_inactive_window: push r0 push r2 push r10 push r11 push r12 ; save X and Y coords of the click and the event type mov r10, r1 mov r11, r2 mov r12, r0 ; get the window's overlay number mov r0, r8 call get_window_overlay_number ; check if the window's overlay covers the clicked position mov r2, r0 mov r0, r10 mov r1, r11 call check_if_overlay_covers_position ; if it doesn't, then end here ifnz jmp add_mouse_event_to_inactive_window_end ; if it does, then make the X and Y coords relative to the overlay call make_coordinates_relative_to_overlay ; add the event mov r2, r1 mov r1, r0 mov r0, r12 call new_window_event add_mouse_event_to_inactive_window_end: pop r12 pop r11 pop r10 pop r2 pop r0 ret ; search for an entry in the window list ; inputs: ; r0: entry (pointer to window struct) ; outputs: ; r0: window list offset, or 0xFFFFFFFF if not found search_for_window_list_entry: push r1 push r2 push r31 mov r1, window_list mov r2, 0 mov r31, 31 search_for_window_list_entry_loop: cmp [r1], r0 ifz jmp search_for_window_list_entry_found inc r2 add r1, 4 loop search_for_window_list_entry_loop ; not found, return 0xFFFFFFFF mov r0, 0xFFFFFFFF pop r31 pop r2 pop r1 ret search_for_window_list_entry_found: ; found the entry, return its offset mov r0, r2 pop r31 pop r2 pop r1 ret ; search for the first non-empty entry in the window list ; this skips over items that have the "always background" flag set ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; r0: window list offset, or 0xFFFFFFFF if not found search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry: push r1 push r2 push r3 push r31 mov r1, window_list mov r2, 0 mov r31, 31 search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_loop: cmp [r1], 0 ifz jmp search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_loop_skip mov r3, [r1] add r3, 25 movz.16 r3, [r3] and r3, WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_BACKGROUND cmp r3, 0 ifz jmp search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_found search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_loop_skip: inc r2 add r1, 4 loop search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_loop ; not found, return 0xFFFFFFFF mov r0, 0xFFFFFFFF pop r31 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 ret search_for_nonempty_window_list_entry_found: ; found the entry, return its offset mov r0, r2 pop r31 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 ret ; given an overlay number, get the window struct of the window associated with that overlay ; inputs: ; r0: overlay number ; outputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct, or 0x00000000 if not found get_window_with_overlay: push r1 push r2 push r3 push r31 mov r1, window_list mov r31, 31 get_window_with_overlay_loop: mov r2, [r1] add r2, 24 cmp.8 [r2], r0 ifz jmp get_window_with_overlay_found add r1, 4 loop get_window_with_overlay_loop ; not found, return 0 mov r0, 0 pop r31 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 ret get_window_with_overlay_found: ; found the entry, return the pointer to its struct mov r0, [r1] pop r31 pop r3 pop r2 pop r1 ret ; get a window struct pointer from the window list ; inputs: ; r0: window list offset ; outputs: ; r0: pointer to window struct window_list_offset_to_struct: mul r0, 4 add r0, window_list mov r0, [r0] ret ; get a pointer to the active window struct ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; r0: pointer to current window struct, or zero if none get_active_window_struct: movz.8 r0, [active_window_offset] cmp.8 r0, 0xFF ifz mov r0, 0 ifz ret call window_list_offset_to_struct ret window_title_bar_patterns: ; 1x16 tile data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND ; 1x16 tile data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 data.32 TITLE_BAR_TEXT_BACKGROUND data.32 0x00000000 active_window_offset: data.8 0xFF window_list: data.fill 0, 124 ; 31 window structs * 4 bytes each #include "window/event.asm" #include "window/event_manager_task.asm" #include "window/messagebox.asm" #include "window/overlay.asm"