; task that manages window events ; start a task which handles passing system events into the correct window event queue ; inputs: ; none ; outputs: ; none start_event_manager_task: ; allocate 256 bytes for the stack mov r0, 256 call allocate_memory add r0, 256 ; add 256 so the stach pointer is at the end of the stack block (stack grows down) mov r10, r0 ; then start the task call get_unused_task_id mov r1, event_manager_task_loop ; initial instruction pointer mov r2, r10 ; initial stack pointer mov r3, 0 ; pointer to task code block to free when task ends ; (zero since we don't want to free any code blocks when the task ends) mov r4, r10 ; pointer to task stack block to free when task ends sub r4, 256 ; point to the start of the stack block that we allocated above call new_task ret event_manager_task_loop: call get_next_event cmp.8 [active_window_offset], 0xFF ifz rjmp event_manager_task_loop_end ; menu bar cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_BAR_CLICK ifz call add_event_to_active_window cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_CLICK ifz call add_event_to_active_window cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_ACK ifz call add_event_to_active_window cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MENU_UPDATE ifz call add_event_to_active_window ; mouse cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_CLICK ifz call event_manager_task_mouse_event cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_MOUSE_RELEASE ifz call event_manager_task_mouse_event ; keyboard cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_KEY_DOWN ifz call add_event_to_active_window cmp r0, EVENT_TYPE_KEY_UP ifz call add_event_to_active_window event_manager_task_loop_end: call yield_task rjmp event_manager_task_loop event_manager_task_mouse_event: push r0 push r1 push r2 ; if a menu is open, don't continue ; this is hacky as fuck push r0 in r0, 0x8000031D ; overlay 29: enable status cmp r0, 0 ifnz pop r0 ifnz pop r2 ifnz pop r1 ifnz pop r0 ifnz ret pop r0 ; find which overlay was clicked on mov r0, r1 mov r1, r2 call find_overlay_convering_position cmp r0, 0xFFFFFFFF ifz pop r2 ifz pop r1 ifz pop r0 ifz ret push r0 ; get the overlay number of the active window movz.8 r0, [active_window_offset] call window_list_offset_to_struct call get_window_overlay_number ; check if the click was inside the active window ; otherwise, activate the clicked window pop r1 cmp r0, r1 ifnz jmp event_manager_task_mouse_event_inactive_window_was_clicked pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 call add_mouse_event_to_active_window ret event_manager_task_mouse_event_inactive_window_was_clicked: mov r2, r1 mov r1, r0 mov r0, r2 ; r0: clicked window overlay number ; r1: currently active window overlay number ; get the window structs of the two windows call get_window_with_overlay mov r2, r0 mov r0, r1 call get_window_with_overlay mov r1, r2 ; give up if a window was not found for this overlay cmp r0, 0x00000000 ifz pop r2 ifz pop r1 ifz pop r0 ifz ret cmp r1, 0x00000000 ifz pop r2 ifz pop r1 ifz pop r0 ifz ret ; swap the two call swap_windows ; mark the clicked window as the active window mov r0, r1 call search_for_window_list_entry mov.8 [active_window_offset], r0 ; set the menu bar for the newly active window call window_list_offset_to_struct call get_window_menu_bar_root_struct call enable_menu_bar call clear_menu_bar mov r1, 0xFFFFFFFF cmp r0, 0 ifnz call draw_menu_bar_root_items pop r2 pop r1 pop r0 ret